Posted on June 18th, 2013

Susantha Wijesinghe.

The 13th Ammendment has become theƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  ” Aandi hath denaage kenda haliya ” among the now lunatic Politicians. Each one is putting a fistful of lunacy into the pot as their contribution.
One say that after the Elections, it is possible to go to courts, and remove clauses. Another say thatƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ they will go to courtsƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ to stop the removal of Police and Land Powers.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Yet, still another set, hops to India to tell their step father, that they are hurt. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ So the Political Lunatics, keeps on threatening the President and the Government,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  saying,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ different courses of action they will take,~~if you donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t give us that, we will do this~~, tryingƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ a kind of brain storm.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Indian Politicians say that the Sri Lankan Government cannot take unilateral actionƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  to alter the 13th ammendment. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Was not this 13th ammendmentƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  unilaterally pushed down JRJs throat, under duress, and with Military intimidation ofƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  ‘parippu drops’, ‘aircraft carriers around galle face,’ and ‘jets zooming over Colombo ‘ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Not even a Megolomaniac wanted it. So he decimated its author with a woman blasting him to pieces. Sri Lankans have not forgotten this.
Why is it that His Excellency, is taking all this stone throwing, when he has the POWERFULƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  PEOPLESƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  POWERƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  PISTOL,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  theƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ R E F E RƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ E N D U MƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ to decimate the 13th ammendment with one bullet. It takes only a once and for all shot.
The President is in his seat by the Peoples Power. So, he must go to the people and ask them to decide whether to get rid of the 13th ammendment~~YES or NO. It is so simple.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Not India, TNA or any Sri Lankan Traitor can contest the Peoples Power. So President should not miss the Bus.
Also, this will completely eliminate the envisaged unrest that will follow, if the LTTE Proxy is given the chance to break Sri Lanka into pieces, and negate the SACRIFICES made by Ranviruvos.
Let us prevent a catastrophe. Let the beautiful people of Sri Lanka live in peace.
Blessings of the Noble Triple Gem that wise counsel will preva


  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    PM frowns on land and police powers to pcs
    June 18, 2013

    The 13th Amendment to the Constitution has opened up a dialogue in the media and the public space. It is a characteristic of democracy. Some say the 13th Amendment is needed; some say it is not required. However, Police powers and Land powers referenced in the Amendment are not required at this juncture, Prime Minister and Buddhasasana and Religious Affairs Minister D.M. Jayaratne said.

    The Prime Minister made these comments at a meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office yesterday. He said giving Police and Land powers will create needless issues in a small country like Sri Lanka. “This would lead to many problems in the future. The 30-year war in Sri Lanka was brought to an end under the leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    Efforts are being made by certain groups to create political uncertainty in the country with the backing of with international forces whose objective is to paralyze the country’s development pace,” Prime Minister Jayaratne said. “Equity is the main feature of a society. When creating an equal society, the differences among nationalities, races, castes and religions should be eliminated,” he said.

    The Prime Minister said all religions are the same and this concept was misunderstood by some religious groups.

    He said the basic concept of any religion is to develop people spiritually.

    “However, there are many differences in the practice and use of religions. All religious leaders have preached on the virtues of social justice,” the Prime Minister said.

    He said the media exists not to create problems, but to solve them. “As a government we believe in media freedom. However, there are instances where the media act in an irresponsible manner. The media render a great service to society.

    However, a small section of the media are trying to create problems for the country. Media freedom should be utilised wisely and it is the responsibility of the media to reveal corruption and fraud of politicians,” the Prime Minister said.

    President Rajapaksa responds positively to media revelations. In some instances, the President demands immediate action in response to media reports. Media is the bridge that links Sri Lanka with the outside world, he said.

    Additional Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. I.H.K. Mahanama, Additional Secretary of the Buddhasasana and Religious Affairs Minister J.A.A.N. Kannangara, Commissioner General of Buddhist Affairs Chandraprema Gamage and officials also participated.

  2. Ananda-USA Says:

    Sri Lanka nationalist party introduces bill to abolish PC system

    Tue, Jun 18, 2013, 08:46 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    June 18, Colombo: An ally of Sri Lanka’s governing party, the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) today introduced a bill to abolish the provincial council system enacted by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1987.

    JHU leader and Gampaha district parliamentarian, Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thero was granted leave to introduce the Bill, entitled “Bill to amend the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka”

    The JHU motion aims primarily to repeal the 13th Amendment to the Constitution which paved way for the power devolving Provincial Council system in the island.

  3. Charles Says:

    A referendum could come later if necessary. It is more convenient and inexpensive if the matter could be settled between the Supreme Court and the Parliament, in the first instances . If the move fails then the government should go to the people.

  4. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    Gotabhaya is echoing OUR PLEAS! He is in effect saying that ETHNIC INTEGRATION of the North and East is central to achieving National Integration, and Permanent Communal Harmony! BRAVO, Mr. Defence Secretary!

    RISE UP ….. O Patriots of Mother Lanka …. RISE UP, in your TENS of MILLIONS, and REPEAL the 13th Amendment and DISSOLVE the Provincial Council System NOW. Raise your VOICE NOW to make PERMANENT the PEACE & HARMONY in our Resplendent Motherland!

    Gotabhaya abhors exclusivity for any race anywhere

    by Shamindra Ferdinando
    June 18, 2013, 10:00 pm

    Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said the Northern Province should be opened up for all communities to live in without further delay. That would be of pivotal importance to promote bonding among the people in the post-war era.

    The Defence Secretary emphasised that the Sinhalese shouldn’t be deprived of their right to buy land in any part of the country, including the Northern Province comprising the administrative districts of Jaffna, Mannar, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya.

    The outspoken official said that the Sinhalese and the Muslim public servants too, should be allowed to serve in the Northern Province as well as in the predominantly Tamil areas of the Eastern Province.

    Asked whether he would take up the issue with the government, the Defence Secretary said that he had explained the situation to President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    Those who had been propagating post-war national reconciliation should promote bonding among people, he said, alleging that as long as the Northern Province remained ‘closed’ to other communities it would continue to be a breeding ground for separatist sentiments.

    Responding to a query, the Defence Secretary said that many Tamil speaking people from the Northern and Eastern provinces had moved to Colombo and its suburbs as well as other areas over the years. In spite of the conclusion of the conflict in May, four years ago, they hadn’t been asked to return to their original places of living, he said. Likewise, others should be able to live in any part of the country, he added.

    The Defence Secretary said that recently he had had an opportunity to meet a Tamil engineer attached to the RDA and his deputy, also a Tamil speaking official responsible for an ongoing project at a Colombo suburb coming under his purview. If they could work here without any hindrance why couldn’t the people of other ethnicities be given appointments in the Northern region, the Defence Secretary queried.

    He recollected the circumstances under which the LTTE had driven the Sinhalese and the Muslims out of the Northern Province. A Norwegian found guilty of slaughtering about 80 men, women and children in 2011 was on record as having said that he was inspired by LTTE project to drive out the Muslims, he noted.

    The official emphasised the importance of taking tangible measures to address contentious issues. Although, the LTTE could no longer pose a military challenge, the post-war national reconciliation process was at risk due to the Northern Province having special status, he said. The Defence Secretary insisted that Northern Province shouldn’t be exclusively Tamil and similarly there should not be any exclusively Sinhala or Muslim areas in the country.

  6. Ananda-USA Says:

    Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA whisper lies in the ears of the President of India, making him believe that Sri Lankan Tamils are denied equal rights, and provoking him to jump to conclusions that Tamils are being discriminated against in Sri Lanka.

    NOTHING is further from the TRUTH, Dr. Singh! … Tamils are a PRIVILEGED GROUP in Sri Lanka EVEN TODAY enjoying exclusive Land Rights in Jaffna under Thesavalamai Laws that prohibits sale of LAND to other communities, and enjoying FAR MORE social equity in Srii Lanka than Indian citizens do in Tamil Nadu in India.

    FURTHERMORE, Eelamist Tamils of the TNA, Political PROXIES representing the SEPARATIST LTTE TERRORISTS DEFEATED only 4 years ago, are demanding SPECIAL RIGHTS in the Northern Province unavailable to other communities of Sri Lanka. No Can Do, Dr. Singh, in Sri Lanka citizens have ONLY EQUAL RIGHTS, NOTHING MORE!

    The COMPLETE & TOTAL SOLUTION to ALL of these MACHIAVELLIAN STRATEGIES, and TREASONOUS ACTIVITIES, of these Tiger Nominated Agents seeking to WIN IN PEACE what they FAILED TO WIN IN WAR, is to REPEAL the 13th Amendment and DISSOLVE ALL PROVINCIAL COUNCILS in one fell swoop!

    RISE UP ….. O Patriotic Sons and Daughters of Mother Lanka …. RISE UP to DEFEND & PROTECT your Motherland and your PEOPLE from those internal and external enemies plotting to create a Patchwork Quilt of Walled-off Racist Apartheid Bantustans in Sri Lanka, FOREVER at WAR with ONE ANOTHER!

    RISE UP … Patriots … EELAM WAR V is HERE! Your Motherland needs your VOICE and your SWORD arm NOW!

    Indian PM dismayed over Sri Lanka’s plans to dilute 13th Amendment

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    June 19, Colombo: The Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh is “dismayed” over the Sri Lankan government’s plans to dilute certain key provisions of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, India’s External Affairs Ministry said Tuesday.

    The Indian External Affairs Ministry said a six-member delegation of Sri Lanka’s major Tamil party, Tamil Alliance, is visiting India from June 16-19 and they have met the Indian PM Tuesday to hold discussions on a political solution and especially the 13th Amendment.

    The Ministry spokesman said that the Prime Minister conveyed to the TNA delegation that he was dismayed by reports suggesting that the Sri Lankan government is planning to dilute certain key provisions of the 13th Amendment ahead of the Northern Provincial Council elections.

    “The proposed changes raised doubts about the commitments made by the Sri Lankan government to India and the international community, including the United Nations, on a political settlement in Sri Lanka that would go beyond the 13th Amendment,” the Prime Minister has said.

    The changes would also be incompatible with the recommendation of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), set up by the Sri Lankan government, calling for a political settlement based on the devolution of power to the provinces, the PM has noted.

    The Prime Minister has also said that he was deeply concerned about the welfare and wellbeing of the Tamil community in Sri Lanka.

    “He stressed on the expectation that the Sri Lankan Tamil community would lead a life of dignity, as equal citizens, and reiterated that India would make every effort to ensure the achievement of a future for the community marked by equality, justice and self-respect,” the Ministry spokesperson said.

    The delegation led by TNA leader R. Sampanthan, consists of parliamentarians Mavai Senathirajah, Suresh Premachandran, P. Selvarajah, Selvam Adaikalanathan and M.A. Sumanthiran. They had earlier called on the External Affairs Minister and the National Security Adviser. A TNA delegation had also visited India in October 2012.

  7. Ananda-USA Says:

    Tamils to vote in Provincial Council polls

    By P K Balachandran – COLOMBO
    June 19, 2013

    The Sri Lankan Parliament on Tuesday passed a Bill enabling people who were displaced from the Tamil-speaking Northern Province by the war to register for voting in the forthcoming elections to the Northern Provincial Council (NPC).

    With a certificate from the Grama Sevaka, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) can now cast their votes in the area in which they had lived prior to displacement. However, no person who is already registered as a voter in another place, can go back and vote in his original constituency in the North. The facility does not cover people who had left the country.

    Though the measure is seen as a just and democratic one, Tamil leaders say the revision of the electoral rolls, which will be necessitated by the Act, can be used to stall polls to the NPC to be held in September this year.

    “Anyone can go to court and stall the Northern elections,” said V Anandasangaree, President of the Tamil United Liberation Front. The National Freedom Front (NFF) and other Sinhalese political parties are campai-

    gning against the NPC elections, as they fear that power may go into the hands of the “pro-LTTE” Tamil National Alliance (TNA).

    Envoy Arrives in SL

    Yashvardhan Kumar Sinha, the new High Commissioner of India to SL, arrived in Colombo on Tuesday.

    Better known as Y K Sinha, the envoy had previously handled several important assignments at the Ministry of External Affairs, and in Indian missions in the Middle East, Europe, South America and the Permanent Mission of India at the UN.

  8. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    There is a saying ‘ all ocean and no ship ‘. There is a colloquial version also. ‘ all F and no S ‘

    This I equate to the much talked of Sinhalese and Muslim ethnic cleansing in the North. Nothing has been done to take the Sinhalese and Muslims back to their homes in the North. They should be given back their original homes, the same infrastructure that was bestowed on the Tamil IDPs, the housing, the Dry Rations, and Seed money to get their lives started.

    THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN SIMULTANEOUSLY DONE ALONG WITH THE TAMIL IDPs. It was a case of never ending appeasement to the Tamils only, with 85% of all Finance spent on the North, as Honourable Basil declared very recently. So where is the fairness, and what kind of reconciliation is this ? THIS SHOULD BE DONE FORTHWITH, AND NO TAMIL ENCLAVES ALLOWED TO BE ESTABLISHED. Talk the talk is enough. Let us see walk the walk.

  9. Fran Diaz Says:

    For Sri Lanka, as far reducing expenses go, remove the 13-A. The useless and crime fomenting, thug encrusted PCs (part of 13-A) cost the taxpayers of Lanka Rs 130 BILLION/year as well as an extra Rs 38 BILLION more from taxpayers from those areas. These PCs have not done any good for those areas. Sri Lanka is growing thugs to run the country at taxpayer cost, with no gains for the People of Lanka, thanks to the useless 13-A.

    The 13-A has to go, or we will all perish by it.

  10. Fran Diaz Says:

    Why not allow the Sinhala & Muslim people displaced from the North also vote in the PC elections ?

    Whatever fair play by GoSL to Tamil people who left the North will be quickly forgotten. With lax supervision as we tend to have, such Tamils will vote both in the North and elsewhere as well, whenever voting is required. Are we setting up a system giving Double Votes for Tamils ?

    What about all the illegal Tamil migrants into Lanka – are they allowed to vote in PC elections too ?

    Wither justice in Lanka !

  11. Senevirath Says:



  12. Ananda-USA Says:

    The Defence Secretary, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa says:

    1. During the height of Eelam War IV, the three-member delegation to India comprising the Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga, then Senior Presidential Advisor Basil Rajapaksa, and the Defence Secretary told India, represented by National Security Advisor M. K. Narayanan, Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon and Defence Secretary Vijay Singh, that POLICE POWERS WILL NOT BE DEVOLVED under the 13th Amendment and Narayanan had FULLY AGREED with it.

    2. When President Rajapaksa had assured India as well as other countries that his government would offer 13th Amendment plus, the President had meant was that he would give a better solution acceptable to all communities. It was misinterpreting the President’s assurance to propagate the falsehood that the government was ready to implement the 13th Amendment, which was forced on the then President JR Jayawardenene.

    THERE YOU HAVE IT …. Straight talk from the Defence Secretary, that India was made aware that the 13th Amendment would be modified to EXCLUDE Police Powers even during the Eelam War, and that the 13th Amendment Plus would not be the same as what was forced down Sri Lanka’s THROAT by India, but was one that would serve ALL of Sri Lanka’s citizens better.

    Agreements made UNDER DURESS are ILLEGAL under ANY LAW. They can be, should be, and will be ABROGATED as soon as the VICTIM OF CRIMINAL COMPULSION regains its free will. IN FACT, it is the DUTY of the VICTIM to DO SO!

    It is PREPOSTEROUS to claim that Sri Lanka is DUTY-BOUND in any way to retain the 13th Amendment forced down its throat by India to satisfy her need for regional hegemony and to placate Indian Racists pursuing a Greater Tamil Nadu agenda!

    Sri Lanka must be governed to serve Sri Lanka’s National Interest, not to serve India’s interests!

    RISE UP …. O Patriots of Mother Lanka …. RISE UP, in your TENS of MILLIONS, to REPEAL this Indian BALL & CHAIN shackling Mother Lanka’s limbs, NOW!
    PCs won’t have police powers, Govt. has told India

    By Shamindra Ferdinando
    June 19, 2013, 10:06 pm

    India had been informed of Sri Lanka’s decision not to devolve police powers to provinces at the height of the conflict, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said yesterday.

    The Defence Secretary said that both, President Mahinda Rajapaksa and he, had emphasised during deliberations with senior Indian officials that devolution of police powers would be inimical to the national interest as well as political stability. “We made our position clear during talks involving top level delegations from Sri Lanka and India”, he told The Island.

    The three-member delegation comprised Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga, then Senior Presidential Advisor Basil Rajapaksa and the Defence Secretary. The troika functioned as an informal group on behalf of President Mahinda Rajapaksa to inform and interact with all those who matter, within and outside the country, in general and on events unfolding in Sri Lanka from time to time and visited New Delhi several times during the war.

    India was represented by National Security Advisor M. K. Narayanan, Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon and Defence Secretary Vijay Singh.

    The Defence Secretary was responding to Indian media reports of Indian Premier Manmohan Singh expressing concern over President Rajapaksa’s decision to amend the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

    The Defence Secretary said vesting provinces with police powers would be inimical to the interests of minorities. Recollecting a discussion they had in New Delhi, Rajapaksa said that when Narayanan queried from Singh what he thought of Rajapaksa’s opposition to police powers being devolved to provinces, the Indian Defence Secretary had agreed fully with him.

    When it was pointed out that President Rajapaksa had assured India as well as other countries that his government would offer 13th Amendment plus, the Defence Secretary said that what the President had meant was that he would give a better solution acceptable to all communities. It would be nothing but foolish to misinterpret the President’s assurance to propagate the falsehood that the government was ready to implement the 13th Amendment, which was forced on the then President JRJ.

    Responding to allegations that Sri Lanka had gone back on its promise to implement the 13th Amendment after the conclusion of the conflict, the Defence Secretary alleged that it was the government of India that voted for the US-led resolution against Sri Lanka at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) after having promised to throw its weight behind Sri Lanka. “India let us down in Geneva, very badly,” the Defence Secretary said.

    Commenting on the proposed Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to study the national issue and make recommendations, the Defence Secretary said that the tangible actions would have to be taken to ensure the 13th Amendment wouldn’t be the cause for further chaos. If implemented fully as it is it could create a volatile situation not only in the Northern Province but other regions as well, the Defence Secretary said.

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