A classic oxymoron: USA says its threat to Sri Lanka is expression of support
Posted on March 22nd, 2013

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Asada M Erpini

On 21 March, a resolution, in effect condemning Sri Lanka or human rights violations, which was spearheaded by USA was adopted at the UNHRC sessions. It was supported by 25 nations that obviously are proud to be on the side of the greatest human rights violator on the planet today when it wants to punish Sri Lanka for waging a war within its own territorial boundaries to get rid of the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-most ruthless terrorist groupƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ in the world. It is pathetic that India, Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s giant neighbour to the North, thought it proper to be with the US to condemn Sri Lanka for human rights violations when in fact it was India that transformed a rag tag bunch of street thugs to a brigand of killers at its own military bases and rescued the leader of the group during Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s Vadamarachchi Operation in 1987 giving the opportunity to the group to continue with its human rights violations until 2009.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ According to the statement of the Minister of External Affairs of Sri Lanka, the sponsors of the resolution comprised 29 European, two American and one African nation. The local media on 21 March reported the U.S. Ambassador to UN as having said, ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-the resolution should be seen as both an expression of support by the international community to the people of Sri Lanka, and as an expression of encouragement and concern to the government of Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The USAƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s UN ambassador has the temerity to say that the resolution was put forward ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-in a spirit of friendship toward the people of Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚. Many peace-loving would say, ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-With friends like the USA, Sri Lanka needs no enemies!ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ If the U.S. is ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-ready to assist Sri Lanka to make necessary progressƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚, throwing up barricades ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” the favourite pastime of Hillary Clinton, Robert O. Blake, Victoria Nuland, Eileen Donahoe, and now, John Kerry – is not the way to go about it. It is difficult to accept that the USA has the moral right to dictate to Sri Lanka how the latter should go about with the business of reconstruction and reconciliation, and dealing with human rights issues: it was Madeleine Albright, a distinguished university academic who became the 64th US Secretary of State that said “ItƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s a hard choice, but I think, we, think, itƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s worth it,” in response to a 60 Minutes question on May 11, 1996 about the over half a million children killed by the Iraqi sanctions.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Sri Lanka is poor and does not have the wherewithal to tell the US where it should stop. In contrast to the attitude towards Sri Lanka, the mighty USA does not keep on telling North Korea or Iran how they should manage their domestic affairs.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The adoption of the resolution brought in by the US at the UNCHR sessions was a foregone conclusion: none of the Sri Lankans who is abreast of what is going on in the outside world ever expected anything different.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The position that India took is degrading but understandable. The central government of India may be blackmailed by the Tamil Nadu political leaders of the calibre of Karunanidhi, Jayalalitha and others of their ilk to take strong action against Sri Lanka. Be that it may, throwing a country that has not done any harm to India, and additionally keeps on referring to India as a friend, to the wolves shows the moral and political bankruptcy that the country that gave Buddhism to the rest of the world has descended.




17 Responses to “A classic oxymoron: USA says its threat to Sri Lanka is expression of support”

  1. aloy Says:

    What can we expect from the western governments when Iranian war ships are approaching our harbour on friendly visits. I think this UNHCR drama has a different dimension and the tamils and Indians are making use of it. Iran we know is their biggest enemy. US says they are helping us and they are our friends too.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    Well said Premadasa.

    As if we don’t know what is good for us.

  3. aloy Says:

    It looks as if we really do not know what is good for us. They say “beware of Greeks bearing gifts’. They will lead us astray and to destruction. When HE the president met Gadafi in Libya (and Gadafi put his hand over HE’s shoulder) little did he know that his plans for our country was working well. We may have got some economic problems solved for the time being. But we were in a deeper problem due to Gadafi’s meddling in our affairs.
    Similarly qwe do not know what plans Iranians have for economically weak SL.
    A senior officer lady from census department recently stated that there is no need to worry as Sinhala population (percent wise) from 1981 to 2012, which is true. But she did not reveal the fact that the rate of increase of population of the minority is almost three time that of the Buddhist’s . I challenge this lady to disprove me using the demographics in Wikypedia.
    I am sorry Ihave deviated from the main topic, since maintaining the status quo is important to avoid trouble in the future. Therefore I say avoid both India and Middle East like a plague. I must emphsise I am not agaist any religion.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    The PATH to DESTRUCTION is PAVED with US Expressions of Support.

    Not only for Sri Lanka, but many other countries in recent history that the US “Helped”.

    1. The US “helped” the Vietnamese, dropping more bombs on Vietnam than were dropped by ALL NATIONS in ALL THEATERS of World War II. Spraying with Agent Orange created a Public Health disaster in Vietnam that sickens and kills people by the tens of thousands even today. About 4 million Vietnamese were killed and maimed during the American involvement in Vietnam … all because the US believed in the “Domino Theory” of Communist expansion.

    Not for one moment did the US stop to think and understand that the patriots of Vietnam were fighting to liberate their country from foreign colonialists and to unify it, and that the the colonialist West left them no option than to get military assistance to do that from Russia and China.

    2. The US then “helped” liberate Iraq using fabricated charges of production of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. They babboozled and manipulated the United Nations, and created a “Coalition of the Willing” as an “International Fig-Leaf” to provide the necessary cover to their murder and mayhem in that country. They caused the death of 1,250,000 (see the British Medical Association’s study published in the “Lancet”) and wounded and maimed many times more of Iraq’s citizens, totally destroyed Iraq’s public infrastructure and government organizations that sustained the livelihoods of Iraqi people, and left that country divided into three warring camps guaranteed to keep Iraq at war with itself for the forseeable future. We have not begun to mention the systematic torture practiced in US run prisons, and the emotional wounds inflicted by the degrading treatment of Iraqi citizens in Iraq. Today, the majority of Iraqi’s yearn for the stability, lifestyle and interethnic amity they had under brutal Saddam’s secular rule. So much for the Democracy the US planted in Iraq.

    3. Then, the US “helped” to demonize and oust Gaddafi from Libya, destroying its system of partially-democratic government (“Jamuhiriya”) and security, turning Libya into a lawless state ruled by warring militias. This was accomplished by bombing with US warplanes, sending teams of camouflaged mercenaries into Libya, and was partly funded by Libya’s enemies such as Sadi Arabia and the US Navy base of Quatar. Libyans enjoyed secure lives, had one of the highest standards of living among Arab countries, a high literacy and good healthcare …. all developed under Gaddafi. Gaddafi’s Libya assisted poor African nations with its petro dollars and allowed their citizens to come to Libya without even visas to work and make a living. One of the first acts of the “new democrats” of the “Liberated Libya” was to oust these unfortunate people. NO Libyan today feels safe in the second lawless Somalia that Libya has become. So much for this “Arab Spring” exercise of transplanting US-style Democracy.

    4. Without a shred of shame at the trail of failures left behind in its foreign adventures, the US has been “helping” Syria destry itself systematically. Although it claims to be remaining on the sidelines and willing to act only if Chemical Weapons are used, it is deployed strategies used to undermine Libya …. all over again in Syria. The players who assisted in undermining Libya … Saudia Arabia and Quatar … are again bust funneling money, arms and training to the Syrian Sunnis. 70,000 Syrians have died to date in this latest demonstration of “How to build a Democracy” exciting and increasing ethnic and religious hatred in Syria. Because Syria is being added by Shitte Iran and Shitte-majority Iraq, two outcomes are possible: The Syrian regime survives, or 2. Syria is divided into two countyries: Sunni and Shitte (Alawite). In the latter case, Al Quaida will gain a permanent foothold perhaps consolidating the Sunni areas of Syria, Iraq and perhaps Lebanon into a new Sunni country. THen the attacks on the pro-US Sunni nations will begin with this new Al Quaida controlled country as the base. So much then, for the best laid plans of the US in attempting to plant Democrazy in the Middle East.

    In every instance, these international interventions, the US fails to achieve its objectives, destroys lives and livelihoods of other peoples,. But the US will continue to forge on like the proverbial bull in the china shop until the financial burderns created by these asinine activities destroy the US economy and bring it to its knees.

    What a SHAME for such a great country to not see what it is doing to itself!

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    The CRAZIEST thing is: the US, waging Global War against other countries on the flimsiest of excuses, presumes to have the WISDOM and the MORAL AUTHORITY to preach “Human Rights” and “Democrazy” to Sri Lanka despite mountains of evidence to the contrary!

    ONLY after 30 years of trying to placate foreign-supported murderous separatist terrorists, did Sri Lanka finally eradicate them militarily bringing PEACE & SECURITY to ALL of its people! PERMANENTLY!

    The MONUMENTAL HYPOCRISY of the United States is ASTOUNDING! When are the peoples of the world going to see the TRUTH and SUMMON the COURAGE to yell “The EMPEROR is NAKED”?

  6. LankaLover Says:

    Yes, they said the same thing about Libya, and Iraq too! They bombed and killed millions of civilians, and ruined the future of another several million of people to “help” those countries..

  7. Ratanapala Says:

    US is on a war footing creating more enemies for herself everyday. US has no true friends. All those who tag with them do out of fear and favours, but not out of love for the American State. They are loathed everywhere including in the rest of the Christian West not to say how much in the rest of the world. The UGLY AMERICAN is a word that got coined a few decades ago. Today the USA is consolidating that stand and eternal epitaph by their deeds throughout the world. There will be a day when they will be spat upon wherever they go.

    In Sri Lanka they must erect spitoons so that they can spit on this ugly international thug for the miseries they are creating all over the world in the name of Human Rights and Democracy.

  8. Voice123 Says:

    Other western countries vote with the USA mostly because they are brainwashed by the American and global media machine nto fearing the rest of the world and think only Americans can “protect” them. This worsened after 9-11.

  9. aloy Says:

    Ananda USA,
    “The PATH to DESTRUCTION is PAVED with US Expressions of Support.”
    How was it possible for Sattelite to get US help through Kadir to blacklist LTTE in many EU countries and US too?. How was it possible for JR to get help from UK and other western countires to kick start the gigantic Mahweli?. And how was it possible for even this government to spot the Tiger vessels and smash them in mid sea paving the way for their defeat?. There is a way to handle all these problems. How can you do it with an ineffective Min of External Affairs.
    We must also remember that Singapore came to the present position with US help and a US educated honest leader. Even China came to this position with US help.
    We do not want to be like Singapore. Probably our people will be quite contended with village, dagaba and reservoir type of living they have been practicing for centuries. I see some scenes in the TV these days when our politicians visit these villages. one such event was near a tank built for the farmers thirty years ago. They were the same frail looking, ill clad frmers who have been there thiry years ago. This is quite a contrast to the scenes we see in ASEAN or middle east countries where people appear well fed and in better shape.

    I am sorry no one has picked up what I said above posting at 5.06am. In simple terms what the statistics show is when 1000 buddhist people produce 7 children per year the minority produces 20 children per year per 1000 of them. This is the stark thruth some one is trying to conceal. This has been happening over the 30 year period. We cannot blame any government or even that minority as they were trying to sort out the terrorist problem. Now is the time to address this issue. The first thing to do is stop all the abortion clincs doing illegal things, then stop migration to middle east. If not my grand daughter may find one day when she returns during her life time, this country is no longer a Buddist one and also the name has changed.

  10. Lorenzo Says:


    Those are 2 separate issues.

    US help was NOT the reason for Singapore and China’s development. It was China. US don’t import Chinese goods for the love of China. “Cheap Chinese goods” are ALL the poor Americans can afford!!

    Now what the USA is doing in SL?

    FORCING the govt. to WASTE money on Tamilians to give them better schools, hospitals, internet facilities, etc. that will WORSEN your point #2.

    Didn’t they do it in 1800-1948 with AMERICUNT schools in Jaffna only?

    Agree with your point #2. But banning abortion clinics will only produce unwanted children. You can’t FORCE them to accept these children. Arabs and Indians (Muslims and Tamilians) control all the business. That is why they are rich. That is why they can have ANY number of kids.

    Sinhala population growth is the RIGHT percentage for 21 century. The problem is Arab and Indian people in the country with a MASSIVE population growth.

    But if they don’t fall in line, some action must be taken.

    Some Arabic and Indian fools threaten Sinhalese with war unless they get this and that. Before the war Sinhalese were 73%. After the war Sinhalese are 75%. So if any minority threatens Sinhalese with war, tell them to BRING IT ON! That is ONE possible solution (though a nasty one).

  11. Lorenzo Says:

    Before the war Tamilians were 18% of the population.
    After the war Tamilains are 15% of the population.

    So SL has a fall back option!! :))

    It works like a CHARM! It always did from the time of Dutugemunui.

  12. aloy Says:

    Thank you for your input. I have found you to be an intelligent person whose comments are sharp and to the point.
    I do not know how US came to work agaist this little insignificant country whose greatest acheivent has been the elimination of terrorism in our country for the fore seable future. Perhaps the supposed request for help in Afganistant may have some bearing to it.
    On the point #2, you too seems to have missed the point. How many tamils have left the country?. This large scale exodus has reduced the overall tamils population drastically. When that happens the overall population percentages of Singhalese also go up. In the case of last thiry years it has gone up marginally due to this reason. Muslims are only about one tenth of total. So, even if there is almost two fold increase of their numbers the overall percentage increase is small. So, do not compare the increase of total, but consider the rate of increase of the two comunities. At present the advantage to muslims is about 1.3%. Perhaps during the next 80 years or so it will reach about 50% of total at the current rate. Many muslim friends are very good people especially the patriotic Malays who have fought along side with us. I am sorry I do not want to hurt their feelings. However, it looks as if none Buddhist like you and me are discussing this issue on the side line of this thread while patriots have become mere onlookers. I think I should leave this dicussion and perhaps the site now.

  13. Ananda-USA Says:


    1. You said: “How was it possible for Sattelite to get US help through Kadir to blacklist LTTE in many EU countries and US too?. How was it possible for JR to get help from UK and other western countires to kick start the gigantic Mahweli?. And how was it possible for even this government to spot the Tiger vessels and smash them in mid sea paving the way for their defeat?.”

    Good questions, the answer is primarily in how the global security and economic situation, and internal vote-bank politics of these Western Powers (US and UK), has changed DRASTICALLY from when they helped Sri Lanka to now when they are assailing Sri Lanka.

    The global foreign policy of these countires is not STATIC, it changes as their security and economic situations evolve. Therefore, the fact that they helped then, does not mean that they will support Sri Lanka now even if Sri Lanka accommodates their wishes now, because the security and economic threats they face, and the alliances they have created in response have changed. Also, the help they have given must be balanced against the adverse actions they have taken against Sri Lanka. Let me explain.

    The Us was indeed very helpful in getting the LTTE proscribed in Western countries as a terrorist organization, but that help was given because it served US interests at that time. Then US was trying to create a global consensus to confront international terrorists, and was attempting to present the “War On Terror” as a global problem facing the international community as a whole. The LTTE was a classic case of international terrorism that served this purpose of the US, and to a large extent, Al Aqaida had copied the modus operandi of the LTTE. However, except for countries affected in a major way by terrorism, no one else was listening or supporting the US then. It is only after the 9/11 attack that most countries supported the US and its drive against terrorism, and this was possible because, after 9/11, the US was willing to spend trillions of dollars combating it.

    Also, during the period when the US helped Sri Lanka against the LTTE, the security threats the US faced from foreign nations had drastically changed. The Soviet Union had imploded, the Warsaw Pact was no longer a threat to NATO, and Russia was struggling to maintain its armed forces and feed its people. The super-power nuclear threat had boiled down to containment of nuclear proliferation in a few smaller countries (Iran, Iraq and North Korea) and international terror groups. The US had emerged as the sole super power facing threats only from terrorist organizations ….. and the perceived future threat from the increasingly powerful China.

    Economic policy shifts in China, Chinese hard work, thriftiness, and internal political stability in China, coupled to the economic policies of successive Republican, and to a lesser extent Democratic, US governments that encouraged proligate spending by US citizens on a flood of Chinese-made consumer goods, enabled China to rapidly develop economically and emerge as the second largest economic power in the world. China is increasing its military strength and capabilitioes rapidly, and is moving to secure its trade routes and access to global resources far from its shores.

    The US increasingly views China as its main opponent in the future for military, economic and political dominance in the world. The US fear of China is the PRIMARY reason for the US policy shift against Sri Lanka, which it feels is falling into China’s orbit. Recently the US adopted a policy to build up India as a buffer against China and to do everything possible to ensure that India has no recourse but to ally itself with the US against China.

    But, India is too wary of US motivations and is not falling in line with US wishes. Therefore, the US is now attempting to gain more leverage on the Government of India, by developing allies within the state governments it can use to influence the Central Government of India. That was the reason for Sec. of Defence Clinton’s visit last year to Tamil Nadu to plot strategy with an array of Tamil Nadu politicians to exploit the Sri Lankan Tamils issue as a favor to Tamils now, with the quid-pro-quo to come later when the US wantys to influence the cEntral Government of Indioa in the future on other foreign poly issues, including a formal alliance against China. India is falling nicely into this trap like a ripe mango, and will now find that Sri Lanka … the only neighbor willing to forgive its crimes against Sri Lanka and maintain an alliance … leaving Idia’s deadly embrace and drifting away towards China. India now has no allies among its neighbors … it must rely on the US and oppose China as a US proxy … just as the US wanted.

    NO MATTER WHAT Sri Lanka does, it is not important enough to the US to forgo its current plain to setup India as an ally against China. To do that, Sri Lanka must be sacrificied on the alter of “human rights” to acquire Tamil Nadu/Dravi Nadu as a lever to influence the Government of India join in alliance against China.

    Finally, the US has not always helped Sri Lanka. I remember the US embargo on Sri Lanka when the Srimavo Bandaranaike government nationalized the oil companies. To buy rice in the absence of foreign exchange, we enter into a rubber-rice agreement with China. During those early years the US opposed the expansion of education, labor rights, transportation, rural electrification, road building, heathcare etc that the GOSL undertook to create the literate more equitable society we have today in Sri Lanka. Many times, the IMF was used to blackmail and impose draconian economic policies on the Sri ankan people. At the height of the Final Eelam War to force Sri Lanka to halt the oofensive, the US caused a major IMF loan to be denied. It was through President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s personal connections that tSri Lanka was given a 2 Billion dollar loan by Iran, so that the budget could be balanced.

    The US gives Sri Lanka about 25 million dollars annually, primarily for soft projects like “democracy and human rights development”, while China gives 2,500 million dollars annually for major infrastructure development. The main benefit Sri Lanka gets from the US is acesss to its markets. Even there, the US removed the “most-favored” status Sri Lanka previously enjoyed, to blackmail Sri Lanka to devolve power to separatists. If the US was gifting a University, a major Hospital, an Expressway, a Port, an Airport, a major IT training Center, a modular Nuclear Power Plant, a Megawatt level Solar/Wind/Hydroelectric Power plant, or high value military hardware … like it gives Israel … then the US can expect our full attention. But, as a miserly super-power that talks and threatens Sri Lanka more than it helps, I don’t think the US deserves any special considerations from Sri Lanka. MIGHT deployed against Sri Lanka does not make the US a WORTHWHILE ally!

    2. You said “We must also remember that Singapore came to the present position with US help and a US educated honest leader. Even China came to this position with US help.”

    Not true: Singapore and China achieved their successes in different ways, on their own without US help. Lee Kuan Yew who was the Prime Minister of Singapore for a long time was a virtual dictator who imposed draconian social and economic policies to develop the Singapore of today. Singapore was not a democracy and was ruled with an iron fist that severely curtailed freedom of expression, and suppress interethnic strife. It is only now, after many decades of iron rule, that Lee Kuan Yew is trying to casat himself as a “democrat” and “human rights” advocate criticising Sri Lanka. On the other hand, the economic, education, training and housing policies he implemented, created the political stability, infrastructure and the highly skilled workforce Singapore needed to succeed marvellously.

    China achieved success by maintaining political stability restricting freedom of expression, while pursuing policies that created a free-market economy in a Communist state. The Chinese did that by using their native genius, working hard, being thrifty and saving, and sacrificing their present for the benefit of their country’s future. As Lorenzo says, the US govt did not help China succeed in any way, the US consumers did that by buying well-made Chinese goods at rock bottom prices because and were of great value. Today, 90% of the consumer goods sold in the US are made in China. Only military, and very high tech industrial goods, and agricultural products are manufactured in the US.

    3. You said: “We do not want to be like Singapore. Probably our people will be quite contended with village, dagaba and reservoir type of living they have been practicing for centuries. I see some scenes in the TV these days when our politicians visit these villages. one such event was near a tank built for the farmers thirty years ago. They were the same frail looking, ill clad frmers who have been there thiry years ago. This is quite a contrast to the scenes we see in ASEAN or middle east countries where people appear well fed and in better shape.”

    I disagree. I travel extensively in Sri Lanka and see massive development taking place in all areas including rural areas. It is true that our people are STILL skinnier than the well fed fat cats of the West; that will change as the per capita income increases fgrom the present $3,500 to developed country levels … say in 10 years if the current inevestments in infrastructure and skills training of our people is maintained. It is strage though, people I know in the US are dieting like hell and would be happy to be as lean as Sri Lankans!!

    Our people SHOULD NOT be contented with village, dagaba and reservoir type of living if that means they will remain poor compared to the rich countries of the world. That is a prescription for Sri Lanka’s economic collapse, recolonization by rich foreign powers, and the ultimate loss of sovereignty, with native Sri Lankans assigned the role of entertainers for the tourists …. as the native Hawaiians are today in Hawaii … trotted out to do Hula dances and then packed off back to their hovels. Sri Lanka MUST attain 1st World status in 10-15 years … that is, and should be, the whole objective of the current development program. Sri Lanka for Sri Lankans … not for expatriate foreigners!

    4. You said “I am sorry no one has picked up what I said above posting at 5.06am. In simple terms what the statistics show is when 1000 buddhist people produce 7 children per year the minority produces 20 children per year per 1000 of them. This is the stark thruth some one is trying to conceal. This has been happening over the 30 year period. We cannot blame any government or even that minority as they were trying to sort out the terrorist problem. Now is the time to address this issue. The first thing to do is stop all the abortion clincs doing illegal things, then stop migration to middle east. If not my grand daughter may find one day when she returns during her life time, this country is no longer a Buddist one and also the name has changed.”

    I agree with you, that Sri Lanka should ban abortions except in the case of rape, incest or where the mother’s life is medically at risk at birth. Also, the GOSL should implement policies to maintain population steady. They can include assistance for families with children below the national population replacement average.

    With regard to migration to the Middle East, freedom to migrate or find work in other countries to earn enough to have a decent life cannot be denied in a free society. Sri Lankan citizens are not slaves. What we should do is to provide training facilities so that these people have better skills and can get better jobs than as household maids etc. Most of these people use the money they earn to support families, and build houses in Sri Lanka they can live in when they return. If they went, for example, as business managers, accountants, technicians, school/nursery teachers, registered nurses, etc instead of as unskilled maids, they can earn much more in better working conditions, and return to Sri Lanka much sooner. Currently, workers in the Mddle East remit 6 billion dollars anually; this can easily be doubled or tripled if the workers are better trained. This should be a priority for the GOSL.

    The best way to retain our people in Sri Lanka, is to develop its economy, infrastructure and environment and attain a per capita income of more than 15,000 in today’s US dollars. When that is done, NO ONE would leave Resplendent Mother Lanka.

  14. aloy Says:

    Ananda USA,
    Thank you for your above post. I know most of SL expacts writing to this site do so from Western countries or US. They are the people who were generous to give you citizenship/PR ect. You know their mentality. So, the best thing to do is to write to the people that matters in those countries and have a good contacts and have an understanding with them instead of critizizing them as white caucasian Christians. One day they will come to know the truth like those in Australia.
    BTW, I like to carry forward your solar power program. You wrote once that it is your life time achievements. Let me give it a go in SL, in case you are interested. You may contact me through our website: http://www.aeconsultants.lk

  15. Lorenzo Says:


    “I think I should leave this dicussion and perhaps the site now.”


    Your inputs are needed.

    I see what you mean. Another reason is 1971, 1989 and 1983-2009 killed ONLY Tamils and Sinhalese. Muslims escaped all 3 events.

  16. aloy Says:

    Lorenzo/Anada USA,
    We sinhalese boast of a 2500 years history where all communities including veddas had peaceful co-existence in this land of Buddists. However due to the activities of ME economic powers as highlighted in my second posting we have suddenely (over a period of 30 years compared to 2500) come to this situation. In my above analysis giving the number of years needed to tilt the balance I have not considered the scenario where the two minorities getting together against the current majority, which is most likely to happen. This has been amply demostrated by the repeated attacks on Buddhist places of vership and killings of Buddhist priests by LTTE.
    So, what I advocate here is to have a peaceful dialogue with the minorities concerned and come to a cosensus to maintain the current status qoe. If not we will find suddenely that we have come to the end of road for Sinhalas in this land. For that we need to avoid both ME and India ( as a plague) and strengthen our defences in the north. I think we also need a paradigm shift in our foreign policy which should be articulated by a patriotic person of the calibre of Kadir.

  17. aloy Says:

    Sorry, “Buddhist places of worship””

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