What Sri Lanka has given Tamils but will not give the Eelaamists
Posted on January 23rd, 2012

shenali waduge

These are the 24 prohibitions advocated by the Vellalars of Sri Lanka upon their own people.
Caste amongst Tamils is extremely rigid.
Many Tamils today are oblivious to the real facts that the Kallathoniy’s are the one’s ruling from overseas!

1. Males forbidden from wearing upper garments.

2. ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-VertiƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ should not hand below ankle

3. Men forbidden to wear ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-shalveiƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ on shoulder

4. Females forbidden from wearing upper garment.

5. Females forbidden from wearing ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-thaavaniƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ sari potta

6. They were forbidden from traveling unnecessarily on roads/public places. When walking along permitted paths they had to drag a palmyrah leaf so high castes would know they were coming.

7. They were forbidden from wearing jewellery

8. They could not the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-thaliƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ at weddings

9. They could not wear white for higher rituals.

10. They could not wear white for special rituals.

11. They had to bury their dead not cremate.

12. They could not use musical instruments to rejoice or mourn.

13. They could not play music at auspicious/inauspicious events

14. They were forbidden from using ponds of ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-highƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ castes.

15. They could not use umbrellas.

16. They could not use footwear

17. They could not study.

18. They could not keep any Gods belonging to the high castes in their temples.

19. They were forbidden from entering the high caste temples.

20. They were forbidden from entering tea-shops

21. They could not draw water from public wells.

22. They cannot driver or travel in cycles & cars

23. They were forbidden from sitting while traveling in buses

24. Even after Government granted permission for these low castes to study in schools they were forbidden to sit on chairs & had to study sitting on the floor.

35 Responses to “What Sri Lanka has given Tamils but will not give the Eelaamists”

  1. stanley perera Says:

    25. They should eat their food only standing. Sitting is prohibitted when eating.
    26. Entering the higher caste houses is only trough the back door.
    27. Drinking water is only out of the coconut shell.
    28. Food is not to be eaten on a plate.
    29. Sleeping is allowed on the floor.
    30. Smoking Beedi only and no cigars.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    31. They should not contest in elections political or social organisations against Valla-alla-la
    32. They should not do ANY profession other than what their caste has specified.
    33. They must live in specially designated areas for them.
    34. They are untouchables.
    35. They cannot marry Valla-alla-la or Brahim caste people.
    36. They cannot own land or paddy fields other than for own dwelling
    37. They are NOT entitled to any of the special privileges of the Vesa-walamei law
    38. Low caste Tamils cannot use names like “pillai”, “nayagam”, “rajah”.
    39. They must know “where they stand”.
    40. They must not enter a government office or meet government officials unless under the guide of a Valla-alla-la.
    41. They are not allowed to prepare or eat certain food items.
    42. They must never sit at a higher elevation than a Valla-alla-la.
    43. They cannot use the same toilets used by Valla-alla-la.
    44. They must be willing to die for Valla-alla-la if needed.
    45. It is their god given role to serve the higher castes in whatever way they can. They are born into low castes because they have sinned in a previous life. They must pay for these sins.
    46. They cannot perform religious rituals in kovils.
    47. They should not enter hospitals used by high caste Tamils.
    48. They cannot become Tamil poets or other artistes other than what is specified in their castes.

    e.g. A paraya caste person may play the drum for the purposes he is supposted to play. Not in any artistic way.

    49. They should sit on the floor at the entrace section of Yarl Devi train. They are not entitled to sit.
    50. They They cannot sit in a bus where high caste Tamils are standing.

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    Tamil Elamists want to REIMPOSE these.

    That is why they want POLICE POWERS and other ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS.

    We should make use of these caste differences to DIVIDE AND RULE all of them.

    This is why putting EPDP (generally lower caste) and upcountry Tamils (Thonda, etc.) ABOVE Valla-alla-la Tamils (TNA) is important. Any change to this set pattern is dangerous.

  4. M.S.MUdali Says:

    I hope all these happen to Rodiyas and other low castes in Sinhala areas.

    Tamil Catholic Church always claims it is HIGH caste Vellala but they look like NEGROS.

  5. M.S.MUdali Says:

    S.J.V. Selvanayagam hailed from Parayas (drummers) from Tholpuram. After the conversion to Christianity he became a Vellaala. hahaha

    Christian/Catholic church always promoting caste system!

  6. thurai Says:

    Many Low cast Tamils don´t know the the above cast discrimination, Because of Western colonism and
    Sinhala Administration. During the war Time many High cast refused to live together with low cast
    Tamils in camps. After war many refused to cook foods in the same kitchen. Some areas in Northern
    province high cast objected common pipe wells for all cast.

    Now in some areas Even lowcast Tamils pay more money than highcast, highcast refuse to sale his land to lowcast
    But under Sri Lankan Government anyone can buy a land anywhere. Exception areas where TNA represents.
    Why do TNA want more land rights?

  7. Christie Says:

    Thanks writer for your articles about untouchables among the Indian colonial parasites in the island.
    Almost all colonial parasites who rode on the back of the British to the island and elsewhere in the British -Indian Empire were high caste.
    Vellars from south India; Tamils, Keralayans etc were the first to join the Indian Regiments raised by the British. Vellars and other high caste colonial parasites arrived in the island starting in 1792.
    Then or now untouchables in India are not allowed to leave their habitat as they are considered not humans.
    So; who are these low caste Tamils and where did they come from?
    They definitely did not come from Indian sub continent as lower castes were not allowed to leave their habitats now or then.
    So who are these low caste Tamils commonly known as Sakkiliyas in the island. These Sakkiliyas have a lot in common with the Sinhalese as write’s and others listings.
    Their features are also similar to the Sinhalese.
    They were the Sinhalese who lived before the colonization of the island by the Indian colonial parasites.
    If we do not unite and stand up to these Indian colonists and imperialist then that is what is waiting for us; the Sinhalese, Moors, Malays and burghers.

  8. thurai Says:


    Your above comment is considerable.

    There are “ PANCHAMAR“ among low cast Tamils. They are diveded into 5 Groups according
    to the Works they do.
    Doby.Barbers,Drummers, Field workers,and Tree Claimbers.
    We are in the position to go back to the History to reestablish our relationship.

    TAMIL,SINHALA,MUSLIM,or ANOTHER who live in Sri Lanka are Sri Lankans even we Speak any language
    or belongs to any religions.

  9. lingamAndy Says:

    Ref:Vellalars of Sri Lanka
    FYI, at present All TNA MP’s are low castes no one from vellar or any other higher caste !
    (eg: Like Mr Anandasangare said once , Savapeddi seaipavan ( Who make dead body box) , Kuthurai odduravan ( who run horse – Selavan Adkakalanayagam) in parliment Now ).

    MR shenali waduge No point in your article about Srilanka Tamil !

  10. stanley perera Says:

    If they are low caste, that is still worse. Revoke their citizenship and deport them all Tamil Nado with a one way ticket on a russian deck cargo submarine. They are wanted in Iran now.

  11. douglas Says:

    It was disgusting to read this presentation. However, I found an interesting revelation to my quest why Lorenzo all the time supported the so called “para-military groups”. This revelation, I quote as above: “That is why putting EPDP (generally lower caste) and upcountry Tamil (Thonda etc) above Vella-La-Caste Tamils (TNA) important. Any change to this set up is dangerous”.

    Of all these people who appreciated comments like these, it was a fight “Against the Higher Caste by the Lower Caste”, but NOT “Seperatism” to establish a “Seperate State called ” “Eeelam” – to divide the country.

    In the same trend of thinking of Lorenzo, do you think, Velupillai Pirabahakaran, who is from “fisher caste”(though I hate to reffer to) and his Political Wing Leader. S.P.Tamilselvam who belonged to “Barbar” cast and the rest (I don”t know to what caste they belonged to) fought a bloody war for thirty years to bring in a “Low Caste State” against Vella-La -Caste (high caste) Tamils? In the same trend of thinking shouln’d we have supported Velupillai Pirabahakaran in his fight to oust the Vella-La Caste dominance from the North? Very fine dicta. To say the least “what crap are these” thoughts.

    Be focussed. We are not fighting a battle on “Caste Issues”. It was a battle against setting up a seperate state called “Eelam”. The seperatists will always join in either way, whether it is cast or otherwise to achieve their ultimate goal “Eelaam”. That is what they did in dictating terms to the TNA in Parliament. This is our battle against a seperate state called “Eealam” and that should be fought with might and power. The mighty heroes of our armed forces fought it with the correct guidence of Political and Military stratagies and let us maintain it for ever and ever.

    We have a bigger battle to fight. One to sustain the victory won and the other to fight the on-going battle with the so called “dispora” backed by the Western Powers and the heavily financed NGOs and the Local Agents. This fight has galvanized at the moment with the upcoming UNHCR meetings scheduled in the beginning of February and March. Let us fight it out.

  12. Lorenzo Says:


    “So who are these low caste Tamils commonly known as Sakkiliyas in the island. These Sakkiliyas have a lot in common with the Sinhalese as write’s and others listings.
    Their features are also similar to the Sinhalese.”

    Not true.

    Tamil castes Sakkilayar, Parayar, Paramba, Dhobi are certainly Tamil from Tamil Nadu.

    Some of Nalavar and Koviya caste people may have been Sinhalese. Not all some. In Jaffna they are generally fairer in skin color than average Tamils (generally of the African complexion).

  13. Lorenzo Says:


    “It was disgusting to read this presentation.”

    TRUTH hurts, is it not?

    You are right on Velu and that Tamil. They were from low castes.

    BUT Valla-alla-la caste people elevated them to their own high caste.

    Any Tamil who EXCEPTIONALLY serves Valla-alla-la become Valla-alla-la. This caste system is not a physical one. It is a manipulated one to rule some people by others.

    Many TAMILS have PROVEN that this “ethnic conflict” is actually a Tamil caste issue. INABILITY to apprehend that is rather unfortunate.

    All the governments since SWRD Bandaranayaka manipulated Tamil caste differences to DIVIDE AND RULE. They MUST continue it.

    Even if 13th amendment is implemented, Sampanthan dirt will be at most a PROVINCIAL minister. DD and Thonda will be NATIONAL ministers. ALWAYS; whatever the government is – UNP, SLFP, PA, UNF, you name it. So face it without whinging!!

    DD and even Karuna (a former terrorist) are WAY BETTER than racist Sampanthan.

  14. Lorenzo Says:


    “under Sri Lankan Government anyone can buy a land anywhere. Exception areas where TNA represents.
    Why do TNA want more land rights?”

    Well said!

    Indirectly TNA (LTTE) already has land rights. Why they want more?

  15. douglas Says:

    Lorenzo – It is more desgusting to note how you dodge the question. This is always the casse with you. May I remind you again your statement.


    Is this your philosophy? Please do not bring any more disgrace to Sri Lanka. We are fighting a battle quite different to what you advocate. Let the EPDP leadership too make a note of this. Please don’t confuse this problem any more.

    Thank you. THE END.

  16. Lorenzo Says:

    Dear Doglas,

    If I hurt a separatist, I’m on the right track. This is what SL must be doing.

    This is why putting EPDP (generally lower caste) and upcountry Tamils (Thonda, etc.) ABOVE Valla-alla-la Tamils (TNA) is important. Any change to this set pattern is dangerous.


    An utter disgrace to SL as you STILL live in the (false) high caste mentality. That is the root cause of this problem. Nothing else.

    Read what Shenali wrote a week before for some information.

    1. Suppose 13th amendment is implemented. What will happen? Some clown from TNA will be the Chief Minister of NP. He GOT to be a valla-alla-la. Otherwise all hel will break lose in Jaffna. Shenali gave examples in a previous writing.

    But then where would DD and Thonda (plus CWC will have many more ministers) be?

    They will ne NATIONAL minister ranking HIGHER ABOVE provincial ministers.

    2. Take a look at Pillayan – the CHIEF MINISTER of EP. Not a valla-alla-la. But sits above all TNA and other valla-alla-la leaders who are NOBODYS!

    3. Now look at all the governments since 1970 – 2012.

    Didn’t EVERY government ELEVATED low caste Tamils above high caste Tamils?

    This is the RIGHT srtategy. There is a reason. So called high caste Tamils don’t support Chingalam government COMPARED to low caste Tamils.

    This is what we did with Devananda, Chandrakanthan, Muralitharan, Arumugam, Chandrasekaran, Mahendran, Uma Maheswaran, Vardarajah, Pulendran, Sivapalan, Sugumar, Kadirgamar, Pararajasingham and MANY MANY Tamils from the north and the east before, during and after the war.

    When Kadir was made the FM some disgusting cursed separatists in sheep’s clothing told government not to divide the Tamil commnity!

    When Loganathan was made the peace secretary, some Tamil seperatists “warned” not to divide the Tamil community.

    When Tamara Kunanayagam was made the ambasador some pleaded not to confuse the international community on the “Tamil” point of view.

    We did JUST that.

    If you don’t like this PERPETUAL stratgy of all governments, be my guest!

  17. lingamAndy Says:

    Ref:Thank you. THE END.
    Your are a genuine Chinghalavan !
    No point on starighting dog’s trail ( you know whom i talking about) !

  18. thurai Says:

    //FYI, at present All TNA MP’s are low castes no one from vellar or any other higher caste !//lingamAndy

    Deffinitely they (TNA MP´s) never suffered the above mentioned cast discriminations. Like Brahmin
    respected by Vellalar for maintaining Temples some other casts also respected and accepted as equal to high cast.
    World wide Hindu Temples are under controll of (LTTE ) Vellalar and accepted other casts.
    Hindu Temples and Tamil schools are coordinating Tamils to support Terrorism.
    Terrorism = Tamils Liberation
    Tamil Liberation= Accusing SLG
    Accusing SLG= keeping Tamils united
    Tamil unity= Propaganda
    Propaganda= Hindu and Catholic Temples, Tamil nadu Cinema,Telefon Cart &mobile, Trading

    All are for money not for Tamil Liberation
    Cast system among Tamils lives
    Tamils live with cast discriminations all over the world.
    Tamil Liberation is for Terrorism and Money laundering
    Tamil must first liberate themself from their own enemies.
    Sinhalese or SLG are not enemies of Tamils.

  19. lingamAndy Says:

    Ref:Take a look at Pillayan – the CHIEF MINISTER of EP. Not a valla-alla-la.- NO
    FYI Only, He is not low caste (He is Vellalan)

    We both communities have this out of dated castle system related to our out of dated religians.

  20. lingamAndy Says:

    1 ) Accusing SLG= keeping Tamils united- Agreed
    2 ) Tamil must first liberate themself from their own enemies – Agreed

    I thing We Tamil choose easy way out instead of fighting to liberate our own enemies than Accusing Chingalavan !

  21. douglas Says:

    Dear Shenali – This time I did’nt like your presentation. However, it enabled us to locate some of the gang members who are trying to again bring in a clash among the Tamiil community on caste divisions and create a new problem for Sri Lanka. We in Sri Lanka are aware of these groups who are agents of various diaspora ortganizations and are hired to disrupt the peace moves and create new problems on our way to reconciliation and peace. Our Government and the valiant forces led by polictical and military guidence crushed the most ruthless terrorist outfit in the world and we are forging ahead with establishing permanent peace and reconciliation to live and let live as one nation. This we know it is a thorn in the eyes of the “diaspora” and the hired agents, and they have a assigned task of disrupting that process by some means.

    So no wonder some of these agents who infiltrate into Government Sectors and a whole host of web sites have taken upon themselves to manupulate the disruptive process and they are performing their duties with diligence and clandestinely posing as saviours of our nation and Sri Lanka. The latest task undertaken by these agents, of course prompted by your presentation, is to bring in a “Caste Divsion” and create a new problem for the Government and the country. We will keep a close watch on these operations now emerged as a “masked operatio”..

    However, may I request you, in future, to refrain from giving rise to these problems as presently seen in the society, but alway refer to such as history. I make this request to you as these hawks are waiting for an opportunity to go for the kill.

    Thanks for your understanding.

  22. Marco Says:

    I found the article totally distasteful and not well researched. Unsurprisingly it was written by Shenali.
    More titillating than factual.

    I thought Michael Roberts wrote a well researched article “Caste in Modern Sri Lanka”


    If one was looking to go back to the past -Library at Congress provides a good account of the Sri Lankan Caste System

  23. Lorenzo Says:


    He is NOT from vallaallala caste.

    LTTE low caste leaders were elevated to high castes by the society.

    Anyway he is a Batticaloa Tamil!

    That is another difference Shenali and others should look into.

    In addition to caste differences Tamils are also divided into LOCATION.

    e.g. NO marriage or other interaction is allowed between Jaffna Tamils and Batticaloa Tamils.
    NO marriage or other interaction is allowed between Jaffna Tamils and upcountry Tamils.
    NO marriage or other interaction is allowed between upcountry Tamils and Batticaloa Tamils.

    Governments have successfully EXPLOITED these differences as well.

    That was how we managed to PIT northern Tamil controlled TNA against TMVP!
    That was how we managed to PIT northern Tamil controlled TULF/TNA against CWC EVEN DURING THE WAR!

    There are many unbridgeable cracks in the Tamil society. GOSL MUST exploit these cracks to the maximum.

    Divide and rule. It worked so far and it will work in future.

  24. Lorenzo Says:

    Marco, Doglas,

    Don’t show your tiger stripes.

    Nothing and NOBODY can prove the above lists (3 lists adding to 50) wrong.

    Fight facts with facts. Not insults. If you can’t, it shows your INABILITY.

    The main article is a well researched and well written article and what Stanley and I added are also true.

    No one can prove these 50 caste discrimination dirt that happens even today, wrong. Accept it.

    This was how we won the war. War was won by Tamils against Tamils. Sinhalese alone could NEVER have won the war.

    1. Tamil pro-SL leaders were the MOST hated by their community. They did most damage to Tamil nationalism. They are heroes.

    e.g. Lakshman Kadirgamar, Loganathan, DD, Karuna, Pillayan, Thondaman – Saumyamoorti and Arumuka, etc.

    2. Believe it or not. Army had over 6,000 Tamils in its ranks. NO Valla alla la Tamils. ALL non Valla alla la Tamils.

    3. Look at good (pro-SL) Tamil writers.

    Dr Rasalingam, Dr Noel Nadeshan, Dr Johnpulle

    Are they Valla alla la Tamils?


    Read what they have written AGAINST Tamil caste dirt. Straight from the horse’s mouth. Same thing Shenali has written.


    What a load of garbage. Tamils are Tamils or Tigers whether low, medium or high caste. They all know how to tell lies to the westerners and win their sympathy. On the other hand Sinhalayo fighting for power. We all must get together to eradicate Tamil menace before it is too late, wake up fellows. Good Luck!

  26. lingamAndy Says:

    He is NOT from vallaallala caste, Anyway he is a Batticaloa Tamil ?

    NO marriage or other interaction is allowed between Jaffna Tamils and Batticaloa Tamils- NO
    EG: Ramesh ( Batticalo) wife is Soosai’s ( Northern ) Sister ?

    Divide and rule. It worked so far and it will work in future- Agreed but for short term ?

  27. thurai Says:

    Dear friends,

    I hope we are hier to discuss to reach the way to peacefull life for all in Sri Lanka. We have problems everywhere. If anyone speak about discrimination first he must prove himself. Cast & Regional
    discriminations among Sri Lankan Tamils and cast discriminations among Tamilnadu Tamils most Important
    than other problem in South Asia.

    We have to work together to stop the Dravida voice in Tamilnadu and Tamil Voice in Sri Lanka by politicians to misguide the people and disturb the peace in the Region. To find out the reasons for the present
    sitution in Sri Lanka it is necessary to study the History. We can bulit a future by learning from past and present
    circumstance only.

    If Tamil Childrens in western countries don´t know the real History of Tamils,LTTE, and Pirabakaren,.
    they will be always aginst SLG . They are brained washed by LTTE Tamil schools and Probaganda.
    Bring the Hostory and expose the truth is Important for better understanding and friendship among communities.

  28. Christie Says:

    Indians are priviledged lot in the former British- Indian now the Indian Empire.

    It just happened to be mostly Tamils (Indians in Ceylon (Sri Lannka).

    First let us make everyone equal in business, education, professions, land ownership by removimg the priviledges enjoyed by colonial parasites.,

  29. douglas Says:

    Dear Senali – Though I did not like your presentation, now I realize that it brought out some hidden agenda of Diaspora Agents have in mind. Read and think carefully the following comments:

    1. “This is why putting EPDP (Generally lower caste) and Up-Country Tamils (Thonda etc) ABOVE Vella-la-la Tamils (TNA) is important. Any change to this is dangerous.

    2. All the Governments since S.W.R.D.Bandaranayaka manipulated caste differences to DIVIDE AND RULE. They MUST continue

    3. This is how we won the war. War was won by Tamils against Tamils. Sinhalese alone could NEVER have won the war.”

    Just see the picture given to the world at large. The Government manipulated the Tamils of one caste against the other caste and carried out a war to a win. This is how the “Act of GENOCIDE” meaning deliberate murder of a racial or cultural group is being carved out and presented to the International Community by the so called Diaspora and its Agents spread throughout the world.

    Din’t I say this: how some of these NGOs, Diaspora and its Agents have infiltrated into Government Sectors and Electronic Media to carry on the next step of taking the Government of Sri Lanka and its key players like the HE, the Secretary of Defence, together with the War Heroes to International Courts on war crime charges. This is same as the letter campaign these agents carried out in Januar 2009, in addressing individual letters titled “SRI Lanka: STOP THE GENOCIDE” to Ms. Navanethem Pillay- the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Also, please observe how these comments are endorsed by groups of people giving high ratings, that too to carry the message loud and clear.

    To TRUE PATRIOTS OF SRI LANKA:- Please be awake. The war is not over. We have to be together and united to defeat this war as well.

  30. Lorenzo Says:


    “Cast & Regional discriminations among Sri Lankan Tamils and cast discriminations among Tamilnadu Tamils most Important
    than other problem in South Asia.”

    Agree with you.

    Two further points.

    1. Non-Tamils can do little to change this. Tamils must change this.
    2. If some castes support separatism more than others, SL should join with the castes that support separatism less.

  31. Lorenzo Says:

    Some LTTE agents cut and paste Tamilnet logic of GENOCIDE here!


    Anyone with an iota of brain can see there was no Genocide against Tamils by SL.

    Those who spread this HATEFUL nonsense should be punished with the SAME punishment Veluapillai suffered.

    How they crave to be reminded of the Mulaitivu defeat over and over again. Stateless fools.

  32. douglas Says:

    Hellow Lorenzo – What was given in 1,2 & 3 are your own words and statements collected from this presentation. NOT CUT AND PASTE FROM TAMIL NET as you try to say and disown responsibility. But I don’t know whether you acted on their behalf. The rest is my well researched observations.

    Disgracing another is not a good way to meet the varying opinions. You know what happens when someone takes off his underwear and cover the face.

    Dear LingamAndy – I should have taken your advice given on January 25th.

    I will catch up with you again. Till then Ayubowan – Vannakkam – Assalama Allkam

  33. Lorenzo Says:

    Dear Doglas,

    Your GENOCIDE claim is a cut and paste from Tamilnet.

    Do you think anyone with a brain would even USE such disgusting terms in relation to SL?

    Thank you for cut and pasting what I wrote.

    Let me reiterate those golden rules.

    1. This is why putting EPDP (Generally lower caste) and Up-Country Tamils (Thonda etc) ABOVE Vella-la-la Tamils (TNA) is important. Any change to this is dangerous.

    2. All the Governments since S.W.R.D.Bandaranayaka manipulated caste differences to DIVIDE AND RULE. They MUST continue

    3. This is how we won the war. War was won by Tamils against Tamils. Sinhalese alone could NEVER have won the war.


    1. Tamil pro-SL leaders were the MOST hated by their community. They did most damage to Tamil nationalism. They are heroes.
    e.g. Lakshman Kadirgamar, Loganathan, DD, Karuna, Pillayan, Thondaman – Saumyamoorti and Arumuka, etc.

    2. Believe it or not. Army had over 6,000 Tamils in its ranks. NO Valla alla la Tamils. ALL non Valla alla la Tamils.

    3. Look at good (pro-SL) Tamil writers.
    Dr Rasalingam, Dr Noel Nadeshan, Dr Johnpulle
    Are they Valla alla la Tamils?
    Read what they have written AGAINST Tamil caste dirt. Straight from the horse’s mouth.

    Nice talking to you. I have spoken to LTTE cadres, money collectors and even some terrorists. Opinionated like you, they too are humans after all. Should they be treated like humans? Well, that is a different question altogether.

  34. lingamAndy Says:

    Should they be treated like humans? – Yes
    Lorenzo I do not know you are a Bhuddhist or Christian (Lerenzo potugesh name?) but We both community follow this golden principle – Humans are Humans & They be treated as humans even though they behave inhuman ( Karma)
    Lorenzo , We both community are responsble for All thess mess in our Holy land !
    I can understand how you sinhala community affected by us ( I do not want put blam to LTTE to skap) whether LTTE or TNA do any think wrong to Sinhales that is Tamil responsibl!

    As You have excelant knowly about our (Tamil) society I do not want to explain How We (330,000 peple vanni ) were living last 33 years ! ( not only iVanni all our the world)

    Now Time to forget & forgive !
    We live together for another 3,500 years !

  35. stanley perera Says:

    Lingam Andy,
    Why can’t the TNA and the rest of the Tamil people accept the fact that they are one nation Sri Lankan and live and let live with all others as brothers and sisters without a division.

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