You are wrong Mr. Foreign Minister – Majority Sinhalese Buddhists are very much affected by the Buddha Gaya Bombings
Posted on July 10th, 2013

Shenali D. Waduge

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ You are wrong Mr. Foreign Minister – Majority Sinhalese Buddhists are very much affected by the Buddha Gaya Bombings
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The Minister of Foreign Affairs quite casually answering the Opposition Leader on the floor of the Sri Lankan Parliament when questioned about the situation following the serial explosions in Buddha Gaya the heart of the World’s Buddhists had only a very curt response to conclude that Sri Lankans are not affected by the bomb.
Sinhalese Kings right down from King Devanampiyatissa venerated Buddha Gaya and that continued through the 180 kings who ruled Sri Lanka.
The Buddhists of Sri Lanka would like to tell the Foreign Minister that we are very upset and saddened by the fact that the place the Buddhists of the World regard as their Holiest Place was the target of extremists attack. Whether Sri Lankans were hurt or not hurt is immaterial to the feeling of dismay and shock that everyone of the over 14million Sinhala Buddhists witnessed over the mainstream media following over 9 bombs 3 of which did not explode one of which was aimed at creating the same fate as fell upon the Bamiyan Buddha.
Whilst we are not the least surprised by the manner the Foreign Minister treats Buddhism or Buddhists ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ (given that he has come from the back door with a history of treacherous agreements to question his credibility) he is clearly seen by the manner he subtly omitted Article 9 (a place given to Buddhism since King Devanampiyatissa and which even the British agreed to) in his 2000 draft constitution and the fact that he refuses to open a Buddhist desk or to even inquire after a fellow Theravada Buddhist Nation – Myanmar and not even considering a Fact-Finding Mission to Myanmar initiated by Sri Lanka.
A TRUE BUDDHIST would not have made such a statement that the Foreign Minister did and we regard his statement no different to the NO Statement that has yet to come from the UN Secretary General or even UNESCO given that Buddha Gaya is a UNESCO world heritage site.
The Minister does not seem to realize that every politician running for President is elected by the majority Buddhist vote and so long as Article 9 is enshrined in the Constitution, the place of Buddhism cannot be diluted. If he personally does not wish to submit to it he is welcome to resign without using his portfolio to undermine the status of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Buddhists have done no harm to any religion and it is as a result of the actions of such selfish power hungry and prestige driven politicians by way of creating issues that the country is continuously saddled with problems.
The Buddhists of Sri Lanka expects that the Foreign Minister continue to keep a close tab on the investigations and appraise the Sri Lankan public daily on the results and findings. That should not be too much to ask.
We suffered 30 years because a handful of people who followed a policy of “unwinnable war” and as a result thousands of brave soldiers and civilians perished. We will no longer be ready to allow the same set of people to ruin the country again.
We are very well aware that the threats to the Buddhist world are very much prevalent and we do not expect these unwinnable war proponents to court another enemy to roost inside Sri Lanka who will end up a far more formidable force than the LTTE.

5 Responses to “You are wrong Mr. Foreign Minister – Majority Sinhalese Buddhists are very much affected by the Buddha Gaya Bombings”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    War AGAINST Jihad is also WINNABLE.

    2013 pre-Ramadan Buddha Gaya bombing is = 1975 LTTE killing Duraiappa in Nallur kovil.

    BOTH indicate what is going to come.

    BOTH small scale attacks compared to other attacks but indicate what is going to come.

    JIHAD on Buddhists has been declared on Ramadan even 2013 by terrorists.

    NO POINT hiding this fact like the govt HID the 1975 killing and called it an ISOLATED incident!!!

    WAKE UP Buddhists to the new threat (or the same old Nalanda threat) and wipe it out from the face of the earth.
    TEAM UP Buddhists with like minded people similarly affected elsewhere in the world.
    CRANK UP Buddhists the survival war.
    RISE UP Buddhists against the oil funded terrorist religion spreading like ameba.

  2. Lorenzo Says:


    JIHAD on Buddhists has been declared on Ramadan eve 2013 by terrorists.

  3. Caesar Says:

    Islamic JIHAD onslaught is on the Sinhela Buddhists since 1977 from the time of Open economy was introduced by the fox J.R. Mr. Dharmister who opened and gave this country on a platter to Muslims. Since then they accumulated wealth above the sky, build relations with middle-east JIHADS, now its a cancer. They became the benefactors of the open economy making Sinhela buddhists their prey.

    Whatever the Deaf and Dumb homeosexual G.L. says, we have no freedom until we eliminate the Muslims in the country never to come in, so do the world will have to fight against this worst enemy of the mankind sooner than later.

    Let us start our JIHAD against Muslims now or never!

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    Muslim population percentage MUST be kept BELOW 5% ALL the time. Otherwise trouble.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    Whoever who placed bombs in Buddhagaya expected a backlash in Sri Lanka. Backlash would have brought Eelam on a platter.

    Last time a well organised ‘backlash’ was arranged in Sri Lanka (Riots of 1983) was over so called Tamil Separatism and killing of Army soldiers in Jaffna. It enabled a TAMIL EXODUS to the west. The rest is history.

    Sinhela/Buddhists must realise that lots of traps are set to topple them and ‘make them the fall guy’ while others get what they want ! Use the Law to bring peace & prosperity for all.

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