TNA’s decision to rebuild LTTE cemeteries
Posted on October 17th, 2013
The Chavakachcheri Pradeshi Sabha had passed a resolution calling for the reconstruction of LTTE cemeteries in the Northern Provincial Council area. Now, it‚ appears that other local authorities run by the TNA and the Northern Provincial Council itself‚ may move a similar resolution. Then, the‚ ITAK‚ had decided to commemorate those who died fighting for the LTTE.‚ ITAK is the dominant party out of the five parties which form the‚ TNA.‚ The other parties are TELO, EPRLF, PLOTE‚ and the TULF. This is not surprising because before the end of the war, TNA‚ claimed the LTTE‚ to be the sole representative of the Tamil people and TNA‚ was‚ the mouth-piece of the terrorists.
‚ In tha past, several attempts were made by the LTTE‚ rump,‚ to commemorate those who died fighting for the LTTE. Even Navi Pillai,‚ well known LTTE sympathiser,‚ went to the extent of laying flowers at Nanthikadal, which was the last battlefield of the LTTE. If not for the timely intervention of the govt she would have gone ahead with her plan.
‚ The LTTE‚ was the world’s number one terrorist‚ group and is still banned in 32 countries, including India. Therefore, the TNA or the ITAK should not be allowed to go ahead with their plan to reconstruct‚ cemeteries of LTTE‚ terrorists. Will the US or UK allow the cemeteries of‚ Al Qaida or Taliban fighters‚ to be rebuilt ?
October 17th, 2013 at 3:43 pm
And there should be enough Tamil dead to fill these cemetaries!!
Will the TNA also provide these carcasses?
October 17th, 2013 at 6:10 pm
LORENZO !! Do you see what I see ?
They need these cemetaries for the future, because when any Tamils, try to create separatism, and their head gets separated from their bodies in the process, that will be their resting place.
The best is for the Government to BULLDOZE all these cemetaries and give it to people for Agricultural purposes. I wonder whether the Government will have the spunk to do it, because they are all invertebrates.
October 17th, 2013 at 6:41 pm
Forget the US/US allowing cemeteries of Al Qaida/Taliban fighters to be rebuilt(that will never happen), The US/UK does not allow anything remotely close to the Nazis to spring up. In fact, they are still hunting for Nazis 60 plus years after the war. So, why should Sri Lanka allow it.
October 17th, 2013 at 10:00 pm
Sri Lankan Govt or for that matter, any government should not allow any person or group to honour any those that tried to break up their country. Tigers fall into this category and as such they cannot be honoured for their vile deeds, because it would be like saying, “Well done boys for your attempt to break up the country and others should take them as an example to emulate”. Also, if the cemeteries are on Govt land, then those lands are outside the jurisdiction of the PC, unless the Govt transfers such lands to the PC at a future date.
October 17th, 2013 at 11:37 pm
LTTE or TNA never represented the all Tamils who live in Sri Lanka. They misguide the Tamils who live
as majority in North and East. Unless there is a powerful political party consist of all communities
in the North and east noone can change the mind of Tamil racism.
If the war isn´t over TNA , LTTE,and Tamil Diaspora make North and east as Tamileelam cemetry.
October 18th, 2013 at 2:13 am
This is SEPARATISM & TREASON pure & simple.
Honoring the DEAD who murdered innocent civilians by the thousand, and fought to create a SEPARATE Racist Aparthied state is simply UNACCEPTABLE and SHOULD not be ALLOWED.
In fact, it is an attempt to REVIVE that TERRORIST SEPARATIST struggle and destroy lives of Sri Lankan citizens … all over again … and should be prevented under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA).
Let the TNA try to do this; it will add to the LITANY of TREASON Charges and JUSTIFY the DISSMISAL of the Northern Provincial Councils followed by REVOCATION of the 13th Amendment and the DISMANTLING of the Provincial Council System as a whole.
If the elected GOSL will not act, then the Patriotic Citizens of Sri Lanka must in their own defense.
Rise Up ONCE AGAIN … O Patriots of Mother Lanka … to defend and protect your LIVES … and the INTEGRITY of your Motherland!
October 18th, 2013 at 2:20 am
Sri Lankan Buddhist organization protest against Tamil party MP
Fri, Oct 18, 2013, 10:01 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Oct 18, Colombo: A Sri Lankan Buddhist organization has protested against a Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian.
The Ravana Balaya says it will protest against TNA MP S. Sridharan if he demanded Sinhala people to leave Jaffna.
Secretary of the Ravana Balaya, Ven. Iththekande Saddhatissa Thero has said that Sridharan cannot make Jaffna his birthplace and expect Sinhalese to leave Jaffna.
He has explained during a meeting in the North that history has proven that Sinhalese people have lived in Jaffna.
According to the Thero, MP Sridharan should not be allowed to visit Colombo even to attend parliament.
The Ravana Balaya has vowed to take action against any person who tries to create ethnic disharmony.
Meanwhile, Chavakachcheri Pradeshiya Sabha run by TNA’s main constituent party, Illankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK) has passed a resolution calling for the reconstruction of LTTE cemeteries in the area destroyed by the security forces during the war, The Island newspaper reported.
The ITAK run Pradeshiya Sabha in the Jaffna district has also decided to commemorate those who died fighting for the LTTE, according to The Island report.
October 18th, 2013 at 2:32 am
The PC’s under the 13A will give rise to many events lie this – one reason even now to plan to dismantle 13A and the PC’s that followed. Hope this sort of acts should make the GoSL Think Again -S de Silva – London
October 18th, 2013 at 5:41 am
Tamil Caste wars are still being fought in Sri Lanka. The building of ltte cemeteries are a part of it. The ltte were an enemy of the entire Nation of Lanka, including peaceful Tamil people. As such, this should never be allowed. Sri Lankans have suffered enough for over 30 yrs (about half the total 65 yrs years of Independence from Britain in 1948). Britain & the Netherlands (Dutch) brought in excessive numbers of Tamil people into Lanka (about one and half MILLION). Those countries ought to bear the costs to Sri Lanka from Tamil terrorism, isn’t it ? No western country has ever allowed monuments to be raised for dead enemies from outside or inside.
Thurai is right. It is always the Tamil leaders (TNA & ltte), who mislead the Tamils of Lanka. We add : using the call for a separate state, Eelam.
The 6-A has to be activated. Why have Laws if not put to use. Lanka authorities had best be aware that the Tamil Caste system is well and alive in Tamil Nadu and TN has always exported her Caste Wars into Lanka while they appear to remain goody-goodies.
All differences between groups of people must be resolved through debate and discussion, never through terrorism, riots or war. That is why the 6-A must be activated.
October 18th, 2013 at 5:48 am
The above link is in Tamil about the incident with MP.S.Sridharen. I understand Govt Tamil officers wanted to
give the Lands peacefully to all residents Tamil and Sihalese there. The MP Sridahren went
there and created unnecessary problem.
October 18th, 2013 at 6:12 am
It is about time the Government of Sri Lanka take timely and appropriate action to prevent any future day dreaming tamil adventurist attempting to go on a separatist campaign again. There is no sense in wasting valuable real estate to make cemeteries for any future tamil terrorists. After all land is becoming very expensive in Paradise Land.
There should be a sizeable buffer zone between the northern province and the eastern province and these should be settled with the families of the forces and farmers from the rest of the country. These people are the real Sri Lankans who fought and liberated the country from the curse of decades of war.
For starters let us say the area from Mullaitivu going north west via Pooneryn to Chavakachcheri and then north to Point Pedro should be settled with people from the rest of the country during the next 5 years. Looking at the geography of the lands in question this would be sufficient to settle at least 40,000 familes. The question of any possible future merger of North and East will also be a dream. This will in a way be a good pay back for Mr. Prabhakaran’s “Pie in the Sky” separatist dream. The only difference is that we separate the north from the east, with true patriots.
Those about one million plus tamils who left to Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand and to the rest of Europe can stay there – after all they will always be blacks and second class citizens where ever they are. They can write to Colombo Telegraph and to the Tamilnet for their sunday past-times and dream of what they lost in Sri Lanka while writing to AI, HRW, Navi Pillay, Harper, Tutu and the like.
Those patriotic among us who continue to live outside Sri Lanka should contribute for the infrastructure development of these areas. Putting up factories, water treatment plants, irrigation systems, schools and so forth. I for one, am willing to contribute 8 – 10 million US dollars for development projects if the government is serious to proceed with such a proposal. This may sound like a small pittance for the funds necessary for such a large project, but I am willing to contribute if my fellow expatriate Sri Lankans are willing join me. But the projects must be handled by private companies with the blessings of the government of Sri Lanka. Keeping the JVP and Unions out will be pre-conditions.
This way we will also be putting to good use all the monies that have been spent by GOSL in developing the North during the past 4 plus years since the end of the war.
October 18th, 2013 at 12:30 pm
Recently a former NAZI member passed away yet no nation wanted his body buried in any cemetery in their nation. The LITE is Sri Lanka’s Nazis. The LITE reign of terror have few examples of their genocidal atrocities and it is amazing to me that Colombo is allowing the Tamil population to honor them with a grave and a head stone.
Colombo has the full moral right to see that this does not happen for once it does these genocidal terrorists will become Matyres around which new movements for Eelam will find strength. The Tamils have to be convinced that honoring genocidal traitors is also honoring what they did and that goes against all that is moral and decent.
No nation can give a sufficient explanation or excuse to support the Tamils in this act and Colombo has all the moral right to question any nation who dares even support such a abominable act. the LITE members should be removed from Sri Lankan soil. If the Tamils insist that they be honored with a grave and a headstone then let that take place in Tamil Nadu.
October 18th, 2013 at 3:17 pm
TNA MP Sridahren has threatened Sinhalese to GET OUT of Jaffna.
This type of terrorists should be killed immediately.
October 18th, 2013 at 8:34 pm
Jayantha said:
“Those patriotic among us who continue to live outside Sri Lanka should contribute for the infrastructure development of these areas. Putting up factories, water treatment plants, irrigation systems, schools and so forth. I for one, am willing to contribute 8 – 10 million US dollars for development projects if the government is serious to proceed with such a proposal. This may sound like a small pittance for the funds necessary for such a large project, but I am willing to contribute if my fellow expatriate Sri Lankans are willing join me. But the projects must be handled by private companies with the blessings of the government of Sri Lanka. Keeping the JVP and Unions out will be pre-conditions. ”
Bravo, Jayantha! 8-10 Million USD is a hefty investment contribution from one individual. I have been involved in technology related businesses in Sri Lanka for many years, and I am interested in collaborating.
I am a PhD R&D Engineer/Manager with university, industry and government experience, retired recently from a US DOE Nuclear Weapons Laboratory after nearly 30 years service. My wife (also a PhD R&D engineer with equivalent experience) and I now operate our own R&D company … mostly for fun. The company specializes in Renewable Energy and Military Robotics. Currently, we are building and marketing Sun Tracking Solar Energy Arrays and Small Wind Turbines in the US and in Sri Lanka.
For many years I have been involved in various engineering business enterprises geared to helping Sri Lanka exploit advanced technologies, particularly in Renewable Energy Production, Storage and Efficient Utilization, because this is one area in which Sri Lanka suffers heavily from uncontrolled rise in costs. Wishing to avoid bureaucratic tangles and interminable meetings that accomplish nothing, I keep everything I do sufficiently small to enable financing fromour own resources. If you are interested in collaborating in some area of mutual interest, please drop me a line at We will verify our bona fides and develop a method of communicating securely.
Going beyond our collaboration, your proposal for harnessing the skills and energy of Patriotic Expatriates to build infrastructure and skills in Sri Lanka is excellent. My disappointments with getting significant help from the GOSL for such ventures, and the barriers posed by corrupt people at all levels in Sri Lanka, including the JVP controlled unions, compels me to applaud your declared preference for acting through private companies excluding all such politically motivated troublemakers.
October 18th, 2013 at 8:42 pm
Jayantha said:
“Those patriotic among us who continue to live outside Sri Lanka should contribute for the infrastructure development of these areas. Putting up factories, water treatment plants, irrigation systems, schools and so forth. I for one, am willing to contribute 8 – 10 million US dollars for development projects if the government is serious to proceed with such a proposal. This may sound like a small pittance for the funds necessary for such a large project, but I am willing to contribute if my fellow expatriate Sri Lankans are willing join me. But the projects must be handled by private companies with the blessings of the government of Sri Lanka. Keeping the JVP and Unions out will be pre-conditions. ”
Bravo, Jayantha! 8-10 Million USD is a hefty investment contribution from one individual. I have been involved in technology related businesses in Sri Lanka for many years, and I am interested in collaborating.
I am a PhD R&D Engineer/Manager with university, industry and government experience, retired recently from a US DOE Nuclear Weapons Laboratory after nearly 30 years service. My wife (also a PhD R&D engineer with equivalent experience) and I now operate our own R&D company … mostly for fun. The company specializes in Renewable Energy and Military Robotics. Currently, we are building and marketing Sun Tracking Solar Energy Arrays and Small Wind Turbines in the US and in Sri Lanka.
For many years I have been involved in various engineering business enterprises geared to helping Sri Lanka exploit advanced technologies, particularly in Renewable Energy Production, Storage and Efficient Utilization, because this is one area in which Sri Lanka suffers heavily from uncontrolled rise in costs. Wishing to avoid bureaucratic tangles and interminable meetings that accomplish nothing, I keep everything I do sufficiently small to enable financing fromour own resources. If you are interested in collaborating in some area of mutual interest, please drop me a line at LankaPatriot (at) . We will verify our bona fides and develop a method of communicating securely.
Going beyond our collaboration, your proposal for harnessing the skills and energy of Patriotic Expatriates to build infrastructure and skills in Sri Lanka is excellent. My disappointments with getting significant help from the GOSL for such ventures, and the barriers posed by corrupt people at all levels in Sri Lanka, including the JVP controlled unions, compels me to applaud your declared preference for acting through private companies excluding all such politically motivated troublemakers.
October 19th, 2013 at 5:24 am
Thank you Ananda – USA,
Thank you for your very kind comments.
Even though I should have retired about 3 years ago, my fellow shareholders and partners in the company I own and work in, requested me to stay on as long as I feel OK to do so. I too live in the US, am a dual citizen and my company builds ethanol and bio-diesel plants for interested parties mostly high end farming communities in the mid-west. I went back to Sri Lanka for a brief spell in 2010 with the intention of settling down but changed my mind and decided to take it a little easy and spend more time in Sri Lanka than before during the fall and winter months while living and working in the USA during the other months. This keeps me busy, healthy and after all what more can a Sri Lankan like me want from life. Hence my desire to do something in Sri Lanka.
So far in the USA, since 1996 we have built 32 ethanol and bio-diesel plants stretching from Michigan to South Dakota and from Minnesota to Missouri. Our plants use Corn (meant to prepare cattle food) and soya bean as well as, since three years ago wood chips, wood related waste products and grass as raw materials. We have to date built plants of various sizes, from 80 million gallons per year to 250 million gallons per year. Out of the 160 billion gallons of petrol the US consumer used last year 12 billion came from man made farmers ethanol. A huge relief to know that US does not have to depend on imported oil. My company and I are also involved in fracturing and bringing up shale oil from deep down in the Willesden Basin in North Dakota.
The farmers in USA as a result have seen the prices for corn increase from $1.80 a bushel in 1995 to up to $7.00 a bushel in 2011. With the abundance of land with very low population density in most of the mid-western states in the USA this has brought the price of petrol at the pumps from an average of $3.50 per gallon for 10% ethanol blended petrol to $2.30 in some areas in Iowa and Minnesota for E-85 (85% ethanol blended) petrol. There seems to be no end for the construction of these factories and thus resulted in surplus employment opportunities in most of the farming states.
As long as we continue to build these man made green fuel plants the production of petrol from renewable sources never ends.
My intention for Sri Lanka is to give back something to my country where I had my education up to GCE O’levels and A’levels. I wish to know more about you Ananda. Are in Facebook?
October 19th, 2013 at 11:12 am
This is a HUGE step forward for Sri Lanka, for nanotechnology will be the wave of the next 50 years creating processes and products hitherto deemed impossible!
Nanotechnology manipulates matter on an atomic and molecular scale to produce materials and devices with properties and functional capabilities that are currently unavailable in medicine, electronics, biomaterials and energy production. While economic benefits of nanotechnology are great, nanotechnology products can pose health and environmental issues that Sri Lanka must be equipped to evaluate and protect itself against.
Bravo … Sri Lanka!
Sri Lanka’s first nanotechnology research center and nanoscience park to be opened on 21st
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Oct 19, Colombo: Sri Lanka ‘s first Nanotechnology research center and Nanoscience park will be declared open by President Mahinda Rajapaksa on October 21.
Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology (SLINTEC) together with the Ministry of Technology and Research laid the foundation in June 2012 for the commencement of construction of the park which is named as Nanotechnology Centre of Excellence (NCE).
Sri Lanka’s first nanotechnology park is set up in a 50 acre land in Pitipana, Homagama in Colombo district. The park is established with the government and private sector participation.
The Nanotechnology Park aims to create opportunities for all businesses to develop new products through a collaborative innovation process, taking them from research through development toward commercialization.
The foundation for this framework is the Nanotechnology Centre of Excellence (NCE), which marks the first phase of the development of the Park.
The Ministry of Technology and Research of Sri Lanka made initiatives to launch the nanoscience project together with industrial sector in early 2008.
The Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology (Pvt) Ltd. was established in April 2008 as a private Company under the Companies Act. It has been engaged in developing applications for nanotechnology through research and development since August 2009 with private sector partners.
October 19th, 2013 at 11:31 am
Why is the GOSL dragging its feet on banning COMMUNAL & SEPARATIST parties?
Political parties with SEPARATIST labels such as “Eelam” and COMMUNAL labels such as “Tamil”, “Sinhala”, “Muslim” should be BANNED and OUTLAWED!
For example: TNA, ITAK, EPRLF, TELO, PLOTE, TULF, EPDP, SLMC and possibly the JHU should be banned as being either SEPARATIST or COMMUNAL!
Until this is done, and the GOSL POLICY against TREASONOUS SEPARATISM and Discriminatory COMMUNAL practices is CLEARLY SPELLED OUT and ENFORCED under the Law …. we will NEVER BE ABLE to make Sri Lanka TRULY SECURE and UNIFY its people.
KP alleges TNA hardliners trying to cause chaos: Chava PS resolution to rebuild LTTE cemeteries
By Shamindra Ferdinando
October 18, 2013
Velupillai Prabhakaran’s successor, Selvarasa Pathmanathan, aka KP, yesterday said that hardliners in the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) would try to cause new issues to derail the ongoing reconciliation process.
The Kilinochchi-based Pathmanathan was responding to the TNA-run Chavakachcheri Pradeshiya Sabha passing a resolution to request the newly elected Northern Provincial Council to rebuild LTTE cemeteries in districts coming under its purview.
The Illankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK) is the dominant constituent in the five-party TNA comprising the EPRLF, the TELO, the PLOTE and the TULF. They contested the first Northern Provincial Council polls on the ITAK ticket.
Pathmanathan alleged that hardliners were making an obvious attempt to provoke the government. The one-time chief LTTE procurer of arms, ammunition and equipment, KP told The Island that ITAK hardliners and those pro-LTTE Diaspora groups would make it extremely difficult for moderates to function. The resolution passed by the Chavakachcheri PS was meant to trigger an angry reaction from the military, Pathmanathan said, urging the government to be extremely cautious. The cemetery issue could be a rallying point for both northerners and easterners, he warned.
Malaysia handed over KP to Sri Lanka in early August 2009, in accordance with an understanding reached between the two countries.
Pathmanathan said: “We have to realise that the pro-LTTE Tamil Diaspora and various other interested parties including the Canadians and the British push Sri Lanka on the human rights front for different reasons. Those wanting to secure political asylum in the West propagate the lie that the post-war Sri Lanka is not safe and people forcibly sent back experienced severe difficulties at the hands of security authorities. Fortunately, the strong stand taken by Australia against illegal immigrants helped to expose those spreading lies.”
KP declined to comment on speculation that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is likely to skip the Colombo CHOGM . The LTTEer said that he would reserve his comments until New Delhi officially announced its decision.
Pathmanathan said that Western powers had ignored the fact that Tamil speaking children had never been safe until the eradication of the LTTE in May 2009. “They are also silent on the rehabilitation and release of over 11,000 combatants since the conclusion of the war. How many would have perished if the LTTE retained a conventional military capability.”
With the support of Diaspora and well wishers, Pathmanathan now runs three orphanages-two in Mullaitivu and one in Kilinochchi, where three hundred children are accommodated.
October 19th, 2013 at 11:42 am
Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA are DESPERATE to get the Army out of the North and East so they can REVIVE their terrorist activities and gun running again.
The ARMY should not budge ONE INCH from the North & East … instead the Army PRESENCE should be increased TENFOLD settling Armed Forces Personnel PERMANENTLY in those areas.
This NATION belongs to the Armed Forces TOO; they have every right to be stationed anywhere necessary to defend it.
They are NOT ALIENS, but citizens of Sri Lanka with and INALIENABLE RIGHT to be ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE in Sri Lanka, pre-textual accusations NOTWITHSTANDING!
Sri Lanka military strongly rejects allegations of sexual violence in North
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Oct 19, Colombo: The Sri Lanka Military has strongly denied the allegations made by a right group that its troops are responsible for insecurity experienced by the women in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.
Army spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya speaking to media Friday said there have been repeated attempts to pin incidents of sexual violence on minority women in the North on the troops while in majority of these cases perpetrators are of Tamil ethnicity.
“In a majority of cases, the perpetrators had been close relatives or neighbors of the victim and had been of Tamil ethnicity,” the spokesman told media.
The spokesman vehemently denied a recent report released by the London-based Minority Rights Group (MRG) that the militarization of the north and east from 2009 has contributed to continued insecurity for minority women.
The MRG recently released a report titled “Living with insecurity: Marginalization and sexual violence against women in north and east Sri Lanka”. In its report the group says that Tamil and Muslim women in the North and East of Sri Lanka are increasingly marginalized and face chronic insecurity due to presence of security forces and government actions.
The report alleged the Sri Lankan government of “actively contributing to insecurity and rights violations through the pervasive militarization of the north and east, with negative consequences for the safety and freedom of minority women.”
Brigadier Wanigasooriya said the right groups and other interested parties are repeatedly trying to draw a non-existent correlation between the security forces presence in the North and insecurity of women in the region.
According to the military spokesman a study of incidents of sexual offences occurred in the North between January 2007 and May 2012 had shown that during the conflict period from January 2007 – May 2009, seven security forces personnel were involved in five incidents of sexual violence.
The figures were out of a total of 125 persons accused in 119 incidents reported in the entire Northern Province. The ethnicity of the victims of these cases was 4 Sinhalese and 1 Tamil. In the post conflict period (May 2009 – May 2012) ten Security Forces personnel were reported as being involved in six incidents of sexual violence in the North. This is out of a total of 307 persons accused in 256 incidents for the entire Northern Province. The ethnicity of the victims is 2 Tamil, 1 Muslim and 3 Sinhalese.
Brigadier Wanigasooriya pointed out that the Security Forces personnel were involved only in 11 incidents out of a total of 375 during the whole period from January 2007 to May 2012. As a percentage, the total accused is 5.6 percent in the conflict period and 3.3 percent in the post conflict period clearly showing a decline after the war.
“The decline clearly demonstrates that the allegation that the presence of the security forces in the North contributes to the insecurity of women and girls is a myth”, Brigadier Wanigasooriya was quoted.
he Spokesman further noted that the government has taken legal action in all the cases the Security Forces personnel have been involved and those implicated have been discharged or punished.
He further said that the Sri Lankan military does not condone such actions by its troops against women and any perpetrators will be strictly punished if proven guilty.