Posted on February 1st, 2013


ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ We have for too long ignored and disregarded the wealth of knowledge from our glorious 2500-year-old civilization that we have become mere appendages to a western civilization. We have been mere objects whilst the west took over determining the history of the last 500 years.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  It is time to reflect as to what we have given up in spite of the great technological achievements of the western civilization. There is nothing for nothing in this world; the technological achievements and the material advancement of a minority have been at the expense of the environment, personal happiness and health care etc. Today humanity is at cross roads, can it pursue a path that is self destructive, unsustainable and that which has brought misery to a majority of humanity or could we look back and explore that civilisation we left behind. Can we, solve the problems of today with the same policies that created it? ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Are their any lessons we can learn from our past and how can we utilise it for the benefit of humanity? The path is very broad and too long how ever ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ even to get a glimpse of what can be achieved would be a way for others more specialised to explore.


The Sinhalese paid tribute to their ancestors in most of their personal rituals no different from the rest of the world. A Sinhalese bride and ordaining monks are characterised by the respect and tribute they pay to seven generations by wearing seven necklaces. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The rituals of a wedding. celebrates continuity of motherhood by presenting 7 katchi (3.5 meters) of cloth they recon that will imbibe the milk that a mother has fed the bride as a child which later is used to make clothes for the first born. It is a tribute to the continuity of motherhood, that which nurtures and protects that inheritance. A recognition that history is within us and is not in the past.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

In medicine it is called epigenetic. Essentially it means that the environment sets your genes and it is inherited.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  An obese mother will have the tendency to give birth to a child that has childhood obesity; the same mother after surgery to cure obesity could have a child that is normal. Thus an Asian Mind is different from a western mind. A concept first proposed by the Japanese intellect Tensing Okkakura and later accepted by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore.

The Buddhists recodnizes the part played by the environment in the precept of the Patticca samupadaya or SUTRA OF DEPENDENT ORIGINATION. Humans are only a part of the environment and live in harmony with the rest and do not suffer from the hubris that man controls the environment to its own benefit at the expense of others.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  This philosophy has been a part and parcel of the Sinhalese in their endeavours for development.


What does humanity desire of life? Can it be assessed in the proxy of money?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  These are two very philosophical questions that need to be assessed before one can seriously address the lessons we can learn from our past for the betterment of the future. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Reality is the perception of each individual of that moment and it is these perceptions that rule the world best expressed by Buddha in the Kalama Sutra. Sutra of Independent thought. Under these circumstances what drives the world is the perceptions and that is what is under attack today. The advertising media has sub consciously seduced us to believe in the philosophy of instant gratification and self as against a philosophy of living in harmony with due consideration for the many. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It is like a mono cultural plantation, which depletes the nutrients from the same strata of the soil, which makes future agriculture bleak.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Neurologists believe that the large brain ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…- Social BrainƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ is a result of millions of years of social interaction that gives you the sense of well being in serving others. An inherited mind set that sustains humanity.

Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness, not pain or mindless self-indulgence, is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values. ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” AYN RAND

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Each individuals desires was best expressed by Rabindranath Tagore in its advice to Japan when Japan was looking to the west in his definition of modernity. He said that modernity is the freedom of the mind not the taste in the tongue; science he said must be for the benefit of humanity not to its destruction, and modernity he said was not blind imitation of the west.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ An individuals desire for a life without fear and in happiness can only be achieved when you have a value system that is moral and compassionate with due consideration for the many (both animals and humans). This value system is nurtured and protected by motherhood and passed on to the next generation, this is our basic human nature that we have inherited a fact well recognized by our ancestors.

Today the earth that was carefully preserved by our ancestors to this generation is been destroyed and our responsibilities for the future generations have been abdicated.


Our ancestors believed in the dictum ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…- Less is more as against the western thought that more is moreƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚. What it means is that there is more time for yourself if you practice eastern philosophy or less time for yourself if you observe western philosophy. Buddhist calls it right effort and the Christians prey for their daily bread not for tomorrow. Christian work ethic demands how ever hard work and saving for the future. This dichotomy, was best explained by the Dalai Lama answering a question about humanity he said

ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…- Man sacrifices his health to earn money, then he spends his money to recuperate his health. Then he is anxious about his future that he does not enjoy the present result being he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he is never going to die and then he dies having never really livedƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚


A sustainable economic and social unit of the Sinhalese was based on the Temple, Tank and Paddy fields.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Sri Lanka being a Buddhist country believed in the theory of individualism and self-development.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  It is this individual perception that drives the world according to Buddhism.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Unity and social cohesion can only be achieved by actions for the benefit of the many. To achieve social cohesion and a moral value system the temple was established where the priests not only addressed the spiritual and educational needs of the community but also was responsible for establishing and maintaining moral and compassionate values in society that led to a harmonious society. .ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  It is the temple that sought to give refuge to the Catholics in Wahakotte when they were discriminated by the Dutch colonialist or for that matter gave refuge to a large number of immigrants from India (now Sinhalanised) with the acceptance of Hindu Gods in the precincts of the temple itself.

The rulers were monitored and the temple demanded that they observe the DASA RAJA DHARMAYAƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ OR THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  To achieve this the Sinhala society saw to it that the temple was economically stable and independent. Unfortunately, the British colonialist in their endeavour to undermine the power of the temple confiscated the temple land by the Temple Lands act.

Today there is a great void in society with no proper institution to demand adherence to social values. Under the guise of secularism, weakening of the temple by politicisation the society is led by a peopleƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s democracy that lacks a moral code, enslaving society to commercialism and greed. Should there be a multi religious powerful body to monitor the rulers and society in this modern era is a question that probably needs to be answered?

It is also important to note that every profession in society had different means by which they were morally accountable, an aspect that is clearly lacking in the society of today.


It was the wisdom of Buddhism that was instrumental in disciplining the Sinhala nation. Wisdom according to Buddhism is the key to plenitude and that wisdom can only be created by concentration and the realisation of this moment. That reality is at this moment not in the future or in the past. On the contrary the western philosophy of objectivism (where the subject moves to the object) creates a time frame that can be influenced by external factors. It is said that if you wish to make god laugh you must tell him your plans.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Planning and expectations of the future pushes the individual into an emotional rollercoaster that is stressful and prevents concentration. Development of concentration among Buddhists was through meditation.

Neurologists have realised that the brain is plastic and the perfection of the circuitry can only be achieved by a maximum stimulus that needs a thought process free of stress and able to concentrate. It is this stimulus that enhances development of expertise and creativity. This creativity when used in ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ harmony with the environment creates a sustainable technology that eludes humanity than when it is done purely on the basis of material gain.

Buddhist meditation has now proved to be able to resculpture our brain so that it improves expertise, mental health and physiology.



A Sinhalese garden was based on agro forestry.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  There were three types of trees Large, medium and shrubs and herbs. This vegetation used nutrients from three layers of soil deep layer, middle layer and the superficial layer very different from the monocultural growths that would deplete the nutrients from one layer. The products ranged from vegetables for consumption, herbs for medicine and large trees for shade and improvement of the quality of air.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The vegetation also traps the water that is replenishes the ground water and prevent flooding and land slides. The filtered ground water was extracted through wells for human consumption.

A multicultural agro forest gardens maintained a biodiversity that was in harmony with human habitation. Vectors that transmit diseases like Dengue were not part of the bio diversity even if they were present predators kept their numbers very small.

Gardens of today are very small further to urbanization that has caused major health care issues secondary to changes in biodiversity, poor quality of air for humans etc. Unfortunately the cost of urbanization and small living spaces has never been accounted for in terms of human development. No thoughts have been given to changes in biodiversity and risks of new diseases and its costs. Large percentage of the GDP is spent on urbanization very little on the development of rural areas for sustainable environment for human habitation. The rulers live in an illusion that urbanization and dehumanization is modernity.


Sinhalese building technology was integrated with bio climatic. The environment was maximally utilised for the comfort of the occupants at the same time addressing the stresses and strains subjected to by the environment.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The structure was dependent on the material available in the area. The masonry was essentially lime, sand and anthill clay or mud. The houses addressed the social needs of the occupants.

Ventilation and temperature control were established by the cool winds enhanced by the trees, use of a wooden angled roof, and prevention of transfer of heat across the walls. The walls themselves absorbed water when it was cold, and expelled water when it was hot. Thus maintaining a constant temperature. This prevented cracking of the walls an attribute that cement walls does not have. The Sinhala tiles and the quadrangle at the centre or Mada midulla also helped in the ventilation and temperature control. The ground water was kept dry by using terracotta or mud. This prevented termites and the hazards to timber. The reusability and the environmentally friendly nature of the building technology has been given up for an energy expensive alternative that may not be able to be sustainable in view of the ever expensive energy costs.

Today unfortunately that technology is being destroyed in the name of renovation. In Galle fort the plaster that maintained its integrity for 300 years is being replaced by cement. In Colombo the age-old remedy for termites is ignored and a system of pipes are laid to inject insecticides regularly.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  No thought has been given to the risks of insecticide poisoning when the chemicals infiltrate the water tables.


Sri Lanka is an island; the topography of the land is such there are many ridges that extend from east to west.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The ravine between these ridges was natural passages for tributaries that were used by our ancestors to build tanks for irrigation.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The topography and vegetation and the biodiversity was conserved.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  There were three types of tanks

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ A)Katakuruwewa = desilting tanks

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  These tanks were used to collect silt. The drainage from this to the larger tanks was from a higher level. When these tanks needed desilting Elephant games were use to suspend the silt which was drained into the paddy fields thus nourishing it.

Today no such attention is given, as they believe that caterpillar drainage machines can be used to desilt. It carries with it a risk how ever of damaging the earthƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s crust, which would drain the water into the deeper water tables. The tanks would thus loose the capacity to hold the water. How much of this is responsible for the dry tanks at the present is a very important question that has not been answered.

b) Karawita wew ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” Tanks to prevent infiltration of saline water from the sea.

These tanks were set in the coastal belt to increase the subterranean fresh water pressure to prevent the ingress of seawater

c) Ebba wew = collection of tanks on river bunds to harness water during flooding and preventing devastation of human habitations due to floods

Catchment forests

These forests were called forbidden forests. In Minneriya the catchment area of the forests were well endowed with the WEERA tree. It had a thick mass of leaves, with a low evoevaporation thus conserving ground water; it also protects the undergrowth during hot seasons thus maintaining the biodiversity. In our enlightenment these trees have been cut and new agro forests established that does not maintain the water tables as well.

Today this very finely balanced eco system of our ancestors are in ruins after massive development programmes were instigated by the government on the advise of international consultants, IMF, World Bank and the local technocrats that have never understood the wisdom of our ancestors. Today following the massive developmental programmeƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s the north central province still suffers from lack of water resources for irrigation during certain periods, flooding and more importantly 15% of the people suffer from kidney disease as a result of contamination of drinking water by arsenic. The contamination apparently is secondary to the use of fertilizer. (Fertilizer is necessary for high yielding foreign paddy crops)

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The self-sufficiency for electricity promised is a far cry.



The emphasis on biodiversity and harmonious living with the environment was part and parcel of healthy living. Not only did the environment supply the nutrients for human sustainability but also prevented vector controlled diseases having achieved a harmonious existence with the environment.

Deforestation has introduced new human diseases, curing these new diseases needs new research. The forests that have been so carefully preserved for continuity of humanity by our ancestors are being destroyed and one laments that these new problems are not calculated into the assessments of any major projects. It is a format of creative accounting where by ordinary citizens are left having to deal with the natural consequences.


The constitution of an average Sri Lankan has been built on a sustainable diet that his or her ancestors have been on. For instance the coronary arteries of a Asian is much smaller than a European and carries a higher risk of obstruction and coronary artery disease if fed on a alien high fat diet.

It is a well-known fact that Asians (Sri Lankans) in UK carry a higher risk of coronary artery disease and Diabetes than their counterparts. The lesson to learn is that Asians on a European diet will carry increased risks of Diabetes, Hypertension and coronary artery disease. Should Asians be eating Kentucky Fried chicken, Beef Burghers and drinking coke? Our inheritance says we are best off on an indigenous diet.


We in the 21st century have a lot to learn from our past. It is time to recon that history is not in the past and that it is with in us in every sense of the word. Unless and until we understand who we are, we can never progress. Blindly following the west is not the answer but adaptation to the present knowing our background should be a great starting point. It is better now than never.


  1. Christie Says:

    Sinhala heritage goes bak at least 40,000 years.

    5000 years or so since Rawana. Sinhalese women and men when liked each other thae either went to man’s house or woman’s house. No marrige man or woman. No dowry.

    Just think of Seeta who ran away with Rawana and other women who came with Rawana’s men.

    The living with the nature is common among the tropics where food is naturally available.

    Sinhalese ate a lot of meat, fish,vegies, fruits, yams, grain, sugar and of course a lot of alcohol.

  2. Christie Says:

    The Indian colonial parasites destroyed the UDA Rata which provided game and the wate catchment of the Island. The current developments were necessary to provide land for the landless Sinhalese who lost their lands to the Plantation sector. But unfortunately 1956 Banda government destryed it all and Maithripala the Irrigation minister gave land to the Indian colonial parasites by abondining the developments.

  3. Sunil Vijayapala Says:

    Wealth of information in this article however some areas need corrections. Buddhism doesn’t teach us individualism quite the opposite selflessness. The unwise anglo saxon ungulate killed the dana we as a society achieved and that was shramadana and imposed on us individualism. The ungulate went on destroying our hill country to the tune of half a million acres of tropical forest iam a strong believer that hela culture had more wisdom than the aryan culture in our heladeepa but we will not be able to harness that wisdom so long as we have british appreciating foolish leaders such as mahinda rajapakre or ranil wickremasinghe

  4. Voice123 Says:

    Sinhala heritage is only 2,500 years old and unashamedly extinguished the INDIGENOUS FIRST NATIONS culture and history of the Yakka community and then unashamedly went on to import Indian culture wholesale into Sri Lanka including the CASTE-SYSTEM, and FEMALES PAYING DOWRY TO MALES and GENDER DISCRIMINATION and an ugly Indian RACISM that is condemned the world over (fair skin is good, dark skin is bad) attitude that makes it easy for Sri Lankans to fall prey to Western machinations. Yakka culture is the ONLY legitimate Sri Lankan culture and has been in existence since the earliest human migrations out of Africa DIRECTLY to Sri Lanka over 25,000 years ago or more than 10 times as long as the imported Indian-Sinhala entity has been in Ceylon/Sri Lanka/Yakkaland. Us Sri Lankans have relatives in far flung places not just in Africa but in Southeast Asia, the Pacific and beyond and also the native and tribal peoples of India, who struggle to live a dignified life in an oppressive society. Its the remnants of the Yakka culture that makes our culture unique. Improved scientific, anthrolopological and genetic evidence will in time debunk and hopefully reverse the Indianisation of Sri Lanka. “Sinhalese” living in a false identity have to be DEPROGRAMMED.

  5. Nimal Says:

    Here we go again!
    Patriots are hallucinating and barking from the comfort of the countries of the colonials.You guys seems hardly do anything positive to develop the country except going back in time,as you people were there know the facts.If you have a business interest in SL where you have invested ones hard earned money then you will never write this bullshit to antagonise other countries that matter to our well being as they have the power to make or break us.
    Others who crow about what the colonials have done to the lands of the sinhalese,are they advocating that we should rip all the tea estates,rip off the collages and schools,flatten the hospitals and universities,where Dr Janka had his education.Why not rip off the police stations,courts of law and hand back the country to the likes of Mervin and other murdering thugs and let our innocent folks at home suffer to damnation and the patriots to go back to live in comfort of the former colonials and living on their fat pensions and benefits? Is that right?Bad enough our Hippocratic politicians of all parties seems to imitate the dravidan culture of our past tyrants,at least by dress code and the thugs they keep company with,but live a white man behind the backs of the poor voter that too aspire to live like a colonial.want a car,Tv,good schools for children,hospitals,clean and safe roads.Why oh why you people want to deprive this to our innocent people back home?
    Sri Lankans(only very few of you) are the only silly people who seem to boast about a glorious culture that seems to have happened 2500 years ago so in that case are you trying to drag us back to that age? Please get real and look forward and put what you can in money and effort to develop the country,the way the colonials did over the 100 or years.needless for me to repeat again what good they did and what good they are doing in their countries now or Dr Janka would not be living in the affluent SW London.enjoying a good British pension.
    Voice 123
    you are talking a bit of sense.
    We should be talking about defending the country from predators from outside and going back in history shows our stupid arrogance but not the arrogance that we need to put our country in par with other developed countries,then friend or foe will fear us and respect us..

  6. aloy Says:

    Well said Nimal. I like the advice to Voice123. At least one patriot in this site appear too good to be true.

  7. Voice123 Says:

    Dear Nimal and Aloy,

    “We should be talking about defending the country from predators from outside and going back in history shows our stupid arrogance but not the arrogance that we need to put our country in par with other developed countries,then friend or foe will fear us and respect us..”

    You cant turn back time technologically or erase all historical influences. Agreed 100% about the need for the “arrogance that would put our country on par with developed countries”. However so long as the majority in this country hark back to some Indianized version of history that starts 2,500 years ago and ignores everything that happened before that and refuses to acknowledge or embrace even the good that happened after that, we are in trouble and its only a matter of time before we are swallowed up by our closest neighbour ala HQ New Delhi. When this happens, Sri Lanka there will be NO DEVELOPMENT for the average person. You can forget about getting on par with any developed or even most developing countries! An elite few Sri Lankans will be recruited to do the dirty work of New Delhi and the Indian establishment. The rest of us will be living on the street with no education, no garbage disposal, no medical facilities, leprosy, typhoid, malaria, cholera you name it, no piped water, no power or electricity, religious rules and regulations for every little thing, no proper democracy (you would be too frightened and malnutritioned to exercise any rights) and no toilets. Is that what you call DEVELOPMENT?

    I’m not talking about going back in time. I am talking about recognising the TRUE heritage of this country, not the INDIANIZED version of Sinhalese history that has been given to the peoples of this country the past 2,500 years (thats when we really lost our independence) and kept alive by certain politicians and they dont realise the risks. If we shed this historical partiality to India (New Delhi) and politicians (both Sinhala and Tamil betraying this country to India) then we can make deals with any and every superpower or country that we want for the good of the people in this country?

    Is this UNREALISTIC?

  8. Sunil Vijayapala Says:

    Understandably there exists among us the remnants of colonial seeds the english appreciating colombons some catholics and christians who lack wisdom to gauge our glorious past anyone who says expats haven’t done anything to mother lanka or which should be rightly called heladeepa need their heads examined sluna and spur are perfect examples of dedication if not for them aid to lanka would have been cut decades ago some are dual citizens and making efforts to bring some change if not for unesco intervention mainly due to expat pressure there would be today a road ‘islandarising’ sinharaja sinhalaya has many traits and attributes one significant one is jealousy those who could do better were successful and others were left behind to bark and certainly we are here to exploit the west and not to plunder and rob countries like british did if anyond fail to understand this well they need to gather knowledge by reading books such as ‘revolt in the temple’ and find out the good they did and thats the reality

  9. Voice123 Says:

    SV, your glorious past is indeed appreciated by those that dont necessarily see it the same way as you, but it is ONLY one aspect of Sri Lanka’s past so please try to understand that. Dont forget the glorious indigenous past of over 25,000 years ago. WHY would you want to ignore or erase that? Try and appreciate all the COMBINED cultural and historical factors that make Sri Lanka what it is today. Dont serve the interests that would turn Sri Lanka into an appendage of New Delhi. Be cosmopolitan. Its our best defence.

  10. aloy Says:

    It appears that the eglorius past of Yakka culture is taken seriuosly in some important establishments in the country. I was surprised when a senior person in that establishment connected the yakkas for inventing flying machines and even having dealings with the Mayans of South America.
    Could they have done anything we see in Anuradhapura?.
    I am sorry about the third sentence in my above comment. It was not intended for any commentator in this thread.

  11. aloy Says:

    Sorry, typo: glorious

  12. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    At this muslim multiplying rate, our heritage and Sinhalese race only going to be found in history books and in www. We all kknow what happened to old Afganisthan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia. Within few hundred years arriving in those countries they outbred and outnumbered the natives and made the Buddihists number to 0%. Once the numbers are high enough you are at their mercy. So you have to convert or be killed. After all quran says kill all the non-believers. They taking Sri Lanka down the same road. They doubled their numbers quietly during the civil war and feel now they should push the islamisation boat further by introducing halal, ( )ariya law. With total disrespect to the Buddhists by starting to build another eyesore next to our sacred Sri Maha Bodhiya. Luckily for them a lot of Sinhalese don’t take much notice of this or think it can’t happen here. We under estimate them at our peril. We all know how crafty, conniving, selfish and uncaring lot they are. We all have seen what they are doing to Buddhists in Bangladesh or the fate of people in Afganishan, Pakistan etc. The two main political parties should get together to save our heritage and the Sinhalese race from extinction. Or all the Sinhalese do away with the two main parties and vote for JHU and make it the majority party. The two main parties get to the parliament with the Sinhalese votes, form a government and do everything to undermine the Sinhalese and their heritage. This will make them quickly change their behaviour for sure.

  13. Senevirath Says:

    Sinhala Jaathiya came to existence after PANDUKHABHAYA. he united YAKKHA <NAAGA Etc and ARYA in to one nation called SINHALA

    Yakka were great workers Nagas were intelligent We owe them a lot as sinhalese Pandukhabhaya ( not Jackson"s ABA) culture turned in to a very differnt unique culture after MAhindagamanaya This sinhala buddhist culture is realy realy very differrent to other cultures in the world.
    See the first political advice given to the king by MAHINDA MAHA RAHATH" Oh King The land belongs all living beings you are only a coordinater (trustee) DO NOT KILL LIVING BEINGS.

    Is ther any other culture started with this kind of ideas is there any other country inthe world with royal decree like MAAGHATHA or NO SLAUGHTER like in Buddhist Sinhale

    All cultures are not same christions ,muslims and hindus and olso Jews lill others for thier religoin can any body say that all these cultures are same

    Education or development without virtue is useless WE have to change the western thinking before we start anything
    That is how we eradicated terrorists . that is the only way to eradicate DEMALA JAATHIWAADAYA which we havent done

    Ther is alittle bit of difference with Mhinda chinthanaya and real Jathika chinthanaya( wich G.L. Peiris hate)

    We need a jathika AArthikayak to develop our countryto suit our country


  14. Sunil Vijayapala Says:

    V123 pl attempt to comprehend my comments our immediate threat is wahabi threat as senevi points out here are some suggestions for our british appreciating foolish politicians/murderour colombon as we hela and sinha people have the right to comment of a glorious past while our catholics and christians bloat about the good we inherited from the west 1. Confine 2 kids per family to counter wahaabi expansion esp in colombo 2 quit commonwealth 3 quit unhcr 4 nominate gota abaya the fearless one for presidency 5 declare anuradhapura the capitol of heladeepa and jayawardenapura the admin district 6 cleanup east of wahaabi threat in fact liquidate them nip at the bud

  15. hela patriot Says:

    Its with great interest I have followed this web site and others. It is the fashion that any article written about the Sinhalese Buddhists are undermined by Tamils and Muslims by putting a cat amongst the pigeons pretending to be Sinhalese thus creating a dialog either about caste or finding minor issues such as the heritage being 40000 years and not 2500 years or that every thing the sinhalese have inherited is from South India.etc. This was confirmed in one web site where the Editor found that comments to undermine the article came from the same person in different names who was not a sinhalese Buddhist. Comments on this article by various people show that the condemnation of the article and the author are characteristic of masqueraders. Sinhalese Buddhists be aware that this is the modus operandi of the Anti Sinhala elements. It is time the authors of these comments are monitored by the Editor. Unless the Editor monitors these comments the real dialog that is necessary on any article will be high jacked by these illiterates whose whole idea is to undermine the Sinhala Buddhists.
    The culture and the Inheritance of the Sinhalese must make any Sinhalese proud. Those that condemn it are certainly not Sinhalese.

  16. Dilrook Says:

    A well researched document.

    A socio-economic and political system based on Sinhala culture can resolve many problems faced by Sri Lankans today. Mixing of cultures must result in a predominant Sinhala culture which absorbs what is good. There cannot be a cultural mess. Attempts to build a local Tamil cinema and other cultural aspects failed badly because there is no Sri Lankan Tamil culture. Tamils in the island simply copy and follow Tamil Nadu artwork. It indicates Tamil is not a residue culture of Sri Lanka. It is futile to project a Sri Lankan Tamil or Arabic culture that is just a carbon copy of other nations’ cultures.

    Immigrant minorities in Colombo City must be curtailed. Colombo should project as a Sinhala cultural hub, not a cheap copy of South Indian and Arabic sub cultures. However, it may surprise some to know that still Colombo City has a larger ethnic Sinhala community than any other. The confusion is the 1999 seperation of the Colombo DS and Thimbirigasyaya DS. Actually both come under Colombo electorate and CMC election area.

    Local governance bodies’ demarcations are being redrawn. I encourage you to consider making submissions to the ministry of local government. They accept public submissions until March.

  17. Voice123 Says:

    SV I take your point. I am just arguing that (controlled) diversity is to our advantage in this globalised era.

    Aloy, our Yakka heritage MUST be taken seriously if we are to avoid total subjugation by the New Delhi establishment and end up another backward hell hole of Indias. I note your snide, racist comments. I am not talking about technological advances of Yakka culture. According to legend it was very sophisticated but its too far back in time to prove nor is it necessary. I’m talking of ancestral origins and linguistics in todays geopolitical context.

    Are you an Indian or a white man to laugh at us? If not the joke is on you. Whites will NEVER accept you. No matter how rich or educated you are or however much you look down on the native culture. Neither will Indians, unless its on their terms as inferiors.

    The jokes on you kolla!

  18. aloy Says:

    “Are you an Indian or a white man to laugh at us? If not the joke is on you. Whites will NEVER accept you. No matter how rich or educated you are or however much you look down on the native culture. Neither will Indians, unless its on their terms as inferiors”

    The thing about Yakka culture was told by someone who campaigned in the noth. So, I had to take it seriously.
    The last word of the above quote is the key
    Our northern brothers have this to a large extent. They will go anywhere in the world and work for any white man mostly doing menial jobs even though they are well qualified (perhaps with exception of Sydney water Board.). The Sri Lankan tamil problem is about this complex. They do not want to be equal.
    I have never worked in a western country. But I have worked with them (English, Scottish,Irish and Jews) and lived wit t nhem under the same roof and never felt second to them. In fact they asked me why you are different to them (meaning some south Indian friends). In our country the standards are different. Our unis were at a higher level
    I used to take my children to Sunday daham pasala at Vajiraramaya ( near Vishaka). They were taught the basics in life there. Today both of them work as medical consultants in two different western countries where they are well respected and are treated equally as they can see their culture from the way they behave. One of them ( working somewhere north of London) is being invited to sit in the panel to interview local consultants, although she herself became consultant only recently.
    Taking about Indians, they (northerners)would invite us for a meal in their houses rather than a southerner. This happened to me few times when I was working in Nigeria. We do not have to feel inferior to people in Delhi in any way. I have read that our ancient kings are also from the same clan as Mourya Chandraguptha (king Asoka’s). Perhaps this may be the reason why our present day rulers keep on saying that they are our relations.
    I am neither a racist nor a Catholic reactionary as some people say all the time. I feel saddened the way our people in the area called Sinhale have been treated in the past. Due to the efforts of the successive governments they are gradually coming out of it.
    Since you have asked who I am, please visit http://www.aeconsultants.lk

  19. Voice123 Says:

    Aloy, it really doesnt matter how you or your daughters are treated! (I usually get treated as an INDIVIDUAL quite well by individuals from these countries). But you and many in your position keep missing the point and as a consequence Sri Lanka remains a third world country. So long as Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans as a whole or as an entity are treated shabbily or in a hostile manner by western and Indian decisionmakers (and as a consequence by much of their public for all practical purposes – eg do you feel EQUAL when you travel to the West on a Sri lankan passort? I mean COMEON!) we are relegated to the third world when we should be up there in the first world and deserving respect by recognition of our COLLECTIVE achievements. How can anyone call themselves self-respecting or consider themselves remotely equal when their source communities are treated as shabbily? For many other nationalities eg the Japanese and Thai, no matter how elite or respected, it would be considered a tremendous loss of face for them personally if their countries of origin are treated that way. The problem with some of our Sri lankans, they revel in their specialness over and above other Sri Lankans. No wonder we are still a poor country. As for your Chandraguptan antecedents, then you are a descendent of IMMIGRANTS into Sri Lanka. Did your New Delhi friends tell you that Sri Lanka deserved the three decades of brutal terrorising we got from the terrorists they armed, trained and gave a cause to? Did you agree with them? Is that why they treated you so well because you agreed with them that we deserved to be terrorised? By your own admission you are not indigenous to Sri Lanka. Please respect the original culture of this country. We have more self respect than the caste and dowry practitioners in your country of origin.

  20. hela patriot Says:

    well said Dilrook, sunil vijaypala. The rest of the comments have been superfluous and has not contributed in any way to a constructive discussion on the subject which is what can we learn from our past on the contrary it has created a kind of discussion which has no impact for future development.

  21. aloy Says:

    The tittle of this article is the “The wisdom of our ancestors and the thruth behind our heritage” and as long as I stick to it I do not feel guilty as I am also a proud Sri Lankan and not an imposter to talk about our heritage, one aspect of which is our culture.
    It appears to me that through this Yakka thing some people try to re-establish claims they may have lost or even try to make splits among Singhalese.
    Why we lost respectability for our passport?.
    In mid seventies, we could go HC in Kaduna, Nigeria and get a visa for the family to UK over the counter. We were respected as a common wealth nation. That was the time our friends were having varius cultural meetings in London. collecting money and devising ways to get more supporters to UK thereby losing credibility to our passports.
    In 60s when Dudley S wanted to join ASEAN who stopped it?. It was a SriLankan tamil minister in Singapore. Our leaders would have had the same vision as the Great Lee Kwan Yu. If we were able to join we would have had the same opportunity develop our country like Singapore and everybody would have respected us irrespective of the colour of the skin.

    In 1983 we were sailing at great speed economically. Who stopped it and unleashed 30 years of terrorism. it was VP with the backing of India.
    Who is putting barbs on our way now?. Is it not the tamil diaspora with the help of their people around the world?.
    Anyway, thanks for your time directing the comment at me; I had to reply. I hope LankaWeb would allow it as they always do.

  22. Lorenzo Says:

    Agree with Aloy.

    Wherever you go and say Sri Lankan, the first thing that comes to their mind is TAMIL boat people, credit card frauds, Mahaveer prostitutes, drug dealers, suicide bombers, stinky rowdy protestors, etc.

    Even if you go to Delhi and say you are a Tamil, they frown at you.

    All because of Tamils. Well some of them or MOST of them. No country had any visa scheme to take 1,000,000 Tamils. That means MOST of them went their ILLEGALLY. If you once do an illegal thing, there is nothing stopping you doing more illegal things.

    Good Tamils are an exception. Very very rare. Protect them.

  23. Insula Says:


    The truth in the end will prevail.

    Example: Initially the world was flat, a very resonable argument

    The Sunrises from the east and goes around the Earth every day.

    There are Epicycles

    The Heavens are moving or Fixed etc.

    They do not want to accept the others reason, even if Presented with facts. ( Galileo)

    So if the DNA analysis shows that the Yakkas arr the ones who are the original inhabitants of Lanka on the way from Attica 70,000 years ago, why are the Sinhalese Buddhist so upset? If it is a fact, so be it. Do not try to do what was done to Galileo, and make the Sun go around the Earth.

    If Evolution is true based on DNA analysis, facts, then accept it..

    Natural Philosophy= knowledge= Science = Scientific Method will always triumph the mythology.

    See what has happened over the past 500 years.

    hela patriot Says:
    February 3rd, 2013 at 8:24 pm
    Its with great interest I have followed this web site and others. It is the fashion that any article written about the Sinhalese Buddhists are undermined by Tamils and Muslims by putting a cat amongst the pigeons pretending to be Sinhalese thus creating a dialog either about caste or finding minor issues such as the heritage being 40000 years and not 2500 years or that every thing the sinhalese have inherited is from South India.etc. This was confirmed in one web site where the Editor found that comments to undermine the article came from the same person in different names who was not a sinhalese Buddhist. Comments on this article by various people show that the condemnation of the article and the author are characteristic of masqueraders. Sinhalese Buddhists be aware that this is the modus operandi of the Anti Sinhala elements. It is time the authors of these comments are monitored by the Editor. Unless the Editor monitors these comments the real dialog that is necessary on any article will be high jacked by these illiterates whose whole idea is to undermine the Sinhala Buddhists.
    The culture and the Inheritance of the Sinhalese must make any Sinhalese proud. Those that condemn it are certainly not Sinhalese.

  24. aloy Says:

    I forgot to answer one more of your questions.
    “Did your New Delhi friends tell you that Sri Lanka deserved the three decades of brutal terrorising we got from the terrorists they armed, trained and gave a cause to? Did you agree with them? Is that why they treated you so well because you agreed with them that we deserved to be terrorised?”
    This is another machinations of the southerners and the Sikhs. They fooled the idiotic Gandhis and finished them off in style. What a pathetic sight was it to see the all powerfull man being hit by the rifle butt by one of our heros. It was shown all over the world.I also saw it in one of the airports. India is a great country to have a better leader. These people who are in control do not allow a charismatic leader to take over India. They may have found that Rahul is another weakling who can be manupulated easily. Earlier everytime they wanted to bring him up, there was this Bofors scandal or something like that engineered by the Sikh and southerners. Perhaps due to present economic scenario they had no alternative.
    Let us see what is in store for us. The next UNHCR session will be an indicator where India is intending to go.
    Good day

  25. Insula Says:

    Good Posy bu Senevith:

    Senevirath Says:

    February 3rd, 2013 at 1:32 pm
    Sinhala Jaathiya came to existence after PANDUKHABHAYA. he united YAKKHA <NAAGA Etc and ARYA in to one nation called SINHALA

    Yakka were great workers Nagas were intelligent We owe them a lot as sinhalese Pandukhabhaya ( not Jackson"s ABA) culture turned in to a very differnt unique culture after MAhindagamanaya This sinhala buddhist culture is realy realy very differrent to other cultures in the world.
    See the first political advice given to the king by MAHINDA MAHA RAHATH" Oh King The land belongs all living beings you are only a coordinater (trustee) DO NOT KILL LIVING BEINGS.

    Is ther any other culture started with this kind of ideas is there any other country inthe world with royal decree like MAAGHATHA or NO SLAUGHTER like in Buddhist Sinhale.

    All cultures are not same christions ,muslims and hindus and olso Jews lill others for thier religoin can any body say that all these cultures are same.

    1. In theory and ideology, far superior to Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

    2. Question: Why are there no Tamil Buddhists?

    Is it the racism of the Yakkas, Nagayas and Vijayas? Is it the Hinduism of the Tamils?

    Just curious.

    At least we now know, thanks to development of natural Philosophy-knowledge=Science about our current cosmos. See what the Jews , Christians, Muslims and Hindus had to say in the good ( bad) old days.

    In the end truth will prevail over falsehood.

  26. Insula Says:

    Ancient Sinhalaya Says:
    February 3rd, 2013 at 7:58 am

    1. At this muslim multiplying rate, our heritage and Sinhalese race only going to be found in history books and in www.

    1. Comment: WRONG: You can (a). Multiply at the same or higher rate
    (b) You can convert, making superior arguments, why they will be better of being in your faith, because there is no Hell unlike in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

    2. We all know what happened to old Afganisthan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Malaysia, Indonesia.

    2. Comment: WRONG: These counties were (a) Conquered, just like Alexander the Great, Persians, Asoka , Mongols, Moguls, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, English, Belgians, Japanese etc. Just read world and European history. Then they were converted.

    A funny thing happened to Asoka and the Mongols. Asoka the terrorist became a Buddhist. The Genghis Khans the conqueror’s descendants became Muslims. Same for the Turks. Why?. They saw some value in the new faith.

    3. Within few hundred years arriving in those countries they outbred and outnumbered the natives and made the Buddihists number to 0%. Once the numbers are high enough you are at their mercy.

    3. Comment: WRONG. It was not the out breeding that changed the demographics. It was the conversions. To change the out breeding will take thousands of years. Vijaya did not out breed, They converted the Yakkas and Nagas and any others. The 7 or 8% Christians in Sri Lanka were mostly by conversion. So, if you want to keep Sri Lanka Buddhist:

    follow the enlightenment of Buddha. Do the same selling others have done, differentiate yourself. Darwinian Evolution.

    a. Buddhism is a Philosophy. Advantage No Hell or Heaven and will Not burn. Sell on it.

    b. Buddhism is not a Religion. So, do not make clay Statues of Buddha, use yellow paint and prostrate before it. It will not do anything for you, even if painted with gold dust.

    c. Stop prying to tress., even though they are living with A, T, G and C in their DNA

    d. Stop prostrating to Buddhist priests or monks, as they are a substitute to the Brahmins. If you want to pay, do direct to Buddha. Avoid the Middlemen and clay statutes and trees.

    4. Once the numbers are high enough you are at their mercy. So you have to convert or be killed. After all quran says kill all the non-believers.

    4. Comment: WRONG.
    a) Did not happen in Egypt, Syria, Spain, Turkey, Armania, India, Bengal Etc.

    Spain is cathodic. Actually the Catholic Spanish did that and Portuguese did that.

    5. With total disrespect to the Buddhists by starting to build another eyesore next to our sacred Sri Maha Bodhiya. Luckily for them a lot of Sinhalese don’t take much notice of this or think it can’t happen here. We under estimate them at our peril. We all know how crafty, conniving, selfish and uncaring lot they are. We all have seen what they are doing to Buddhists in Bangladesh or the fate of people in Afganishan, Pakistan etc. The two main political parties should get together to save our heritage and the Sinhalese race from extinction. Or all the Sinhalese do away with the two main parties and vote for JHU and make it the majority party. The two main parties get to the parliament with the Sinhalese votes, form a government and do everything to undermine the Sinhalese and their heritage. This will make them quickly change their behaviour for sure.

    5. Comment: Pakistan is fighting the terrorists. Do you want to be the Sinhala Buddhist Terrorist? See what came of the LTTE terrorists. Tamil=Tiger Terrorist, true or not. Saudi=Wahabi Terrorist, True or not and the new addition from the past 50 years of history Sinhala Buddhist = Buddhist Terrorist. Cannot say Sinhalese, because there are Sinhalese Christians, and almost none of them are terrorists.

    6. COMMENT: You are really undermining the Buddhist and Sinhalese cause in front of the world. You think you are helping. You are actually hurting Buddhism and the Sinhalese, as the Wahhabis and Al Quida hurt the Arabs and Muslims. Read your Buddhism, understand it , instead of just repeating unintelligible verses, like many others who do.

    There is no expectation that this post will be put up because it is not in keeping with the World view and agenda of those who are in control of this web site. Same through history. Burn Opposing Books, viewpoints and people. Burn the libraries, Alexandria, Index, etc etc.

    Challenge to the moderator. put it up.

  27. Voice123 Says:

    Aloy, when I talk about Indians, I am talking about the establishment that leads India, not the ordinary Indians. India did not exist as a national entity prior to the arrival of the British. When the British took over, most of India was under the boot of the Muslims. The Muslims were about to finish off the Hindus and turn India into a Muslim country by force. The British came and that was prevented, not because they loved the Hindus or the local culture, but for their own purposes. When the British departed, the structures of colonial oppression remained. They havent been dismantled because now in place of the British is the Brown Sahib, who run up and down to London and the Commonwealth for approval and to make noises. Thats why us Sri Lankans are in this predicament today.

  28. Voice123 Says:

    Dear Insula, if your comments above refer to me. I am not against Sinhala-Buddhism. I dont have any other IDs on this forum. I dont have any hidden agendas. In a sense I am pro Sri Lanka which includes a number of cultural and religious entities especially Sinhala Buddhists. Sri Lanka includes Sinhala Buddhists but is not only Sinhala Buddhist. WHEN will we accept and embrace this and realise it makes us a better country? What are you afraid of? I just dont get this mentality.

    Secondly, it is the historical truth I am aiming at too. Which of these statements of fact do you consider false or “anti Sinhala Buddhist”?

    1. Sinhalese culture 2,500 years old
    2. Human presence in Sri Lanka over 25,000 years? Even the Mahavansa records acts of destruction and violence against our original people by some settlers from north India.
    3. Human migration to Sri Lanka includes those who came out of Africa DIRECTLY to Sri Lanka and went further afield.
    (fact 3. Means we Sri Lankans have distant relatives in countries outside of India including East Asia and Oceania.)
    4. When Indians (usually high caste Brahmins or politicians in positions of power) say we are all “from India” they are wrong.
    5. Indian politicians use the theory that we are all Indians and exclusively Indian to prevent other countries assisting us (including trying to isolate Sinhala Buddhists and prevent help to Sinhala Buddhists).
    6. Indian politicians, bureacrats, officials etc financed and assisted the LTTE and Tamil racists to destabilize and reign carnage, murder and mayhem in Sri Lanka for decades. When JRJ was friendly to the West India warned the West to not help SL fight terrorism because they are our sole “relatives”.
    7. One reason Indian politicians cite for assisting the Tamil separatists in SL is to liberate Tamils and Hindus from “Sinhala Buddhist oppression”. These same Indians are also keen to present a good image in London and to the Commonwealth (eg Navi Pillay).
    8. Prior to Indianisation of our culture, there was a thriving non Indian culture in the island variously referred to as Yakka and Naga. Prior to Indianisation, there was no caste system or women being forced to give men dowry to marry, no looking down on darker complexions as “ugly” and worshipping fairer complexion as “beautiful” and associated discriminations etc.
    9. There remain tiny pockets and remnants of that non-Indianised culture to this day – known as veddah. Veddah are the rightful original Sri Lankans not those that identify with northern India either through a distant paternal ancestor or through a folkloric cultural misidentification with north India.
    10. The Buddha visited Sri Lanka prior to the establishment of a Sinhala identity and preached to the indigenous people here.
    11. Buddhism was wiped out of India by Brahmins and Muslims but it thrives in East Asia.
    12. Sri Lankans are visibly and culturally distinct from Indians from any part of India.
    13. From the time of Sinhala kings there has continued to exist ethnic, linguistic and religious plurality in the island and it has never threatened either Sinhalese language or Buddhism. Threats have always been from outside powers and Sinhala Buddhists who connived and conspired with them for personal gain.
    14. South Indian culture has had a profound effect on Sinhala language and culture eg Kandyan Kingdom.
    15. Sinhala Buddhists got help and inspiration from OUTSIDE India, eg Siam (Thailand), Burma and even some Westerners like Colonel Olcott.
    16. Sinhala language has thousands of words from languages other than north Indian, eg Indigenous languages, South Indian languages (eg kannadi, palliya, salli, parippu, pingana etc etc), Portuguese (pahng, sapattu, soldadu, etc), Dutch (kantoruwa, Janavari, Peberavari masa, baas etc), Malay (kalu dodol, rambutan, rampe leaf etc).

    I can continue with more accepted facts but will stop for now. Insula which of these alleged facts are wrong or “offensive” to Sinhala Buddhists? Correct me if I am wrong.

  29. aloy Says:

    Voice 123, thanks for your posts.
    From the above comments it appears to me that our neighbour needs our help more than we need their’s to stay as one country. What ever it is we need to look for the deterent and keep it ready for any eventuality. Perhaps Patali has lot of work to do. Will Israel be a good source as before?.

  30. Senevirath Says:

    Arya chakrawarti regeme from Kalinga(NOT TAMILS. No tamil will take the name AARYA) converted All sinhala KOVIYARS ( GOVIYA)by force They later had to be Hindus.
    Buddhism is the only philosophy that does not beieve in creation People with blind faith will never accept it. Theyare told that they will go to hell if they learn other religious philosophies

  31. Voice123 Says:

    Senevirath says
    “This sinhala buddhist culture is realy realy very differrent to other cultures in the world.”

    – That is mostly due to the Yakka-Naga indigenous heritage that has survived within the Sinhalese (and perhaps other entities that go back that long ago). Pandukhabaya may have united all these identities but they can dissosciate and associate freely. Thats what FREEDOM is about. If he succeeded in uniting different entities, there is hope for the future isnt there?

    Hela Patriot says:
    “The culture and the Inheritance of the Sinhalese must make any Sinhalese proud. Those that condemn it are certainly not Sinhalese.”

    – Perhaps not. Couple of points. Pointing out the source of some aspects of Sinhalese culture as Indian is not “condemning” it as you appear to be suggesting. Some of these things could even be good. Some are bad. Those pointing this out could be true INDIGENOUS Sri Lankans whose identity was here prior to the Sinhalese and who can associate and dissociate from historical Indian influence on Sinhalese identity as they please. For instance I personally have DISSOCIATED with caste, with dowry systems, with Do you have a problem with that? If New Delhi (our “sole” relatives) continues to refuse to action against Tamil Nadu extremists hostile to Sri Lanka, in the future with greater education and awareness of their true history HORDES of Sinhalese and other patriots will defect to the Indigenous identity and seek allies further afield.

    “… dont divide Sinhalese”

    – Too late. Sinhalese are already divided. Ancient rivals to the throne were already seriously dividing Sri Lanka by importing mercenaries from South India for their selfish reasons. Thats why the Cholas attacked. Same thing happened with the European colonial powers. Rival Sinhalese played into their hands. Now we have political divisions, religious divisions, urban and rural and those fluent in English and not. Indigenous identity will UNIFY, not just Sinhalese but all Sri Lankans impartially.

    I understand. It is an idea whose time is yet to come.

  32. Lorenzo Says:

    Sinhalese is a UNIQUE culture AND religion I have not seen anywhere. I have travelled to 31 countries and almost all the BIG states and south states of India. I have not come across ANYTHING similar.

    Sinhalese are united. Unity is needed at times of serious threat and when someone is doing something to destroy the threat.

    e.g. 2006-2009

    Internal rivalry is good at other times as long as it is not to seriously harm the community.

    Best strategy to destroy BOTH Wahabi and Tamilian threat is to PIT them against each other.

    Colombo, Batticaloa, Trinco, Manar are possible flashpoints between them. The number of flashpoints should be INCREASED.

    One day the India-Pakistan BITTER rivalry will affect Tamilians and Muslims in SL. Nothing can stop that.

  33. hela patriot Says:

    Sinhala culture is sinhala culture. True as much as India or the English has influenced once culture fortunately or unfortunately it is expressed in sinhala culture . As much as you condemn certain aspects of Sinhala Culture there are others who accept them. Nothing in any culture is not without a purpose some are moral others immoral depending on the person who per sieved it. Culture is always in flux if not we will all become robots. Sinhala culture in that sense has evolved over thousands of years time immemoral. The important thing is to learn the lessons of your past and remedy it with in yourself. As history as suggested by the article is with in us. Hopefully if you are able to influence ,the society will accept it. What is most necessary is to understand your past i.e. yourself first.
    With regards to India the lesson we must learn is that if sinhala society was ever disrupted it was from India and Britain. The lesson to learn is that we succumbed to those pressures. We therefore must have another mechanism to deal with India. A bipartisan policy is necessary so that when ever there is a change of government the same policy continues. The policy at the moment is Ahei Hamuduruwane. That has to change if we are going to be a soverign state. Look how Cuba has survived against America.
    I would like to end this little comment by saying something about Sinhala unity. In china they say we divide to unite and unite to divide but when we unite we adopt the policy we abandoned when we were last united. Sri Lanka was last united by King Parakramabahu the 6th. That was the time when society was greatly influenced by Buddhism with the likes of Totagamuwe Sri Rahula Thero leading the revival with a Leader and a visionary in King Parakrama bahu. He even invaded java and had strong connections with China. Is that not a lesson we Sinhalese could learn from there history. I look forward to that day!

  34. Voice123 Says:

    “As much as you condemn certain aspects of Sinhala Culture there are others who accept them. ”

    – If certain Sinhalese want to continue a caste system or dowry system or believe that fair complexion is automatically beter than dark complexion, that is up to them. HOWEVER, they need to be educated that those cultural ideas come from India. They are not indigenous to Sri Lanka. With that knowledge, they will be better able to choose whether to accept those imported ideas or not.

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