Prof. Hudson McLean
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It is an interesting fact that the Arab Spring is now moving towards an Asian Spring.
From the Asian Spring Board President Rajapaksa attended the Libyan Festivities in Tripoli a few months before the demise of Colonel Ghaddafi. Next to receive the “Blessing” was the President of Maldives, and soon afterwards, His Excellency was dragged in the street by the Police. Now in close chit-chat with the President of Pakistan and the Prime Minister of Pakistan, certainly good friends of Sri Lanka, but on their way to the slaughter-house.
A well constructed highly commendable analysis by-;
India Imposing the Malaysia-Singapore Model for Sri Lanka-Tamil Elam
Posted on February 12th, 2012ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ – Dilrook Kannangara
……received equally well balanced responses from LankaWeb readership.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
Some of the highlights:
*Safeguarding Buddhist principles and cultural heritage by Ben Silva
*Addressing UNO in Tamil by the President by Stanley Perera
*Devolution & the Right to Vote to Tamil immigrants by Lorenzo
are valid concerns of the Patriotic Sri Lankans.
In my humble opinion, the promotion and safeguard of Buddhist principle and values,
maintaining the Sinhala as the “more equal than Tamil or English”, assisting in relocation of the Sinhala and Muslim population in the North & The East to maintain the correct ethnic balance, is vital.
In several articles, I have highlighted that the “Big Neighbour India” should be kept at arms length. In the history of Serendib, Taprobane, Lanka, Ceylon, Sri Lanka, more troubles were created for the Island by India. To counter-balance the Indian Threat, Sri Lanka should invite both China and Pakistan to participate in the development of the North and the East. Let the railroad from Mannar to Trincomalee pass through investments and developments by China and Pakistan.
Fully agree with Stanley Perera on, ” They try to please the samall minority at the expence of the 75% of majority population. Did MR ever speak in Sinhala his and 75% of the majority mother tounge? It is hypocritical for MR to address the UNO in Tamil. None of the countries in the UNO can understand Tamil. Hypocracy is clearly seen. MR sold Sinhala to Tamil. He should be ashamed of this act”.
I have never heard Hon Lee Kwan Yew or any of the Singaporean government officials speaking in Tamil. Usually its English and sometimes in Mandarin.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
As the Rajapaksa regime is now settling down comfortably into a second term in office, it seems like the Presidential advisors are taking their afternoon naps as a paert and parcel of the official perks, giving incorrect advice to the President, such as getting involved in setting Hotel Room rates, now speaking in Tamil at UN!ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ What next?.
Like one readers comment questioned, is the Asian Spring blowing towards Maldives, Pakistan,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ and who is next online?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The Arab Spring aptly demonstrated that “When the wind begins to blow, it takes not many a day to remove the entire Regime”.
With social networking sites such as Twitter, FaceBook, SMS, Email, the masses or the People Power can reach a climax within days! Specially when there are mighty powers waiting to see a Regime Change in Sri Lanka.
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February 13th, 2012 at 3:21 pm
“I have never heard Hon Lee Kwan Yew or any of the Singaporean government officials speaking in Tamil. Usually its English and sometimes in Mandarin.”
Hit the nail on its HEAD!
SL rulers must realize the danger of going against the MAJORITY. You can FOOL the minority and survive or THRIVE but you can’t fool the majority and survive.
Economically, poltiically, land wise, unemployment wise and business wise the majority is DEMANDING MORE that is robbed by SOME minority sections. If the govt cannot give them that, get ready for the Asian Spring. With 2.9% votes TNA is powerless. Who cares about 2.9% voters! On the other hand SLFP+UNP+JVP is 95% votes.
We MAY end up under military rule if Asian Spring blows this way because UNP and JVP are no better. Over 97% of the military is Sinhalese. Only 77% of ministers are Sinhalese. After that who will talk about power sharing with TNA!! :))
Anti devolution campaign will DEFINITELY turn into Asian Spring in SL. GOSL beware.
February 13th, 2012 at 11:47 pm
How long can you govern a country with unqualified political appointees.
February 14th, 2012 at 2:11 am
Well said Prof.
February 14th, 2012 at 2:25 am
The best examples of non-violent aggression and oppression is found in the colonies of the Indian Empire.
India has thousands of years of experience in non-violent aggression and oppression in keeping two thirds of its population as lower castes.
That experience was used by the Indian colonial parsites in all tropical dominions of the former British-Indian Empire now trhe indian Empire.
They have done it in Mauritius 70% Indian colonial parasites.
The best individual example of an Indian colonial parasite and non violent aggression and oppression is Mohamdas Karamchand (known as Mahathma Gandhi) who made his fortunes in KwaZulu Natal of South Africa.
February 14th, 2012 at 12:04 pm
Singapore has put her Laws in place and abides by them, and is therefore a strong nation. No illegal migrants are allowed in Singapore. Why do we ?
We are now an independent nation, but we behave as though we are still under some colonial power/s. Only clear and strong Laws will protect Sri Lanka, and implementation of the Law without fear or favor.
No more illegal migrants or refugees in Lanka.
No more poaching in Lanka sea waters.
February 17th, 2012 at 3:16 am
Prof Hudson is completely correct. Why do we all politicians, other have beens rush to India, whenever there is a local problem. Are they so scared of this pathetic, courrpt, country & its people called India. Why on earth President speak in Tamil & NOT in SINHALA at the UNO.
Are we that concerned about tamils & their supporters in high places. As some of our commentators have said, India is a parasite. Sooner we get rid of their influence in Sri lankans matters, poaching, illegal fishing, bribery, 68% live below poverty line & yet the west want India as a cats paw to intimidate China.
BASIC principle should apply…..NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, illegal fishing, putting pressure on navy & our politcal leaders etc.
FOR once & for all NO 13th ammendment.. Its said 13 is a unlucky number. So enough of this diplomatic niceties. TELL India to mind its own business.
Opening up Counsaltes in H.tota & Jaffna are prne examples how India intimidates Sri lanka. Even in oil explorations other counties are concerned to come into North & in case it effects their relations with India.
Do the unthinkable and see how India reacts. They will bend down as pussycats when they said HUNDRED pardons sir, and walked backwards, during colonial days & our comminal riots in Sri lanka. At that anyone with TAMIL accet is a LTTE or Indian supporter & they carried a SIMHALA newspaper to prove otherwise.
We in Sri lanka, has enough clout to disagree & yet maintain relatonship, as India has to DUMP all their INFERIOR DRUGS / Phamaceuticals, Unworkable loconmotive engines, & the list goes on.
Lets take that bold step & see what India can or will do. FORGET CEPA trade deal, already it favours India as Canada /USA tarde deal favours USA not Canada.
Take BOLD steps & see things are all that bad with, India as a subordinate partner. We have too long allowed India to threaten us, influence us, and initimidate us. Leaders run to India or USA as if they can influence the workings of a Sovereign Govt. They cannot & even if they do, they would not succeed.
Disagree, ignore & postpone any committments & see what hapens. We have done the opposite & it has done mass injustice to us.
Just expressing my views, NOT ANTI USA, ANTI INDIA or any parasites.. but being PRO – Sri lanka & trying to tell my Sri lankan brothers & sisters to take a fresh look at India / Sri lanka relations……Thanks you~ Gamunu Alahakkone~ Canada