How long US will hide American home grown terrorism?
Posted on September 17th, 2013

By Afshain Afzal

‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚  Unaware of what is going to happen on return to duty after merry weekend, it came as a total surprise. The security was at the lowest in and around Naval Headquarters, while everyone failed to apply the drills rehearsed over time and again. It is a usual practice in all the military and sensitive installation that false alarms are sounded in case of terrorist attacks or disaster, however, on Monday, 16 September 2013, no one followed the drills and displayed a complete scene of disarray and panic.
Navy Admiral Bill French was reportedly helplessly discussing deaths and injuries in dozens as a result of shooting by at least four armed shooters; three white and one black. The major task was evacuation of over two thousand persons, present at the facility at the time of terrorist attack. One of the terrorists, Aaron Alexis, who served‚  at Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 46 at Naval Air Station Fort Worth in Texas and was awarded the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal was killed by police in the shootout after his surrender, so that tell tales of terrorism remain under the carpet.
Was it really a terrorist attack or United States has again sacrificed her so called sons and daughters to resume and win gun control debate. It is pertinent to mention here that the intelligence agencies in US have by now achieved expertise in launching such attacks as on many occasion they carried out similar attacks in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries to prove their point. It is interesting to note that without any confirmation US President Barack Hussain Obama described the terrorist attack as “yet another mass shooting” and summoned Director FBI,‚ James Comey at White House to learn latest about the investigation.
Despite the fact that Chief Cathy Lanier of Metropolitan DC police‚ clearly spelled out that that there were two additional shooters who are still out there, the FBI and other federal agencies failed to identify the network of home grown terrorists involved in the attack and concluded that a black Navy Reservist namely Alexis acted alone in shootout and has been killed while there was no second shooter.
The recent‚ episode‚ of home grown terrorism has opened the eyes of the world. In fact, what Washington had been looking in other countries, came out to have its origin in US. It is not the‚ first case‚ in which some individuals from white race were involved in terrorism but power lobby intentionally does not allow such incidents to get prominent space in the media.
In the past a US Army Sergeant Trey Scott Atwater was caught red-handed‚ in possession‚ of highly dangerous explosives in his luggage while trying to board a flight at Midland International Airport. Lieutenant Colonel Tom Bryant at Army‚ Special Operations‚ Command at Fort Bragg while confirming his involvement and arrest disclosed that Trey Scott Atwater was an Army first class demolition expert in terrorism act in‚ Green Berets. It is pertinent to mention here that Sergeant Atwater completed three tenures of duty in Afghanistan.
‚ Many people still consider Sergeant Atwater as American hero because he along with his 7th‚ Special Forces Group‚ ruthlessly killed many Muslims in Afghanistan. Psychological Operation Group at Fort Bragg has successfully brainwashed thousands of personnel like Atwater and posted them in countries like Afghanistan to kill as many people as possible. Such personnel are sent to these countries to eliminate all those who dare to speak against enemies of Islam, Christianity and other religions. It is interesting to note that the act committed by Sergeant Atwater carried at least prison sentence up to 10 years but Federal Magistrate Judge released him on unsecured bond on the grounds that he will pose a risk to fight. Ironically Atwater even got his initial court appearance waived.
In the past, we also witnessed terrorism of James Holmes, who carried out terrorist attack and killed 12 people and injured over 70 persons. Holmes was conducting research for US Defence Department in the university and was son of US intelligence top cryptologist. It is an open secret that James Holmes was also linked with Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles but no one would bother to find any terrorist link. Similarly, Wade Michael Page, a US Army personnel carried out terrorist attacks on Sikh Gurdwars and killed six innocent worshippers only because they were wearing beard that resembled Muslims. But today he is US’ national hero. we have also the case of Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a US Army psychiatrist, who was accused of killing 13 personnel and injuring 31 others at Fort Hood, Texas in 2009.
Interestingly, although US military judge pleaded him guilty but Major Hasan was never suspected or addressed as terrorist or his‚ friends‚ and accomplices were seen with suspicion.‚ One wonders a person who killed 13 personnel has still not been declared as terrorist but those who believe in the fundamentals of divine religions are dubbed as terrorists and massacred on charges of extremism. We have also the record of David Coleman Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, who are the main culprits involved in Mumbai attacks in India but they were not even once dubbed as terrorists.
When Andrew Joseph Stack of North Austin, a software ‚ in California missed the target of FBI office by few yards and crashed his single-engine fixed-wing Piper in a seven-story building‚ of Internal Revenue Service‚ (IRS) at Research Boulevard, killing at least three persons and injuring several others in 2010, he was not suspected for terrorist links and declared innocent the house of Stack was burnt to ashes, which destroyed every piece of evidence which could establish his links with other terrorists.
If a non-Muslim is involved in act of terrorism, it is always his independent act or he is insane. But if the same act is carried out by a Muslim, he is linked with self-proclaimed deadly terrorist group preferably Al Qaida or Taliban. Today alone in Afghanistan and Pakistan over 1.5 million innocent men, women and children have by killed (martyred) on mere suspicion that they possess anti west sentiments and are threat to free world. Most of them were guilty of present in the area at the time of senseless state sponsored terrorist attacks.
There was no trial of these innocent martyrs and only bombs, missiles and other explosives were their judges to decide their fate. Washington, which claims to be champion of human rights but official of Pentagon claim that War on Terror legislation have given them sweeping powers to wage war anywhere in the world without congressional authorization. Today, the war veterans from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and other countries have become blood thirsty terrorists. Washington needs to concentrate on her home-grown terrorism and must seek international help to eradicate terrorism on its soil. Claims that these attacks in the US were carried out by some insane and schizophrenic lone wolves cannot diminish the gravity of the situation.
The attack has put up a question mark on Washington’s military and security capibilities. There is no doubt that in the presence of these American terrorists, the US’ nuclear arsenal is also not safe. World community including United Nations must join their heads as if God forbid the nuclear piles stored at Naval Headquarters had gone to terrorists, what would have been the fate of this world.‚

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