Buddhists are victims of Hate Speech and Media Manipulation in Sri Lanka
Posted on June 17th, 2013

Shenali D Waduge

They say you cannot fool the people all of the time and the recent announcement by a Minister who thinks he is doing a favor to those he closely associates with is like a blessing in disguise for the real victims of hate speech and the likelihood that it is going to boomerang on the very authors of the proposed hate speech legislation is something they have not yet taken into consideration. Almost 50 years ago the Press Commission Report of 1964 revealed some startling truths on the conduct of the Press and its manipulative activities, which 50 years on remains relevant. Victims of hate speech were and continue to be the Buddhists and there is ample evidence to prove it.

To approach the argument of hate speech we need to re- visit the Report and re-state the golden words contained in paraƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 112, page 56ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ of the 1964 report of the Commission that was chaired by Justice K D de Silva, Press Commissioner:

ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚If these English language newspapers were sufficiently patriotic they could have made a very usefulƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ contribution to bringing about unityƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ among the various communities after the country achieved its independence. They should have advised the minority groups to adapt themselves to the changing circumstances and exhorted the majority to be generous towards the former. They failed to do that. What they consistently did was to poison the minds of the minority groups and encourage them to fight to retain the unjust privileges they had received during the era of foreign domination. ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚

In todayƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s context is the above statement not relevant to the manner in which the private English language mainstream newspapers function?

Taking into consideration the editorial population: ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…”

  • How many of these editorial posts are held by Buddhists?
  • How many of these newspapers belong to non-Buddhist ownerships?
  • Who are the regular columnists and to what ethnicities and religions do they belong to?
  • How many articles are regularly featured that denigrate Buddhists through these private English newspapers or subtly attribute the fault at the doorstep of the Buddhists?

Now the answer to the real victims of hate speech becomes easier to comprehend.

Buddhism Bashing Columnists

The regular columnists appearing in all the private English newspapers are:ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Anne A ( never misses a chance to engage in Sinhala and Buddhism Bashing), Dharisha B, Dushey R, Harim P, Kishali P, Kumar D, Latheef F, Shanie (Notebook), Tisaranee G,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Uvindu K, R Philips, Sonali S, Fredrica J, RM Senanayake, Izeth H etcƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦ these articles are then complimented with another set of regular columnists that include Kumar R,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Surendra Ajit, Basil F, Nimalika F, Pakisothy, Jehan P, Dayan J. Their writings do not shower praises about the Sinhalese, the Buddhists or their love for the country.

What they write is not their personal opinion either. By virtue of their profession, the allegiance to forums, organizations and other associations they are tasked to denigrate the Buddhists in a plan to project a ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-Mahavansa MentalityƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ so as to take away the nationalistic pride that the Sinhalese Buddhist possess in view of their heritage and Buddhist civilization. Recolonization and subservience appears to be the goal. We now need to call their bluff.

A closer look will also reveal links to foreign funded organizations most of whom back destabilizing of the nation, distorting history by regularly feeding lies which the English readers come to accept, most linked to non-Buddhist organizations that have a clear plan to demonise and denigrate the Sinhala Buddhists, break their will and confine them to a corner even legislatively by slowly planting their people into key Governmental roles secured by virtue of their English education, contacts that promote their position and because they belong to the fashionable circles of Colombo society.

Thus, Sri Lanka has been accustomed to opening the English newspapers to read headlines that almost always carry ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-fascist BuddhistsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚, ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-Buddhist extremistsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚, ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-Sinhala supremacistsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚, ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-Racist Sinhalese BuddhistsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ and the list is endless. Some headline names are appalling.

In contrast, how many articles are written that praise the Rajapakse Government or our Buddhist Kings or heroes in our ancient past? The literary achievements of the Sinhalese in the pre ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” colonial era is hardly covered. And if anyone writes about how nice the roads are in Colombo, or how well the infrastructure is in the North ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” is that equated to mean that the writers are pro-Rajapakse? Can people not write about the good things the Government does without them being labeled? Do people always have to write like the above columnists painting a sordid picture of a failed state?

What appears to be the difference from then and now is that the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-THENƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ Buddhism Bashing or slandering slogans were silently accepted by the majority Buddhists without challenge and thus these ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-hate speechesƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ had been so commonly used that it did not appear as ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-hate speechƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ and it was almost as if every article had to use these terminologies to get published. But, the ballgame has now changed. There is a limit to what the people can tolerate or should tolerate. Now, when the Buddhists are demanding fair play and equal platform with right of replies and equality in newspaper coverage in the private English media ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” the response is to quickly garner the editors and columnists together and project a picture of victimhood using the statistical reality of the population yet ignoring the statistical reality of how the minorities were using the private English media to totally ridicule the Sinhalese Buddhists and generate contempt for them. This is the issue that needs to be highlighted and addressed.

False depiction of Buddhists as intolerant

The 1964 Commission report perfectly summed this up:ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ With regard to the English reading public, the impression has been created that the communal and religious minorities must get together and oppose the Sinhalese Buddhist majority if they are to get any rights at all. The point of view is put forward that the Sinhalese Buddhist majority is intolerant and is trying to deprive the minorities of their rights. As a matter of fact it is not so.ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ (PCR para 46, pages 25 -26)

This is further strengthened by Sir Nicholas Attygalle, the Vice ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” Chancellor of the University of Ceylon in his evidence who said that he had come across mischievous propaganda against the Sinhalese on his visits to England and USA, and he believed that the source of this false news was our own leading newspapers. (PRC para 49, page 27).

All the columnists mentioned above are regularly quoted internationally ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” therefore should we be in the least surprised why the world gets a wrong impression of Sri Lanka? Some of them are even invited to international conferences where they ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-tearfullyƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ bemoan the fate of ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-journalistsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ and the lack of ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-good governanceƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ in Sri Lanka. No one is bold enough to challenge them at the virtuous ways they function!


The challenges therefore are that there are many local journalists who are being funded and sponsored to write against their own country. Most are now located in foreign stations claiming to be ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-victimƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚. Some of these are able to quickly pack a suitcase and take a flight, get a scholarship and a job while for us the process of visa application, submission of financial statements and sponsorship letters and interview decides whether we are to be given visa or not. They are paid to use their local knowledge and talent to fabricate lies, create mischief, engage in slander, twist stories and promote disunity amongst communities through well-funded websites and email campaigns. If we say this is ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-gutter journalismƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ who can disagree and who will demand freedom of expression for such journalists?

So where in them do we find ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-ethicsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚?

Take a segment of any private newspapers ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” browse through the articles published and count the number of articles that ridicule the Buddhists and blame the Sinhalese for all the troubles in Sri Lanka. When a former Roman Catholic editor who got a Buddhist to write under a Muslim pseudonym to ridicule the Buddhists and this same editor held mandatory Bible classes for Buddhists after office hours what more is there to say about the lack of ethics and the need to have a thorough investigation into the content of the news being published?

Buddhist Channel

The media fraternity that is ever ready to cry foul over freedoms denied may well like to explain why they have selected attacks on what and about whom they write. A good example is how all these years the media kept very silent on Lalith Kotelawala and his corrupt investment activities because they were all part of what was called the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-kept pressƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚. How many can afford to silence media from publishing news by virtue of how well they can ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-look afterƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ the press? Is press freedom and journalism equated to mean that the English press can laugh at a heritage or be paid to write untruths? Is it unfashionable for them to speak about the Sinhala Buddhist kings who kept the civilization of Sri Lanka together and they would prefer to write more about how many times the Queen sneezes or the DNA of Prince William? As against the pro-West news that dominate the English newspapers how many articles are published about Asian heroes, Asian leaders or their high achievements? Does the media ever attempt to promote links between Sri Lanka and Buddhist Asia?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Do we want to belong to the Asian continent? Are we to always follow copy cat type of journalism where we do not create our own niche but replicate what is available in Western news? Do we always have to wait for a Westerner to praise Asia to write about something Asian? The editors of English newspapers in Sri Lanka feel satisfied by running a one page poya day supplement to argue that equal status to Buddhism is given in a nation that has over 70% Buddhists but are poorly served with a lack of quality feature articles and news stories concerning Buddhist events and Buddhist personalities. The ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”Buddhist ChannelƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ based in Kuala Lumpur provides a good role model for choice of content.


The discrimination is very visible. The Hate Speech will certainly provide an opportune platform with which to bring out with examples of how not a single editorial was written when Wahhabi gangs in Bangladesh attacked Buddhist temples and destroyed the artifacts, when even the Thai PMƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s visit to Sri Lanka was given step motherly treatment and not a single line was written about the Thai King while she was in Sri Lanka. Juxtapose this was the manner the newspapers were full of articles when the Middle East went on a rampage over a video that the rioters hadnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t even seen!

The situation is really no different in India. The mainstream English media is owned by the Christians and Muslims and when Hindus make their voice the immediate reaction is to claim ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-hate speechƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ and this was well articulated by Dr. Subramaniam Swamy as well.

No Government should think it can throw a lavish cocktail and court media personnel and think they can twist their stories to national advantage. Those that are bagged by foreign interests earn far more than what the Government can afford to give. Therefore, the best way to move forward is to properly remedy the problem and that remedy must come in the form of another National Media or Press Commission along the lines of the JusticeƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  K D de Silva Press Commission of 1964 where a thorough content analysis can be made of print and electronic media and expose the anti-national, anti-Buddhist, pro-LTTE bias of the media. Hate speech must first target those that created, initiated, and planted the chaos before going after those that react. Those that cause the conflict must be first named and accused.

Witch Hunt

The Government which has come to power on the exclusive Buddhist vote must not fall into traps laid by those who support the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”NGO ChinthanayaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ attempting to slyly promote sinister agendas. These legislative proposals must be rejected because the country is now beginning to open their eyes and to understand what is taking place. Certainly hate speech is welcome for it will enable the Buddhists to come out in their numbers and log complaints with the police given that they have been the victims of the witch hunt all these years. It is now time to name and shame. In all matters the playing field must be level ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” then only there is fair play.

36 Responses to “Buddhists are victims of Hate Speech and Media Manipulation in Sri Lanka”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    “fascist Buddhists”, “Buddhist extremists”, “Sinhala supremacists”, “Racist Sinhalese Buddhists”

    Just imagine Sinhala is replaced with Sri Lankan.
    Sri Lankan supremacists! What a lovely term! I like it.

    IF the name of SL is changed back to what it was – SINHALE, this problem won’t come.

    If they want some fancy name like Thailand or England why not try SINHALAND. I like it! Like SINGAPORE.

    Look at the cricket emblem. ONLY the lion with the sword. No orange or green stripes!!

    Our TAMIL captain proudly wears it not to mention Murali, Marahoof, etc.

    SL is trying to be EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE.

    Just draw a line in the sand and say this is SINHALAND the Sinhala Buddhist country. All citizens have equal rights and nothing more. Take it or leave it (or we will send you packing).

    The problem with Chingalese is they are TOO GOOD.

    Why don’t 70 million Tamils in Endia ask for autonomy for 1/3 of Endia? Why don’t Endia’s 150 million Muslims ask for power devolution? Because if they ask they will be $%^#ed so hard they will not survive.

    Why they demand these things from SL? Because SLs’ melting heart boils over.

    Chinagalese are PERFECT Christians!!

    Jesus said love your enemies and Chingalese do that perfectly. I say only a damn fool will love his enemies.

    Jesus said if someone slaps your left cheek, turn your right cheek too (to get slapped in that too). Only a lunatic would do it but Chingalese do it!

    Tamils chased Chingalese OUT of Jaffna, Batticaloa, etc. and what did the Chingalese do? Allow Tamils chase them out of Colombo too!!!

    After that they NEVER thank but say, “fascist Buddhists”, “Buddhist extremists”, “Sinhala supremacists”, “Racist Sinhalese Buddhists”. Why? To get even more.

    “itha onda geni emathaama budding”.

    We should change this stupid situation.

  2. Amarasiri Says:


    DeJa Vu

    “We should change this stupid situation.”

    All paying the price for the LSSP and CP selling out their principles for Portfolios and abandoning a JUST Society for the Racists.

    LSSP Lanka Sama Samaja Party

    Lanka Equal (Egalitarian) Society Party.

  3. Senevirath Says:

    wonderful wonderful NIYAMAY NIYAMAY. LORENZO

  4. AnuD Says:

    Right now, Christian – interest groups, Muslim – interest groups and Tamil interest groups all do their best to subjugate Sinhala – Buddhists.

    They all say, Sinhala – Buddhists should shut up and stay silent until they achieve their objectives.

    Among all those, geopolitical needs of other countries are also trying to subjugate Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lankan politicians can do some good things here. But, Sri Lankan people are not asking it from politicians. The best way to ask them is canvass against some of them and get rid of them. then others learn it.

  5. Eusense Says:

    If you have the time and patients to write this kind of babble you should also take time to write how and where Buddhism has failed to enrich our Sinhalese society. As a society what has Buddhism given us the commoner, other than a “way of life”? Let me paraphrase, Buddhism is for the rich not for an average Sri Lankan. Once you have made it with excess wealth and prosperity it will help you attain inner peace.
    Until Buddhism changes to fit our society more Buddhists will continue to be converted, referred to with all kinds of adjectives (as you have mentioned) and soon will be extinct, similar to Christianity in the western world!
    A final note, So far no country has progressed as a result of religious fanaticism. Are you trying to make Sri Lanka the first?

  6. AnuD Says:


    Here we are talking about Sinhala – Buddhists. Buddhism stays at least 5000 years after Buddha’s pariniravana.

    Buddha also accepted that it was difficult to practice buddhism when onc is the lay life.

    You are out of mind when you say buddhism is for Rich. You can not be a rich person. Besides, why buddha and Sangha select Beggar life in order to live their lives ?

    Major sects of Christianity and Islam are for Rich people.

  7. Senevirath Says:


    “”””””nonsense lata handa ulakanta labunath madi””””””””

  8. samurai Says:

    While agreeing with Senevirath it is important to know that Buddhism is meant neither for the rich nor poor but for the intelligent and wise. Buddhism is also not meant for ‘the numbers game’ like Christianity and Islam which want to increase the number of converts by whatever means possible. If we go to the Internet we’ll find plenty of websites telling us how to Christianity or Islam – but there are no websites telling us how to convert to Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism or Taoism. A truly convinced Buddhist will not convert under any circumstances. Even if there only 10 intelligent Buddhists in the world that is good enough of Buddhism to survive. As for religious fanaticism there have been many non-Buddhist communities and organisations which have promoted such fanaticism throughout history into the present. It will continue into the future too. To know who how Buddhists were marginalised in the immediate post-independence years and how unethical conversions are continuing I request Eusense to read the Buddhist Commission Report of 1956 and its updated version published in 2009 by the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress.

  9. Eusense Says:

    Open and read any News paper or webpage. What politicians, criminals, murderers and even our own Sadu’s are doing is “RESPECT ALL LIVING BEINGS”, “NOT GREEDY” and “FORGIVING” ???
    For you it may be ””’NON SENSE””” I guess!
    For Lord Buddha’s sake you and Shenali should stop this fanaticism (my god is better than your god mentality). We don’t need any more conflicts which will take us back to the stone age.

  10. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    To quote the article: ““fascist Buddhists”, “Buddhist extremists”, “Sinhala supremacists”, “Racist Sinhalese Buddhists” etc” is common language in the Times of India whenever there is an article that covers Sri Lanka. It is now the Lingua Franca of the Tamils in Sri Lanka, in Tamil Nadu and the Tamil diaspora. It is also the Lingua Franca of Tamil sympathizers that range from Atheists, secularists, Western Media, Indian media, even Buddhists in Sri Lanka. The more powerful the voice of the Buddhist Sanga becomes and the more powerful the Singhalese Buddhist voice becomes the endless litany of diatribe is thrown at them. It is in fact an off handed honor for by their language they do recognize the rise of this power within Sri Lanka.

  11. Ananda-USA Says:


    I have often admired your PITHY COMMENTS …. and applaud the following as AMONG your BEST! NOTHING could be TRUER!

    I stand for JUSTICE and FAIRNESS for ALL and I try to separate out the WICKED from the INNOCENT before I swing my sword, but I NEVER advocate “TURNING the OTHER CHEEK” in the FACE OF INJUSTICE. That only invites a HOLOCAUST that will CONSUME our own people … as it did during the past 30 years of government neglect of the DUTY TO PROTECT.

    Indeed, ALL citizens should have equal rights, and NOTHING more.

    IF the name of SL is changed back to what it was – SINHALE, this problem won’t come.

    If they want some fancy name like Thailand or England why not try SINHALAND. I like it! Like SINGAPORE.

    Look at the cricket emblem. ONLY the lion with the sword. No orange or green stripes!!

    Our TAMIL captain proudly wears it not to mention Murali, Marahoof, etc.

    SL is trying to be EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE.

    Just draw a line in the sand and say this is SINHALAND the Sinhala Buddhist country. All citizens have equal rights and nothing more. Take it or leave it (or we will send you packing).

    The problem with Chingalese is they are TOO GOOD.

    Why don’t 70 million Tamils in Endia ask for autonomy for 1/3 of Endia? Why don’t Endia’s 150 million Muslims ask for power devolution? Because if they ask they will be $%^#ed so hard they will not survive.

    Why they demand these things from SL? Because SLs’ melting heart boils over.

    Chinagalese are PERFECT Christians!!

    Jesus said love your enemies and Chingalese do that perfectly. I say only a damn fool will love his enemies.

    Jesus said if someone slaps your left cheek, turn your right cheek too (to get slapped in that too). Only a lunatic would do it but Chingalese do it!

    Tamils chased Chingalese OUT of Jaffna, Batticaloa, etc. and what did the Chingalese do? Allow Tamils chase them out of Colombo too!!!

    After that they NEVER thank but say, “fascist Buddhists”, “Buddhist extremists”, “Sinhala supremacists”, “Racist Sinhalese Buddhists”. Why? To get even more.

    “itha onda geni emathaama budding”.

    We should change this stupid situation.”


  12. Ananda-USA Says:

    A Petition to STRIP LAND & POLICE POWERS from the PCS is GOOD, but a Petition to STRIP the 13th Amendment from Sri Lanka’s Constitution is ESSENTIAL & MUCH BETTER!
    Petition with million signatures to strip land and police powers to PCs handed over to Sri Lankan President

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    June 18, Colombo: A petition with signatures of million people against holding the Northern Provincial Council election without amending the land and police powers was handed over to the Sri Lankan President today.

    The National Freedom Front led by Minister Wimal Weerawansa earlier this month launched an island wide campaign to collect million signatures against vesting land and police powers to the provincial councils under the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

    The campaign began in Anuradhapura on June 6th and traversed the country collecting signatures.

    Minister Wimal Weerawansa, Deputy Minister Weerakumara Dissanayake, Politburo Member Piyasiri Wijenayake and other members of the NFF were present at the occasion.

    (Photos by Sudath Silva)

  13. Ananda-USA Says:

    PATRIOTS! …. HERE it is …..JHU’s PETITION to REPEAL the 13th Amendment!


    Ratna Deepa, Janma Bhumi
    Lanka Deepa, Vijaya Bhumi
    Mey Apey, Udaarawu
    Maathru Bhumi-yayi
    Maathru Bhumi-yayi …….

    Aadi Sinhaley Aey Weera Meemathun Layin
    Saarawu, Udaarawu
    Maathru Bhumi-yayi
    Maathru Bhumi-yayi …….

    Sri Lanka Buddhist party reveals its constitutional amendment

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    May 22, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s Sinhala Buddhist political party Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) Wednesday revealed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution proposed by them.

    Legal adviser of JHU Udaya Gammanpila, Member of Western Provincial Council, briefed the content of the proposition today at a press conference held in Colombo.

    JHU Gampaha district MP Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thero said the party expects to bring in the proposal to the parliament as a private member’s motion.

    Full Text of the Amendment:

    The proposition named as An Act to amend the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka aims primarily to repeal the 13th amendment to the constitution which paved way for the power devolving Provincial Council system in the island.

    Full text of the draft constitutional amendment is as follows: Whereas the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was purportedly enacted, consequent to the Indo- Sri Lanka Accord being entered into between the President of Sri Lanka and the Prime Minister of India in 1987 under duress in defiance of the sovereignty of the people of Sri Lanka and,

    Whereas the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka did not approve the provisions of the 13th amendment Bill as being consistent with the Constitution in as much as only four judges of the Supreme Court out of nine held that the approval of the people at a referendum was not required to enact the 13th Amendment whilst five judges held that at least one or more of the provisions of the Bill was in violation of the Constitution and therefore required the approval of the people at a referendum and,

    Whereas in terms of Article 80(2) of the Constitution “where the Supreme Court has determined that a Bill or any provision thereof requires the approval of the people at a referendum” such bill or such provision shall become law only upon the same being approved by the people at a referendum and the President certifies that the Bill or any Provision thereof has been so approved in the manner as set out in the said Article.

    Whereas the majority of the Judges that constituted the bench of the Supreme Court had determined that the Bill or any one or more of the provisions thereof requires the approval of the people at a referendum, such Bill can become law only if complied with Article 80(2) upon being approved by the people at a referendum and therefore the purported certificate of the Speaker endorsed on the Bill purportedly under Articles 79 and 80(1) of the Constitution is invalid and unconstitutional and,

    Whereas the Supreme Court has determined that any Bill or any Provision thereof requires the approval at a referendum the only cause of action available under the law is to comply with the process set out in Article 80(2) and the purported Amendment made to Clause 154G(2)(b) and 154G(3)(b) of the 13th Amendment Bill in Parliament without a further determination by the Supreme Court is unconstitutional and unlawful and,

    Whereas the 13th Amendment in Article 154A(3) provides for the establishment of one administrative unit for two or more Provinces, to accommodate the unlawful undertaking given by the then President of Sri Lanka in the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord to establish one administrative unit for the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka on the erroneous and false basis that the Northern and Eastern Provinces form part of the homeland of one single ethnic and /or linguistic community as claimed by the separatist forces and,

    Whereas the 13th Amendment has sought to abdicate the legislative power vested in Parliament and the Executive power vested in the President by the division of governmental power and restricted the Parliament and the President respectively exercising the legislative and executive power of the people and thereby offended the unitary character of the State, Whereas the 13th Amendment has vested inter alia police powers (including powers in relation to maintenance of public order) in Provincial Councils which was hitherto exercise by the Government of Sri Lanka, which will be a serious threat to national security concerns of the Republic in as much as, ,

    (a) the 13th Amendment provides for the Chief Minister of a Province to directly control the Head of the Provincial Police Force and thereby all Police Officers of the said Force and even national police units operating in any province. (vide Item 11 of the Appendix of List 1 of the 9th Schedule) thereby effectively taking away the powers of the Inspector General of Police and the Government of Sri Lanka exercising any authority over such police force, ,

    (b) the 13th Amendment entrusts the responsibility of prevention, detection, investigation of all offences (except the offences specified in the Schedule therein) and institution of prosecutions (subject to the powers of the Attorney General) to Provincial Councils and to enact any law on any such matter and further empower any Provincial Council to prevent any Police Officers of another Province entering such Province (vide the limitations contained in sub paragraph (k) of the 2nd item of List II of the 9th Schedule) and thereby jeopardizing the management of law and order and the national security of the Republic.

    (c) the 13th Amendment even restricts police officers of the national police force from being in uniform compelling them to be in plain clothes even when performing the limited responsibilities allowed within a province such as when engaging in prevention, detection and investigation of a scheduled offence (vide Item 10:1 read with 12:1 of the relevant Appendix of the 9th Schedule).

    Whereas the 13th Amendment, though based on the Constitutional structure of India, denies the Government of Sri Lanka to intervene in the event of a Province acting against the interests of the Republic, although the Central government of India is empowered to intervene in similar situations. (Vide Article 256 and 257 of the Constitution of India).

    Whereas the power of the Government of Sri Lanka to give directions with regard to the manner of exercising executive power by a Province is restricted to a situation where the maintenance of essential supplies and services is threatened or that the security of Sri Lanka is threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion (vide Article 154J and 154K) no such limitation is placed under the Constitution on the Government of India and,

    Whereas the 13th Amendment seeks to weaken the Government of Sri Lanka whilst strengthening the Provincial Councils and thereby destroying the unitary character of the State, territorial integrity of Sri Lanka and the sovereignty of its people and,

    Whereas Sri Lanka is a Free, sovereign, independent and unitary State and it is the duty of the State to safeguard the independence, sovereignty, unity and the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka and the provisions of the 13th Amendment are a threat to the independence, sovereignty, unity and the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.

    BE it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:- 1. This Act may be cited as the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution. 2. The Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as the “Constitution”) is hereby amended by the repeal of ; ,

    (a) Chapter XVIIA

    (b) Article 155(3A)

    (c) Ninth Schedule

    3. Article 170 of the Constitution is hereby amended by the substitution, in the definition of “written law” for the words “and includes statutes made by Provincial Councils, orders” of the words “and include orders”.

    4. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala and Tamil texts of this Act, the Sinhala text shall prevail.

  14. Lorenzo Says:

    Cheers Ananda!

  15. Lorenzo Says:


    “So far no country has progressed as a result of religious fanaticism. Are you trying to make Sri Lanka the first?”

    Spelling out Buddhist grievances is NOT religious fanaticism.

    If it is religious fanaticism to you, BAD LUCK. Ultimately it will be you who will cry genocide, etc.

    With USA, Israel, Russia, France, China and India getting more and more anti-Islamic (even without BJP), your future is BLEAK. Not others’.

    If you want to see religious fanaticism go to bloody Saudi, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. or read the book called Koran or the religion of peace website.

    Can’t you see SL is part of a GLOBAL campaign against ISLAMIC EXTREMISM which is a world threat?

    SL proposed WITHOUT Hinduism, Islam and even Christianity (truth to be told) for THOUSANDS of years with Buddhism. That is all that is needed for SL to prosper. Blame the Mahavamsa because you don’t have ANY history or blame the Koran but this is the reality.

  16. Lorenzo Says:


    Your Jihadist writing is similar to that green book of hate.

    With USA, Israel, Russia, France, China and India getting more and more anti-Islamic (even without BJP), your future is BLEAK. Not others’.

    If you want to see religious fanaticism go to bloody Saudi, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. or read the book called Koran or the religion of peace website.

    Can’t you see SL is part of a GLOBAL campaign against ISLAMIC EXTREMISM which is a world threat?

    SL prospered WITHOUT Hinduism, Islam and even Christianity (truth to be told) for THOUSANDS of years with Buddhism. That is all that is needed for SL to prosper. Blame the Mahavamsa because you don’t have ANY history or blame the Koran but this is the reality.

    The whole world is up AGAINST you.

    If you think SL will be a safe heaven for extremists you are mistaken! SL is WORSE!

  17. Ananda-USA Says:

    Sri Lanka nationalist party introduces bill to abolish PC system

    Tue, Jun 18, 2013, 08:46 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    June 18, Colombo: An ally of Sri Lanka’s governing party, the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) today introduced a bill to abolish the provincial council system enacted by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1987.

    JHU leader and Gampaha district parliamentarian, Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thero was granted leave to introduce the Bill, entitled “Bill to amend the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka”

    The JHU motion aims primarily to repeal the 13th Amendment to the Constitution which paved way for the power devolving Provincial Council system in the island.

  18. Lorenzo Says:

    DeJa Vu in Syria now after Pakistan, Iraq, etc. where Sunnis and Shiites kill each other!!

    This is the best way to take care of extremists.


    USA and Russia arm each group to kill the other. Beautiful!

  19. samurai Says:

    The root of religious fanaticism is trying to convert others hook or by crook. It is a kind of lunacy. The worst culprits are the fundamentalist Christian evangelists. Islamic zealots resort to a different modus operandi. The only two desert religions which are free of this mental disease of trying to convert others are Orthodox Christianity and Judaism. Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Taoists are not involved in conversions.

  20. Eusense Says:

    The reason why I say Buddhism is for the rich is it does not offer any support system to its followers. People have financial, marital, educational, spiritual and health issues which they need support and help. If you are rich you could overcome all this using your wealth. What about the average Sri Lankan? Where is the support system when they need it? Shouldn’t we blame nobody but ourselves for conversions? Our Sanga is busy with politics and materialistics ignoring their duty towards the followers; spiritual enlightenment and now in this modern era building a support system for the congregation.

  21. Eusense Says:

    You have a limited knowledge of other religions. You need to make a distinction between real Christianity and Evangelism. Have you visited the west? Almost every street corner has some kind of evangelical church whose priests, in the name of “Jesus” are in the business of making money exploiting the poor and sick. These are the same people who collect money implying for the poor in Asia and Africa but using over 90% of it for their personal benefit. The core religions do not indulge in forced conversions. If you have information to the contrary please link. You also need to realize the Buddhist population in the world is negligible compared to the others. For this reason you may see few web sites on Buddhism than others. Just complaining does not help we need action! Don’t you think our Sanga should be more involved in religion than in politics?
    You say Buddhism is for the intelligent and the wise. I hope you realize that there are only a few who fall into that category. The rest will be converted I guess! You don’t need a Buddhist Commission report to say that to us.

  22. Eusense Says:

    Sadly, people like Shenali and you are the real danger to this country. She is trying to create religious fanaticism by repeatedly writing how Buddhism should be given a preferential status and how you fueling this fire. Her article sadly does not link us to any publication that “bashes” Buddhism or the Buddhists. Looks like we have to take her word for that. Having read her writings in this topic I am skeptical about her claim “bashing” until I read them.
    Let us Leave religion alone. Religion has killed more people in this world than any other entity.
    BUDDHISM IS not having a massive Buddha statue in the arrival lounge at the Airport, a Bo tree and a pandal at the entrance of each town or How many of news editorial posts are held by Buddhists, How many of these newspapers belong to non-Buddhist ownership, who the regular columnists and to what ethnicity and religions do they belong to, but HOW ONE SHOULD LIVE A PRODUCTIVE LIFE ACCORDING TO LORD BUDDHA’S TEACHINGS.

  23. michelly200 Says:

    The author writes with good intentions… but

    How many of these editorial posts are held by Buddhists? Shouldn’t posts go to a person based on their qualifications and not the religion/philosophy they follow(I don’t deny there maybe race/religion based discrimination in the workplace, but what’s stopping people from taking legal action against such behavior?).

    How many of these newspapers belong to non-Buddhist ownership? Would Buddhist ownership automatically guarantee unbiased reporting? is there anything stopping Buddhists from starting up their own private English language mainstream newspaper?

    Who are the regular columnists and to what ethnicity and religions do they belong to? How is that even relevant? again does solely being Buddhist/Sinhalese automatically guarantee unbiased reporting?

    How many articles are regularly featured that denigrate Buddhists through these private English newspapers or subtly attribute the fault at the doorstep of the Buddhists? – What’s stopping people from refuting such articles? If these articles are lies, then those who publish them will be exposed for all to see

    How many articles that are written to praise the Rajapakse Government or our Buddhist Kings or heroes in our ancient past – why wait for traditional media? with all that is available with the internet (blogging/twitter/FB et all) this can no longer be used as an excuse. And this is a democracy/free country.. people have opposing views and can praise or question whomever they choose.. provided this is done in a civilized and ethical manner, we should learn to accept it. And have people not noticed the characters of some of those allowed to be in the government. (I’m writing articles about our country when I go on trips in my blog.. and I can say it’s darn difficult to get locally written info online.. even ideas for funny articles about Sri Lanka is difficult to come by)

    The editors of English newspapers in Sri Lanka feel satisfied by running a one page poya day supplement to argue that equal status to Buddhism is given in a nation that has over 70% Buddhists but are poorly served with a lack of quality feature articles and news stories concerning Buddhist events and Buddhist personalities. The ‘Buddhist Channel’ based in Kuala Lumpur provides a good role model for choice of content – Again, why wait for others?

    The challenges therefore are that there are many local journalists who are being funded and sponsored to write against their own country. Most are now located in foreign stations claiming to be “victim”. – could someone please link irrefutable proof on this?

    even the Thai PM’s visit to Sri Lanka was given step motherly treatment and not a single line was written about the Thai King while she was in Sri Lanka – Problems/changes et al in the middle east, the US , UK, Europe, India,China could directly effect us, as the governments and organizations in these areas have power and influence to really effect the way things are done with Sri Lanka. Can the same be said for Thailand. And.. don’t newspapers publish supplements for national days of foreign countries with articles about the rulers etc? or is that not enough and am I wrong?

    Buddhism Bashing or slandering slogans – Again.. refute in such a way that it’ll show these writers/Buddhist bashers for who they are

    Like I said.. the author has good intentions to write the article, but, all I seem to hear “woe to us”. Each of us is responsible for own fate and what we do in our lives, it’s not the job for others to do it for us. It’s in our hands to make change.

  24. Lorenzo Says:


    It is people like you who are a CURSE to this country.

    And to every country you live. Just read world news and see how damned you are in EVERY COUNTRY you people live.

    SL was ALWAYS RULED by people like Shenali and me!! That was how it was. Ellalan was killed by the good SL king. Cholan killed by them. Pirpaharan was killed by the same people.

    You are an OUTSIDER.

    SL MUST always remain UNITARY and Sinhala Buddhist and FOR Sinhala Buddhists. Others (including me) MUST adjust or leave with DIGNITY. Otherwise you end up in Nanthikadal.

    The war created 89,000 SL Tamil war widows.
    That means 89,000 married SL Tamil men died.

    2012 census says 2,200,000 SL Tamils. If 60% are adults, there are 1,320,000 adults of which half 660,000 are SL Tamil men.

    89,000 / (660,000 + 89,000) = 12%

    War killed 12% of SL Tamil men making 89,000 Tamil women (12%) war widows.

    Can the Tamils take another round? NO.

    Can the Muslims take it? NO. If one Muslim marries 4 women, there will be 356,000 Muslim war widows. More than 50%!!

    These are FACTS. Don’t beg for it. Leave SL to Sinhalese Buddhists and others who accept the Sinhala Buddhist ways of life and GET OUT to where your religion is the official religion. If such places are too violent go to hell.

  25. Lorenzo Says:

    Look at the joke of the constitution.

    Constitution says Buddhism gets the SUPREME PLACE but that is NOT implemented instead the useless 13 amendment provision is implemented.

    Majority is suppressed, MINO-RAT-Y is elevated. SOUTH ENDIAN and ARAB mino-rat-y ruling and ruining SL. Their problem is they live like SOUTH ENDIA and ARABIA where EVERYONE other than them are either killed or chased out!! We cannot allow this nonsense anymore.

    Good SLs are divided. They should unite. Why Weerawansa has to fight against BBS?

    Instead the lions should fight the tigers and pigs.

  26. Eusense Says:

    Low renzo,
    The more you write the more you expose yourself! Do me a favour, you and shenali please quit protecting my religion.

  27. Lorenzo Says:


    We don’t protect or attack your barbaric religion.

    It is ruined by you and your green book of hate (not that I’m against it. Actually I’m loving it when Sunni and Shiite go at each other!!)

    A free comedy movie of unceasing FUN!


  28. Ratanapala Says:


    How many of these editorial posts are held by Buddhists? Shouldn’t posts go to a person based on their qualifications and not the religion/philosophy they follow(I don’t deny there maybe race/religion based discrimination in the workplace, but what’s stopping people from taking legal action against such behavior?). WHY SHOULDN’T THE EDITORIAL POSTS BE HELD BY COMMITTED BUDDHISTS RATHER THAN VICE VERSA IN A MAJORITY BUDDHIST COUNTRY? THE NATION HAS NO TIME TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION ON EACH AND EVERY CASE WHEN THIS ABOMINATION HAPPENS ON SUCH LARGE SCALE. WHAT MATTERS IS NOT THE QUALIFICATION BUT THE INTENT!

    How many of these newspapers belong to non-Buddhist ownership? Would Buddhist ownership automatically guarantee unbiased reporting? is there anything stopping Buddhists from starting up their own private English language mainstream newspaper? THE CURRENT PROTESTS ARE OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE OF BIASED REPORTING BY NON-BUDDHIST OWNED MEDIA – IS THIS NOT TRUE?

    Who are the regular columnists and to what ethnicity and religions do they belong to? How is that even relevant? again does solely being Buddhist/Sinhalese automatically guarantee unbiased reporting? DOES SOLELY BEING NON BUDDHIST ASSURE NON BIASED REPORTING?

    How many articles are regularly featured that denigrate Buddhists through these private English newspapers or subtly attribute the fault at the doorstep of the Buddhists? – What’s stopping people from refuting such articles? If these articles are lies, then those who publish them will be exposed for all to see. MOST ARTICLES THAT DENIGRATE BUDDHISTS AND BUDDHISM ARE JUST SLANDEROUS AND WITHOUT FACTUAL OR JUSTIFIABLE BASIS. WHAT RIGHT THESE NON BUDDHIST INSTITUTIONS HAVE TO DENIGRATE BUDDHISM IN A BUDDHIST LAND?

    Why wait for traditional media? with all that is available with the internet (blogging/twitter/FB et all) this can no longer be used as an excuse. And this is a democracy/free country.. SRI LANKA IS A DEMOCRACY HIGHLY COMPROMISED BY A FIRMLY ENTRENCHED NON BUDDHIST NON SINHALA MAFIA. THEY HAVE CIRCLED EVEN THE PRESIDENT.

    Even the Thai PM’s visit to Sri Lanka was given step motherly treatment and not a single line was written about the Thai King while she was in Sri Lanka – Problems/changes et al in the middle east, the US , UK, Europe, India,China could directly effect us, as the governments and organizations in these areas have power and influence to really effect the way things are done with Sri Lanka. Can the same be said for Thailand. And.. don’t newspapers publish supplements for national days of foreign countries with articles about the rulers etc? or is that not enough and am I wrong? THAI PM’S VISIT SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN MORE PROMINENCE THAN IT RECEIVED IN THE NON BUDDHIST DOMINATED MEDIA. IT IS A PITY THAT THE TWO MAHANAYAKES OF THE SIYAM NIKAYA KEPT MUM ON THIS OCCASION. ONE WAS EVEN READY TO TAKE TO THE STREETS OVER CASINOS. HOWEVER BOTH ARE MUM OVER THE 13TH AMENDMENT. WHAT A SAD STORY!

    Like I said.. the author has good intentions to write the article, but, all I seem to hear “woe to us”. Each of us is responsible for own fate and what we do in our lives, it’s not the job for others to do it for us. It’s in our hands to make change. THIS IS NOT FATE – IT IS CLEAR MACHINATION. NON BUDDHISTS ARE ENTRENCHED EVEN IN THE GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED MEDIA.

    “ When a former Roman Catholic editor who got a Buddhist to write under a Muslim pseudonym to ridicule the Buddhists and this same editor held mandatory Bible classes for Buddhists after office hours what more is there to say about the lack of ethics and the need to have a thorough investigation into the content of the news being published?” I BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED IN THE LAKE HOUSE GROUP OF NEWS MEDIA WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO BE GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED!




  29. michelly200 Says:

    @ Ratanapala
    WHY SHOULDN’T THE EDITORIAL POSTS BE HELD BY COMMITTED BUDDHISTS RATHER THAN VICE VERSA IN A MAJORITY BUDDHIST COUNTRY? – What you are suggesting can be construed as discrimination as well.Unless you want to have some form of quota system like India.. aren’t we better than that?

    THE NATION HAS NO TIME TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION ON EACH AND EVERY CASE WHEN THIS ABOMINATION HAPPENS ON SUCH LARGE SCALE. WHAT MATTERS IS NOT THE QUALIFICATION BUT THE INTENT! – Who said anything about the nation? And what’s so wrong in taking legal action? If a wrong has been committed correct action should be taken to have that wrong rectified.. don’t you think?

    DOES SOLELY BEING NON BUDDHIST ASSURE NON BIASED REPORTING? – No it doesn’t. Some have reduced to such low levels that i’ve stopped reading newspapers. But it doesn’t change the fact that you didn’t answer my question

    MOST ARTICLES THAT DENIGRATE BUDDHISTS AND BUDDHISM ARE JUST SLANDEROUS AND WITHOUT FACTUAL OR JUSTIFIABLE BASIS. WHAT RIGHT THESE NON BUDDHIST INSTITUTIONS HAVE TO DENIGRATE BUDDHISM IN A BUDDHIST LAND? -Take positive action to end it instead of just crying about it. Make some good suggestions and follow it up with action without just complaining



    THIS IS NOT FATE – IT IS CLEAR MACHINATION. NON BUDDHISTS ARE ENTRENCHED EVEN IN THE GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED MEDIA – Just like minorities should not blame Buddhists for everything, in the same way, stop blaming us for everything that goes wrong for Buddhists.

    BODU BALA SENA AUTOMATIACALLY GETS THE EPITHET – BUDDHIST EXTREMIST ORGANIZATION. – The intentions of this org is good. It’s how they were trying to implement them is what people disagreed with. Like Halal.. why now? when it’s been around for years? And why has it suddenly died down after everything has been said and done?

    IT IS TIME THAT BUDDHIST AWAKE TO THIS OPEN ABOMINATION OF OUR FAITH, CULTURE AND LAND BY MINORITY NON BUDDHISTS AND NON SINHALA – Last time I checked, Buddhism is not a faith, but is a philosophy for anyone to follow. If the Sinhala Buddhist adherence to Buddha’s teaching is strong, nothing can corrupt or shake that belief or take it away. Again, stop using minorities as an excuse everytime something goes wrong

  30. michelly200 Says:

    @ Ratanapala
    I will end this discussion with the following quote from Rumi (A famous sufi poet)
    “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder”

  31. Lorenzo Says:

    In the past 10 years AL QAEDA terrorists have emerged in SL. Don’t know where they came from. They were not there in 1990s when we were schooling. Did the sewage pipe bring them to SL? Or was it the drainage? And they are breeding like amebae.

    Just imagine one day AL QAEDA taking over the media and editor posts in SL!

    At this rate that day is not far away.

    I don’t see ANY peaceful means of stopping them.

    Our prayers have been PARTLY answered.

    A media ethics system has been introduced from yesterday. It should be made LAW.

    We busted halal. Similarly we can bust this menace too.

    However media control MUST NOT shut the anti-ruling party people!

    They are NEEDED. When ruling party does unruly things media MUST criticize them.

  32. michelly200 Says:

    @ Lorenzo

    Just imagine one day AL QAEDA taking over the media and editor posts in SL – it’s not the editorial jobs we’d have to worry about.. it’s them supporting LTTE type groups is what we should be concerned about

    In the meantime.. I was researching some info online on inheritance laws and found that we have
    The Matrimonial Rights and Inheritance Ordinance
    The Muslim Intestate Succession Ordinance
    The Wills Ordinance
    The Prevention of Frauds Ordinance
    The Roman Dutch Law
    The Mohammedan Law

    Why both dutch/roman law and mohammedan law? Shouldn’t it be one set of laws for all? And why do some from the muslim community feel the need to set themselves apart (i’ve actually seen girls wearing burqas to school, on two other occasions women covered completely from head to toe.. modest is one thing.. this is too much). It’s just creating problems for everyone. But shouldn’t it be up to the authorities to get their act together and do their jobs without waiting for people to take matters into their own hands?

  33. Lorenzo Says:

    Authorities are corrupt and politically motivated.

    People have to come forward. AL QAEDA is as dangerous as LTTE (unless they kill each other). A Jewish military consultant once proposed pitting them against one another.

    I agree everyone should have the SAME LAW. Dress code is individual decision. If yoni billas want to cover their full body let them do it. Laws should NOT interfere with their choice.

    There are traitors in every community.

    ALL the traitors in popular media are Sinhalese not Tamils or Muslims!!
    MOST NGO traitors are also Sinhalese.

    It is their racist nonsense against Sinhala Buddhists not ethnicity that is the problem.

  34. Eusense Says:

    Your reading and comprehensive ability seems low. You can’t even guess what my religion is!! Let me say it again for you and Shenali, Please, I don’t want you two to be protectors of Buddhism. It is a disgrace to me and all intellectual Buddhists!

  35. Eusense Says:


    Just because a group is in the majority they should not have the right to impose anything and everything on others. If I am wrong, today the United States would be a third world country like ours. What laws do you know that US has to protect Christianity?
    Do you know that early immigrants left England to the US were insisted by the Church of England that they conform to religious practices that they abhorred, removed opponents from office and threatening them with “extirpation from the earth” if they did not fall in line? That is the very reason why since infancy there is a “separation of Church and State” in the governance of the US. Such rational thinking and its implementation made the US the fastest growing, most advanced and richest country in the world. All this thanks to harmony and togetherness among citizens of all religions and races.


    I agree and appreciate your rational comments and rebuttals to commentates here. Sadly, most Sri Lankans for some reason are blindly and aggressively bent on imposing majority beliefs on all citizenry. They consider prominence or achievements of minorities to be an insult or threat to the majority! This is well reflected in postings here. Hopefully this sentiment would disappear with the next generation.

  36. Ananda-USA Says:

    Sri Lanka may ban July 1st issue of Time magazine
    Sat, Jun 29, 2013, 10:03 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    June 29, Colombo: Sri Lanka Customs has held a consignment of copies of the July 1st issue of the Time magazine at Colombo International Airport at Katunayake.

    Customs spokesman Lesley Gamini said that a report has been submitted to the Director General of Customs in regarding the hold. He said that the batch of magazines would be released to the owner only after the Director General grants permission.

    Political sources say that the Sri Lankan Government is likely to ban the latest edition of the Time magazine for its cover story on rising Buddhist militancy although the story is focused on Myanmar.

    The cover story on the July 1 issue of Time Magazine entitled “The Face of Buddhist Terror” features Myanmar’s extremist monk Wirathu, who has taken the title “the Burmese bin Laden and leads the 969 Buddhist Nationalist movement against the Muslims.

    The Sri Lankan government has become concerned over the rising Buddhist extremism in the island.

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