Report About India Targetting Strategic Installations In Sri Lanka Needs Verification As It Bears A chilling Impact On The National Security Of Sri Lanka As Well As The Region.
Posted on August 25th, 2012

Insight By Sunil Kumar

August 24th 2012

If the contents of the following item posted on Lankaweb on 22.8.12 bear any semblance to the truthƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  or veracity based on tangible evidence it surely has a chilling impact on the national security of Sri Lanka as well as the entire region of South Asia and beyond andƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  probably needs official clarification by the Government of Sri Lanka as the implication towards high handedness and violation of treaties and related protocols in a nuclear armed world of today then rests heavily on India.

Towards allaying any real concerns however it needs to be observed thatƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ there is no source or signatory to this item heavily laden with hearsay, speculation and a touch of codswallop probing the private affairs of individuals connected to the issue !ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ although the facts and figures presented could be interpreted as bearing an uncanny resemblance to what India is capable of doing using disgruntlement( to put it mildly) about good relations between Sri Lanka and China as well as Pakistan who have always been staunch allies of Sri Lanka which is no excuse for nuclear intimidation on the part of India.

It must also be remembered that going back in time during the Indira Gandhi regime as well as that of her son Rajiv, India did in fact make many attempts to intimidate Sri Lanka to appease the State ofTamil Nadu (which they were heavily dependent upon for constitutional votes)ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ over the Tamil Tiger issue for which many IndianƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ by rights should have had pangs of conciences based on the extreme nature of some of India’s actionsƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ eventually albeit a lack of conscience apathetically seen on the part of some Tamili Nadu politicos of the present day when considering the likes of Messers.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Karunanidhi and Vaiko andƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Mme. Jayalalitha to name just a few who continue to agitate over Tamil issues mostly towards ensuring their continuity as parliamentarians of the State of Tamil Nadu rather than any real sympathy for Sri lankan Tamils as observed by many analysts.

If the details of this item are provable and a response obtainable from the Indian Government towards its accuracy and credibility ( highly unlikelyƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ though it seems)ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ it will in all probabilities thenƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ spark off a very serious regional as well as international incident as the world knows the nuclear capability of India and her track record of attempting to intimidate Sri Lanka in the past as well as present( not necessarily with any nuclear threat although in this item it seems very plausible)ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ not forgetting the stance taken at the UNHRC sessions in Geneva where India showed no loyalty to her neighbour over human rights violations although that is an unrelated issue where the implication still forebears an anti – Sri Lankan attitude on the part of IndiaƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ and it will indeed be India’s turn to truly hang her head in shame where a warning by the International CouncilƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Governing The Conditions ForƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Nuclear ArmamaentƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ should in all likelihood be in order for India to govern herself accordingly.

In retrospect, India should be subjected to admission or denial of the contents of this item by the proper authoritiesƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ towards the gross irresponsibilities portrayed and the danger they would pose to Sri Lanka if verifiably true! A tough ask perhaps where India is not likely to admit to any related guilt shrugging it off as hearsay towards hide saving knowing fully well that none of the allegations herein are provable.

And if this is an item concocted by mischief makers then they should be brought to taskƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ to faceƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ heavy penalties!


India, it was reported stationed long range Agni type Missile system targeting Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s strategic institutions. Among these strategic institutions are, Colombo and Hambanthota Ports, Katunayaka, Ratmalana and Mattala Air Ports, Military Headquarters, Putlam Coal plant and Kerawalapitiya-Kelanithissa oil fired Power Plants etc. Indian Defense Authorities launched an Integrated Guided Missile Program (IGMOP) for the Research and Development of comprehensive range of missiles, which is managed by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). They have now developed Nuke capable Agni I ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” VI (capable of carrying 1000-2000kg war heads within a range of 1000 ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” 8000km) which can target any military or any other installation in South Asia including Sri Lanka.

India and the US joined in secret to cut off ChinaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s supply route from Iran-Pakistan-Sri Lanka ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…”Bangladesh and Myanmar. It is reported that India is also in the process of developing a Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system as an initiative to develop and deploy a multi layers system to protect India from possible ballistic missile attacks from Pakistan and China. Recently, India charged Sri Lanka for secretly soliciting technical support from Pakistan to develop Nuclear Energy and possible enrichment of Uranium so that Sri Lanka could develop medium range missiles with Nuke war heads.

This sensitive defense related information was revealed when the Indian Intelligence AgencyƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s Research and Analysing Wing (RAW) sacked its high ranking officer, Amreet Ahluwalia from his posting (Beijing Chief) in China. Ahluwalia was charged for compromising sensitive defense information relating to India-China-Pakistan and perhaps Sri Lanka. Ahluwalia, a joint secretary level officer, was suspected for ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”Operational ImproprietyƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ and has been summarily dismissed. Earlier, in 2004, the same charges were brought against Rabinder Singh who had defected to the US with stock files of information regarding IndiaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s missiles and nuclear capabilities.
In 2008, the then RAW head, Ashok Chaturvedi charged JS level officer Ravi Nair posted in Sri Lanka for cultivating intimate connections with a Thai-Chinese girl who was said to be a Chinese Spy. This connection had begun when Ravi Nair was posted in Hong Kong and was uncovered when his legal wife complained to the RAW about his liaison with this Thai-Chinese woman.
A few weeks ago, the Indian HC in Sri Lanka was rocked by the sexual scandal involving its 1st secretary, Anurag Srirvastara and the Editor of the Daily Mirror, Champika Liyanaarachchi. The Editor of the DM published a few news articles against India as a smoke screen after their clandestine relationship was exposed,. She still continues her secret liaison with various agencies which are anti Sri Lanka.
India, this time used the Tamil Card to get more economic benefits from Sri Lanka while opposing every move of the Chinese Investors. The most recent being the Exclusive Free Trade Zone in Trinco for the Indians and the Catic deal in Colombo

19 Responses to “Report About India Targetting Strategic Installations In Sri Lanka Needs Verification As It Bears A chilling Impact On The National Security Of Sri Lanka As Well As The Region.”

  1. M.S.MUDALI Says:

    Is this guy drunk and write in hulcination?

  2. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    Is Mr. Mudali weighing sympathies with India and Tamil Nadu?
    He appears to have woken up again from a confused slumber.
    The correct spelling is hallucination and its no hallucination what the article presents. If true its stark reality!
    If the inferences made cannot be correctly interpreted why waste time making apathetic comments.

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    Mu-Dalit is suffering from the effects of abuse by the British that displaced his clan from Tamil Madu to SL and later by IPKF.

    Time to time he gets hallucinations of his violent IPKF past.

  4. M.S.MUDALI Says:

    I never know Peetha Parangia Lorenzo and Sunil Mattayaa from England!

    This author is an idiot. India dont need missiles to over-run Sri Lanka. All the sensible persons know it.

    Lorenzo, you are a donkey. When are you going to attack the Tamils in Colombo and rob their homes?

  5. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    The incapacity in Mudali to understand plain English seems to be getting the better of him where he cannot make the simplest inference that the article was an exploration into the possibilities of even a speculated nuclear threat from India which could endanger not only Sri Lanka but also all of Asia both South and Southeast and that it was purely speculatibe albeit being linked to a real and verifiable report.
    And if this lunatic continues to post comments of this nature about attacking Tamils in Colombo and robbing their homes it may be a good idea to censor his outbursts as they hold no intellectual value to the quality of what is published on LankaWeb.

  6. Lorenzo Says:

    Mu-Dalit is suffering from the effects of abuse by the British that displaced his clan from Tamil Madu to SL and later by IPKF.

    Time to time he gets hallucinations of his violent IPKF past.

    Mu-Dalit’s “attack the Tamils in Colombo and rob their homes” mentality is ATYPICAL. It proves he was part of the 1983 TAMIL-LED riot squad of asylum seekers in Colombo.

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    Not only Lankaweb, Mu-Dalit should be banned in SL totally.

  8. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    He banned himself from Sri Lanka many moons ago and is holed out in Tamil Nadu according to reliable reports. There are some who believe he has managed to gain entry to a Western cuntry as a refugee (unconfirmed!)So if he ever attempts to come to Sri Lanka it would be more than likely to his detriment where he would be snapped up at any port of entry the moment he presents himself.He does not know that his passport has been endorsed in tiny script as an undesirable and a terrorist ass kisser.

  9. M.S.MUDALI Says:

    Fools! Mattaya and Parangi Lorenzo:
    I was in Sri lanka few months ago. Even some important personalities congratulated me for the works I did in Canada against LTTE.

    I am laughing at these racist fools and how they are cookingup stories. hahahahahahahaha!

    Lorenzo! you cried that the Tamils in Colombo must be expelled. You are a Malayalee coolie and try to show that you are a Sinhala but no one trust you much! Now you have a partner ‘Mattaya” or “Mottaya”.

  10. Lorenzo Says:


    முட்டாள் புண்டியாண்டி தமிழ் மாடு போடா.

    தொட்டே நை.

  11. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    If the interloper is in Canada we could have him rounded up by the RCMP for openly supporting the Tamil Tigers although he says he worked against them. He could be deported from Canada.
    Lorenzo’s choice language seems to have been a response to provocation.
    Madali( Mada Aliya) says he was welcomed in Sri Lanka which sounds like a joke.
    Maybe he was welcomed by Karunanidhi the Eelam bucket carrier in Tamil Nadu also! he he!

  12. Lorenzo Says:

    Mu-Dalit best understands the Tamil Madu language which is his mother tongue.

    He belongs to Tamil Madu, NOT Canada or SL.

  13. M.S.MUDALI Says:

    Canadian government banned LTTE because the Tamils like me. What the hell the Sinhalese did in Canada against LTTE? We stopped the money flow to the LTTE as well.

    Mottaya cries about RCMP. RCMP is not the Sinhala Police goons who get “bribe” and beat people. You better tell RCMP who knows me very, very, very. very well! Canada will deport people like Mottaya and Lorenzo and not me! Many such LTTE goons were deported.

    Lorezo proves himself as a Malayalee. Nice!

  14. M.S.MUDALI Says:

    Lorenzo’s barkings are better enough to get refugee status in Canada or elswhere. I hope Tamils who seek asylum will use it because the anti-Tamil issues are not dead! Still People like Lorenzo looking for killing more Tamils and ethnic cleansing of Colombo! Lankaweb is the witness.

  15. Lorenzo Says:


    Canada didn’t ban LTTE because of you! Stop pretending. Canada, USA, EU, India banned LTTE and many other Tamil organisations because of us. Our next big plan is to ban you and your clan.

    You tried everything to stop Canada banning your darling LTTE. Bad luck.

    You can’t accept India targeting SL because you are a IPKF-son.

    தமிழ் மாடு போடா !!

  16. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    Canada did in fact ban the LTTE because of the pro terrorist activities of the like of Muduma Dalit and the motta activities of his cronies such as waving the tiger flag in public places, logos on cars, secret cell meetings to raise funds, threats on civilians who refused to pay extortion money etc. where all their planning, strategy using computer technology and covert operations were crushed and the pathetic wretches went underground with their tails between their legs. Mr Muduma Dalit has revealed that he is in Canada and my contacts in the RCMP will be quite interested to know more about him.Wonder if he will respond to this in the face of my response or run for it! he he!

  17. M.S.MUDALI Says:

    UK too banned LTTE but allow LTTE goons to live and wave flags. But in Canada we anti-LTTE Tamils dont allow those things to happen.

    Sunil Mottaya:
    You are a real stupid and thinks that SINHALA is enough to go against LTTE or blame every Tamil as LTTE. But you are still a frog in the well!

    Remember a Tamil Lakshman kadigamaer spearheded to ban the LTTE. The Sinhala Malayalis like Thilak Marappana supplied weapons to LTTE! That is the different between you and me! Dont cry about RCMP which is not run by Mervyn Silva or Soththi Upali or Ranil!

    Donkey Lorenzo:
    What the hell you did to stop the LTTE in Canada? Your statements in Lankaweb will increase more Tamil refugees and LTTE supporters in Canada!

  18. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    Lankaweb should not post rubbish of this nature by idiots like MS Mudali who seems to love name calling.
    I will break with tradition and interject therfore the it ” Makes people wonder if M.S. stand for Moda Sipaiyya He He !who seems to think the world is full of idiots like himself, morons in fact who have the nerve to talk about anti-LTTE Tamils which is a figment of his imagination. at least 90% of Tamils supported the LTTE whether willingly or not according to records until they were coralled.Had there been an anti LTTE Tamil movement in Canada it would have made history.The records show that these Tamils were so arrogant they openly and blatantly spread LTTE propaganda until they were sought out and destroyed.
    The name of Dr Kadirgamar( not Kadigamaer you idiot!) is taken in vain here as it was the conspiratorial mentalities of the like of this you and your croniesl that destrioyed the precious life of one of Lanka’s greates sons.It is hoped that your crap will not be posted here anymore you probably need psychiatric evaluation.

  19. Lorenzo Says:



    Well done SL.

    A small victory for SL, but a giant victory for mankind!

    I’m SO PROUD of SL.

    You LOSE again. It is Nanthikadal time again! I wish we have Nanthikadal events EVERY YEAR.

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