TNA softens its stance – Daily Mirror
Posted on May 21st, 2012

Kelum BandaraƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Courtesy Daily Mirror

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has softened its stance on its long standing demand for the re-merger of the northern and eastern provinces, and has instead noted that the modalities for such a merged unit could be discussed subject to the interests of the Muslim community, informed sources said today.

The TNA handed over its proposals for a political solution to the government last year during its series of talks with the ruling party.

The party has asked for the abolition ofƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  the concurrent list introduced with the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Powers on the subjects categorized in this list are shared by both the centre and the provincial councils. Education, health, agrarian services and agriculture are among the subjects coming under it.

The TNA, in its proposal, asked for the total devolution of powers on these subjects to the provinces. Besides, the transfer of ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”extensive financial and fiscal powersƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ to the provinces was demanded by the TNA which included land and police powers.

The TNAƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s stand is that the centre, in this exercise, could retain powers to deal with borrowings and currency.

Also, the TNA accepts that powers on subjects such as national security, defence, ports and harbours, aviation and airportsƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  should be vested with the centre when a power sharing arrangement is worked out.

The party has mentioned that a merged north-east is the unit of devolution, and it has been referred to as a matter to be discussed later in consultation with Muslim parties.

Talks between the government and the TNA have been deadlocked at the moment given the differences of opinion between the two sides on the participation in the proposed parliamentary select committee. The TNA is expected to discuss this matter with its rank and file at the partyƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s annual general convention scheduled for later this week

42 Responses to “TNA softens its stance – Daily Mirror”

  1. AnuD Says:

    TNA wants Central govt to borrow money and give them to spend. If they want their own currency, if that is what they mean, they should have a hugh economy in order to manage the currency without severe fluctuations. Think, how much they have thought or hallucinating.

  2. Fran Diaz Says:

    TNA has softened its stand ??!!
    It seems to us that it is still Plan ‘A’ by another name. Will they ever think as true Sri Lankans ? It seems to us that it is always a land grab of sorts …. leading to what ?

  3. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    leading to what ? Unite Sri lanka forever ! believe me !!! We will be better than Singapore with in a year !

  4. Fran Diaz Says:

    Why hasn’t this “Singapore” happened Tamil Nadu ? TN is about 90% Tamil only, with Tamil language in place, with Tamil culture too.

    Best thing for Tamils to do is to integrate into rest of Lanka. That is the way to unite Sri Lanka, not through land grabs & separatism.

    What is needed in the N&E is sufficient stable peace with good education plus skills, to invite investors in. Even to date, the land mines in the North have not yet been totally removed (see LankaPage of 22 May). Multi-ethnicity in the N&E will help to build a stable peace in those areas.

  5. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Tamil Nadu ? TN – What We Sri lankan to do with thisTN ( India)
    Same quetion I can ask you why not happened in Tamil Nadu / Kerala or Assam ?

    What is needed in the N&E is sufficient stable peace with good education plus skills, to invite investors in. Even to date, the land mines- Agrred before that We need a stable political settlment !!! eventualy we all want Multi-ethnicity in the N&E !!!

    We Sri lankan Tamils are not India ! If We are Indians why We kicked out Indian forces from our mother lanka !!!

  6. Lorenzo Says:

    Tamilnet says.

    General of genocide released in Colombo

    [TamilNet, Monday, 21 May 2012, 23:11 GMT]

    Sri Lanka’s former military commander General Sarath Fonseka, who led the Sinhala military in the ‘international community’ –abetted genocidal war against the Eezham Tamils, has been released by the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime in Colombo on Monday.

    Fonseka during the war declared that Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhalese. He also ridiculed the politicians of Tamil Nadu protesting the war as ‘jokers’.”


  7. Fran Diaz Says:


    You say “Eventually we want multi-ethnicity in the N&E” Why ‘eventually’ ? Why not now ? After all, over 50% Tamil people in the South with us. Why not let the multi-ethnicity happen now ? It will lead to trust building and co-operation among Lankans of all hues.
    Also, for real peace for Tamil folk, S’pore style development has to happen in Tamil Nadu, as TNA leaders have their hearts in TN, not in Lanka. Unless, of course, Lanka Tamils start voting for other political parties and TNA is then forced to be truly Sri Lankan.

  8. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    We need 70% sinhalase in NE as like other provincial ! because I said eventualy that is our lastng solution !
    TNA leaders have their hearts in TN, not in Lanka. – Their hearts in their colombo life & Family, nothink esle for ever !
    TN jokers & TNA rasit can not do any good to us !

    Open volantry Sinhala language education in Jaffa Town you will 1,000 in que!

  9. Fran Diaz Says:


    I agree, but multi-ethnicity must come first for the N&E. Then the healing has begun and there is no need for a so called Political Solution for Tamil people.
    You may not agree, but TNA hearts are in Tamil Nadu.

  10. Fran Diaz Says:


    I agree, but multi-ethnicity must come first for the N&E. Then the healing has begun and there is no need for a so called Political Solution for Tamil people.
    You may not agree, but TNA hearts are in Tamil Nadu.

  11. lingamAndy Says:

    You may not agree, but TNA hearts are in Tamil Nadu.-NO I agrred TNA & TN probaly using our innacent Sri lanka Tamil lifes for their own selfish !
    eg: who gave arms trained to Tamil group , have our President received a phone called from Indian Primisiter in May 2009 ( whole world know what was happing in Mulladivu !) NO.

    For Indian ,Indian Tamil Jokers, TNA our life are worthless !!! it is up to us potect ourself as a Nation with out silly imagination !
    You majority have responsible to make manorityto vote gainst any rasit political party !

  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    Now that all the facts are known to Tamils of Lanka, they must make up their minds not to vote for the TNA, unless TNA agenda changes to :

    * accommodate a multi-ethnic N&E.
    * no more talk of separatism.
    * The Vaddukoddai Resolution must be retracted publicly too.

    GoSl can only provide infrastructure to N&E for shelter, education, etc. The vote must come from enlightened Tamils of Lanka.

  13. Dham Says:

    GoSl is already providing infrastructure to N&E for shelter, education, etc for three years now – in true Buddhist spirit.
    All other governments too providing this – with ulterior motives.

    Let us see the outcome of talks between Stanley Perera and TNA. He is talking to Sampa and Andilingam.

  14. lingamAndy Says:

    Dham / Fran Diaz
    GoSl/ (in true Buddhist spirit) can only provide infrastructure to N&E for shelter, education, etc. The vote must come from enlightened Tamils of Lanka.- Sorry say My chinhala friends this won’t change Tamil voters against TNA !
    this will interprated by TNA as chinhala ulterior motives so it will increase their vote !

    N&E for shelter, education, free gift , free road, free saree, free saram , free that , free this – NO thanks chinhala brothers !

    Genivienly decentralised the power to NE provincial council than Tamil will become Sri Lankan Tamill , will vote for UNP & SLFP , TNA will loose it deposit in elections ! no sort cut ! if we want to unit our diversity forever !
    DS to MR have failed I hope Nimal Rajapaksa may will success ( funny Tamils never give up thier hoe (:-) )

  15. Fran Diaz Says:

    Re Decentralized Power (DP) :

    (1) Is it only to N&E ?

    (2) DP – to what extent ?

    (3) DP without anything given back in return to rest of Lanka ? Like I said before : TNA is saying “what is mine is mine and what is yours is also mine”. Who is the fool who will accommodate such hardline Separatists ?

    (4) Andy, make/suggest viable and lasting proposals that can be accommodated within a Democracy, and is acceptable to the rest of Lanka 90%. Take into account that over 50% Tamils are among the Others of Lanka. Do not make loose statements like ‘Genivienly decentralised the power to NE provincial council …” where you are already supposing that N & E are re-merged. That is unacceptable, particularly when nothing has been given back in return.

    (5) On our part, we want :

    * The District as the unit of governance.
    * all Illegal Migrants at least from year 2000 onwards deported.
    * No ferry services, no accommodating Indian false tourists who never go back.
    * Less Indian goods & services into Lanka the better. Indian labor already in Lanka on BOI projects must be watched and sent back on completion of projects.
    * Multi-ethnic N&E, same as rest of island.

  16. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    1) 1) Is it only to N&E ?- Yes, but I am not against that but why you want to give other provincial council they are not asking now !
    2) DP – to what extent ?- what ever centaral can !
    3) DP without anything given back in return to rest of Lanka – We will return with in year ! ( TNA will be in their home , doing chille farming )
    4)N & E are re-merged. That is unacceptable, particularly when nothing has been given back in return.- I am not ask re-merged which already merged !- We will give back our identity as Tamils living in sri lanka to Sri Lankan Tamil – is not enough – & will send farming goods by Jaldevi is not enough , we will bring all live western world to invest from both side of A9 from KKS to hambanthoda (hope will be extented frm comlob fort to hamanthoda soon ), We will join all three forces to protect our mother lanka as great citizen !, We will…….

    On our part, we want :- NE provicial council to decentalised power from colombo central govt !!!

    Hon Amirthalingam faild & VP failed , I am so confident I will pass ?!!!

  17. Dham Says:

    Ade Appa Lingma Machang,
    What is the point of never giving up ? More Tamils will die. Changalas will also die. Seeman will laugh in India and Tamil seeman wasted again and again. Why my Demhala brothers such fools ?

  18. Fran Diaz Says:


    You say : “we will bring all live western world to invest from both side of A9 from KKS to hambanthoda (hope will be extented frm comlob fort to hamanthoda soon”.

    Any ignorant person can bring in unsupervised investment sprees into any country, fast and easy – that would be the foreign investors dream.
    What do you think India did to protect herself from such a spree ? They refused just a few months ago 500 Walmarts (under Indian sounding name) being opened in India. Large numbers died or fell ill (to date) when Union Carbide spilt poison out of their plant in Bhopal, India. Little compensation has been paid even though the tragedy cost hundreds dead with thousands disabled. Learn from the mistakes of others. The profit motive in business has to be watched out for. Providing cheap Tamil labor is easy. Tamil Nadu can do that in Tamil Nadu itself, not in Lanka.

    Your unsupervised foreign investment spree will the death of us all ! When will you guys ever learn ?

  19. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Sorry Small correction my chinhala brother I mean Tamils live in western world ( as Sri lankan Tamil refugees) had erned (incl me) hard money from (day & night) working in Petrol station to toilet cleaners ( not western white man or India investers – I also so againted unsupervised foreign investment ! )

    what else machchan We can do, so many Seeman from TN & TNA time to time give us pethi (medician) that will make us to jump up & down ( You may see some people in our Temple – it call in Tamil Kalai (sort of hippeier) !

    Why my Demhala brothers such fools ? we selfish bastard machachan ! You can not satisfy us (even If you give Tamil Eelam We ask more….)
    eg: Indian 1987 gave us 13A ( merged NEP) in gold plat (with IPKF protection), What we done ,We all know ,
    now SL Govt offering District unit( which We already have) We want provincial council …….
    End of the We Tamil will be desapire from SL ……………..

    in Sri lanka We both community can not live together !
    Tamil hidin agenta alway be Tamil Eelam ( From Cevva Nayaham) ,
    Sinhalees hidin agenta alway be colanise NEP ( Start from DS Senanayaha ) !
    Sooner Tamil out from SL better for them ( Can ask refugee states in Western world now so atleast our children will live peace fully ) !

  20. Fran Diaz Says:

    Anyd, you say : ” …as Sri lankan Tamil refugees) had erned (incl me) hard money from (day & night) working in Petrol station to toilet cleaners …” these people can invest their money in projects anywhere in Lanka, or restrict themselves to the N&E, if they so wish. Even now, projects can be brought in through the proper channels such as the BOI. There is nothing stopping them.
    In fact, Pres. MR has invited investments from any Lankans abroad – he has done so a number of times. What is stopping them? TNA day dreams of Separatism ?

  21. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Brother be realistic , This liar said zero civilian dead as We all know how many Tamil he killed , you think any fool in the wolrd believe him !
    charatity start from home so start from NEP where our parantes hard working land (old homes – ) is there!
    Project , BOI …… common brother We are sri Lanka , simple people …. We are not multi national inverstors …. proper channels……… common ……… We just small nation … just open a peddi cadai ( coner shop) to employee 5 to 10 people , to earn three meal , give balance to others to live with other people logu panda, Ali nana … for rest of live …………….. give a life ………….. ! not your project, feasable stadies , expect profit …. budget profit … all this western bull shits… !!!

  22. Fran Diaz Says:


    Let’s go back a bit.
    It was the Tamil leaders who asked for Separatism way back. Sporadic attacks against Tamil people broke out only after that. This was wrong, of course. It was also wrong of Tamil leaders to ask for Separatism. Also, unfortunately, Tamil caste/poverty issues of Jaffna area was the other problem. Another problem : Illegal migrants from Tamil Nadu came in too.
    Then there was the problem of tea estate workers stuck in that mode. This was inherited from the British times and the Caste bind.

    When killing started in Jaffna (with Alfred Duraiappa murder which is construed as an anti-govt. act) and the Army went in to quell the troubles, the anger was turned on the Army. In 1983, when 13 Army soldiers were sniped and killed in Jaffna, and their bodies were NOT sent to the villages as was the usual practice, and their bodies were brought to Colombo Kanatte cemetery, then the rioting started. We do not know to date who advised JRJ to hold the funeral at Kanatte. I have it from good authority that it was not the Army Commander of that time – he wanted the bodies sent back to their homes. Anyway, the delay at the cemetery made the crowd restive and angry and that was the start of the rioting. I told you before that I was in Colombo and saw the events for myself. We helped Tamils and saved a Tamil home. It was a shameful time. But, I am of the opinion that JRJ’s hands were tied in the matter and he was not allowed/could not stop the rioting at once. Riots stopped after 3 days. Also, the event was really a set up.

    As for denial of the number of civilians killed in the last war, there were civilians killed in the cross fire (called co-lateral damage in the west). That was inevitable. Civilian deaths are inevitable in a war, particularly when the ltte cadre hid among civilians (remember the human shield was purposely done to protect the ltte cadre).
    The number of civilian deaths have been estimated at around 5,000 or so. Army deaths around 6,000. Ltte deaths about 8,000. That is best I can do with the figures extracted from articles. If anyone said ‘no civilian deaths’ it would have a knee jerk reaction to prevent the UN/international community descending on Lanka.

    Andy, you sounded as if your intent was to ‘bring in foreign investments’ and make the N&E like Singapore. At least, that is what your message came through as.
    If you intend to have small eateries or shops, there is nothing preventing Tamil people from doing such ventures. If there is anything preventing such ventures, you ought to write in and tell the public what the problems are.

    I have nothing more to say.

  23. Fran Diaz Says:

    P.S. : I forgot to add that the Vadukoddai Resolution (1976) was the worst mistake made by Tamil leaders. It added fuel to the fires of call for Separatism, and invited the Tamil youth to rise up in violence to achieve a separate state for Tamils only.

  24. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    OK,I accepting All Tamil leders mistake (with 99% ) if you are genivien Can you give details from DS to MR what is their mistake !

  25. Fran Diaz Says:


    Here’s my frank opinion :

    From DS to MR there is NO MISTAKE on the part of GoSLs.

    Here are the reasons why there is disharmony :

    * The Brits gave an undue place to Tamil English educated people, particularly those who turned to Christianity. These people plus the Vellala caste Tamils of the North want to keep their head start at the top of the pile of Lankan humanity, when after Independence in 1948, the imbalance was corrected for the rest of the masses of Lanka.

    * The Brits & the Dutch imported huge numbers of Tamil people (one and half Million). While the earlier fewer Tamils who entered Lanka through wars and various other ways integrated into mainstream living here, the large numbers of imported labor did not. This fact was pointed out by Dilrook Kannangara in one of his articles. In particular, the Jaffna Tamil population and the tea estate workers certainly never integrated into mainstream life here. That fact was exploited by Tamil leaders to demand a separate state for Tamils which brought all the troubles and disharmony.

    * Also the fact that Tamil Nadu could not pursue their path to an independent state after PM Jawaharlal Nehru put in laws prohibiting secession, attention to form a break away state was turned on Sri Lanka.

    * Over 50% of Tamils live outside the N&E.

    Now is this Separatism fair ? All Tamils depend on the largesse of the rest of Lanka for various items in their daily living e.g free education & health care and free food in some cases. As such it is only right that they make up their minds to join mainstream life in Lanka and tell their leaders to follow a path of peace & prosperity WITH the rest of Lanka.

  26. Fran Diaz Says:


    I have covered only the GoSL/Tamil people aspect.
    Re Sinhalas, I wish that the JVP voice was heeded by GoSLs (Mrs B & Premadasa) in discussions and not through wars.
    Also, greater emphasis placed re job creation and Sc&Tech, even for the Buddhist priests.

  27. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz, yes same GoSL/Tamil people aspect.
    I want know from you what GOSL/Sinhala leaders/ Buddhist priests done to Tamil people from 1956 to 1983 !.

    eg: University entrance to liberary burning, not impose curfew on Time, Amaththrow holding Tamil voters list to burned their properties , took citizenship from estate Tamils ,whay GOSL discriminate Tamils if they were genivienly Govt for every one of us, why no one charged in court yet for these riaots …..
    You know very well as I know …. why they did to Tamils !

  28. Fran Diaz Says:


    Successive Tamil leaders spoilt everything for Tamils of Lanka by demanding a Separate state for Tamils ONLY and turning all the Others against Tamil people. Imagine the Peace & Prosperity for all, if such a demand was not made !

    Except for a few Tamil leaders such as Mr Lakshman Kadirgama who was an exceptionally able and decent person, all other Tamil leaders only made matters worse (considering the Caste problems here) for all Tamils of Lanka.

    We might ask : What have the Tamil Leaders done for the Tamil People of Lanka ? What right have they to ask for Separatism on behalf of Tamils of Lanka, which is the root cause of the troubles (apart from Caste related issues) ?


    Here is what I know of the questions you ask :

    Univ. Entrance :

    (1) There was widespread cheating taking place re Tamil students at entrance level to Univ. This happened in the 1960s & 70s. There is evidence to support that the ‘Om’ sign was put on answer papers of Tamil students by the students themselves, so that when a Tamil examiner saw the sign, an automatic pass was given. There was evidence of leaked exam pps. prior to exams, to benefit Tamil students.
    (2) The general attitude was that Tamil students are much more clever and ‘brainy’ than Others of Lanka and that was why they passed into University. This attitude is incorrect. Others are as clever & ‘brainy’ too, as seen in present day University
    (3) The Standardisation re Univ. Entrance was brought in to give rural students a better chance to enter University. This benefitted both Tamil rural students as well as Others. I personally know of a case where a Colombo student was denied entrance to the Medical Faculty, Colombo, because this person was just ONE mark short of the required aggregate, after Standardisation rules were brought in.

    Library burning:
    For a long time it was thought that then Minister Gamini Dissanayake had a hand in the Jaffna library being burnt. We saw a recent article in which it was disclosed that the Jaffna library was burnt by some Tamil people while Gamini Dissanayake was
    visiting Jaffna, and the blame pasted on him. Why this truth was not told earlier, I do not know. Sinhala people are sickeningly slow at defending themselves.
    The library has since been rebuilt. We are told that the new building is very impressive, but the books are not taken care of.
    Southern Sinhala people have donated Tamil books to this library.
    I ought to bring out a related fact : that two rows of line rooms in an upcountry tea estate recently burnt down. The official verdict was ‘electrical fault’. Was it ?

    Curfew on time:
    I have already explained that JRJs hands were tied on this matter. Besides, the whole 1983 riots were a set up. It enabled Tamils to flee to the west, didn’t it ? It enabled Tamil leaders and Tamil Economic Refugees to discredit Sri Lanka forever. About a million Tamil people have left Sri Lanka mostly as ‘refugees’. This is what they wanted, is it not ? Voters lists to identify Tamil homes were held by Tamils & Others, leading the gangs during ’83 riots. In fact, the ’83 riots were a ‘success’ from the point of view of those who planned it, and held JRJ down to implement it.

    Estate Tamils :
    Estate Tamil people were brought in huge numbers by the British – an estimated one Million Tamil people who had no idea of the language or culture of Sri Lanka. They were kept secluded in ‘line rooms’ with no windows or amenities, without education or ways to better themselves, just to pluck ‘two leaves & a bud’ for tea hungry markets. This system went on till Sri Lanka gained Independence, bringing in free education & franchise for all. Estate Tamils were classified as “Indian Tamils” and were not given full citizenship until talks were held during Mrs Bandaranaike’s time when the Sirima/Shasthri Pact took place to clear the matter once and for all.
    The Sirima/Shasthri Pact was never fully implemented. Most of the thousands Tamil people who opted to go back to Tamil Nadu are still here. India abrogated the Pact in the 1980s. At present, all estate Tamils have full citizenship plus voting rights.

    Best thing for all Tamil people to do now is to drop both Separatism & Caste and join mainstream life in Lanka. The motto on the Indian flag says : “Truth wins”. There are two types of truth. There is the ‘Truth (Capital ‘T’) Within’which is another name for God/Allah/Eternal/Life Force. The other ‘truth’ (simple ‘t’) is truth of a matter. Let’s be honest with ourselves and become Winners in Truth & truth ! A win-win situation awaits us all. Peace & Prosperity for all.

  29. Fran Diaz Says:

    For all of Lanka :

    * Modernisation of all aspects of life where possible, & Mechanisation, particularly of the tea plucking, so that anyone can participate in that job. Tea plucking machines are available for easier, faster work, without the drudgery.

    * Family Planning/birth control for all sectors of society, not only in Sri Lanka, but also in India.

  30. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    1) Univ. Entrance : – You know We Tamil only Only had education in Sri lanka nothing else (before 1983) for our life , Standardisation rules was 100% against our life (with out any alternative)
    ok- I accepted widespread cheating – We Tamil so clever in that
    Tamil students are much more clever and ‘brainy’ – bad attitude ( Chinhalavan moddan ! still We beleive that even May 2009 Naththigadal incisent )!
    We are so thick !

    2)Library burning:- I was their next day morning graping(stealing) some valuable book from library – forces was present their but they did not give damp about that ! Way ?

    3)Curfew on time:JRJ down to implement it?-
    common You are talking about Old Fox( I hope this web motarater will allow this wording) JRJ , He delear curfew after one week why ????
    ‘refugees’. This is what they wanted, is it not – No that was our goldern oppurtunity !(inc myself – thanks to My mother’s Talikodi (Wedding chain) She sold to get my air ticket , Thanks again my Mother (She passed way last year))
    Estate Tamils :- You are talking about The Sirima/Shasthri Pact Yes I accepting
    but I want to know why DS (1952) decisted to (passed citizon Act) take off these Tamil specking Estate Tamil citizon citizanship( ok not giving citizenship )!

    Best thing for all Tamil people to do now is to drop both Separatism & Caste and join mainstream life in Lanka. !
    Yes I pesonaly believe this is best way forward BUT We Tamil so farway from this bath !!!!!!!

  31. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    I accepting All Tamil leders ( Celvanayaham to Sampanthan ) sort side thoughts We are in this situation!
    but I want from you as Chinhala brother why Our sinhala leders ( DS to MR) also worry about their Sinhala community Only !

    one more think….
    Ref:Tamil leaders such as Mr Lakshman Kadirgama – Sorry to say if I descrip LK, is a Sinhala man from Tamil family!
    He can not think or thoght about Tamil problm any way ,is not his fault !
    but I atmare him as SL forieng minister He achieved load for SL ( Baning LTTE in western country etc..)
    even If He would have become Priminister of SL he would not solved our problm (because he did no our problm ) !

  32. Fran Diaz Says:

    Dear Andy,

    The two main Tamil Problems are Caste & Separatism.

    (1) Caste Problem : Is 3,000 yrs old stemming from the Laws of Manu. Manu is a mythical figure. Whoever who made the Laws are human beings hiding behind a mythical Manu. The system is so old, it is/was part and parcel of the Hindu religion. It is slowly but surely going away in India. In Sri Lanka, due to Buddhism, Christianity, & Islam, it is virtually non-existant except in the Jaffna & Upcountry areas. In another 25 yrs. it will be non-existant in Lanka too, and in another 30-50 yrs gone from India too. Be patient.

    (2) The Separatist tactic is a ploy to hide Caste. That too will be erased off. It is up to the ‘lower’ Caste people to educate themselves and reach high in society. Ethics & Morality a must to gain respect in society, whatever the ‘caste’. The Buddha said ‘a person is low born or high born according to actions only’.

    What on earth can any government or President or PM of any country do re Caste ?
    They can only provide good education and hope that the people use it wisely, together with good ethics & mortality. That is why Lanka provides free Education, including University.

    Good luck ! Be wise.

  33. lingamAndy Says:

    Thanks Fran Diaz, this Caste Problem is very urgly in our Hidusiam (saivite) I agrred with you ! & Separatist tactic also Higher caste trick to keep low caste under them forever- I agrred all

    but my only concern is All Sinhala leader time to time ask Tamil to become Sri Lankan but they want to be Bhuddist Sinhalese Sri Lankan , why not They genivienly ask Tamils to become Bhuddist Sinhala Sri Lankan or they can become a Sri Lankan (instead of Bhuddist Sinhala Sri Lankan ) !
    or if they are genievine clever enough than give free Sinhala bhussist education to All Tamil eventualy (audomaticaly) in 20 years they will be Sinhala Bhussits Sri Lankam or Sinhala Saivate Sri Lankan !

  34. Fran Diaz Says:

    I am not an expert to answer the questions you have asked here. However, I shall do my best to respond within my limited knowledge of events.

    Andy, you say “Standardisation rules was 100% against our life (with out any alternative) …” that is because there were less Tamil rural folk to benefit than Sinhala folk since there are less Tamil people in Lanka than Sinhala people. Even at this later stage, what alternative do you propose ?

    You say : 2)Library burning:- I was their next day morning graping(stealing) some valuable book from library – forces was present their but they did not give damp about that ! Way ?
    You cannot accept perfection in war. The soldiers allowed you to take away books. That may have seemed fair enough to them. GoSL did not burn the library. Please remember that Jaffna was not ‘ruled’ by GoSL – there was lawlessness for many years. In fact, some sense of recovery and law abidance is happening only now.

    You say : ” He delear curfew after one week why ????” I recall the rioting stopped after 3 days. Wasn’t a curfew imposed on the 4th day ? – that is how I remember it – may be it was after 5 days. Not sure.

    You say: “why DS (1952) decisted to (passed citizon Act) take off these Tamil specking Estate Tamil citizon citizanship( ok not giving citizenship )!”
    I can think of half a dozen reasons why DS took that stand. Main reason would have been to pay attention and give due place to Sinhala people who had been neglected for about 500 yrs under Colonisation. You must remember that Tamil labor was brought into Lanka and kept under pretty horrendous conditions in the tea estates by the British. They were later known as Indian Tamils or Upcountry Tamils. Even now, these Tamil people take their cue from Tamil leaders as do Jaffna Tamils. These are two cul-de-sacs of Tamil folk fairly untouched by the rest of Lanka. Now both sectors of Tamil people are citizens of Lanka and free to integrate into mainstream life in Lanka. Will they ?

    Dear Andy,

    Re Language :
    To belong to any country, we have to know the main language of that country. That is of primary importance. Therefore, Tamil people should, if wise, learn Sinhala and belong in Mother Lanka, even if their religion is mainly Hinduism.

    Re Religion:
    To integrate with Buddhism is very easy for Hindu people, because the root values of higher Hindu teachings (4 Yogas) & Buddhism are the same. After all, as I said before, Hindu & Buddhist religions have much common ground in Meditation (higher Hindu teachings from the 4 Yogas), Karma, re-birth, a mainly vegetarian diet, enviro friendly agriculture etc. It is only natural for the two cultures to harmonise. The pure Hindu higher teachings are wonderful and effort made to pursue those teachings.

    Or, if Tamil people wish, programs to teach Sinhala &/or Buddhism in any area of Lanka should not be too difficult start off, even now. Tell the President & Parliament of your wishes. We are Democracy, and the wishes of the people are paramount.
    If your elected MPs do not do the needful for you, you and your groups should feel free to contact the President & Parliament directly, provided the requests are reasonable.

    We need a great deal of sincerity, good ethics & morals to carry this through to success. Our sincere best wishes to you all.

  35. lingamAndy Says:

    Thanks Fran Diaz your honest answer , You proofed me again My father’s believed ( passed away 5 years ago)
    All Chinhalavan are very innacent people , even though his 40 years of hard work business burned to ash at colombo 10 with present of riats police (not used tiya gas against riaters ) , He came to Jaffna with Two saaram & a shirt in July 1983 !

    Fran Diaz ,ok please give your thought about our current bath to our lasting solution !!!
    We were behaint VP & co for last 33 years to acheived our lasting soluation, stongly thought colombo Govt never go for all out war , even if they go they have to kill atleast 25,000 to 30,000 people to get VP & atleast whole 300,000 people to will be refugee with out food , so no way in this world as third country like SL can not affort to provided atleast a meal for atleast a day – all these proofed wrong by Great SL Govt & his forces !!!

    Now our new bath to achieve our lasting solution !
    Go behaint USA, Western country , India & UN to give head ech to SL Govt Day & Night!
    eg:chase if Presedent or any Govt minister come to Wersten world , organise weekly demonstrat in Indian & western country against SL govt………
    do you thing this will bring our lasting solution Tamil EElam !!!

  36. Dham Says:

    Lingam Machang,
    ” Univ. Entrance : – You know We Tamil only Only had education in Sri lanka nothing else (before 1983) for our life , Standardisation rules was 100% against our life (with out any alternative)”

    This is one of the most foolish thinking LTTE taught you machang. Take my word for it.
    Truth is,

    Demala people cheated AL results first. They entered Uni by cheating. I am from the 1st Standardisation batch.
    I came from Colombo and it was same difficulty to enter from both these cities. But is is fair enough. In my batch , the man hoo topped in uni came from far. He had only 1C + 3S . COlombus and jaffnas had 2A+ 2B no where near him ? Why ?
    In the uni I was helping my Demala friends who had better AL results than me.
    Why ?

    There is no difference Machnag. Tamil or Sinhala is the same. People from Vanni also came with very low scores, same as Hambantota.
    Foolish politicians could not even enter uni.

    But even in uni my demala friends cheated. Demala lectureres leaked papers to them.
    This is the truth, Machang.

  37. Fran Diaz Says:


    You say ” …. his 40 years of hard work business burned to ash at colombo 10 with present of riats police (not used tiya gas against riaters ) , He came to Jaffna with Two saaram & a shirt in July 1983 !”. What can I say to this kind of suffering ? I can only explain to you that JRJs hands were tied. Lanka got caught in the Cold War between the superpowers and as JRJ went too far west, India was used via J.N. Dixit and other powers to clamp down JRJ. Curfew was declared after the damage was done. Damage done was certainly used by Tamil leaders to bring down Lanka. But, I am truly sorry that such events ever happened in Lanka. I think CBK apologised to the Tamil people twice, when she was President.

    You also say : ” Go behaint USA, Western country , India & UN to give head ech to SL Govt Day & Night!
    eg:chase if Presedent or any Govt minister come to Wersten world , organise weekly demonstrat in Indian & western country against SL govt………
    do you thing this will bring our lasting solution Tamil EElam !!!”
    My answer is : NO. It will not help. It will only harden the hearts of all the Others of Lanka, not only the Sinhala people. Bringing disrepute on Lanka is the worst thing for the Tamils of Lanka. It will not be tolerated by any Others in Lanka.

    However, on the positive side, matters like illegal migrants from Tamil Nadu especially, will be dealt with properly and stopped. Also, hopefully labor needs in Lanka streamlined.
    Another point : Tamil people of Lanka will be forced to be reasonable and integrate into mainstream life here, and not depend on a mythical Eelam which is almost as bad as the man made Caste issue, which has to be erased without harming anyone.

  38. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    CBK apologised to the Tamil people – YES did I personaly believed She done it sincertly ( tear in her eye ) but when she desolved early Ranil W Govt to distrop CA between Govt & LTTE , She has proff her Father side of Sinhala Bhuddism agains Tamil ? I hope I was wrong to come this conclution ?

    all the Others of Lanka, not only the Sinhala people- Sorry to say ,Now All dispor Sri Lankan Tamil want , We do not mind We loose a eye but as long as our enemy ( Chinhalaan )also lose his eye ( very bad our evil original Tamil attitute also do not give dump about who live in Srinka (Tamils)) in other ward they donot want you win & I win , what they want you not win & I do not win !

  39. Fran Diaz Says:


    Let’s not get hysterical about this.

    CBK had no choice in that matter of the CFA. What was the CFA doing to the Others who were not in ltte outfit ? The ltte outfit started killing Others and expanding into Others’ land. There was no CFA – it was a ceasefire only for the GoSL, not for the ltte. Do you blame CBK for her actions as President ? What do you expect a Sinhala person to do – just lie down and die for P’karan to take over ? We have long memories of that time. Time will never erase those dark, stupid days. It is stupid for Lanka to take on Tamil caste issues. That has to be solved in Tamil Nadu.

    Tamil people are now frustrated because they feel they ought to have ‘won’. There are no winners in any war. Both sides lose a great deal. Now is the time to wipe the slate clean and start off again.

    In the end, Truth (God/Allah/Light) is the winner. God’s Laws are unshakeable. Look at all the World Wars. Human beings have HAD to come back to the Light of Clarity. We have to learn to subdue the negative side of our MINDS, and then we have won the Universe itself.
    No other salvation for anyone. All die in the end and it is the Beyond we have to look at too. This brief life on earth is just one classroom, and there is much more in the Beyond. There are actions & reactions to everything (Karma). That is the Law.

    If any human being stays in a dark state of mind, our very physiology destroys that human being with long suffering. The wise ones stay away from the Dark side of our nature. There are ways out of suffering.

    See free webcasts on for more clarity on the subject of life.

  40. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz ,
    There was no CFA – it was a ceasefire only for the GoSL, not for the ltte- Not fully agrred , Yes LTTE broken more CF vailation than GoSL , but we had outsider (Norway) as middle man , If GoSL( CBK) is genievien she should have ceesed CFA through negotioter instead broken herself this depead of CN & SWRD , CN& DudleyS agreement by Bhuddist Sinhala head of leders agains Tamils !

    We have long memories of that time. Time will never erase those dark, stupid days- Fully aggreed , We Tamils also have same percentage of as you Sinhala brother & sisters have ! why I want to make this comments not because ok we also suffered so everthink is zero , NOT for that, When you come for a lasting solution I want you to to think this people need more than what we offering ( not just joint with as so you do have problm -eg: integrate into mainstream )
    You eye for my eye is not correct solution but at this point but all Tamil are in this position !

    Yes I fully agreed personaly -The wise ones stay away from the Dark side of our nature. There are ways out of suffering

  41. Andare Says:

    The Tamil low caste have been taken for a long ride by the Vellalas who have used the low caste Tamils to try to create a separate state by violence. If the Vellalas succeed net result will be that the Vellalas will remain at the top and the low caste will be down there as it is right now.

    If you want a real change then decide to assimilate in to Sinhala main stream, learn Sinhalese, become Buddhists and become Sri Lankans. Then you will really evolve. As you have admitted Sinhalese are very kind, tolerant and put up with all the atrocities committed by the LTTE for 30 years.

    Otherwise if you go with the Vellala plan to create a separate state then it will be a repeat of what we underwent for 30 years. Is that what you want? You will end up under the Vellala jackboot anyway.

    You must throw out the TNA and go to the President directly and he is a kind and generous man as you can see from his actions. He treated the Tamils very well in spite of all that has been done by them against the country.

    He is a truly Buddhist person who considers all the people as his children. Otherwise the best thing is for all the low caste to go back to South India where you came from and settle down there so that you can keep your culture intact.

  42. lingamAndy Says:

    low caste & high caste is our own Tamil problm – My concern why ( Kola veri ) Sinhala Bhuddist are not kind, tolerant as My father discrip me ?

    He is a truly Buddhist person – Not agrred , (Eg: He said Zero civian dead in May2009, promised once LTTE gone he will give 13+).

    the best thing is for all the low caste – I think We Tamil have some think in head to desite what is best for us?

    where you came from – We both come from same place that is our own mother !!!

    Oh Shanthy !!!

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