Naveen Pillai Came, Saw Through Biased Eyes And Conquered The Capacity To Be Forthright And Probably Misinformed The World.
Posted on September 7th, 2013
LankaWeb Weekly Editorial, September 7th.2013
It has become almost painfully obvious that the UNƒ”š‚ Humanƒ”š‚ Rights Ambassador Pillaiƒ”š‚ came to Sri Lanka with her own agenda, saw what she wanted to see while there was much more to observe and turned her head away from portraying to the worldƒ”š‚ the salient truth about Sri Lanka other than dabble in rhetoric that the world has already heard a million times over incorporating lies, innuendo and fabrications portrayed by Tamil Tiger sympathisers with no tangible proof to substantiate them.
ƒ”š‚ Not surprising at all as thisƒ”š‚ in all probabilitiesƒ”š‚ was the objective of her mission to Sri Lanka and she had done her job as expected of her by those who sponsered her, not the Administration but those who wanted her to go and hound Sri Lanka and hardly a need to mention who or what this source wasƒ”š‚ judging by the report she hasƒ”š‚ presented to the global media where there was little or no praise for what many independent observers see as a miracle in South Asia in the aftermath of nearly three decades of an internal armedƒ”š‚ terrorist insurgency.ƒ”š‚
Sri Lanka by rights from that perspective should have been an abomination of desolation and a wastelandƒ”š‚ but instead has become a safe haven for all her citizens and is a thriving nation headed towards greater progress today,An attribute for which the nation has its administration and astute leadership to thank for where neither Naveen Pillai nor Ban Ki Moon her bossƒ”š‚ could ever holdƒ”š‚ testimony to the contrary no matter how hard they may try.
And to those who probably thoughtƒ”š‚ she was an independent observer,ƒ”š‚ they haveƒ”š‚ another thought coming as that she was not where no rocket science was needed to deduce it!.
The conflict of interests surrounding her, the biases and prejudices were already locked in her mind as she came to Sri Lanka with a mission which she accomplished but to all intents and purposes if was Non Fait Accompli as she failed miserably while also showing off herƒ”š‚ transparencies that she too was just another Tamil sympathiser(being a Tamil of Indian origin herself) who should not have been invited to Sri Lanka in the first place if the Administration sensed her real intent although in a manner of speaking it was apparent as the President couldn’t beƒ”š‚ bothered entertaining her officiallyƒ”š‚ and departed on an overseas visit as he probably in conventional wisdom knew what to expect from her and that it would probably be a waste of time.
An heƒ”š‚ appears to have beenƒ”š‚ proved correct!
While She obviously could not comment or pass judgement over what transpired during the terrorist atrocities beyond hearsayƒ”š‚ she could well envision how the people of Sri Lanka carried on their lives in contentment apart from the Tamilƒ”š‚ groups that were instigated and financed to approach her with their sob stories and if the equation was properly viewed there should have been a multitude of groups from the Sinhala and otherƒ”š‚ ethnicities who alsoƒ”š‚ had grievances of immeasurable proportions of their own butƒ”š‚ absent and an indication of the state of well being within the nation which was also shared by many honest, freedom loving Tamils who appreciated what the Administration was doing for them towards which Ms.ƒ”š‚ Pillai had no comments.
Giving a press conference at the end of a seven-day visit to Sri Lanka, United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)ƒ”š‚ Chief Navi Pillay, a South African, said that she was highly offended by comments in the Sri Lankan media accusing her of bias because of her Indian Tamil ethnicity.
Two of the cardinal blunders Ms. Pillai made during her visit to give her hand away was the duplicitous moves she made ~ one declaring the Tamil Tigers as dangerous criminals and suddenly in almost the same breath requesting to make an offering to slain terrorist leader Velupillai Prabhakaran which the Government denied her as by this time her intentions were well interpreted.
Then she laments that ~ quoteƒ”š‚ ƒ”š‚ ƒ¢¢”š¬…”Some media, ministers, bloggers and various propagandists in Sri Lanka have, for several years now, on the basis of my Indian Tamil heritage, described me as a tool of the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam). They have claimed I was in their pay, the ƒ¢¢”š¬’Tamil Tigress in the UN’. This is not only wildly incorrect, it is deeply offensive,ƒ¢¢”š¬‚ said Pillay at the beginning of the press conference on 31 August, 2013.”albeit with no real effort to vehemently disprove them as the proof was already in the pudding according to some political analysts by the faux pas she committed through her blundered posturings towards the Tamil Tigers with little ground to stand on towardsƒ”š‚ her non culpability.ƒ”š‚
Theƒ”š‚ Sri Lankan media despite the protestations of Ms Pillai have continued to insist about the perceived bias of both UNHRC and its head for allegedly overstepping her mandate to attack the Sri Lankan Government from its own soil which she appears to have done quite effectively and perhaps one of the covert mandates of her visit towards which the UN probably gave her sanction remembering the failed mission of UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon whose attempts to finger point at Sri Lanka left him spluttering about lack ofƒ”š‚ proof and accountability needed as reported in the media at the time.
While Ms.ƒ”š‚ Pillay was reported to have the told theƒ”š‚ President when she ultimately met him”ƒ”š‚ that it was good she was able to come to see the developments in the country and it was ƒ¢¢”š¬’very visible’ to her that the government has invested a lot in reconstruction work in the North” this has been confounded and contradicted by her subsequently as reported by Tamil media sources in the Northern Province that “when the Northern Province Governor Major General (retd) G.A. Chandrasiri was showcasing the development work in the area, she told him that she was more interested in witnessing what had been achieved on the human rights front. She also questioned whether the people on the ground had been consulted in designing the ƒ¢¢”š¬’development’ projects that were being displayed to her.” which was not her’s to question andƒ”š‚ indicative of an overstepping of the objective of her visit, a prying into internal administrative mattersƒ”š‚ as well as displaying a double standard in the context of what had transpired during her Presidentialƒ”š‚ meeting casting aspersions about the true nature of her visit.
Regardless of any adverse report she may file against Sri Lanka in the next UNHRC session or what she has said to the Global Media, the shortcomings surrounding her visit seem to by farƒ”š‚ override what good may have been intended, the capacity to be forthright and has in all probabilities misinformed the world which at present is being shaken by the goings on in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan where the objectives of her visit would have been better served as these are true areas of human rights violations and rank disrespect for human life.
Sri Lanka today to the contraryƒ”š‚ is a shining example of how terrorism was overcome and the path to progress was overlaid with meticulous planning and consideration of all her citizens which neither Ms.Naveen Pillai nor any other anti Sri Lankan elements could ever disprove or disrupt but most importantly, fail to perceive.ƒ”š‚
September 7th, 2013 at 4:41 pm
The Sinhalese in the island nation are still in a warp. It is India and Indians that is causing the suffering of the local inhabitants. Parabakaran is only a puppet of the India and Indians. We should stop promoting this puppet as a person of his own. All what he did was well managed, funded and overseen by India and Indian interests. They are doing this in other parts of the Indian Empire like in Fiji. Please wake up and look at things as they are.
September 7th, 2013 at 4:45 pm
The media in Africa is dominated by Indians, specially in the Indian colonies. South African media has been always pro Indian and pro Indian terrorists. African media is lead by a Kenyan conglomerate owned by Indian colonial parasites.
September 7th, 2013 at 5:14 pm
The problem is both the UNHRC and its current leader Ms. Navi Pillai. I pose this question. If a nation say for example Democratic Germany is taken over by the Nazi party and Hitler is its head would any civilized nation recognize her as civilized Democratic nation? the answer to this rhetorical question is a clear NO. As a matter of fact nations would close the German Embassy.
Though the comparison is crude and it makes the point. The UNHRC is being run by a woman with personal vested interests. She is far from being an impartial party and has demonstrated that she will use the power given to her when she assumed her role as the head of the UNHRC to uphold her Tamil community regardless of the issue of human rights or not. In her eyes the Tamils are above any reproach, any accusations, and by their race they are incapable of doing anything that comes even close to a human rights violation. This racist form of thinking is similar to Hitler who firmly believed in the superiority and by that the unquestionable right of the German “Aryan” race above all others. Navi Pillay is the Tamil version of that.
Since she has proved that she is quite capable of being a full blooded Tamil racist then the question is why recognize the UNHRC as long as she is in power. Just Hitler led Germany, the Pillay led UNHRC has become a body whose sole purpose when it comes to Sri Lanka is to treat the Singhalese Buddhists like the Jews of Germany and the Sri Lankan Tamils like the German Aryans. If anything is wrong it is due to the Singhalese ( or Jews of Germany). The victims of this “brutal uncivilized vermin Singhalese’ are the pure unblemished Sri Lankan Tamils.
Like Nazi Germany they can kill, even engage in genocidal acts as the LITE did but they are Tamils and by the fact that they are Tamils the killing of Singhalese is an act of civility for the world. Wipe out the Singhalese Buddhists for they and THEY ALONE have stolen the island of Eelam from the Tamil people who according to the Tamils “lived in Eelam (Sri Lanka) for tens of thousands of years and the Singhalese usurpers “stole” the island from them.
The “Noble” acts of the LITE was to simply remedy this “terrible act of atrocity” committed when Prince Vijaya “invaded” Eelam and drove the Tamils out. Navi Pillay has to believe some version of this diatribe that I just wrote or she would be impartial and would have heard both sides of the war. She deliberately met with a former LITE leader and had a closed session with Tamils and Muslims where the press was conveniently banned.
As long as Navi Pillay remains head of the UNHRC they should be removed from Sri Lanka for being a party to the former LITE with the sole purpose of using their power to form Eelam. Till the filth of the Tamil LITE influence is cleansed from the UNHRC their headquarters in Colombo should be shut and none of their representatives be allowed into Sri Lanka to pass judgement for they under Navi Pillay represent the voice of LITE.
September 7th, 2013 at 8:46 pm
There were reports that the UN is very unhappy over incidents where people who met Navi Pillai had been subsequently interrogated by Sri Lankan security officials and sometimes even harassed them. If true, this is excellent propaganda for hostile forces wanting to destabilise Sri Lanka, Like the group of journalists who met Navi Pillai and submitted a list of 114 journalists killed in Sri Lanka since 1981, trying their luck to hold the Govt responsible, even though many of them were not even journalists by vocation and of those that could be considered as true journalists, had actually been killed by the LTTE and IPKF forces.
There were also reports that the Indian RAW agency had been monitoring Navi Pillai’s visit and RAW officials had visited and questioned those who met Navi Pillai. Could it be that the Sri Lankan’s assumed these RAW officials to be from the SriLankan security or did RAW in fact present themselves as SriLankan.s to deflect any blame being directed at India? Sri Lanka needs to identify who was responsible for such acts and whether they ever took place. This is not an easy task when considering the Govt is spending its attention and hard earned money to uplift the North and East whilst the LTTE diaspora is able to spend all their funds on false propaganda to discredit the Govt..
September 8th, 2013 at 7:39 am
Well we asked for this so no surprise here! – despite the objections she was invited by GoSL on the basis that “we had nothing to hide”. True but however honest that view is, that view ONLY applies to an UNBIASED judge and NOT to a prejudiced Tamil woman like Pillai. Remember this is a situation created by our own incompetency! Pillai should not have been permitted to investigate SL just like a Muslim would not be nominated by the UN to investigate Israel!. I am NOT saying here that the UN should not investigate SL. Far from that. What I am saying here though is that the GoSL should have objected to this PREJUDICED woman Pillai and sought a UN substitute acceptable to SL as a NEUTRAL judge. Also, If she wanted to be accepted as an impartial judge, she should have declined herself to hear the case due to the obvious ‘conflict of interests’ as any honest judge would’ and ensured the UN appointed someone else. The only hope is that the vital issues highlighted in these columns and elsewhere by many will be formally taken up by the GoSL by NOW as matter of urgency and prepare itself to REJECT her conclusions before the UN on the basis of her ‘CONFLICT OF INTERESTS’ – S de Silva – London
September 8th, 2013 at 9:04 am
We said YES to her second term of appointment and thereby expressed our CONFIDENCE. Had we said a FIRM NO at that time, our position to express our NO CONFIDENCE would have been far more valid and solid.
However this does not mean we should refrain from defending our case; but it has to be done with care and caution, as otherwise things could turn to be worse. Her assertion that the country is treading towards “AUTHORITARIAN”,I believe, would be the core subject she is going to stress upon and that cannot be confronted by merely stating that “Elections are held”. There is a bigger picture than that the “Authorities” in power have to look at. We have to stand before the mirror and ask “What have we done”? and that question has to be asked without delusion of personal “SELF”. This concept of “I” has been very visibly brought into the stage in the administration of our governmental affairs and it would be an uphill task to lay out an impressive defense before the international community. So I believe the “Authorities” would take a very serious look at this aspect and prepare to confront her on this subject.
September 8th, 2013 at 3:31 pm
There was another war fought in another nation in the 19th century for the unity of a nation and not for what everyone believed and that was the abolision of slavery: The American civil war started by President Abraham Lincoln was to prevent the Southern states from seceding. In his own words he states:
“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause.”
Sri Lanka fought the Tamils to keep Sri Lanka united and not address the problems of the Tamils which according to Jayalalithaa, or the Tamil National Alliance or (NAZI) Navi Pillai seem to increase and not decrease by the moment. If the famous man President Lincoln could state what I quoted above then Sri Lanka owes no explanation or apology to anyone for using whatever means to win the war and keep the nation united.
The American civil war fought between 1861 to 1865 claimed 625 thousand US soldiers in a span of only four years and another 400 thousand lives of citizens. The infamous march of General Sherman known as “General Sherman’s march to the sea” created a swath of devastation 40 to 60 miles wide and 200 miles long (almost the length of Sri Lanka) which wiped out entire cities like Atlanta, Alexandria Louisiana, Vicksburg, Mississippi were just three out of many cities completely wiped out and New Orleans was threatened by the Union army of complete destruction if they did not surrender all for the sake of keeping the nation in one piece. Then when the war ended the ‘carpet baggers’ or con men and thieves came to the South to take what was left. The Union army stayed in these conquered states for decades and Sri Lanka’s military presence is already been questioned only four years from the war by Tamil Nazis like Navi Pillay.
Sri Lanka must keep this historic lesson in mind that she won the war when the world did not offer any helping hand except for China and Pakistan including a handful of rogue Muslim nations whose main issue is to prevent India from winning this proxy war and not for any love for Sri Lanka. Just like the US, UK or China that the UNHRC dares not interfere they should fear Sri Lanka as well for they under this Tamil Nazi woman speaks only for the Tamils and ignores the human rights violations done on the Singhalese Buddhists.
September 8th, 2013 at 3:59 pm
Final note on this woman Navi Pillay. As I have stated in my first comment she has demonstrated that she has prioritized the Tamil issue in Sri Lanka over and above the human rights issue. She has not made any comment on the human rights violations done by those who supported the LITE for they are as guilty as the perpetrator.
In addition blaring human rights violations in Egypt, Syria, Myanmar do not even get a visit from her. Acknowledging she was invited to Sri Lanka she did not need to spend an entire week only addressing the supposed trumped up complaints of human rights violations especially before the elections. Ms. Pillay has upheld the Tamil caurse and the Tamil suffering as the only agenda of the UNHRC and the Tamil National Alliance who calls Tamil dominated areas of Sri Lanka “Tamil Homelands” is similar to Hitler’s “Lebensraum” or “living space” policy which he used to annex lands from other countries or the country as a whole which had a significant German population.
The similarity of tactics between Nazi Germany and the Tamils be they the Tamil National Alliance or Tamil Nadu who like Nazis profess they are the center of Indian culture to the Tamil Diaspora is eerily similar. “Nazi” Pillay will not relent till Eelam is formed. Thank God this Tamil Nazi has only two years left as the leader of the UNHRC. As for Tamil Nadu Sri Lanka’s Buddhist Sanga has to regain her lost power to deal with a race (The Tamils) whose superiority complex excuses them of any acts of brutality, betrayal, or deceit.
September 8th, 2013 at 5:25 pm
She wanted to offer flowers to honor a leader of a banned terrorist organization, and she suggests that the Buddhist flag be taken off from the Independence square? This trip was only accepted to visit Sri Lanka and haress Her.