Cunning efforts to implement Sharia in Sri Lanka
Posted on April 23rd, 2013

Nandana Wijeratne

The gazette notification of 19 April 2013 under Standing Order No.48 proposes a Bill that when carefully reading shows the cunning method of legally implementing Sharia laws into the school system which invariably will lead towards a very critical atmosphere in Sri Lanka.

Since our legislatures belonging to the Sinhala Buddhist are either asleep or busy accepting any proposal that comes with it monetary gains, their weaknesses are being exposed to the maximum at the cost of the country. Shocking betrayal of the land, the heritage, the older culture and the people are taking place under our very noses.

Despite warnings the leaders continue to keep as Justice Minister a man whom even the Muslims do not accept given that he would do anything and everything for money. He and a handful of others are responsible for inviting the Wahhabis into Sri Lanka and causing the confusion in the peaceful existence that existed.

The Wahhabi-CIA link the Norway funds and the ties with other worlds intelligence agencies is what is causing all the conflicts taking place in the world.

The Muslims are today victims because the Wahhabis are being trained to fight all the wars on behalf of the Western-imperialists and the Muslims have to shoulder the blame and bear the hatred by the worldƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s population because all the fundamentalists are Wahhabis and people think they are Muslims ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” this is not true.

Muslims in Sri Lanka are far more intelligent and they need to realize the damage taking place and slowly come out in opposition. Wahhabism in Sri Lanka is not going to do them or any of us any good at all.

If the Government can wake up from their slumber and wake up to the fact that they are nobodys unless they realize they must protect their people ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” they need to start undoing the damage they are causing by accepting monetary gifts that come with tags that would leave them beheaded first. Taking money for election campaigns of the future is not going to get them any votes by people who are today disgusted with the actions of the Government. More and more people amongst those that voted for the Government now hate the Government for selling the country to India and to the Islamic fundamentalists.

Government should not allow Wahhabism in Sri Lanka. Government should immediately send the Saudi clerics back before they do further damage to the Muslim children and the entire country.

Religious based schools should not be allowed ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” if these madrassas start to produce fundamentalists as happens in other parts of the world it is a threat to Article 9 and the entire security of Sri Lanka.

All religious groups must hereafter be made to register with the Government and not function under the Companies Act ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” no one knows what happens to the money that comes into the country as no one is concerned to find outƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦.

If the Sri Lankan Government allows Sri Lanka to turn into an Islamic state like MaldivesƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦ this Government will become the most hated by the Buddhists ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” but they might not care even about that ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦ they have become so thick to ignore all the warnings given.

What a shame.


The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

No. 1,807 ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…”FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2013



I, M. S. Thowfeek do hereby give notice under Standing Order No. 48(1) of the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka that I propose to introduce in Parliament a Bill entitled ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-An Act to incorporate the Ridhwaniyyah Arabic College.ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚


The aim of the Bill is to incorporate the said College which has the following general objects. :-

1. To produce Islamic Theologists to lead the community under the Islamic law of “Shariaa”;

2. To protect Islam.etc.



Member of Parliament,

Trincomalee District




I, M. S. Thowfeek do hereby give notice under standing Order No. 48 (1) of the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka that I propose to introduce in Parliament a Bill entitled” An Act to incorporate the Abu Hurairah Arabic CollegeƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚;


The aim of the Bill is to incorporate the said College which has the following general objects:-


1. To produce Islamic Theologists to lead the Community under the Islamic law of “Shariaa”;

2. To Protect Islam etc.



Member of Parliament,

Trincomalee District (Sri Lanka Muslim Congress)




I, M. B. Farook do hereby give notice under Standing Order No. 48 of the Standing Order of the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, that I propose to introduce to Parliament a Bill entitled “An Act to incorporate the Markas Sakafathul Islamiyya”


The aim of the Bill is to incorporate the said Foundation which has the following general objects :-

1. To establish and manage a centre for Islamic education, guidance and prayers;

2. To conduct classes for Thajweed and memorizing Al-Quran; and

3. To arrange English, Sinhala and Arabic Language Classes, etc.



Member of Parliament.

Vanni Electoral District ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” Mannar (Sri Lanka Muslim Congress)




6 Responses to “Cunning efforts to implement Sharia in Sri Lanka”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    This is Iamlic RACIST terrorism. This MUST be STOPPED at any cost.

    We don’t want this disgusting shitaria. This is SL, not blo*dy Saudi. I see dark clouds of ARABIC RACISM raising its ugly head in SL. CUT IT DOWN NOW or face 99/11, 3/11, 7/7/ 11/26, Boston, Chechnya, Thailand, Pakistan, Maldives, Saudi beheading, Rizana, Bangalore boming, Israel bombings, Afghanistan, Iran, Hizballah, Taliban, Lakshe-e-toiba, Jamah Islamiya, etc., etc. in SL.

    Rally around Bodu Bala Sena to stop this cancer.

  2. aloy Says:

    I think this is much more serious than we think. They are much more smarter, organised and controls everythink than we think. It was Britishers who stopped India becoming one of these countries and what ever people like Ratnapala in this forum says (of course he is entitled to his opinian and I am entitled to mine) it was the Europeons who prevented this nation also becoming one. Our prent day leaders (of all hues) will not be able to stop this as there is no powerful force to back us and we are alone.
    If we do not get help we are doomed.

  3. Dilrook Says:

    I think MB Farook’s bill is reasonable.

    Quoted from above.

    The aim of the Bill is to incorporate the said Foundation which has the following general objects :-

    1. To establish and manage a centre for Islamic education, guidance and prayers;

    2. To conduct classes for Thajweed and memorizing Al-Quran; and

    3. To arrange English, Sinhala and Arabic Language Classes, etc. [unquote]

    None of these is a threat to Sri Lanka, Sinhalese or Buddhists. In fact the last objective is a very good one all peaceloving people must support.

    However, the bill by a UNP Muslim MP from Trincomalee is a very dangerous development. It cannot be allowed to proceed.

    I personally want to see an end to BBS public activities before some groups clash over their activities. Although BBS was not part of any violent act, there are other groups that carryout violence in the guise of BBS. However, with this type of insensitive acts by some Muslims, it is impossible and in fact counter productive to stop BBS.

    BBS thirves on Tamil and Muslim extremism. Without stopping Tamil and Muslim extremism, BBS cannot be stopped.

  4. sridaran Says:

    The Sharia is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted laws – and is not adhered to universally worldwide. Different Muslim countries have different interpretations of Sharia – with the most extreme interpretation followed by the Taliban. Second comes Saudi Arabia. If you look at the more moderate Muslim countries like Malaysia and Indonesia , you see a different interpretation. Watching TV and listening to music is taboo according to Taliban. But Muslims elsewhere enjoy TV, Movies and Music . While Girls in Afganistan and Saudi are required to be fully covered , we see modern girls of Malaysia and Indonesia wearing Jeans and T Shirt . Therefore, it is evident that different communities interpret the rules of Islam according to their own beliefs. Though the Taliban banned Films , Music and Girls Schools in Afganistan, our Sri Lankan muslims don’t agree with this interpretation of Sharia and they watch TV, listen to music and send their girls to school . Ten years ago, we did not see any Muslim women on Sri Lankan roads covered head to toe in Abaya. This ‘fashion’caught up slowly after the Middle East job market opened up and more and more SL Muslims took up Gulf jobs. The Muslim men who returned from the Gulf wanted their womenfolk to look like those in the Middle East and this Abaya craze took over !! A moderate Muslim friend of mine in Colombo never bought an Abaya for his wife and his wife also never asked for one ! But they were a devout Muslim family . My point is this – the Buddhists, Hindus , Christians and Muslims of SL have been following their respective religions with full freedom , and conditions do not warrant any action that may kindle the fires of Religious fundamentalism. Sri Lanka has its own Laws and Penal Codes in place , and laws like the Sharia are alien to us and can only widen the gap between the Muslims and the Non Muslims of SL.

  5. Senevirath Says:

    B B S Is the most active organization at the moment
    Hela urumaya , M E P and weerawansha party should get together with B B S TO FIGHT AGAINST Sharia and also to crush13 A — AND TO PROTEST AGAINST THE NOTHERN PROVINCIAL ELECTION


  6. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    These crafty, conniving lebbes know Sinhalese are divided. So they do what they like. We have to be ‘grateful’ to UnP (unpatriotic party) for letting this menace destroy our country. They never helped the government of the day when it needed help. It is still the case. If they had an iota of patriotism they would’ve joined the Governments of the day. Then this menace wouldn’t have been controlling any of the governments so far.

    Only in Sri Lanka will give one of the most powerful jobs to a traitor like hakeem. No any other country would on this planet. Why can’t these unpatriotic party guys join the government and get those ministerial posts? Not that they are very very honest and principled people. They want to be in power. They want a bigger piece of the cake. So divided we face extincttion and lebbes are mulitplying and overjoyed.

    They multiply like xxxx, taken over every town in our country. Muslim only school will hide all this multiplying output. If they go to Sinhalese schools they stand out like sore thumbs with their alien outfits (skull caps, hijabs etc. etc). Muslim only schools start with one building, in few years it becomes one of the biggest schools in the land. Multiply multiply. It is a menace from US to Aus. Boston, 9/11, 7/7, Madrid etc. etc. Sinhalese and Tamils are blissfully ignorant to the menace.

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