Colombians vote for the UNP !
Posted on October 9th, 2011

P.A.Samaraweera, Australia

In the local govt elections held on the 8th, as expected, the Colombo Municipality was retained by the UNP, while another stronghold of the UNP, Dehiwela-Mt. Lavinia was captured by the UPFA. The UPFA secured all the major councils including Kandy which had been held by the UNPƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  for 52 years.
Colombo no doubt is the bastion of the UNP. In the 1956 General Elections, the MEP had a landslide victory and the UNP won only 8 seats. The MEP was very popular at the time but after a couple of months laterƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ when the Local Govt. elections were held, to the surprise of manyƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ the UNP retained Colombo. In Colombo, 41 per cent are Tamils who by tradition vote for the UNP. Further, the western orientated English speaking elite in Colombo have the impression that the SLFP/UPFA is a party of the ‘peasants’. This may be because the UNP is dominated by the Colombo ‘elite’.
Anyway, the UNP which monopolised Sri Lankan politics for decades is nowƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ shattered and is in shambles. The UNP during the last few years had a string of humiliating defeats. The main reason for this was that they were against the war and backed the LTTE . Now with another major defeat in hand, Ranil has to face the Music. The UNP rebels will now be back in action to see that the curtains fall on Ranil. At the other end of the opposition we have the JVP who are in the same boat !

19 Responses to “Colombians vote for the UNP !”

  1. Nalliah Thayabharan Says:

    Though UNP won in Colombo, UNP is in short of majority. Thousands of traditional Colombo voters are blindly loyal to UNP for so long. UNP has never done anything to solve garbage, slums and dirty run down streets in Colombo. Just because of their blind faith, the “intelligent” voters of Colombo prefer to wallow in shit, voted for a UNP candidate who is a three wheeler driver with no political or governing experience.

  2. ranjith Says:

    Well done Ranil and Muzammil!

    Hats off to Colombo residents for showing their fearless unbowed guts.

  3. radha Says:

    I think the murderous events played out by two mad UPFA Ministers/ Presidential Advisers and their gangs of thugs would have been sufficient to make a decisive swing against UPFA. Even the most die-hard party loyalist amongst the general public would have been cringed in fear and uncertainty if people of this type came into power in the Capital. The episode demonstrates the futility of tactics that the relevant Politicians employed, which the president might have condoned, as they were clearly extremely close to the President and he knew their respective modes of operation. The judgment of the President himself is questionable as to why he surrounds himself with this type of criminal activists as advisers.

    Just like in Germany and Italy in the 1940s, Sri Lanka now has an unofficial and hidden fascist army that works in the layer below the legal law enforcement agencies but superior in power and authority as they are being lead by politicians in power. It is not right to allow such fascist armies to carve up parts of the country as their playing fields; Kelaniya is one such obvious area and now the public have come to know of Kolonnawa as another one. This phenomenon is one major issues that needs to be addressed by the President himself, otherwise he will find that foreign powers would be intensifying not only their questioning of what’s going on in Sri Lanka, but also their clandestine operations against Sri Lanka.

    I personally think that the events in Mulleriyawa/Angoda could be the turn of the tide, and timely warning to the President that he should ensure that lawlessness in the country is outlawed, and that he restores a fair and equitable state of law and order. If not there is bound to be serious backlash.

    I am an analyst with no political interests and this submission is a fair assessment of the situation as I see it.

  4. geoff Says:

    What is happening?

    UPFA thugs kill each other in Angoda!!

    UNP drug dealers in Panchikawatta become Mayor!!

    All of them (no politics, all of them) should be punished for their actions. Otherwise the government’s credibility is at stake.

  5. ranjith Says:


    Muzammil is an experienced politician. He is well qualified to become as Mayor.

    After all, there are drug dealers in UPFA and UNP.

  6. geoff Says:

    Looks like drug dealers are overjoyed by the victory of their mafia boss. Don’t worry he will not be able to do half the things he has in mind.

    This is not Pakistan or Afghanistan.

    I have proved “ranjith” is a Pakistani Jihadi fundamentalist and Radha (Mareena) is another fundamentalist avoiding caputre, etc. in Afghanistan. They have relocated their Jihadi project to safe Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lanka is not becoming another Germany or Italy but CMC council will be another Waziristan unless some action is taken against poppy growers and their kith and kin.

    No justification of the despicable Presidential Advisor who went for street fights with another President’s supporter a known thug, etc. They too deserve to be punished (unless karma punishes them both sufficiently).

  7. geoff Says:

    ranjith Says:

    October 9th, 2011 at 5:06 pm

    Muzammil is an experienced politician. He is well qualified to become as Mayor.

    After all, there are drug dealers in UPFA and UNP.

    Thanks for accepting that Musala-mil is a drug dealer.
    Agree that both parties have them.

    My point is, all of them should be punished without giving them top jobs.

  8. jay-ran Says:

    Yes P.A.S, they have voted UNP their anciestral Party to power so that they can carry on their underworld activities and also seek LTTE supporting diasporah for a change in Sri Lanka WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN IN THIS DECADE!!!

    A day will dawn for these traitors will be compelled to pay back in interest ACCORDING TO THE LAW OF NATURAL JUSTICE!!!

  9. Lorenzo Says:

    CMC has always been UNP.

    But this time the margin has fallen.

    The ruling group can be easily impeached as the opposition has the numbers.

    Battle for liquor shop licences, business deals and illegal stuff rampant in CMC will divide the Tamil and Muslim businessmen in Colombo.

    Moragoda (Ranil’s Foreign Minister) is much better than the joker who won the most number of votes. CMC gone to dogs, again.

  10. ranjith Says:


    ///Thanks for accepting that Musala-mil is a drug dealer.///

    I said, there are drug dealers in UPFA and UNP.

    In that statement, Muzammil isn’t included.

    May be only the drug dealer like you knows very well about Musala-mil.

    When people win from UNP, why do you defame the winners as drug dealers, jihadi, fundamentalist, Pakistani, Afghanitani, Waziristani and so on? Your remarks against non-UPFA members are totally abusive.

    After all, Muzammil was/is a well known politician from poor masses.

    Please try to learn to respect people.

    Even if Moragoda loses, I respect him very much.

    He is too a very well known person among political circles.

  11. geoff Says:

    Jihad “ranjith”

    Had Imithiyas Bakeer Makar won, no one would call him a drug dealer because he is not. He is a gentleman and I have respect for him. Same for most Muslim MPs in parliament. Certainly more respectful than Duminda, Thilanga, Mervyn. It is not about ethnicity. It is about associations.

    But the current mayor and his Panchikawatte gang are not. Everyone knows Potta Naufer connections.

    I have no connection to Afghanistan to be a drug delaer but you do! Thank you for admitting that it is abusive to you. It is not abusive to non Jihadists.

    Don’t think you can hide in Sri Lanka and escape from war on terror in Afghanistan/Pakistan!

    Take a look at this picture. It says it all. Panchikawatte thugs, drug dealers, rowdies and fundamentalists are the supporters. This is a very bad start.

    CID should take a note of these rowdies (all of them including the short one).

    I have not seen such thugs surrounding gentlemen like Imithiyas Bakeer Makar, ACS Hameed, Jabeer Cader.

  12. ranjith Says:


    ///Thank you for admitting that it is abusive to you.///

    None of your nonsensical statements are abusive to me.

    Those statements are abusive to the idiots, like you.

    You strive hard to undermine people who won in the election, as drug dealers. It’s laughable!

    If you want to see the drug dealers who they are, read Wikileaks instead of adaderana.

    ///Don’t think you can hide in Sri Lanka and escape from war on terror in Afghanistan/Pakistan!///

    You know me, I call a spade a spade and when I see someone like you behaving like an idiot, I tell them.

  13. Lorenzo Says:


    Thanks for the link.

    Looks pretty bad. Isn’t it?

    All his fellow men look like under world guys. Cannot hide that.

  14. Marco Says:

    It’s rather sad you have to look at a picture (unflattering as it may be) and come to conclusions.

    Perhaps, next time you come to Sri Lanka and witness the mayhem first hand when Namal Rajapakse walks in to a Restaurant or Hotel.

  15. ranjith Says:


    While sleeping you could see dream about underworld guy geoff’s link – about winning party celebrations.

    No one can hide their victory.

    Mano ganesan too will enjoy with them soon.

  16. Lorenzo Says:

    I don’t think CMC will have any power.

    The same thing happened to OVER 10 councils in the north and the east won by TNA.

    EPDP still runs them.

    WPC, parliament, president, government agencies all have authority to override the CMC.

  17. Ariya Says:

    Well, only the people who live in Colombo can vote for Colombo, but this Muzammil had won with Muslim votes from many wattes in Colombo. These Muslims live on top of each other. If you go to Viharamahadevi park and Gall face Green, you’d see so many Muslims there. They are always there at the Galle face green. Why?

    While some Muslims sleep others walk around. There is no place for all the Muslims to sleep at the same time. Colombo is becoming like Afghanistan!

  18. ranjith Says:

    All the MC’s have powers including TNA winning councils.

    Douglas is a Minister. He has more powers than MC members.

  19. Lorenzo Says:

    Ministry of Defence and Urban Development

    Well done!

    Now the joker who became mayor will be either a mare or an ass driven by a good driver. It doesn’t matter it is a mare or an ass. The driver will ensure it runs as fast as it can or get a new ass to run according to the driver.

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