Power of the people chased out Eastern Province Governor Mohan Wijewickrama
Posted on June 3rd, 2013

A tense situation prevailed at the Lahugala Viharamahadevi Primary School in Ampara yesterday when Eastern Province Governor Mohan Wijewickrama visited the school to look into shortcomings there.

The Governor was warmly welcome by the parents and students but when he announced that the students must go to the Lahugala Old Govipala School for grade two from next year, the parents ran amok and objected to it.

The Governor and Lahugala Pradeshiya Sabha opposition leader Raween Niroshan who was also present were rescued to safety by the police amidst protests by parents



9 Responses to “Power of the people chased out Eastern Province Governor Mohan Wijewickrama”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Now the government is trying to DENY Sinahala people their land rights.

    And Sinhala people are rejecting the govt. for that.

    LEARN the lesson fools. You have no f* right to tell the REAL SLs (Sinhalese) where to go. Tamilians can live anywhere but not Sinhalese. What a joke!

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  3. douglas Says:


    It looks like that there is no more “writings on the walls”, but only “show downs” instantaneously. I think if the “leaders” are not awakening to call “enough is enough”, the PEOPLE are going to say it loud and clear.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    Rise UP! …. O Patriots of Mother Lanka …. NEVER let the TNA raise its Ugly Head to purrsue its Eelam in Sri Lanka.

    REPEAL the 13th Amendment and UPROOT the Provincial Council SYSTEM COMPLETELY.

    If the Craven Cowards in the GOSL WILL NOT ACT, then let the Patriotic People of Sri Lanka VOTE IN A NATIONWIDE REFERENDUM to Protect the Nation!

    ‘TNA victory will lead to separatism’

    By P K Balachandran – COLOMBO

    June 2, 2013

    Sri Lanka’s powerful defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa has warned that a Tamil National Alliance (TNA) victory in the proposed elections to the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) under the 13th Amendment of the Constitution, will rekindle the movement for an independent Tamil Eelam.

    The Island daily of Friday quoted Gotabaya as saying: ‘If a political party with a separatist agenda like the TNA were to take control of the provincial administration vested with powers over land and the police as envisaged by the 13th Amendment, the security of the country would be gravely threatened.’ He feared that the country might get back to war.

    Gotabaya, said, if the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had accepted the Indo-Lanka Accord under which the 13th Amendment was enacted, Eelam could have been created long ago.

    As an official, he could only warn Lanka’s political establishment of the security threat inherent in holding elections to the NPC with land and police powers devolved to the province, Gotabaya said.

    On Thursday, the President’s other sibling, economic development minister Basil Rajapaksa, told Express that no “serious discussions” had taken place in the Cabinet on pruning the 13th Amendment. Cabinet spokesman, Anura Priydarshana Yapa, said any decision on constitutional changes could be made only on the recommendation of the proposed Parliamentary Select Committee.

  5. Lorenzo Says:

    Thanks Ananda for sharing those news reports.

    1 “The Island daily of Friday quoted Gotabaya as saying: ‘If a political party with a separatist agenda like the TNA were to take control of the provincial administration vested with powers over land and the police as envisaged by the 13th Amendment, the security of the country would be gravely threatened.’ He feared that the country might get back to war.”

    Great minds think alike. But there is a twist. “He feared that the country might get back to war.” IF TNA wins north, the country MUST GO TO WAR to disrupt the TNA and north PC.

    2 Gotabaya, said, if the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had accepted the Indo-Lanka Accord under which the 13th Amendment was enacted, Eelam could have been created long ago.

    Thank g~d LTTE was NOT moderate Tamils. Otherwise SL is now divided. Unintentionally LTTE did MORE good to SL than moderate Tamils.

    This is why MODERATE Tamils are MOST dangerous. They AGREE to poltical solutions and ALL political solutions are about DIVIDING SL.

    Hardline dumb fools DON’T agree to such political solutions because they want MORE.

    SL patriotic Tamils do NOT ASK for political solutions at all!

    The good LTTE did

    * Chased away 1,000,000 Tamilians OUT. If they stayed back SL is now like TN.
    * Reduced Tamilians’ percentage from 18% to 15% (this needs to be reduced further)
    * Killed all moderate Tamilians (otherwise now the coutnry is divided into 8 parts)
    * Rejected all poltiical solutions (otherwise now the coutnry is divided into 8 parts)
    * Chased away IPKF from occupying our country
    * Got rid of Tamil National Army
    * Got rid of Premadasa, Rajiv, Ranjan (useless war criminals)
    * Dismantled the TULF (WORST enemy of SL at that time)
    * Killed many TNA MPs who were becoming a pain in the neck to us
    * Terrorised Jeyalalitha and shut her big gap up
    * Made the world support us in war on terror
    * Kept Jihadists silent (now they are everywhere)
    * Kept blooody Endia out

    Of course they did MANY MORE bad things. The point is we should have been ready for the fallout. When a BIG thug is killed, many small thugs emerge. When snakes are killed, more rats come.

    This gives us some pre-election hope. “LTTE” will once again REJECT 13A and WARN TNA not to contest the election. If they do…………….. (It need not be the LTTE but the scapegoat should be LTTE.)

    I know GR is ONLY making statements (NO ACTION will follow). But his PRE and POST election situations have 2 creative solutions. If we are serious about national security nothing is off the table!!!

  6. Ananda-USA Says:

    Is this EMERGENCY BILL, intended to give the ETHNICALLY CLEANSED Sinhala & Muslims citizens the right to VOTE in the NORTH & EAST?

    Nevertheless, this does not solve the problem of EELAMIST DOMINATED Provincial Councils emerging in the North & East.

    Rise Up! …..O Patriotic Sons & Daughters of Sri Lanka …. REPEAL the 13th Amendment and DISSOLVE the Provincial Council System NOW!

    Don’t let the PC Elections to be held in September, 2013 to EMBED an India IMPOSED Foreigner’s Law designed to DIVIDE Sri Lanka into a Patchwork Quilt of Separatist Apartheid Bantustans!

    Urgent bill in Sri Lanka parliament tomorrow on Northern Provincial Council election

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Jun 04, Colombo: Chief Government Whip of Sri Lanka Dinesh Gunawardena announced today that an urgent bill will be tabled in parliament for approval tomorrow regarding the the Northern Provincial Council election.

    He said the opposition has also been made aware of the bill and the time is allocated for the bill.

    The Minister said the bill is related to the registration of voters and the time will be allocated for the debate.

    The bill is to amend the election law to allow displaced people from the Northern Province now temporarily residing in other parts of Sri Lanka to register as voters on submission of satisfactory proof.

    The Press Council (Amendment) Act is also to be debated in the parliament tomorrow. The registration fees of the newspapers are to be increased under this act.

  7. Ananda-USA Says:


    Great summary of the UNINTENDED GOOD done by the LTTE!

    However, I don’t think that the 1,000,000 Tamils were “chased away” from Sri Lanka by the LTTE. On the contrary, the LTTE created a “heaven sent opportunity” and the “human smuggling network” that enabled most Tamils to be dumped as”fake refugees” in rich Western countries with greater economic opportunities. Ordinary Tamils collaborated closely with the LTTE to avail themselves of this bounty, and the LTTE, in return, acquired a captive tax base fto fund its war effort in the Tamil Diaspora. This opportunity was NOT AVAILABLE to other Sri Lankans (Sinhalese in particular).

    That is why, the Tamil Diaspora are STRONG LTTE supporters: the LTTE was the greatest thing that happened to them in their lives … it helped them become RICHER than they could ever dream of.

    For Sri Lanka, the LTTE also did some good in enabling these fake refugees to emigrate illegally: it reduced the population of this SEPARATIST community by nearly half! I am sure that that reduction is something the LTTE hoped to REVERSE once Eelam was achieved, perhaps through immigration from Tamil Nadu, because Diaspora Tamils … wedded to their new found wealth … would never want to return to Sri Lanka. By DEFEATING the LTTE, we CLOSED that door … for a while at least. The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray!

    I support the GOSL giving every assistance to those TERMINALLY UNHAPPY Eelamists in Sri Lanka to EMIGRATE LEGALLY to other countries. This will further REDUCE the population of Anti-National TROUBLEMAKERS. Prabhakaran saved us the BURDEN of having to PAY THOSE who have already departed Sri Lanka at THEIR OWN COST! Hallelujah!

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    We agree with Ananda USA – ” rise up O Patriotic Sons & Daughters of Sri Lanka … REPEAL the 13th Amendment and DISSOLVE the Provincial Council System NOW !”, and we want to add ” or else regret forever”.

    Where are the peaceful Demonstrations against the 13-A ???


    Re the article in question here : “Mohan Wijewickrama visited the school to look into shortcomings there.

    The Governor was warmly welcome by the parents and students but when he announced that the students must go to the Lahugala Old Govipala School for grade two from next year, the parents ran amok and objected to it”.

    What we like to know is what were the shortcomings that made the Governor say that the students must go to the Lahugala Old Govipala School ? And also what is it about the Lahugala Old Govipala School that the public there dislike to demonstrate such wrath ?

    When media report an event, it is most important to tell the public the salient points, not focus on some angry crowds. The tv cameras appear to focus on the anger and not the salient points to inform the public so that other Governors would not repeat the mistake or whatever. I would classify such news reporting as poorly done.

  9. Fran Diaz Says:

    Furthermore, our rural folk ought to be told that the proper method of protest in a Democracy is to forward a Petition to the Governor protesting about an unpopular move and reasons for the protest, rather than shout at the Governor and brandish a brick. This task of telling the rural folk how to do things properly ought to be undertaken by the Temples and the natural leaders in those areas. The Prov. Councillors ought to do this task of advising the rural people, but they appear to have disappeared as far work is concerned.

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