Archive for May 23rd, 2013

Learn From Ladakh And Abolish The 13th Amendment Or Demilitarize The North And Dig Your Political Grave!

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Janaka Yagirala I am no expert on military matters or national security but I can never ignore the uneasy feeling I get when the Army Commander of Sri Lanka states that the number of army camps in Jaffna will be reduced to just 3 from 17. When a persistent request was made by the US, […]

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Britain’s accountability for “Bloody Sunday” massacre takes 38 years!

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Shenali D. Waduge We certainly agree that everybody have to be accountable for their actions. But, we chose to pass on following Britain’s example of “accountability”ƒ”š‚ when its own investigation into a massacre that took place in 1972 underwent 2 British inquiries and lasted 38 years for families of the slain to finally be told […]

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Astrology is false, dated and unedifying.

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

R Chandrasoma ƒ”š‚ A hypothesis (or belief) is false if it does not square with the facts. It is also false if its deductive entailments do not match the facts as empirically revealed. Suppose some learned person declares with a great sense of infallibility that those born when stormy weather conditions prevail will die prematurely. This […]

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Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

By Shelton Gunaratne, author of From Village Boy to Global Citizen (Vol. 2): The Travels of a Journalist (Bloomington, IN: Xlibris). On my island wide tour of Sri Lanka last month (April), I was taken aback by the official ticket checkers’ insistence at some tourist attractions that I should pay the incredibly high entry fees […]

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NY Times with Optimistic Propaganda – Bias Exposed

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

From: The Citizens of the United States To:ƒ”š‚ ƒ”š‚  Ms. Jill Abramson Executive Editor New York Times 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 Please share this with Alissa Rubin and Matthew Rosenberg. Thanks. Dear Executive Editor of the New York Times: Today we read this realistic geopolitical analysis based on the ground situation in Afghanistan […]

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An Appeal by Sri Lankan Buddhists to Thailand PM not to allow its land to be used by foreign elements to destabilize Myanmar (Burma)

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Shenali D Waduge Buddhist Sri Lanka warmly welcomes the arrival of the Prime Minister of Thailand Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra during this Wesak month. The arrival of the Thai Premier will serve to strengthen the pristine links of Theravada Buddhism to which Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Buddhist communities in several other nations of […]

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LIFE ABROAD – Part 28: Adieu Lanka Viththi

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Dr.Tilak Fernando I was distressed to hear from my friend Daya Ananda Ranasinghe in London, the editor and publisher of the Sinhala tabloid Lanka Viththi, the sad news about the demise of his Sinhala journal after 16 years of continuous publication. In a poignant note he wrote in his email thus: “Last Saturday, May 5, […]

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Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Prof. Suwanda H J Sugunasiri President, Buddhist Council of Canadaƒ”š‚  Today (May 24th) is “ƒ”¹…”Wesak Day’ƒ”š‚  at the UN, as well as in Toronto, as proclaimed by the Mayor of Toronto. This piece looks at the historical Buddha who is being respected today, and throughout the month of May. ƒ”š‚ DHARMA DAY MESSAGE IS MODERATION Ears […]

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To My dear Muslim brothers and sisters,

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

From Your Buddhist brothers and sisters I hope you are well and good. I am writing this letter to you so that you may perceive what lies in the hearts of many Sri Lankan Buddhists, and in the hope that it will provide some measure of comfort to you, if by chance your hearts are […]

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A nation misled by astrologers

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai, It is a tragi- comedy that for each and everything our nation practically depends on fortune telling. The auspicious days even for elections are fixed on the advice of fortune tellers it ƒ”š‚ is whispered “ƒ¢¢”š¬…” nay, publicly declared. Obviously the government and the opposition go to the fortune tellers and they […]

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Norway visit of the BBS – a third-party reply

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

C. Wijeyawickrema, USA As a person who follows and supports the vision, mission and actions of BBS, I wish to reply to Mr. Karunadasa’s questions to BBS which appeared in the May 23 issue of the Island newspaper, opinion page. By way of background to why I decided to reply to Mr. K, I was […]

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