Ahmadiyya Supreme Head conducts media interviews in Sydney
Posted on October 9th, 2013
By A. Abdul Aziz, Press Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama-â„¢at -” Sri Lanka.
‚ During the first week of his second tour of Australia, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (Jama-â„¢at) and Fifth Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was interviewed by a journalist representing both the -ËœThe Standard-â„¢ and the -ËœDaily Telegraph-â„¢ newspapers and another representing the -ËœBlacktown Sun-â„¢. The interviews were conducted at the Baitul Huda Mosque in Sydney.‚
‚ During the interview, His Holiness was asked a range of questions including the purpose of his visit to Australia. He said his foremost objective was to meet with the Ahmadi Muslims of Australia and counsel them towards high moral standards and always upholding the laws of the land.
‚ In response to a question about whether Ahmadi Muslims had been accepted by the wider Australian society, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
‚ -I believe that amongst all Muslim communities it is Ahmadi Muslims who are the most widely accepted by the wider society, because we openly proclaim love for the country in which we live. We are law abiding, our message is of peace and our slogan is -ËœLove for All, Hatred for None-â„¢ -” and so I do not think anyone could dislike such a message.-
‚ Upon being asked his opinion about how to stop world conflict His Holiness said:
‚ -Wherever I go in the world I call for true justice as the only way to develop and maintain world peace and harmony. True justice according to the Holy Quran requires that if you have to give testimony against yourself or our loved ones you should do so.-
‚ Regarding Syria, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that peace could only develop if both the government and rebel forces behaved in a civilised and fair manner. He said it was essential that both parties urgently understood their responsibilities otherwise it was quite possible that the Syrian conflict could spread further afield.
‚ Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was asked to give his advice to all people, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. His Holiness responded:
‚ -Remember, we are all human beings and so first and foremost we should discharge our responsibilities and duties to one another. We are all the creation of God and God loves His creation -” thus we should all care for each other in the way that God desires.-
October 9th, 2013 at 3:26 pm
Nobody outside your mad doctrine believe this bs. Ask any Aussie if you don’t believe. Ask anybody outside your
religion. Kill all non believers. You love them, love their country, but the mad religion says kill them all.
Doe’s not add up, does it? Don’t waste our time. We never going to change.
Only way to propagate this madness is
multiplying! Multiply and take over countries.,
Within a few hundred years of these ‘saints’ arriving those became mossie countries.
Converted? Give us a break!
Just multiply and multiply country is gone.
That was pre-TV, pre-internet days.
It is not going to be easy. It is not going to work.
So don’t try it in this modern day.
October 9th, 2013 at 3:32 pm
Shall we temporarily suspend attacking mossies? Compared to LTTE = TNA, mossies are still less evil.
We have bigger fish to fry URGENTLY. Lets FRY them first and then come to the salami. Please.
October 10th, 2013 at 1:38 pm
Lorenzo, you ignore this threat at your peril.
Just look at the list above.
The list should be enough to ring alarm bells in any non-believer.
Just look at the rate in SL.
What will be the mossie population in SL in another 100 years?
2% to 10% in just 30 years.
8 x 8 x 8 x 8 = 5000 from just two people in 4 generations!
Not scary enough?
October 10th, 2013 at 3:11 pm
I’m WELL AWARE of the threat. Mossies MUST be contained (to say the LEAST!!!).
But that is NOT the PRIORITY now in SL. Tamil Elamists take the priority. Lets BUST one donkey at a time. My ONLY disagreement is TIMING.
Lets FRY the TE fish first and then come to the salami.
Otherwise OPPORTUNISTIC mossies will make use of our weak bargaining position (due to TE dirt making demands and violence) and be even more powerful.
GR has put the world on notice on the mossie threat. USA, Israel, UK, Endia, France, Russia and China were among them (plus another 50 countries). They are in our radar. We will ALL deal with them. The whole world is with us in dealing with mossies. But for now lets fry the TE fish first where we DON’T have many friends to team up with. Dutugemunui strategy.