Posted on February 1st, 2013


ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ In this world of conspiracies, spreading of depression has proved one of the very successful strategies used as the war tactics and its repercussions are more fatal and lethal than those of a nuclear bomb. Now survival is not the fate of the fittest ones but of those who donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t fall a prey to depression and disappointment. Throughout the world, most of the countries have their own well organized and well trained wings in electronic and print media. The men belonging to these wings are simply the soldiers armed with pens and words and basically they have two responsibilities to perform; spreading disappointment and depression among the enemies and generating hope and determination among their own people. On the whole their assignment is to deform the facts and figures with the help of misinformation in the larger interest of their own country. But at the same time it is something more pathetic that a very few of these men ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”armed with pen and wordsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ join hands with the forces hostile to their own land and start playing in the hands of those whose only objective is to shatter the very foundations of their country. Unluckily such men ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”armed with pen and wordsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ are present in the Pakistani print and electronic media also, though they are few and far between. We always find these ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”unfortunate soldiersƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ trying to prove their loyalty to their foreign masters by acting upon the agenda provided to them. Defaming the Armed forces of Pakistan, slandering the intelligence agencies of Pakistan and above all framing the religious forces in every act of terrorism is the actual duty assigned to such media-men and media groups. Such elements are always eager to spread an impression throughout the world that Pakistan is facing the worst situation of sectarian divide and the blood thirsty sectarian extremists are butchering ruthlessly their religious opponents in the streets of Pakistan; but in reality the situation is altogether different.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Be it the streets and bazaars of Karachi, Quetta or Peshawar, it is not the sectarian conflict which has taken lives of countless Muslims in the name of extremism; it is something else. The people involved in such heinous acts of brutal killing in the name of religion neither belong to the Taliban nor to the Tehreek-Taliban and nor to Al-Qaeda because all these three claim to represent the Muslim community and to safeguard the Muslim interests all over the world. These organizations have a grave enmity with US just because they think US is working against the Muslim interests and it is US which has given all Muslims the name of Terrorists. The wave of targeted killings of the Deobandi, Barailvi and the Shia Ulamas and their respective communities is in fact the part of a well organized conspiracy against the Muslims and the sole aim of this conspiracy is to spread hatred based on misunderstanding among different Muslim sects. The terrorists, according to the agenda provided to them, target someone from the Deobandi sect and the very next day they target someone from the Barailvi sect and the third day their target is someone from the Shia community. The game does not stop here; the targets keep on shifting from the religious persons to the political figures; one day someone from the ANP and the next day someone from the MQM or from the Nawaz League. In short every killing, portrayed by some of the prejudiced media groups or media persons as sectarian killing, has another picture behind.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It is true that the Pakistani society is facing a lot of social and financial problems, yet it has an exemplary harmonized religious fiber. People donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t hate others on religious or sectarian grounds. The Deobandis, the Barailvis and the Shias have family relations and connections with one another. They have inter- marriages, they participate in the religious ceremonies, they share the joys and sorrows of one another and above all they feel grieved at any loss the other community has to bear. Just cast a look at the brutal killing of over one hundred innocent people belonging to the Hazara Community in Quetta a few weeks back. Though most of the martyrs belonged to the Shia sect but the whole of the nation was grieved at this massacre. Though the provincial and the federal governments remained indifferent to this sad incident till the very end but people raised their protest against this genocide throughout Pakistan keeping away all sectarian differences. It was for the first time in the history of Pakistan that the protestants in such a large number demonstrated a sit in with eighty six dead bodies of their dear ones for more than three days. These demonstrators were not only the Hazaraz or the Shias; they were from all social and religious walks of life. Though it was really a heart-rending incident but it gave the world a very strong message that the whole of Pakistani nation hates and condemns every act of terrorism and that the terrorists do not belong to it. However, the demand of removal of the Provincial Government and an SOS call to the Army must be an eye-opener to all those who advocate democracy in Pakistan.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Pakistan is a non-violent and moderate society. People are very much loyal to their land and religion and tolerance is the basic lesson of Islam. They know very well that the secret of their survival as a nation is hidden in unity and harmony. Those who are trying to give an impression to the world that Pakistan is an extremist and intolerant society divided on sectarian grounds are simply distorting the real face of this society. Such people are nothing but the puppets whose strings are in the hands of their puppeteers and their target is to demoralize the Pakistani nation by spreading depression and disappointment in it.


  1. Senevirath Says:

    In this 21st century 95% of terrorists are muslims They do it openly They do it for their Religon Tey call it JIHAD

    They need aPhilosophy not a blid faith . untill then others have to suffer or otherwise we have to be terrorist to save our lives

  2. Muhandiram Says:

    First Islamic terror out fit is Taliban or Al Qaeda?are they fight for freedom from invaders or against innocents?
    Who fund and train against soviet?who usde them against Libya?
    Who using them in Syria?
    What is the motive of them?
    answer is simple.its the cheap resource that is used and using by western imperialists to sabotage/invade the countries.(my great worry is bitter western powers can use them in Sri Lanka wakeup trace the true enemy).

  3. Senevirath Says:

    Prphet MOHOMED himself was a warrior A warrior cannot be peace lover or a religious leader
    History proves it

  4. Senevirath Says:

    Yes all against except Muslims
    ANE MAGE KATA Is there any other religious leader who himself was a warrior except Mohammed

  5. Insula Says:

    Senevirath Says:

    February 3rd, 2013 at 8:08 am
    Prphet MOHOMED himself was a warrior A warrior cannot be peace lover or a religious leader
    History proves it

    Need to be as close to the historical facts and narrations as possible with acceptable references. Need to use the scientific method, like Corpernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton.

    Answer: Wrong. Warrior Emperor Asoka, a Follower of Buddhism promoted Buddhism

    Prophet Mohammed, founder of Islam,(but Muslims claim it was Abraham was the founder monotheism), and promoter of Islam and Warrior-Defender of Islam.

    Warrior Emperor Asoka killed more people than Prophet Mohamed.
    Ashoka Maurya (304–232 BCE)

    From Wikipedia

    1. He conquered Kalinga, which none of his ancestors starting from Chandragupta Maurya had conquered. His reign was headquartered in Magadha (present-day Bihar). He embraced Buddhism after witnessing the mass deaths of the Kalinga War, which he himself had waged out of a desire for conquest. “Ashoka reflected on the war in Kalinga, which reportedly had resulted in more than 100,000 deaths and 150,000 deportations.”[3] Ashoka converted gradually to Buddhism beginning about 263 BCE at the latest.[2] He was later dedicated to the propagation of Buddhism across Asia and established monuments marking several significant sites in the life of Gautama Buddha. “Ashoka regarded Buddhism as a doctrine that could serve as a cultural foundation for political unity.”[4] Ashoka is often remembered in history as a philanthropic administrator. In the Kalinga edicts, he addresses his people as his “children” and mentions that as a father he desires their good.

    2. H.G. Wells wrote of Ashoka in A Short History of the World (H. G. Wells):

    In the history of the world there have been thousands of kings and emperors who called themselves “Their Highnesses,” “Their Majesties,” “Their Exalted Majesties,” and so on. They shone for a brief moment, and as quickly disappeared. But Ashoka shines and shines brightly like a bright star, even unto this day.

    3, Ashoka played a critical role in helping make Buddhism a world religion.[5] The emblem of the modern Republic of India is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka.

    Sinhala Buddists in Sri Lanka need to Emulate Emperor Asoka, instead of Destroying Churches, Hindu Temples and Mosques, and not follow in the footpath of the Tamil LTTE Terrorists, a losing proposition. Even the Wahabi Saudi Arabia is now reforming.

    In the end it will be clash of all the religions against science.

    Islam clashe dwith Phiosophy

    4. Mohammed

    Born in about 570 CE in the Arabian city of Mecca,[11][12] he was orphaned at an early age and brought up under the care of his uncle Abu Talib. He later worked mostly as a merchant, as well as a shepherd, and was first married by age 25.[13] Being in the habit of periodically retreating to a cave in the surrounding mountains for several nights of seclusion and prayer, he later reported that it was there, at age 40,[11][14] that he received his first revelation from God. Three years after this event Muhammad started preaching these revelations publicly, proclaiming that “God is One”, that complete “surrender” to Him (lit. islām) is the only way (dīn)[n 2] acceptable to God, and that he himself was a prophet and messenger of God, in the same vein as other Islamic prophets.[15][16][17]

    5. Muhammad gained few followers early on, and was met with hostility from some Meccan tribes; he and his followers were treated harshly. To escape persecution, Muhammad sent some of his followers to Abyssinia before he and his followers in Mecca migrated to Medina (then known as Yathrib) in the year 622. This event, the Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, which is also known as the Hijri Calendar. In Medina, Muhammad united the tribes under the Constitution of Medina. After eight years of fighting with the Meccan tribes, his followers, who by then had grown to 10,000, took control of Mecca in the largely peaceful Conquest of Mecca. He destroyed the pagan idols in the city[18] and then sent his followers out to destroy all of the remaining pagan temples in Eastern Arabia.[19][20] In 632, a few months after returning to Medina from The Farewell Pilgrimage, Muhammad fell ill and died. By the time of his death, most of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Islam, and he had united Arabia into a single Muslim religious polity.[21][22]

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