Archive for June 11th, 2013

The Shocking Truth about 13A: 13A was Drafted by India While Arming and Training the LTTE

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Dilrook Kannangara 13A was passedƒ”š‚ in parliament on November 14, 1987. However the 13th Amendment Bill was placed on the Order Paper of Parliament on October 9, 1987. The then President proceeded to send the Bill to the Supreme Court under Articles 120 and 121 to determine whether the 13th Amendment required the approval of the […]

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Doing Politics with the Constitution.

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

By Charles.S.Perera Having ƒ”š‚ won an election for the last time in 2001, Ranil Wickramasinghe is desperatelyƒ”š‚  pulling all the rabbits he can from his hat hoping something would pop-outƒ”š‚  to propel himƒ”š‚  onto the Presidential Chair.ƒ”š‚  All his yes men-Tissa Attanayake, Laksman Kiriella, Ravi Karunanayake, Karu Jayasuriy and the rest follow him wagging their tails […]

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India’s Calling For Talks With The TNA Over The 13th Amendment Is High Handed And Without Entitlement!

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

LankaWeb Weekly Editorial, June 13th 2013 The current turn of eventsƒ”š‚ relative to the 13rh Amendment to the Sri Lanka Constitution which haveƒ”š‚ ƒ”š‚ been reported in the global media that ƒ”š‚ India has called for an ƒ”š‚ urgent meeting with the Tamil National Alliance (TNA)ƒ”š‚ ƒ”š‚ over the issue of the 13th Amendment revision appears to be a blatant attempt on […]

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Clash of the Mahinda Chintana and NGO Chintana for supremacy over Sri Lanka

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Shenali D Waduge That Mahinda Rajapakse won the 2005 Presidential election was a surprise to most and a shock to the UNP block who had figured that after over a decade, victory was to bring them back to power. That Mahinda Rajapakse came to power on the Buddhist vote was unmistakable and earned the tag […]

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Sweep away droppings of a “rogue elephant”

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

By Susantha Goonatilake ƒ”š‚ Western observers at the time were appalled on the so-called Indian Accord which brought the 13th Amendment. The Wall Street Journal called India “A rogue elephant trampling upon its neighbors”ƒ”š‚. The British Guardian said: “India’s pact with Sri Lanka is the most infamous contract imposed on a small country – short of […]

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The lessons we can learn from Bhutan

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Michelle Alexander ƒ”š‚ The Kingdom of Bhutan is a landlocked state in South Asia.ƒ”š‚ It is bordered to the north by Chinaƒ”š‚ and to the south, east and west by the India. Further west, it is separated from Nepalƒ”š‚ by the Indian state of Sikkim,ƒ”š‚ while further south it is separated from Bangladeshƒ”š‚ by the Indian states of Assam and West […]

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