Lowbrow Kollywood Joins The Tamil Nadu Joker Troupe
Posted on April 3rd, 2013

Janaka Yagirala

For someone to know the difference between highbrow and lowbrow, one must only watch an episode each of “Yes Prime Minister” and “Dirk Gently”. For someone who cannot figure it out like a typical Kollywood die hard fan willing to self immolate, reading the rest of this would be a waste of time!

It is enlightening to see people do something different for a change, like propped up cine heroes (who would defecate in their pants had it been in real life) skip a meal to lower their cholesterol. In the case of anorexic heroines (real life harlots), it won’t make much of a difference except for being able to showcase their latest designer attire (or at least half of it) in a country where half the population wear rags and lack proper sanitation facilities.

In all, it is of no surprise for Kollywood to show their solidarity for Sri Lankan Tamils. Kollywood is all about fairy tales, just like mythical “Tamil Eelam”, fictitious “Tamil Grievances” and fantasy Channel 4 news. In reality Tamils in Sri Lanka are far better off than Tamils in Tamil Nadu. They have access to Sri Lankan free education in Tamil, free healthcare, almost exclusively Tamil universities (University of Jaffna with a new Indian built engineering faculty and Eastern University) and access to universities in majority Sinhalese areas as well, and last but not least privacy when attending a call of nature.

Nevertheless, those on dieting would have mistaken the videos of the incident on 12th November 2008 at Dr. Ambedkar Law College, Chennai as footage from a typical movie set. How unfortunate that none of these dieters had a tear to shed for the atrocious act were dalit students were beaten up with iron rods by “high” caste students. It is also reasonable to assume that they never take a typical Indian train to notice how unsanitary the railway lines are. Most of them may be unaware of the abject poverty of Tamil Nadu and India as a whole, unless of course they happen to run a nominal charity for tax exemption. Last but not least, the reality of Indian child labor and child prostitution (a.k.a. devadasis) may be unknown in the make believe world of Kodambakam.

Any true Sinhalese would be proud to name Muttaiah Muralidaran as our greatest sports hero, condemn the brutal murder of Hon. Lakshman Kadiragamar and Hon. Jeyraj Fernandopulle and unequivocally condemn the inhuman acts of July 1983. The Sinhalese people haven’t forgotten the attacks on Arantalawa, Anuradhapura, Kent and Dollar Farm, the Sri Dalada Maligawa, Kebitigollewa etc., but are always willing to forgive in the name of building a better future. After all, the LTTE barbarians are no more and “vengeance begets vengeance” is a fundamental teaching of Buddhism.

However, the silence that fails to at least acknowledge the countless Sinhalese people who risked their lives to save innocent Tamils during July, 1983 is deafening. That is why the word “reconciliation” in the context of Sri Lanka is as hollow as the American promise to safeguard human rights in Iraq and Afghanistan or the Indian promise to end the prehistoric casteist mentality and bring “equality” to dalits. That is just the tip of the iceberg of “reality” in Sri Lanka.

So let us all wish Kollywood the best of luck in their new endeavor and hope they can raise the Tamil Nadu Joker Troupe to new heights.

4 Responses to “Lowbrow Kollywood Joins The Tamil Nadu Joker Troupe”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    “Any true Sinhalese would be proud to name Muttaiah Muralidaran as our greatest sports hero.”


    SL’s greatest sporting heroes are Aravinda De Silva, Arjuna Ranatunga, Susanthika Jayasinghe, Julian Bowling, Duncan White. Whatever politics they follow.

  2. callistus Says:

    Lorenzo, we don’t agree with you.

  3. Voice123 Says:

    Lorenzo, what characterises Murali is his determination to succeed in the face of biased official and organised opposition from powerful nations to try and scuttle his career. Perhaps the nation can learn from Murali in the biased attacks we currently face from the “International Community”?

  4. Lorenzo Says:


    That is alright. You are entitled to your views.

    In my view SL’s GREATEST sporting heroes are Aravinda De Silva, Arjuna Ranatunga, Susanthika Jayasinghe, Julian Bowling, Duncan White.

    I don’t consider IPL auctioned horses that are paid to entertain Endian gamblers are heroes at all!!


    Obviously he had some good traits. NO denying that. But determination of Aravinda and Arjuna was far greater. Another good thing about them is they ROSE TO THE CHALLENGE.

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