Chief Justice removed with immediate effect- Can she forcefully occupy the post for a constitutional showdown and challenge the president’s decree??.
Posted on January 13th, 2013

Sri Lanka News

Sri Lanka’s President Mahinda Rajapakse Sunday sacked the country’s first woman chief justice by ratifying parliament’s vote to impeach her after a closed-door meeting with other judges on Saturday, according to a presidential spokesman. He had disclosed to the judges that the Chief Justice Bandaranayake had sought an extension till April with certain conditions, but he was not in favour of it.

Up to the eleventh hour, President Rajapaksa had been offering the CJ the opportunity to resign with all benefits due to such a high official, including the pension.

“The president this morning signed the letter removing Shirani Bandaranayake from the office of chief justice,” Presidential spokesman. “The letter was hand-delivered to her by a secretary accompanied by presidential security staff.”

Presidential spokesman said the president acted in line with the constitution to remove Bandaranayake, 54, following Friday’s overwhelming parliamentary vote to remove her.

A Parliamentary select committee had been appointed by the speaker to investigate 14 charges tabled against her in the parliament andƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  found her guilty ofƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  failing to declare details of 20 bank accounts and ofƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  purchasing a property and then taken control of cases involving the company that sold the property. She was also found to have a conflict of interest because she had supervisory powers over judges in a bribery charge against her husband, a former state bank chairman.

There was speculation that she might go for a constitutional showdown by refusing to quit. According to those who were observing the Chief JusticeƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s movements after the delivery of the letter, she had left her official residence in the afternoon in a red jeep . It is possible that she was on her way to consult some judges and lawyers and planning to enter the office on Tuesday for a forceful occupation of the office for aƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  constitutional showdown.

The Presidential Spokesman has issued the following statement:

Chief Justice removed with immediate effect
“President Mahinda Rajapaksa signed this morning the order removing Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake from office with immediate effect in accordance with the resolution passed by Parliament on January 11, 20013.
This measure was taken in terms of Article 107 (2) of the Constitution.
The removal order was delivered this morning to the official residence of Ms Bandaranayake by a Senior Assistant Secretary of the Presidential Secretariat and an officer of the Presidential Security Division.
The President has said in his order that he was in agreement with the request for the removal of Chief Justice from office made in the said address of Parliament.”

34 Responses to “Chief Justice removed with immediate effect- Can she forcefully occupy the post for a constitutional showdown and challenge the president’s decree??.”

  1. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Thank you very much Hon President for taking this prompt decision to eradicate corruption from the top of the Judiciary and downward. As we all know, people of Sri Lanka had been complaining about political and judicial corruptions,for many, many years, that greatly hinder the development and progress in our country. Let us start from the top now and use top-down approach to clean our society from corruptions that are mostly supported and instigated by the so called Western mafia or the international community.

  2. jay-ran Says:

    Yes, as NeelaMahaYoda says,we allmust be thankfull to the Hon President for taking thisquick decision toremove the CORRUPT CHEAP JUSTICE.
    I takemy hats off specially considering the plight that fell on over 9000 Golden Key Depositors who were about to lose thier money owing to the DIRTY,CORRUPT ACTIONS of this woman SB.This corrupt action is enough for thiswoman AS WELL AS ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORTED HER INLAND AND OUTSIDE, UNTILL THE LAST MOMENT ,TO SUFFER IN HELL BY BURNING LIVE.

  3. LankaLover Says:

    In my opinion, the charges against the Chief Justice is miniscule compared to the massive corruptions of many ministers and people close to the President or the party. However, there is no action taken whatsoever against them driving the country in a misery lane forever.

    Nevertheless, I do not like the fact that CJ taking the law into her own hand when deciding on the Divineguma Bill favoring the interpretations given by anti-Sri Lankan camp.

    Mahinda showed again that he is the Alpha Male, and none can mess with him, even how farce it looks like. If Mahinda could act in this vigor against CJ, it would be a puny task to eliminate massive scale corruption happening in every level of the Administration. It should be the call of the hour to develop this country.

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    “It is possible that she was on her way to consult some judges and lawyers and planning to enter the office on Tuesday for a forceful occupation of the office for a constitutional showdown.”

    Fantastic I say! Bring it on if she can!

    If there is a constitutional crisis, that makes it IMPERATIVE to have a NEW CONSTITUTION.

    Govt. should GRAB the opportunity to replace this old and outdated constitution with a brand new one. We can get rid of 13 amendment in one scoop.

    But my guess is SB will leave in her new red jeep donated by Golden Key crooks.

    After losing the election SF forcefully occupied the house of the opposition leader. Fearing for his wife, Run-NIL ran away with her.

  5. aravinda Says:

    Well done. Good riddance. GROBR. Good riddance of bad rubbish.

    Parliament is supreme, has absolute sovereignty, is supreme over all other government institutions, including executive or judicial bodies and not bound by written or case law. Parliament represent people. The sovereign power lies with the people, represented by the Parliament. The Parliament is the highest organ of government the parliament holds supreme legislative power and can alter the constitution.

    And who is Shriani Bandaranaike? Only a public servant.

  6. ranjit Says:

    Thank God it was over.Thanks Mr.President for your courageous decision. Do not stop there Mr.President wipe out all corruption from top to bottom from our society then only real peace will come to my homeland. If your Ministers or any Govt official is corrupt do not hesitate to take him out for good. Your good name will be written in Golden letters in everybody’s mind if you clean up our society fearlessly. We the good people who like to see peace and stability in the homeland will welcome any move you take to eradicate corruption.

    Also remove murderers,rapists,thieves from the Govt ranks without fear if they found guilty for any misconduct. You have enough time and enough majority behind you so clean up MR. Presidente.

  7. cassandra Says:


    You say that “Parliament is supreme, has absolute sovereignty, is supreme over all other government institutions, including executive or judicial bodies and not bound by written or case law.” The government certainly seems to share your view. But that, my friend, is not the constitutional position. Mad dogs are not bound by written or case law either. But if parliament is not bound by written or case law, by what is it bound ?

    You will do well to read the Constitution carefully, in particular, Article 4 which deals with the separate arms through which the legislative, executive and judicial power of the People is to be exercised. I will also commend for your reading – and for that of those who mindlessly go on about the supremacy of parliament – an excellent article appearing in today’s ‘Island’ – “Parliament is not a law free zone” by Dr Reeza Hameed.

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    Parliament & President have both voted the CJ out. There is ample evidence to show up the CJ’s misuse of office. What more ?

    Sri Lanka has to move on from hysterical east/west, right/left politics to a place of comfort which is truly PATRIOTIC in every sense of the word. Post Colonial Sri Lanka has been overly accepting of non-Patriotism. VIPs must learn to put the Nation before self. Also, for instance, what would any Democratic western country have done with Madam SB – worth a separate study !

    DEMOCRACY & PATRIOTISM go hand in hand. The need of the hour is to make all appointments to any high office of able (proven ability) people who are PATRIOTIC.

    Time for the Great Cleanup of Sri Lanka. Use Lanka Resources (which belongs to the People of Lanka), through new ways to benefit all.

    Sri Lanka is NOT up for sale in the international market place. To Minority folk we say, pull together or do you want to go through another 500 yrs of neocolonial rule ?

  9. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Sri Lanka is NOT up for sale in the international market place ! Already Sold !

  10. Fran Diaz Says:


    to whom ?

  11. aravinda Says:

    Cassendra, Parliament is bound by the will of the people. We vote. We decide. No law is above that.

  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    Hi Andy,

    You made a statement. :”Already sold”. Back it up with fact & figures, or withdraw it, please.

  13. cassandra Says:


    I imagine you have heard of the old saying that you can take a horse to the water but you cannot make it drink.
    I cannot do any more than point you in the right direction. If you wish to persist with your views, that’s your choice

  14. Nanda Says:

    I guess, Colombo is sold to Wahabis, Negambo to Cassandras, Jaffana to Lingams

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    LTTE CPA of Pakyasoththi has filed a petition against new CJ!!

    Creepies coming from the woodwork.

  16. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Sri Lankan are working (unskill workers) all over Arabs & Western world as cheap labour (inclde myself) but in our mother lanka Chinese are doing same jobs for whom ??? for China !!!

  17. Fran Diaz Says:


    For Post Independent Sri Lanka, real down to earth help has come from China. Since the days of Rubber/Rice Pact with China, good relations have been established between the two countries.

    As for Chinese working in Sri Lanka, it started with the building of the BMICH. It is part of the various Agreements on various projects. China sends its workers abroad whenever possible to wherever possible, not only to Sri Lanka. They generally do a good job of all their projects, as we can see. They are disciplined.
    They do go back to China after the projects are completed, unless remaining on for a specific time period as maintenance workers. This is all part of the Agreements with various GoSLs.

    Ask your MPs more questions if you want to. It is their duty to answer queries from the public.

    PS: I thought you were somewhere in the USA, ‘cleaning toilets’ for the west ?

  18. Fran Diaz Says:


    It is inevitable that in our Democracy, some areas of Sri Lanka will not be occupied by Sinhala folk. We ought not to see these areas as separate from the rest of Lanka. Instead, we have to demand PATRIOTISM from all Sri Lanka citizens.
    Even now it is not too late to have all school children take an Oath of Allegiance to Sri Lanka (as is done in most western countries where children take similar oaths to be loyal to those countries). It has to begin with children or else the rot of Non-Patriotism sets in.
    Similarly, all govt. employees ought to take the Oath at least once a week. The Private Sector ought to also do so by law.

  19. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    USA, ‘cleaning toilets’ for the west ? correct job but in European union !

  20. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    China, good relations have been established between the two countries. – Now I can understand why this Indian give free arms traing to Tamil living in Sri Lanka when ever they needs ( new recruiment started now selected from refugee camp(150,000 remining)) !

    is any other why out for SL Tami excepet separation ?

  21. Fran Diaz Says:


    You say : “Now I can understand why this Indian give free arms traing to Tamil living in Sri Lanka when ever they needs ( new recruiment started now selected from refugee camp(150,000 remining)) !”.

    We have no idea where you get such information. Please state your sources and facts & figures.

    Tamil people must realise that they are running away only from the CASTE STRUCTURES OF TAMIL NADU, nothing else. That is the Primeval Fear for Tamils of Lanka. Sri Lanka, a Buddhist nation, does not recognise caste structures. There is a great psychological battle on for Tamil people of Lanka to let go the Caste Structure. If Tamils separate they will be subjugated by Tamil Nadu and all the attendant Caste Structures there, denying to them the very reason for separatism.

    Fear & Separatism is not the answer. Do not invent all sorts of FALSE fear reasons to justify separatism – that is unreasonable, even crazy. In 1983, all sorts of fears & calls for separatism were invented and riots happened. Has it solved any problems for Tamil people ? No. It has only made matters worse for everyone. Go with practical & peaceful solutions, and everyone wins.

    Upcountry tea plucking industry must be modernised with tea plucking machines. Then anyone can pluck tea, as done in Africa etc.

    We have been through all this before. It is up to the Tamil people of Lanka to BELONG to Lanka. Be PATRIOTIC. Seek God within, through Meditation, as stated in Raj Yoga. Turn to the Four Great Yogas, and you cannot lose. We all have Free Education & Health care, which even some rich Democracies do not offer.

    I have nothing more to say, except that it is high time you let go your Caste Structures & practices which kills you from within your own psyche. Turn to the beautiful Hindu Four Great Yogas which are free of caste.

  22. Fran Diaz Says:

    I might add that the SAME LAWS OF GOD apply to anyone in whatever belief/religious/philosophical system, rich or poor, old or young, whatever ethnic group. As much as water, air, food are needed by all human beings, so is the Inner Way to reach the Godhead within. We are here for God/Truth/Allah Realisation – no other reason for getting a human birth. It is only the happiness from the Heart that truly sustains us, whatever else we have been brought up think as children.

    For more clarity go to website :

  23. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    1) CASTE STRUCTURES OF TAMIL NADU, nothing else- I am not dening that we Tamil have this evil system ( from Saiva (Hindu) religin – Piramin (Iyar), Velalar(high caste), Nalavan etc….) even this 21st century We do not get married to other caste . agrred this caste system have used by Higher caste ( eg: GG , Chelvanayagam) Jaffna people to poissin low caste people to fight againd Bhuddist sinhalese in SL. We all know end result 1983 to 2009 !
    but I am agrred with you We SL Tamil Primeval Fear for Tamils of Lanka- no as You know We SL Tamil are manipulated people so it is not hard us to live in TN or any other World ( me I have to thanks SWRDB for his inavation secondary (maha vidyala) in village level.
    example my own experiance I have visited 2005 Chennai (TN) first time , no fear (almost red carpet wellcome) people in TN thing We are Tamil Nadhu people who live in Srilanka (like malasian / sinhaporien Tamil) . so it is not fear or caste systen effect us (SL Tamil) in TN .

    2) It is up to the Tamil people of Lanka to BELONG to Lanka here is problm We have , are We SL Tamil belong ? if so why We are voting for evil racist Saiva Tamil party TNA ? I am 100% sure We Tamil eat Sooru (Rice) not pi (shit) so Why We are not thing as Sri Lanka !
    Our Bhuddist Chinhala Govt libered 297,000 Tamils from VP& co in Vanni , look after us last 3 years with meal a days … , building house , school , bridges , toitels etc for us … so what elso Chinhala govt can give us to plseae us to vote UNP or SLFP ….. I real do not know !!!

    3) Please state your sources and facts & figures- I ve visited three camps in TN (2005) , & still I have some contact with these far relative living these camp ( time to time I send money) they have info me Indian taken few boys&girls training with their our forces now (eg: morning run , eveing run etc..)!

  24. Fran Diaz Says:


    As far as we know, SL Tamils are ‘welcome’ in Tamil Nadu only when they appear useful to Tamils of TN (lower caste folk at times, and TN leaders sometimes). Otherwise, SL Tamils are sent out of TN whenever possible. It is an Attitude problem coming from the Caste Issue. As you say, I am sorry to note this, “We SL Tamils are manipulated people … “. Why must you allow that to happen ? Stay true to your land of birth, Sri Lanka, and all will be well.

    As for voting, it is better not to vote at all than vote for the wrong political party that leads you all astray. Trust those who have given you genuine help in the past.

    Please explain properly your statement : “Now I can understand why this Indian give free arms traing to Tamil living in Sri Lanka when ever they needs ( new recruiment started now selected from refugee camp(150,000 remining)) !”.
    I simply cannot understand what you are trying to say here. Is the so called training done in India or Sri Lanka ? The situation is much changed from 2005. Why don’t you see the reality of these changes ? It will give us all good hope.

    What people forget is that India, America & Sri Lanka were all Colonies of Britain. Therein lies common understanding and the horror of neo-colonisation. If SL Tamils are transparent and honest in their actions, they will prosper in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.

  25. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    “We SL Tamils are manipulated people – This is true side of us ofcouse not health attitue but that is what We are ( may be our passed Karma ( last life Karma ) We are like that I do not knowwhy ! – what I am trying to say We Tamil will live comfatable in any place ( eg:33 years with VPs or another 33 years with Gota or TN camp (one of the waste condition camps in the world))

    vote for the wrong political party -best knowlege I got from reading this web side, failure of SL Tamil since independent because We did not joint with main political party ( UNP / SLFP)!
    this idea as I am pro separater of SL Tamil may not like it but in reality it work for Muslim & Easte Tamil so I have to aggred that is our fault not jointed with main parties yet !

    training done in India – As We all know all SL Tamil ( 9 groups – ltte , polte, telo ,eprlf ETC….) got arms traing from India in passed
    FYI, At present it strat in small scale ( basic training ) in India.

    SL Tamils are transparent and honest in their actions, they will prosper in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.- They are , but they need genievine head of state ( that can be Bhuddist sinhala person) I hope MR will full fill this soon or later !!!

  26. Fran Diaz Says:

    Andy, you say : “We SL Tamils are manipulated people – This is true side of us ofcouse not health attitue but that is what We are ( may be our passed Karma ( last life Karma ) We are like that I do not knowwhy ! – what I am trying to say We Tamil will live comfatable in any place ( eg:33 years with VPs or another 33 years with Gota or TN camp (one of the waste condition camps in the world))”.

    It is high time you put aside the Caste Structures. Caste is man made and an ancient system that suited those times. Unfortunately, it has been ‘tied’ on to the Hindu religion for a sense of stability. It ought to be looked at squarely in the face for what it is and put aside, without harm to anyone. There is no Karma in the Caste Structure – it is simply a man made convenience. Recognising that it is MAN MADE only will help to take it apart, examine and put aside.

    Karma is Action & Reaction (Law in Physics says every action has an equal and opposite reaction – Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion), simply put, and the Buddhists believe so too, but minus the man made Caste Structures. But the Buddha said to to put to the test everything he said. So should we all – first put to test all that is said in religion and then accept. Abject acceptance of archaic systems is the greatest fault of all. Ignorance of the true Self is the greatest tragedy. The Greeks (Greece is the cradle of western civilization), rejected their pantheon of gods & goddesses, myth & ancient belief systems, and got on with their life in practical terms over 2,000 yrs ago. Tamils and others of Indian origin ought to do the same. It is already happening, but very slowly. Tamil thinkers ought to accelerate this process and move on with their lives and help others to do the same.

    Re training in India – it happened only during the Cold War times when JRJ went too far west. The Cold War is now over. Don’t live in the past. India is as keen to avoid neo-colonisation as are all countries that were colonised earlier. Do not drag India into the picture in a negative way – Lanka & India both want to progress in every sense of the word.

    The govt. infrastructures that have been laid out operates on an equal basis for Sri Lanka citizens, but sometimes favoring minorities over the majority community. I don’t know what you mean by ‘genievine head of state’. Kindly do not mix Hindu ‘gods’ with heads of state of Lanka who are human beings (as confused with Sri Lanka born actor Please explain to us what you mean by ‘genievine head of state’. Also, do you have these ‘genievine’ leaders in Tamil Nadu, the homeland of Tamil people ?

    Tamil people have got really confused with political leaders being ‘gods’ ever since Sri Lanka born M.G. Ramachandran, who played roles of various Hindu gods, also became the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. So much so that some Tamils used to throw themselves under the heavy Vel Cart which MGR rode in style as ‘a god’ (acted out role), in the hope of ‘going to heaven’ dying under the heavy wheels of the Vel Cart !! MGR lives and passed away as a normal human being. He was a good actor and an ordinary human being, NOT A GOD. Sri Lanka does not produce ‘gods for Tamil liberation’. Tamil people ought to see the light of day re the false Caste System and liberate themselves through Meditation as the true God is within each human Heart, reached only through Meditation.

    No offense meant here toward anyone. Only wish to see a happy Sri Lanka & India.

  27. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Thanks points taken .
    mean by ‘genievine head of state’.- yes I aggred We Tamil have this bad happit if any one do good think We will taken to him as God place ( misslead by Hindhusim, said man can become God by doing good think – it does not matter that person is Samiyar(priest) to actor(or even prostitute eg: at present TN CM).
    eg: We start to praying Chandika Bhandaranayaha as godess when she was elected as president

    I mean by genievine head of state’- President of Mother Lanka ! who can unite our diversity !
    My hope Mahinda Rayapaksa can be that person , at present We Tamil are anger about THEY lost our 33 Years National leader (Son of God) ( I know you would not like me use these golden words to this Evil Person but I need to honest with you that way i using these words National leader , Thesiya Thalavar , son of God etc… to VP)
    but this anger is slowing down now , they start to see light in the tanal ( eg: Yal devi will start run from Jaffna Sep13, NP election in Sep13 etc….)

    also as MR said Naan ungal Sakothram , Ennai neengal Nambala ( I am your brother(Sakothraya) You can trust me !!!
    so hope all come to good end soon !!!!

  28. Fran Diaz Says:

    Andy, you say : “I mean by genievine head of state’- President of Mother Lanka ! who can unite our diversity !”.

    It is not Presidents or CMs, Chief Priests or any other VIP who will unite our Nation, but us ordinary folks. Uniting Diversity is no easy task, even for the so called developed world. If we get our thinking rational, and spiritual values right, that life is precious to everyone, and life supportive activity at any level is the happy thing to do, then we will be closer to the Peace Within ourselves (Godhead), and all be winners.

    Do not depend on politicos to deliver happiness – that would be a rather stupid expectation. Politicos can only deliver infrastructure, protect the Nation, etc. to carry daily life at reasonable standards for everyone. Job creation is of great importance, and GoSLs have to help in those lines too.

    If you prayed to CBK to deliver happiness & liberation (from Caste past), and then an ltte suicider bombed the poor lady’s eyes out because she COULDN’T, then praying to politicos for personal deliverance is not only stupid but also a dangerous move.

    Get out of that mode of thinking – fast. You will be glad you did. Treating ordinary human beings as gods is the most dangerous thing possible.

  29. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Do not depend on politicos to deliver happiness – I am thinking as Sri Lankan (Eastern) not as Western person , We Third world people thinking ratinal is different ! We pray our politician & stong believers ( like believe a stone as God Ganapathy etc…) of them!

    I stongly believer a stong Head of state who can change life of ordinary people in SL ! We are sheep (Sheep have a strong instinct to follow the sheep in front of them) so We need best head infront of us !!!
    eg:I know You do not like it but We have VP infront of us ( in a meeting he said , people are Mara manthailkal(thick Sheep) When We runway from South to Jaffna 1983 he said follow me we will get shit out from Sri Lanka forces & he done it last 33 years !!!

    way forward for All Sri Lanka is find unit in diversity !!! no short cut !!! in long term Our diversity will disapear itself by good education ( like you said 4 yoga, change in thinking rational, western civiliation , law obeing citizion etc…)

    Unite state(Provicial) of Sri Lanka !!! UPSL !

  30. Fran Diaz Says:


    Does this type of politco worship culture come from Tamil Nadu ? Maverick thinking from backward Tamil Nadu will not be accepted in Sri Lanka. WE WILL DEFINITELY NOT ESPOUSE your kind of thinking which makes ordinary human beings into gods & goddesses, This is backward thinking of thousands of years ago, going into evolutionary cul-de-sacs. Human beings have to Evolve or perish by their own hands. Nature does not tolerate Ignorance.

    I can accept respect and admiration of a politico, but certainly not turning anyone into gods or goddesses.

    I am all for a Unity, done in a rational fashion. In a Democracy, anyone can present ideas to the public that work for all, not for a few people. Even in the well educated west, Democratic norms for ordinary people have to be closely guarded through the Law & the Media.

    I rest my case.

  31. Fran Diaz Says:

    typo corrected – read as ” I am all for Unity, done in a rational fashion”.

  32. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    Does this type of politco worship culture come from Tamil Nadu ?- I think so
    your kind of thinking which makes ordinary human beings into gods & goddesses- this is not my own personal kind of thing but it is realistic in our mother land include our big brother in India !
    We all SL for unity but We do not have honesty & trust !!!
    ok I rest my case as well !

  33. Fran Diaz Says:


    One more say here.

    We reject all ideas that turn ordinary human beings into gods & goddesses, whether from Tamil Nadu or from India. Only uneducated Tamil folk will accept such ideas. Best thing is a good education to get rid of such ideas. Good ideas of universal value from India such as the Yogas we shall accept, sans the pantheon of gods & goddesses.

    Same with ideas from ex-Colonists of Lanka (Portuguese, Dutch, British) – we reject all that is of no use to us and no good.

    Honesty & Trust was broken by your VP, for 33 yrs. He made use of the Cold War to fight the Tamil Caste wars, and that is why it dragged on for so long. Btw, what did the Tsunami do to VP ? Sea Tiger might and ltte VIPs were swept out to sea. That event was Nature made.

    Honesty & Trust will return, if we so wish that. I hope it does. Thanks for honest exchange of ideas.

  34. lingamAndy Says:

    Fran Diaz
    One more say here….
    We reject all ideas that turn ordinary human beings into gods & goddesses,- In my last nightmair i got a thought in midnight 1 oclock (i checked clock) – Sorry to say I am not aggered with you as not only We Tamil accepted idea of turn ordinary human beings into gods & goddesses, you Sinhalese also accepted Eg: Lord Bhuddha ( Prince of Asoka with family have a child ) so this ideas are common to both us !So we both guilty of lost of our family members since 1948 !

    Honesty & Trust was broken by your VP, for 33 yrs.- We blindly accepted VP as Our Thesiya thalavar because He stoped sinhalese chased us out from south to north since 1956 to 1983 ! he done his job 100% succesfuly by send us as suisit boomers !


    Honesty & Trust- brokenm by Sinhala head of states from DS to MR thats tha facts (eg MR said once war finised he will offer 13 plus , 4 years finished where is the 13 plus …. so total liers is not ???) how can we trust this person saying
    ‘Naan ungal Sakothran , Neengal ennai Nampalam ‘(I am your brother you can trust me) !!!

    Sinhalese has to trust us We will not divided the country & We will kick out Indian ( as did to IPKF) any time they entery in to mother lanka !
    Also Sinhalase has to Honest with us NEP is our tradition home even all of us can live for ever peace fully any parts Mother lanka !

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