Archive for December 24th, 2011

Ranil won: UNP lost

Saturday, December 24th, 2011

H.L.D Mahindapala The following announcement is intended to clear all doubts and questions about the secret ballot held to elect a leader for the UNP: “ATTENTION PLEASE! “THIS IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ALL UNPers, WELL-WISHERS AND THE NATION. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE COUNTING OF THE NOT-SO-SECRET BALLOT TO ELECT OUR LEADER IS OVER. ALL WHAT […]

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Saturday, December 24th, 2011

Sudath Gunasekara21.12. 2011 Apropos Gamini Gunawardhana’s article in the SundayIslandof 11th instant on the above subject I thought to add one of my own experiences in this regard in support of his practical approach. Gaminis note is an eye opener and food for thought for everybody. This is good stuff I think not only for […]

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