Stand up! Who says coming up Shariah schools is not a threat?
Posted on April 23rd, 2013


On 19/04/2013, in the mixed section of Sri Lanka Gazette, a notice appeared under the no 767. It was placed by the UNP Trinco District Parliamentarian S.M. Thawfeek, to inform the general public that he intend to present two acts in the parliament to form two Arabic schools namely ‘Ealvaniyah’ and ‘Abu Hurairah’. Now unless one digs deep in to it and look for motives, there isnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t much to this pending parliament act to form two schools.

Said notice says: Under section 48(1) of the Standing Orders of Sri Lanka Parliament, S.M. Thawfeek MP had declared the purpose to form earlier said two schools is for ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”the common good of the peopleƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ with following aims

1) To train and produce Theologists (Wahhabis) to help guide the society to live under Islamic Shariah law. (emphasis mine)

2) To safeguard Islamic religion.ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚

In my opinion, S.M.ThawfeekƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s aims are small moves of a very large plot. Why do I say that? Shariah is not codified in this country and therefore it’s not a law in Sri Lanka. If that is so,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  whatƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s the use of teching and compelling and guide the public at large to live under Shariah law?

I say MP, Thawfeek and those who are readying these two schools have ulterior motives. Their aim is to change the mindset of Muslims in this country in favour of establishing Shariah law here. Otherwise, why train Mullahs to help guide the society to live under Islamic Shariah law which is unlikely to be enforced in this country. It is clear these guys plan to pressure Sri Lanka government to codify Shariah law at least in parts of the country where Muslims are the majority. We’ve read such demands in write-ups during RanilW’s UNP regime. Add Tamil demand for bantu land concept we will have ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”One country many systemsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢. Is that what we want?

Of the countries that codified Shariah law as common law, can MP, Thawfeek tells us which one of them treat all people equal? None. Shariah forbids secular political system. Those talk one word against Muhammad or Allah like I do now are put to death.

But Muslims demand all rights and freedom when living in secular system. But underƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ShariahƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ there is no freedom to unbelievers. True, in just one verse (2:256) Koran says; “Let there be no compulsion in religion….” ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ But in another verse 9:29, Koran says, people of other religions have to pay a poll tax called the jizya to Muslims. And 60% of the Koran verses are openly against unbelievers.

In short, Shariah is incompatible with democracy. Under Shariah law, Allah is at the head and a ruling body of clerics interpret Allah’s law. That’s Shariah and that’s what they practice in Saudi. So how could MP ThawfeekƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s two schools that train teaches to teach Shariah law help guide our present day democratic and secular society (however faulty that may be) to be better?

I bet these bigots are conniving to change the composition of our present day society. I think, this is what BBS, RB and RS whistle blowings are all about. Stand up! Who says coming up Shariah schools is not a threat?


10 Responses to “Stand up! Who says coming up Shariah schools is not a threat?”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Thanks Leela for keeping eyes and ears open for these threats.

    Shitaria is OPENLY AGAINST SL. It MUST be rooted out from this country.

    Like the 6th amendment, we should bring a 19th amendment to BAN ALL ACTIVITIES relating to Shitaria in SL.

    If they go ahead with these projects, army should be deployed to handle them. Israeli expertise must be sought to prevent these terrorists infiltrating into SL.

  2. Sunil Vijayapala Says:

    with vote mongers anything is possible in sri lanka. bbs must now transform into a political movement and capture power in this country. we can then get rid of wahaabis, tiger remnants, English speaking conservatives, etc. etc

  3. herman Says:

    The government should get rid of these types of extreme foreign Shariah schools immediately, atleast the europeans and americans will be on the side of the government for a change, this time!

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    Good point Herman. It is a WIN-WIN. We should score these EASY GOALS.

  5. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Halal. Hijab. Now shariya. This menace won’t give up. This is a menace to the world. But in Sri Lanka they want their way one way or another. And get it. Where are UnP (unpatriotic party)? They still don’t want to send few of their ‘patriotic’ MP to the Government and get rid of this menace.

    We have seen what muslim only schools done every town. They start with one building then in few years become the biggest schools in the land. Because all the multiplying can send there, not many people notice it. If they go to Sinhalese schools it is noticeable to everybody. This crafty, conniving lebbes try everything in the book and succeed. Because they know Sinhalese are divided. Oh UnP (unpatriotic)! Carry on regardless. Offer Sri Lanka to them on a plate!

  6. Insula Says:

    All Myth Based Beliefs are a treat to humanity. Call a spade, a spade. Call a Myth, a Myth.

    1. Hinduism, and it’s convoluted versions.
    2. Judaism, and it’s convoluted versions.
    3.Buddhism, and it’s convoluted versions.
    4.Christianity, and it’s convoluted versions.
    5.Islam, and it’s convoluted versions.
    6. Many others, and it’s convoluted versions.

    Karl Marx said, “Religion is the opiate of the masses”. Very true. Look at Wahhabism. Look at Mahanama Monk ism. Look at Bodu Bala Sena and its ism, etc,

    All Myth Based Beliefs are a treat to humanity. Call a spade, a spade. Call a Myth, a Myth.

  7. Voice123 Says:

    “The government should get rid of these types of extreme foreign Shariah schools immediately, atleast the europeans and americans will be on the side of the government for a change, this time!”

    – Wrong Herman and Lorenzo.

    Its a fatal mistake to think this way. The West promotes Sharia and Wahabism in third world countries they wish to undermine and bring about regime change and/or otherwise control the non-European world by introducing organised barbarism under the guise of “religion”. The west only oppose Islamicisation in white-western societies as they see it as undermining their position of supremacy.

    Its high time Muslims the world over woke up to this fact and eradicate Wahabism from their midst. Treat it like a cancer.

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    I agree USA is COVERTLY funding Wahabism with Saudi.

    BUT it cannot openly support or NOT oppose fighting it. That is what we are going to use.

    Yesterday US funded FSA terrorists abducted 2 bishops in Syria. Today a 12th century Shiite mosque has been bombed to dust by US funded FSA.


    These things PLUS Boston and Canada make it very difficult for USA to OPENLY support Wahabism OR NOT oppose it.

  9. Voice123 Says:

    Lorenzo, USA/west wont openly fund Wahabism/ Sharia limb chopping etc because Christians would be outraged. So they do it covertly. While genuine Christians would be outraged, white-supremacists and race-haters would be happy to see the “colored” world undermined by in fighting and backwardness. Key difference. Sri Lanka should not fall into the trap of hating ALL Muslims and Christians worldwide. There is potential to find common cause with them, whilst retaining our individuality.

  10. Lorenzo Says:


    Sure. But it is NOT about ALL Muslims!! Even Muslims SECRETLY pray AGAINST Wahabism but they are powerless to stop it.

    We are actually HELPING Muslims when we fight against Wahabism which will win us the support of the US public (NOT CIAA), the powerful Jewish lobby in USA (NOT Mosssad), etc.

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