Has the water entered my ship
Posted on June 12th, 2012

What a wonderful moral story

In 1923 , eight of the wealthiest people in the world met . Their combined wealth , estimated, exceeded the wealth of the government of the United States . These men knew how to make a living and accumulate wealth . It’s very interesting to read about what happened to these 8 wealthiest people in the world………….

So 25 years later…….

1. President of the largest Steel Company , Charles Schwab , died bankrupt .

2. President of the largest Gas Company , Howard Hubson , went insane .

3. One of the greatest commodity traders , Arthur Cutton , died insolvent .

4. President of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Whitney , was sent to jail .

5. A member of the President’s Cabinet , Albert Fall , was pardoned from jail .

6. The greatest “bear” on Wall Street , Jessie Livermore , committed suicide .

7. President of the world’s greatest monopoly , Ivar Krueger , committed suicide .

8. President , Bank of International Settlement , Leon Fraser , committed suicide .

So less than 10 years later……… In Sri Lanka…

1) Chairman of Sri Lanka largest business conglomerate, Lalith Kotalawela jailed and released on bail. Currently live in bankruptcy.

2) Director General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Palitha Gunawardena died in Tsunami.

3) Chairman of Colombo Fort Land PLC, Senathiraja died of cancer.

4) Chairman of Petroleum Corporation Asantha De Mel prevented from holding Public office.

5) Chairman of Hayles PLC . Dr D.S.Jayasundra died of Heart Attack in Australia.

6) Chairman Pramuka Bank, Rohan Perera is in exile.

7) Chairman Shakvithi Group. Mr Sakvithi, serving jail sentence.

8) Top businessman Upali Wijewardena died in a plane crash and body is yet to be found.

9) Chairman Vanik Group one of the largest investment banks in Sri Lanka, Justin Meegoda live in bankruptcy.

10) Raj Rajaratnam, Sri Lankan born famous fund manager serving jail sentence for insider dealing and white collar crime in USA.

So, what happened ? Where did they go wrong ? They most certainly made lots and lots of money . They were very wealthy . But what did they lack then ? In fact , as much as they knew how to make a living , they forgot to make a life ! Instead , they just made Money ! Money provides comfort and status , so true . It also provides food for the hungry , medicine for the sick , clothes for the needy ; and shelter for the homeless , yet , noteworthy to mention that is only a medium of exchange .

Our education system needs to share two kinds of education . One that teaches us skills on how to make a living ; and one that teaches us values on how to live life , free from entrapment of chasing after an illusion of happiness . Many people are entrapped in that chase neglecting health , family , the social responsibilities , the environment and moment by moment of real deep fresh breathing . The kids are sleeping when we leave home . They are sleeping when we come home . Twenty years later , we WILL turn back , and they’ll all be gone . Same goes for our health , dreams , and purpose in life . Twenty years later , they will all be gone or a far distant memory .

Without water , a ship cannot move . The ship needs water . Yet , if the water gets into the ship, the ship will face problems and potentially sink. Similarly , we live in a time where earning is a necessity ; but let not the earning enter our hearts ; for , what was once a means of living , will become heavy chain, an entrapment and a means of destruction !!!???

So take a moment and ask yourself .. “Has the water entered my ship ?”

2 Responses to “Has the water entered my ship”

  1. Nimal Says:

    Not everybody like the people mentioned above.I can easily top the sri Lankans above because all the wealth is mine.When it comes to expansion of business one must only bite one could chew.In my case banks are queuing up to lend me some, interest free for a reasonable period but I refused as the fundamentals are not there.If you work hard and be honest the world is your oyster but some of these failures are vain,stupid,show offs, terrible risk takers and downright dishonest by taking someone else’s money and ponzi schemes is the worst scenario and they deserve what they get.Mustn’t let greed overshadow good business sense Amen.

  2. gishan Says:

    That is ATALAW DAHAMA . The TRUTH which is explained in BUDDHISM very well

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