General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena organisation Ven. Galabodaaththe Gnanasara thera had admitted drink drive offence in courts
Posted on June 19th, 2013

Courtesy lanka C news

For this weekƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s Derana television programme 360 the General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena organisation Ven. Galabodaaththe Gnanasara thera participated. This programme is popular as a social political discussion was conducted by Dilka Samanmalee

In this discussion Gnanasara thera emphasised the fact about the culture of our Buddhist people, the manner they should live devoid of liquor, gambling etc. This was a much concern to the Buddhist Monks .He had reiterated about the habits and addiction to liquor and gambling, for which as Monks they condemn those acts.

At this moment when Gnanasara thera quipped this Dilka interruptedƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚¦

She produced a judiciary report. The suspect was Gnanasara thera. There were nine charges. The biggest of them was driving a motor vehicle at high speed under the influence of liquor. Dilka who conducted the discussion continuously questioned the thera on this matter. Gnanasara thera had tried his best to divert from her questions by talking on other subjects, but Dilka interrupted and was questioning the thera on the ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”driving after liquorƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ incident. The medical reports obtained also had revealed that the thera had been under the influence of liquor. The thera was exhausted in listening had ultimately had said ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”we will now go the next questionƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢.

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19 Responses to “General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena organisation Ven. Galabodaaththe Gnanasara thera had admitted drink drive offence in courts”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Get over it Wimal Weeranwansa (owner of lankacnews).

    That is 13 years ago!

    13 years ago you were in the JVP busy CRITICISING the SLFP and LEADING STRIKES and other trade union action!!

    What matters now is to WORK TOGETHER to SCRAP 13 amendment. Not infighting like kids.

    We need BOTH WW and BBS. But we don’t want them fighting each other. Get together and fight the COMMON ENEMY (South Endians and Arabs trying to divide SL).

  2. herman Says:

    f the drink driving offense charges against Ven. Galabodaaththe Gnanasara thera are true then Bodu Bala Sena and the monk are finished !

    How can we respect such a person and the party ?

    We are not talking about a lay person but member of the ORDER and if he is not in order, how can he lead others?

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    I can read Sinhala (I studied in Colombo).


    The offences are:

    a. dirving too fast for the occassion and place
    b. driving the vehicle out of control
    c. endangering others on the road

    All politicians do this EVERYDAY which is wrong.

    NO DRINK DRIVING offence in the charge sheet!!!

    Am I reading Sinhala wrongly? Is there a double meaning in the words?

    Where are the so called medical reports that allege drink dirving?

    Lying is also an offence in Buddhism and Chritsianity (8th commandment). So lets not commit the sin of lying.

  4. Senevirath Says:

    yes it is 13 years ago one time wimal w was a terrorist and became a patriot. karuna the same thing




  5. mjaya Says:

    Watch the interview with Derana 360

    Ven. Gnanasara Thero explains what happened. Taking the fall for someone (in this case a patriotic army officer who would have been court martialed) else is a common thing in Sri Lanka.

    Just dig a little deep and you will find plenty of cases where drivers take the fall for serious accidents by politico playboys.

    Long live the Bodu Bala Sena!

    Ven. Soma Thero had plenty of accusations, but none stopped the patriotic tide!

  6. mjaya Says:

    This ‘Wansa’ character is just plain upset. He is a sore loser by most respects.

    but anyway we must support him with his campaign to abolish the 13A.

  7. Sunil Vijayapala Says:

    bbs is not this monk – it is a movement which should not be killed while its gathering momentum. undoubtedly this monk should be punished by maha sangha as was the case during thathagata’s time. he is better off de-robbing himself and lead this movement as a lay person. as lorenzo observes we must unite and fight, enmity + hazards = amity. unite shedding the differences and fight the enemy – the very system is our enemy. the biggest problem with sinha+hela people is in-fighting. we must learn from the anglo saxon ungulate – they don’t fight each other but fight their common enemy. be it communists, arabs, chinese,french, Russians, terrorists, who kill ungulates (tiger sakkilis exempted as they don’t kill ungulates but kill us – they are freedom fighters according to that pussy hilory dickory clinton)

  8. Raj Says:

    Lorenzo, there are 9 charges and not just the 3 you have mentioned. The full charge sheet is available at lankacnews. It clearly says driving under the influence of liquor ‘බීමත්ව රිය පැදවි‍්ම’ . It shows the calibre of the monk. 13 years don’t matter.

  9. Lorenzo Says:

    Thanks for the lead Raj. Will have a look.

    BUT even if he did so 13 years changed A LOT. A human should NOT be tied to what he did 13 years ago when he has been punished for the crime.

    Wimal Weerawansa was a terrorist 24 years ago!
    MR was a prisoner 26 years ago!
    Ranil was a mass murderer 24 years ago!
    Karuna was a terrorist 9 years ago!
    KP was a terrorist 4 years ago!
    Nelson Mandela was a criminal for 26 years (as per the law in SA)!!

    What matters is what they do NOW.

    WW has no moral right to throw stones at BBS leader. One with no sin shall throw the first stone!

    I wish they stop fighting each other and start fighting the COMMON ENEMY (13 amendment is the biggest enemy now).

  10. ramanayake Says:

    Lorenzo. WW was a terrorist to the gov at the time and to the victims and those who opposed JVP uprising,, but for those who supported his cause he was a hero. So does Karuna and KP (even though it is obviuos terrorism to majority of us). Ranil had a politcal inclination for that crime he and his supporters can justify.
    MR was a political prisoner.
    You shouldnt have listed NM in here as he cannot be compared to any of the rest in this list.
    But the point of the matter is Gnanasara thero’s activities and admittamce by himself CANNOT BE accepted or justified in any shape or form even though it happend 13 years ago. If we do accept it we will set a precedence for more such acts by several others. The danger and the shame are on the Buddhist and Buddhism in this country. So pls do not try to justify or generalise in the name of my religion! I do not know what religion you folow!

  11. aloy Says:

    From this report it appears that this Dilka had come prepared to condemn the monks; perhaps someone is paying her to do that. Who else (other than Ravana …) have come out in open to protect Sinhalas?. All others seem to be somehow tied to the vote and are unable to do anything within the legal system. If left alone this will ultimately lead to the slow death (extinction) of Sinhala people. If BBS has no political ambitions, what is wrong in what they do?. As I can see monks only provide leadership and guidance. This sort of thrash should not be reproduced.

  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    All this is obviously done to discredit the Monk and the BBS. To what purpose ? To keep the 13-A and discredit the Sinhela/Buddhists, of course !

    Agree totally with Lorenzo and Aloy.

  13. Max Silva Says:

    The article is about the mischief of a guy who wears yellow robes identifying himself as a monk.Instead of paying attention to the subject at hand i see that most of the contributors are talking of Weerawansa.Why don’t we stick to the article in question?Yes,we can talk about Weerawansa, if and when an article concerning Weerawansa appears.So please don’t try to divert attention and instead lets talk about this monk character.To be frank i am confused of this BBS outfit.When the LTTE was going on a killing spree where was this BBS outfit?Lets not beat around the bush.This BBS outfit is in the pay off of the Norwegians.Sobithas,Upathissa Banagalas are all in the same boat.BBS is a shame to Buddhists.When we were taken to task in Geneva,the BBS outfit attacked innocent Muslims.Why?Even a five year old kid would know that the BBS is an outfit being in the payoff of the Norwegians.If these fellows go on attacking Muslims and go on policing,very soon peace loving people of this country will teach them a lesson.The BBS is composed of a set of frauds disguising as monks.We don’t need this Johnny come lately BBS outfit to lecture us on the 13th or as a matter of fact on anything.We have no issues with these fraudsters drinking,driving and misbehaving.But trying to play god will not be tolerated.The message to BBS is,we will take care of the 13th,you fellows stay out of public issues without making clowns out of yourselves.BBS is a front of the Norwegians!

  14. aloy Says:

    Max Silva,
    Sinhala nation was originated by criminals from Bengal according to the legend and Mahawamsa. The same type, together with indigenous people must have saved it for over 2500 years. I have proved statistically in this website that they are in danger of becoming a powerless minority in less than a century if things go on as it is unchecked. I believe BBS is a movement of like minded Sinhalese going to fight to prevent this happening. It does not matter whether they are criminals in yellow robes, cassocks or even hijabs as long as they have that objective. Also it does not matter whether they get funds from Oslo or Timbaktu for the movement to survive. Buddhism will survive in Sri Lanka only if Sinhalas exist in it.
    I am a Christian with a strong connection to Buddhism. What about you Max Silva?. It appears to me you are out of the blue here; you may be neither a Buddhist nor a Sinhalese.

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    We can’t expect PERFECTION from BBS or any other.

    Look at their opponents. Are they perfect? No.

    Now Muslims threatening DILKA to kill her pretending to be BBS!

    Govt. should protect her.

    Remember the Bangladesh Embassy incident? Buddhist monks PEACEFULLY protested. Then some Muslims pretending to be Sinhalese attacked the embassy with bottles. Thankfully they were arrested. Violence is second nature to them.

  16. Max Silva Says:

    My friend Aloy,
    I find you interesting.You claim to be a “Christian with a strong connection to Buddhism”.What sort of connection are you talking about?Supporting the BBS outfit to attack Muslim establishments?Supporting a band of criminals ostensibly to protect Buddhism and the Sinhala race?You say that “It does not matter whether they(BBS) get funds from Oslo…”.My friend are you trying to tell me that the Norwegians are pumping funds to the BBS in order to protect Buddhism and the Sinhala race?Then again Oslo funded the LTTE terrorists,may be to protect Buddhism and the Sinhala race!As a matter of fact why does BBS need money to protect Buddhism and the Sinhala race?Yes looking at the well fed bodies of the BBS leaders,i can guess why they need funds.So these guys are drinking(most probably foreign liquor) and driving without a care in the world with funds from Oslo in order to protect Buddhism and the Sinhala race,eh?The way things are happening i wouldn’t be surprised if the BBS join hands with the likes of Rayappu Joseph in order to protect Buddhism and the Sinhala race!
    You being a statistician claim that the Sinhalese will be a minority in a century?And your answer to that is the BBS!Yes go on attacking Muslim establishments,so that the Sinhala race will survive.May be that is Eric Solheim’s doctrine!By the way why didn’t the BBS attack the killers of the LTTE?Anyway i don’t blame you or the BBS for obtaining funds from Oslo.Have fun with the money provided by Oslo.I am sure that you guys are taking the Norwegians for a right royal ride!Though i envy you i feel a bit jealous because i don’t seem to get a piece of the action of Oslo funds.Lucky guys!
    You being a statistician have come to the conclusion that i am neither a Buddhist nor a Sinhalese.Well,i am not going to waste my time on “Alice in wonderland”theories.Oh!by the way Sir Henry Steel Olcott wasn’t a Sinhalese.All the best for the self appointed protectors of Buddhism and the Sinhala race,the Oslo funded BBS!

  17. Lorenzo Says:

    Looks like Max Silva is a AL QAEDA terrorist. May be chased away from Libya, Pakistan or South Endia.

    BBS is not Norway funded but there are terrorist groups in SL SAUDI FUNDED.

    Like Endia building houses for LTTE terrorists, SADAM HUSSEIN and MUHHAMAR KADAFI built houses for AL QAEDA terrorists in SL!!

    BBS has achievements to its credit.

    e.g. shooting down Halal-isation
    e.g. catching illegal cow killers
    e.g. catching returning pilgrims from Saudi carrying heroin from their Afghan brothers
    e.g. exposing the law college AL QAEDA invasion. After that the AL QAEDA affected exam results were compromised.
    e.g. exposing other terrorist acts by AQ in SL

    13 years ago ONE BBS monk had allegedly driven a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

    11 years ago AQ Hack-him SLMC leader signed a terrorist agreement with the LTTE leader!! FUNDED BY NORWAY!! Now he is the justice minister!!

    Go to goggle images.
    Type “hageem.jpg”
    The third image is what I’m talking about.

    In the background you see ERIC SOLHEIM!!!

    Throwing stones from a glass house?

  18. aloy Says:

    You have not disclosed who you are, nevertheless I will reply you.
    We are born in to a race and to a religion not by our choice, but by gods wish or it is simply a karma to be born here. While we are here we should not work against others to take over their land or impose our way of living on others.
    I do not advocate violence against Muslims or any ethnic group unless you are pushed to the wall. It happened with LTTE and you know the result. There will always be some strategists among Sinhalese who will get together and save the nation.
    Lorenzo has highlighted some achievement of BBS. I have seen today on TV one senior minister of Muslim community promising to produce a series of poems like Selalihini Sandeshaya of Sri Rahula fame about Kotte. If BBS has been able to change the mind set, that is also an achievement.
    Without offending anybody I will leave out the interesting story about Timbuktu ( that is where the French forces are fighting in Africa against Al-Qaeda) for another day.

  19. Max Silva Says:

    It seems that like Aloy you are also a shaker of the BBS outfit.First you brand Weerawansa as a terrorist.And now you name me as an Al Qaeda terrorist.This is definitely an Oslo script.The Oslo recipe is very clear.The hired BBS thugs were advised to attack Muslims.The end result is that the Muslims will be pushed towards the Ealamists.These are Oslo backed mercenaries wearing yellow robes disgracing Buddhism.I am sure that the government will not tolerate the crimes committed by the BBS.When the LTTE was going on a killing spree where was this BBS outfit?Oh i forgot.They were partying.Drink driving!When the monks were slaughtered at Aranthalawa and pilgrims killed in cold blood at Srimaha Bodhi where was the BBS outfit?You say that the BBS is not funded by Norway. Then why go on a joy ride to Norway?Also why the joy ride to the USA?Let the CIA deal with Al Qaeda.Why do the dirty work of the CIA?The BBS instead of attacking Muslims in the guise of attacking a made up Al Qaeda should attack the Ealamists and their stooges.I fail to see the BBS attacking the Ealamists.Why?Of course the BBS was mandated to create a rift between the Sinhalese and the Muslims.
    Lorenzo has come up with some fine examples in trying to whitewash the crimes of the BBS mercenaries.
    a)Halal issue-well this was a non issue.
    b)Catching illegal cow killers-I thought that this was police work.Very funny to see yellow robed men going behind cow killers.
    c)Catching returning pilgrims from Saudi carrying heroin.-I thought that this is the duty of SL customs.
    d)The law college Al Qaeda-What nonsense is this?As far as i know there’s the Colombo law college.
    e)Exposing other terrorists acts by AQ in SL-As far as i am concerned i have experienced ONLY LTTE terrorists acts in SL.
    f)13 years ago one BBS monk had “ALLEGEDLY” driven a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.What “allegedly”?He was found guilty and fined!
    It is very clear that the BBS along with their shakers in the caliber of Lorenzo and Aloy are doing what was asked by the Norwegians to do.Attack the Muslims so that the Muslims will join hands with the Ealamists and attack the Sinhalese.Once again i ask you,what was the intention of going on joy rides to Oslo and the USA?.For god sake don’t tell me that it was to promote Buddhism.Anyway enjoy your Norwegian and American funds.But you cross the red line,the president will pull the carpet from under your feet so that you will wish that you were never born!

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