TNA Says, “No Solution under Unitary State”
Posted on June 1st, 2013

Asada M Erpini

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The statement of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP Mavai Senathirajah, reported in the Sri Lankan media on 31 May, that ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-a power sharing arrangement under a unitary state would not solve the national questionƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ is the clearest indication so far that TNA has not moved an inch away from the separatist ideology of the LTTE. Then again, TNA is what it is today because it got ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”electedƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ with the blessings of the LTTE and served as the mouthpiece of the LTTE. SenathirajahƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ implying that only a separate state would solve the national question – whatever that may be ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” is therefore hardly surprising.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ As far as the peace-loving Sri Lankans are concerned, the national question is that a group of Tamils who became MPƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s with the blessings of the LTTE leader are still hung up with the separatist mentality of Pirabhaharan. The valiant armed forces of Sri Lanka sacrificed a great deal to get rid of this very ideology of a mono-ethnic Tamil North. In this connection, it is not clear to what extent the average Sri Lankan Tamil, even the one living in the North, prefers to live under the jackboot of Pirabhaharan as opposed to being ruled by the leader of the much-maligned ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”Sinhalese governmentƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ All Sri Lankans who love their country ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” the country that gives them free education, free healthcare, and for its MPƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s including TNAƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ SenathirajahƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ many enviable facilities and access to luxuries that the average citizen can only dream of ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” want Sri Lanka to be a unitary state. And, that unitary state extends, from Devundara in the South to Point Pedro in the North, and Madakalapuwa or Gokanna (currently referred to as Trincomalee) in the East to Mannarama or Puttalama in the West.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It is to preserve Sri Lanka as a unitary state that tens of thousands of men and women in uniform, especially from the rural areas of the country, gave life and limb. After the LTTE was vanquished by the armed forces, people including Senathirajah can now move about freely in the country, with no fear of being blasted to smithereens by an LTTE bomb.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The best that could be done with the people of the calibre of Senathirajah is to direct them to a statement made by the Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Duma (parliament) that has been quoted by Nalliah ThayabharanƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  in Lankaweb on 31 May:

ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦ Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”discriminationƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢. ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦ When this honourable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first, observing that the minorities are not Russians.



23 Responses to “TNA Says, “No Solution under Unitary State””

  1. Lorenzo Says:



    As I ALWAYS say, Tamil MODARATES are the WORSE enemies of SL.

    There are 3 groups in the Tamilian community.

    1. SL patriots
    2. Modarates
    3. Tamil racists

    ONLY SL PATRIOTS are good. BOTH others are bad.

  2. Voice123 Says:

    Lorenzo, TNA are not “moderates”, they are racists.

  3. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    The Constitution clearly prohibits anyone to even think of disintergrating the Unitary State of Sri Lanka. There is ample provision to enforce the Law, take them to Courts, and then to the Jail-House, if any attempt is made. YES, CLEARLY AN ATTEMPT IS MADE BY SENATHIRAJAH.

    Why is the Government pussy-footing on this subject with Senathiraja ? Who makes the MPs invertibrates ? Is it the West, or India, or both. Enough is enough. Senathiraja is rabidly making pronouncements with impunity. HE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO TASK, LEGALLY, and with a LOUD BLAST OF ~~NO~~Into his ear.

    There is no necessity to argue, deliberate nor explain. ENFORCE THE LAW AS PER THE CONSTITUTION.

    Also, it should be mandatory for Senathiraraja, to go for Counseling to Nalliah Thayabaran. Other mentally sick Tamils too should visit Thayabarans Chambers , to condition their minds, and if really necessary, subject themselves to brain surgery, to remove the Ealaam Tumor, which has got malignant. This should be done on an Emergency basis.



  4. Lorenzo Says:

    Yes TNA falls to #3 – racists.

    That is why NO political solution is possible with them which is very good for SL.

    But sometimes TNA plays the cunning moda-rate.

    e.g. They wanted 13 amendment. Unitary status is NOT affected by 13 amendment.

    Then they are more dangerous because they are closer to SOME achievement then.

    Now there is an attempt to SPIN TNA Sumanthiran (a racist) as a moda-rate and get him contest the election from UNP from Colombo district next time. That way TNA can win a seat or two from Colombo too!!!

  5. sumadha Aus Says:

    thy are after seperat country,I think Sri Lanka just wasting time and money,last 30 years same talk going round,if thy don’t like what Sri Lankan majority wont in sri Lanka,well thy can go where there Tamil majority live,

  6. sumadha Aus Says:

    thy are after separate country,I think Sri Lanka just wasting time and money,last 30 years same talk going round,if thy don’t like what Sri Lankan majority wont in sri Lanka,well thy can go where there Tamil majority live,

  7. NAK Says:

    There is only one solution for those who insist on a seperate country, give them one out of this world,like the one the LTTE got.

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    Some points to underline :

    (1) MP Senathiraja has taken an Oath to uphold the Constitution of Sri Lanka, or else he would not be an MP. By making his latest statement he is going against the Constitution of Sri Lanka which forbids Separatism. He has broken the Law. Should he remain as a MP ?

    (2) Tamil Eelam is in Tamil Nadu, India. Tamil Nadu is the true homeland of the Tamil people.

    (3) Does Sri Lanka exist to solve Tamil Caste problems ?

    (4) Sri Lanka must recognise that what we have today is a Labor problem, not a ‘Tamil Problem’. The Upcountry (or so called Indian Tamils) have already stated that they do not want a separate state for Tamils and they are for an undivided Sri Lanka. USA has granted a Million dollars to study the Labor Problem in Sri Lanka.
    Modernise & Mechanize labor in Sri Lanka, particularly in the plantations sector, and education & skills training for the industrial sector.

  9. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    FRAN !! It appears to me that the invertebrate Politicians are dead scared of the LTTE PROXY MPs, because they think that they will lose their lives if they try to enforce the Law laid down in the Constitution, against people like Senathirajah, Sampandan etc. Senathirajah is talking about a National Question. Power sharing in a Unitary State does not solve his National Question. The imaginery non existent National Question is I believe, his day dream of a separate State, to wield POWER. The Government can stop this kind of pronouncement, in a formidable manner in Parliament. BUT MY NATIONAL QUESTION IS:- WHO IS GOING TO ‘BELL THE CAT ‘ ? in parliament ? Each MP Rat, is waiting for another rat to do it. This will never happen, because all these fat necked, heavy bellied rats are invertebrates. So the NATIONAL QUESTION WILL BE, P E R P E T U A L.

  10. Senevirath Says:

    how can the govt put sambandan and other tamils in to jail leaving ranil and the party and dilan in the govt. side
    FIRST start with sinhala eelamists. there are somany ways to stop this but the govt will not take any action


  11. Lorenzo Says:

    BTW what happened to the PROMISED parliamentary motion by the JHU?

    Now it is JUNE and still nothing has happened!

    Will it EVER reach the parliament? I doubt it.

  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    Generally it is the Speaker who deals with Parliamentary discipline.

  13. Fran Diaz Says:

    As far as we know, the present day TNA is not a registered political party. It is the M-TNA that is registered. The TNA should not be treated as a political party. However, the Tamil MPs who profess to be TNA members are bound to obey the Constitution of Sri Lanka and they have already taken an Oath to do so. If they break the Oath, then they ought not to be treated as MPs.

  14. Fran Diaz Says:

    The JHU proposal to repeal the 13-A has been presented to Parliament. We await the outcome. Here is the full text of it :

    Jathika Hela Urumaya Presents Motion in Parliament to Repeal 13th Constitutional Amendment Enacted Due to India-Sri Lanka Accord
    22 May 2013, 4:07 pm
    (This is the full text of the Private Members Motion Presented by the Jathika Hela Urumaya(JHU) in Parliament to Repeal 13th Constitutional Amendment that was Enacted Due to India-Sri Lanka Accord. The JHU describes its motion as the 19th Amendment to the Constitution and wants the Govt whip to allow MP’s a free vote on the issue. A group of 30-32 MP’s in the Govt including cabinet ministers have banded together to oppose this motion.)

    Whereas the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was purportedly enacted, consequent to the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord being entered into between the President of Sri Lanka and the Prime Minister of India in 1987 under duress in defiance of the sovereignty of the people of Sri Lanka and ;

    Whereas the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka did not approve the provisions of the 13th Amendment Bill as being consistent with the Constitution in as much as only four judges of the Supreme Court out of nine held that the approval of the people at a referendum was not required to enact the 13th Amendment whilst five judges held that at least one or more of the provisions of the Bill were in violation of the Constitution and therefore required the approval of the people at a referendum and;

    Whereas in terms of Article 80(2) of the Constitution “where the Supreme Court has determined that a Bill or any provision thereof require the approval of the people at a referendum” such bill or such provision shall become law only upon the same being approved by the people at a referendum and the President certifies that the Bill or any Provision thereof has been so approved in the manner as set out in the said Article.

    Whereas the majority of the Judges that constituted the bench of the Supreme Court had determined that the Bill or any one or more of the provisions thereof requires the approval of the people at a referendum, such Bill can become law only if complied with Article 80(2) upon being approved by the people at a referendum and therefore the purported certificate of the Speaker endorsed on the Bill purportedly under Articles 79 and 80(1) of the Constitution is invalid and unconstitutional and;

    Whereas the Supreme Court has determined that any Bill or any Provision thereof requires the approval at a referendum the only cause of action available under the law is to comply with the process set out in Article 80(2) and the purported Amendment made to Clause 154G(2)(b) and 154G(3)(b) of the 13th Amendment Bill in Parliament without a further determination by the Supreme Court is unconstitutional and unlawful and;

    Whereas the 13th Amendment in Article 154A(3) provides for the establishment of one administrative unit for two or more Provinces, to accommodate the unlawful undertaking given by the then President of Sri Lanka in the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord to establish one administrative unit for the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka on the erroneous and false basis that the Northern and Eastern Provinces form part of the homeland of one single ethnic and /or linguistic community as claimed by the separatist forces and;

    Whereas the 13th Amendment has sought to abdicate the legislative power vested in Parliament and the Executive power vested in the President by the division of governmental power and restricted the Parliament and the President respectively exercising the legislative and executive power of the people and thereby offended the unitary character of the State;

    Whereas the 13th Amendment has vested inter alia police powers (including powers in relation to maintenance of public order) in Provincial Councils which was hitherto exercised by the Government of Sri Lanka, which will be a serious threat to national security concerns of the Republic in as much as,

    a. The 13th Amendment provides for the Chief Minister of a Province to directly control the Head of the Provincial Police Force and thereby all Police Officers of the said Force and even national police units operating in any province. (vide Item 11 of the Appendix of List 1 of the 9th Schedule) thereby effectively taking away the powers of the Inspector General of Police and the Government of Sri Lanka to exercising any authority over such police force.

    b. The13th Amendment entrusts the responsibility of prevention, detection, investigation of all offences (except the offences specified in the Schedule therein) and institution of prosecutions (subject to the powers of the Attorney General) to Provincial Councils and to enact any law on any such matter and further empower any Provincial Council to prevent any Police Officers of another Province entering such Province (vide the limitations contained in sub paragraph (k) of the 2nd item of List II of the 9th Schedule) and thereby jeopardizing the management of law and order and the national security of the Republic.

    c. The 13th Amendment even restricts police officers of the national police force from being in uniform compelling them to be in plain clothes even when performing the limited responsibilities allowed within a province such as when engaging in prevention, detection and investigation of a scheduled offence (vide Item 10:1 read with 12:1 of the relevant Appendix of the 9th Schedule).
    Whereas the 13th Amendment though based on the Constitutional structure of India, denies the Government of Sri Lanka to intervene in the event of Province acting against the interests of the Republic, although the Central government of India is empowered to intervene in similar situations. (Vide Article 256 and 257 of the Constitution of India).

    Whereas the power of the Government of Sri Lanka to give directions with regard to the manner of exercising executive power by a Province is restricted to a situation where the maintenance of essential supplies and services is threatened or that the security of Sri Lanka is threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion (vide Article 154J and 154K) no such limitation is placed under the Constitution on the Government of India and;

    Whereas the 13th Amendment seeks to weaken the Government of Sri Lanka whilst strengthening the Provincial Councils and thereby destroying the unitary character of the State, territorial integrity of Sri Lanka and the sovereignty of its people and;

    Whereas Sri Lanka is a free, sovereign, independent and unitary State and it is the duty of the State to safeguard the independence, sovereignty, unity and the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka and the provisions of the 13th Amendment are a threat to the independence, sovereignty, unity and the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka ;

    Be it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:-

    1. This Act may be cited as the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

    2. The Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as the “Constitution”) is hereby amended by the repeal of;

    (a) Chapter XVIIA
    (b) Article 155(3A)
    (c) Ninth Schedule

    3. Article 170 of the Constitution is hereby amended by the substitution, in the definition of “written law” for the words “and includes statutes made by Provincial Councils, orders” of the words “and include orders”.

    4. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala and Tamil texts of this Act, the Sinhala text shall prevail.

  15. Fran Diaz Says:

    This is the progress on the matter, so far, from GoSL :

    ” Sri Lanka government to submit a proposal to amend powers of Provincial Councils
    Mon, Jun 3, 2013, 09:24 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Jun 03, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government plan to submit a proposal to the cabinet this week regarding the amendment of several powers of the Provincial Councils, government sources say.

    The amendment will withdraw the provisions that enable the Provincial Councils to merge.

    It will also withdraw the provisions that the nationally important bills needed to be passed in all Provincial Councils. Instead, the amendments will be brought so that such a bill will be sufficient to be passed in majority of Provincial Councils.

    However, the proposals of certain government coalition parties to take back the land and police powers of the Provincial Councils have not been included in the government’s proposals, government sources said.

    Sources further said that the government has planned to appeal for a definition of the land powers from the Provincial Councils”.

  16. Lorenzo Says:

    Thanks Fran for the info.

    But 2 weeks have passed since, nothing happens in parliament ON THAT motion.

    The BILL govt. plans to bring will KEEP 13 amendment with a VERY MINOR change (2 PCs can’t merge).

    That is NOT what we have been asking for.

    After the ENDIAN warning the LOCAL HERO has panicked.

  17. Fran Diaz Says:

    Lorenzo !

    Times are such that it is heroic to be wise. As we know, India herself is being wagged again.

    If Sri Lanka was situated far away from India in the Indian Ocean, matters may have been different and we could have all enjoyed happier times.

    “Truth wins” says the motto on the Indian flag. Trust the Force, Lorenzo, but “let’s also tie our camels – in this case ‘harakas’ ” too !

  18. Ananda-USA Says:

    What TREACHERY is this?

    GOSL to ONLY “amend several powers” including requiring NOT ALL but ONLY A MAJORITY of Provincial Councils to approve national bills! Removal of Land and Police powers is not NOT INCLUDED in these amendments!

    The GOSL would be well advised to REPEAL the 13th Amendment and DISSOLVE Provincial Councils altogether, lest the Patritic People of Sri Lanka kick this government also out from Office.

    GOSL, Ask not For Whom the Bell Tolls, It Tools for Thee!

    Rise Up! …. O Patriotic Sons and Daughters of Sri Lanka …. REPEAL this Poison Pill 13th Amendment and DEMOLISH the Provincial Councils, lest our sovereign Motherland is reduced to “appealing” to separatist Provincial Councils for its very existence, as is mentioned in the article below!

    These Craven Cowards should put this issue to the PEOPLE in a NATIONWIDE REFERENDUM. If they can’t decide, let the PEOPLE decide for them!

    Sri Lanka government to submit a proposal to amend powers of Provincial Councils

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Jun 03, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government plan to submit a proposal to the cabinet this week regarding the amendment of several powers of the Provincial Councils, government sources say.

    The amendment will withdraw the provisions that enable the Provincial Councils to merge.

    It will also withdraw the provisions that the nationally important bills needed to be passed in all Provincial Councils. Instead, the amendments will be brought so that such a bill will be sufficient to be passed in majority of Provincial Councils.

    However, the proposals of certain government coalition parties to take back the land and police powers of the Provincial Councils have not been included in the government’s proposals, government sources said.

    Sources further said that the government has planned to appeal for a definition of the land powers from the Provincial Councils.

    Tamil alliance of Sri Lanka accuses government of attempting to reduce Tamil votes

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Jun 02, Colombo: The major Tamil party of Sri Lanka Tamil National Alliance (TNA) accuses the government of attempting to reduce the number of Tamil votes in the Province before the elections to Northern provincial Council scheduled for September this year.

    TNA parliamentarian Mavai Senathirajah has said that the government is establishing new villages in the province and settling Sinhala and Muslim people while eliminating the voting rights of 180,000 Tamil people who are still not being resettled and living in other areas with relatives or in camps.

    At a central committee meeting of the TNA’s main party Ilankai Thamil Arasu Kachchi (ITAK) held in Kilinochchi recently the MP told BBC that about 100,000 displaced Tamils are living with the relatives and another 80,000 are living in India and those Tamils will not have the opportunity to vote at the elections.

    Sri Lanka’s Justice Minister recently received approval from the cabinet to bring in draft legislation to amend the Election law to allow displaced people from the Northern Province now temporarily residing in other parts of Sri Lanka to get them registered as voters on submission of satisfactory proof.

    The central committee has decided to discuss this issue with the governments of Sri Lanka and India and the Election Commissioner before the elections, the MP further told BBC.

    The party has postponed taking a decision on nominating a candidate for the chief minister post and how to make the nomination until the elections are announced for the Province.

    Sri Lanka Muslim Congress to protest any attempt to weaken power devolution

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Jun 03, Colombo: The Muslim ally of the Sri Lankan government, Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) has registered strong protest against any attempts to abolish the 13th Amendment to the Constitution which was brought to devolve power.

    SLMC Supreme Council met yesterday to discuss the issue. SLMC national organizer Rafeek Rajabdeen said that the party would not extend any support to the government to weaken the power devolution.

    He said that the SLMC would again discuss if the government would bring an 18th amendment to the constitution.

    He also highlighted that the SLMC was a powerful party in the Eastern Province and a coalition party in the central government and the Eastern Provincial Council.

    Jathika Hela Urumaya, a government coalition party has brought a proposal in the parliament to amend the Constitution so that the powers devolve under 13th Amendment to the Constitution be taken back to the center.

  19. Ananda-USA Says:

    HERE IS AN EXAMPLE of how sub-national local governments in Sri Lanka, in the CONTROL of SEPARATIST Groups, can UNDERMINE the AUTHORITY OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT by entering into agreements with Foreign Governments and Entities inimical to Sri Lanka.

    In this way, the Role of the National Government, having the RESPONSIBILITY to DEFEND and PROTECT the Nation accorded to it by the citizens of the country, is slowly ERODED away, inch by inch.

    This kind of Anti-National Activity would greatly increase if Provincial Councils are handed over to SEPARATIST GROUPS in the Future. Little by little, they will establish irreversible direct relationships with Foreign Powers to cement and ease their way towards their DECLARED GOAL of an Eelam OUTSIDE the current Unitary State of Sri Lanka.

    OPEN YOUR EYES and Rise Up!…. O Patriots of Mother Lanka…. to DEFEND the Nation from ENCROACHING SEPARATISM!

    REPEAL the 13th Amendment and DEMOLISH the Provincial Council System at its ROOT.

    Trincomalee Urban Council in Sri Lanka suspends MoU with US Embassy – report

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Jun 02, Colombo: The Trincomalee Urban Council in Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province has decided to suspend the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) it signed recently with the US Embassy in Colombo to establish a public information and activity center known as a American Corner in Trincomalee, a local newspaper reported.

    The Sri Lankan Government expressed concern over the signing of the MoU between the US Embassy and the Trincomalee Urban Council on May 22 to jointly establish the American Corner without the knowledge of the External Affairs Ministry.

    A local government entering into an agreement with a foreign mission without the approval of the External Affairs Ministry is a clear breach of protocol, according to the Ministry.

    According to a report in the local English weekly Sunday Leader, the Secretary of the Urban Council Abdul Latif Mohammad Nafeel has said that the External Affairs Ministry had informed the Council that the deal was unacceptable and the Council needs to obtain clearance to continue with the MOU.

    The US Embassy has said that it had signed similar agreements when it opened American corners in Kandy and Jaffna.

    However, the Secretary of the External Affairs Ministry Karunatilaka Amunugama said that a special investigation has been launched into the MOU and the investigation will also cover the American corners opened in Kandy and Jaffna.

    “The Ministry will seek information from the local Council about the deals they had signed with the US Embassy. We have not sought information from the US Embassy as yet,” Amunugama was quoted as saying.

    The Secretary has said that an official from the Ministry has been appointed to investigate the MOU signed with the local councils and a report will be submitted on the findings.

    US embassy spokesman and Director of Press Cultural and Educational Affairs Christopher Teal has said that the purpose of setting up of the information center is to provide vital information to the people particularly, the student population in the East.

  20. Ananda-USA Says:

    Rise UP! …. O Patriots of Mother Lanka …. NEVER let the TNA raise its Ugly Head to purrsue its Eelam in Sri Lanka.

    REPEAL the 13th Amendment and UPROOT the Provincial Council SYSTEM COMPLETELY.

    If the Craven Cowards in the GOSL WILL NOT ACT, then let the Patriotic People of Sri Lanka VOTE IN A NATIONWIDE REFERENDUM to Protect the Nation!

    ‘TNA victory will lead to separatism’

    By P K Balachandran – COLOMBO

    June 2, 2013

    Sri Lanka’s powerful defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa has warned that a Tamil National Alliance (TNA) victory in the proposed elections to the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) under the 13th Amendment of the Constitution, will rekindle the movement for an independent Tamil Eelam.

    The Island daily of Friday quoted Gotabaya as saying: ‘If a political party with a separatist agenda like the TNA were to take control of the provincial administration vested with powers over land and the police as envisaged by the 13th Amendment, the security of the country would be gravely threatened.’ He feared that the country might get back to war.

    Gotabaya, said, if the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had accepted the Indo-Lanka Accord under which the 13th Amendment was enacted, Eelam could have been created long ago.

    As an official, he could only warn Lanka’s political establishment of the security threat inherent in holding elections to the NPC with land and police powers devolved to the province, Gotabaya said.

    On Thursday, the President’s other sibling, economic development minister Basil Rajapaksa, told Express that no “serious discussions” had taken place in the Cabinet on pruning the 13th Amendment. Cabinet spokesman, Anura Priydarshana Yapa, said any decision on constitutional changes could be made only on the recommendation of the proposed Parliamentary Select Committee.

  21. Ananda-USA Says:

    Is this EMERGENCY BILL, intended to give the ETHNICALLY CLEANSED Sinhala & Muslims citizens the right to VOTE in the NORTH & EAST?

    Nevertheless, this does not solve the problem of EELAMIST DOMINATED Provincial Councils emerging in the North & East.

    Rise Up! …..O Patriotic Sons & Daughters of Sri Lanka …. REPEAL the 13th Amendment and DISSOLVE the Provincial Council System NOW!

    Don’t let the PC Elections to be held in September, 2013 to EMBED an India IMPOSED Foreigner’s Law designed to DIVIDE Sri Lanka into a Patchwork Quilt of Separatist Apartheid Bantustans!

    Urgent bill in Sri Lanka parliament tomorrow on Northern Provincial Council election

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Jun 04, Colombo: Chief Government Whip of Sri Lanka Dinesh Gunawardena announced today that an urgent bill will be tabled in parliament for approval tomorrow regarding the the Northern Provincial Council election.

    He said the opposition has also been made aware of the bill and the time is allocated for the bill.

    The Minister said the bill is related to the registration of voters and the time will be allocated for the debate.

    The bill is to amend the election law to allow displaced people from the Northern Province now temporarily residing in other parts of Sri Lanka to register as voters on submission of satisfactory proof.

    The Press Council (Amendment) Act is also to be debated in the parliament tomorrow. The registration fees of the newspapers are to be increased under this act.

  22. Ananda-USA Says:

    The 13th AMENDMENT contains Many POISON PILLS that THREATEN the INTEGRITY of Sri Lanka and the SAFETY of its PEOPLE.

    Among them:

    1. Devolution of Land and Police Powers that will enable SEPARATIST Tamils to EXCLUDE other communities from the North and East, to BUILD UP their SEPARATIST forces ONCE AGAIN beyond the view and control of the National Government, and to import an unending STREAM OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS from Tamil Nadu.

    2. The de-facto VETO power of Provincial Councils over NATIONAL BILLS which requires UNANIMOUS CONSENT of ALL PCs for passage of National Bills. Under this law, the GOSL would be UNABLE to act against SEPARATIST Provincial Councils in any way.

    3. The Provision for the MERGER of the Northern and Eastern Provincial Councils, that would resurrect the long held dream of Eelamists to impose their majority in the Northern Province on the Eastern Province, and capture it as well. What the SunGod sought to Win by MURDEROUS WAR would be gifted to the TNA in ABJECT PEACE!

    It would be an ABSOLUTE FOLLY to hand over the North and East to UNREPENTANT SEPARATISTS ENABLING them to SECEDE and join Tamil Nadu!

    The LIVES of UNTOLD GENERATIONS OF Sri Lankan Citizens would be placed at RISK by opening this DOOR TO HELL!

    Ask Not For Whom the Bell Tolls; it Tolls for Thee!

    Rise Up! …. O Patriots of Mother Lanka …. REPEAL the 13th Amendment, DEMOLISH the Provincial Council System, and HALT the upcoming Provincial Council Elections, DEMAND a NATIONWIDE REFERENDUM to END the 13th Amendment!

    Sri Lanka cabinet approval sought for amendments on power devolution

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Jun 06, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government will submit a proposal to the cabinet of ministers today seeking approval to re-amend the 13th Amendment to the Constitution , government sources said.

    The proposed amendment reportedly aims to remove the provisions provided for a merger of the adjoining provincial councils which allows bills and acts to get passed by all provincial councils before they are passed in parliament.

    The draft bill in this regard has been approved by the party leaders of the ruling United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) that met on June 04 evening under the patronage of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    Sri Lanka government sources say that more amendments to the Provincial Council system are to come in the future.

    Meanwhile Minister Wimal Weerawansa said that the President promised to seek a definition from the Supreme Court regarding the police and land powers of the provincial councils.

    Minister’s party, National Freedom Front is campaigning against giving police and land powers of the Provincial Councils.

  23. Ananda-USA Says:

    SEPARATISTS and TRAITORS joining together in FAVOR of the 13th Amendment.

    Rise Up … . O Patriots of Mother Lanka …. REPEAL the 13th Amendment COMPLETELY, DEMOLISH the Provincial Council System, HALT the Provincial Council Elections, and DEMAND a NATIONWIDE REFERENDUM to REPEAL the 13th Amendment!

    Sri Lanka Tamil party opposes amending the 13th Amendment to the Constitution

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Jun 06, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s major Tamil political party, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has opposed the government’s move to amend the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

    The government’s move is seen as a measure to limit the powers accorded to provinces under the 13th Amendment before the government holds elections to the Northern Province Council planned for September.

    TNA parliamentarian Suresh Premachandran said the 13th Amendment which was aimed at solving the national issue and the government must consult the TNA as a representative of the Tamil people prior to any move to amend the 13th Amendment since it would affect the people of the North and East.

    However, Premachandran noted that the government has not yet made any official comment on its stance on the 13th Amendment.

    According to Premachandran, the TNA would have to decide whether to contest the Northern Provincial Council polls in the event the government decides to dilute or amend the 13th Amendment as it stands.

    The 13th Amendment introduced under influence from India in 1987 paved way for power devolution to the Provinces despite displeasure of the majority Sinhala community.

    There is a growing momentum within the ruling party and the country to abolish the 13th Amendment. The opponents of the 13th Amendment believe holding the elections in the Northern Province without amending it will be a serious threat to the national security and territorial integrity.

    Members of the ruling party have met on Tuesday to discuss the changes to the 13th Amendment and the party leaders have agreed to amend it, a senior party leader has told the AFP.

    The government has proposed removing the provisions provided for a merger of the adjoining provincial councils which allows bills and acts to get passed by all provincial councils before they are passed in parliament.

    Further, the attention is focused on the provision of granting land and police powers to the provinces under the 13th amendment.

    Sri Lanka’s Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa recently said that he would never agree to granting police powers to provincial councils as it would be a serious challenge and a danger to the security services.

    He said if the provincial councils were vested with police powers, a serious situation would arise with regard to the maintenance of law and order, and the security services would become ineffective.

    However, some coalition partners of the government are not in favor of the move to revise the 13th Amendment and curtailing police and land powers.

    Ally of the governing party, the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) said the party would not support the changes to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

    The party said 13th Amendment should not be revised in any way and there should not be any change in the land and police powers vested with the provinces under the 13th Amendment.

    The government is however, to submit a proposal to the cabinet of ministers today seeking approval to re-amend the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

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