Hard Fact About Amnesty international’s Involvement With LTTE ( With References)
Posted on October 18th, 2013
Dr. C.N A Rajapakse MNZM Spokesperson, United Sri Lanka Association Wellington NZ
-No Fire Zone-
A Collection Of Amateur Video Footage , Unattributed and‚ Uncorroborated‚ With Comment From Mainly Unnamed Sources With Distorted Voices And Blurred Faces‚ Held Together By Assumptions And An Intemperate And Partisan Commentary, Blaming The Human Carnage Seen In Any War To The SL Forces Rather Than The Tamil Tigers Who Are Best Known To Cause Such Carnage With Their Indiscriminate & Suicide Bombing
Why Is AI Giving Such Adverse Publicity To Sri Lanka ‚ Selectively ?
Is AI Simply Singing For Their Breakfast From Tiger Diaspora War Chest Of Billions?
Exposing The Fallacies In The Film:
- The Human carnage shown could even more be the result of terrorist or suicide bomb attacks as the injuries shown are most likely from shrapnel as happens in such attacks . Further the absence of burn marks would argue against them from being from directed SL artillery as suggested by the producer.
- If it were a consequence of artillery, the extent of‚ injury suggests deliberate exposure of victims by the Tigers, as human shields to protect themselves from fire directed against the heavy artillery being used by them, (confirmed later by the rescued civilians).The heavy artillery ‚ had to be neutralized for the civilian rescue (300,000) which eventually happened
- The No Fire Zones could not be enforced as the Tigers moved in with their heavy artillery before any civilians could move in,
- Hospitals also used as shields .‚ This would account for the hospital damage shown.
- If the civilians were being targeted would 300,000 of them stream into the arms of these very same SL forces as they did, the moment the Tiger built embankment to prevent them from doing so was breached.
- If the SL forces were targeting civilians , why would they spend the next two years , risking their lives demining the homes of these civilians to resettle them, as has happened.
- Over 50 representing these 300,000 rescued civilians in documentary‚ – Lies agreed upon- (available on U tube) have testified that the only directed fire that they experienced came fro the Tigers, to prevent them escaping and had only the highest praise for the SL forces. They are resettled in their‚ homes now and are identifiable and open to verification.
- The only identified witness in the film, Vinay Kumar, the lab technician from London, has been established as a Tiger activist from London. Her testimony in the earlier film, more extensive than this, has been shown to be fraudulent, most particularly the allegation of amputation of 7yr old without anesthesia. The surgeon whom she praised for doing this , in – Lies Agreed Upon- denied this out right, confirmed availability of adequate anesthesia throughout the war.
- Prabakaran-â„¢s sons undated photos, shows‚ a relaxed child which would suggest more his being among friends, more probably with the tigers than the Army, and being shot by them too unsuspectingly, so from close range, with no resistance.
- Two commissions have already sat inquiring into allegation of HR abuses, The -LLRC- and the -Army War Crimes‚ Commission-. The allegations in the film should have been made to these commissions , ‚ if the producers had sufficient confidence in them.
- If the AI is really concerned of the HR abuses in SL, without going on and on about unsubstantiated allegation of happenings in a few weeks in May 2009, they should go after the funders of three decades of terror SL that threatened the most basic HR, the -Right to Life-, of 20 million Sri Lankans‚ for 3 decades.
- These now sit smug‚ mostly in London UK, renamed the BTF (British Tamil Federation), WTF & TNGTE(Trans National Govt of Tamil Elam) and celebrate their anniversary in the House of Westminister attended in March 2013 by over 40 MP-â„¢s that included The Foreign Secretary and The Shadow Foreign Secretary.
- Sri Lanka is now engaged in a very successful rehabilitation reconstruction and reconciliation program verified by many foreign visitors including the Foreign ministers of NZ, Australia, parliamentary delegations form these countries , UK , delegations form UN, and now awaiting verification by the CHOGM, which is hoped will pave the way to more and accelerated progress in all these fronts .
- AI should concentrate their efforts to support these
- Alex Neve, Secretary General of AI in Canada confirmed that AI had received a grant of $50,000 in January 2012 from the Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC).
- The CTC is a well known front organisation for the LTTE. Its one time Communication Director, Sahilal Sabaratnam, is now in a US prison for his role in trying to purchase Russian-made missiles and firearms for the LTTE.
- It is now established that CTC office bearers and activists disseminated propaganda, raised funds and procured weapons for the LTTE.
- According to Prof. Rohan Gunaratna, the Head of the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore,
-by continuing to disseminate disinformation and radicalising another generation of Tamil youth, CTC is damaging the reconciliation program in Sri Lanka-.
These articles have more information:
Sahilal Sabaratnam, the former CTC Communication Director, writing from a US prison to the Tamil community in August 2011, said : – Like many of you, I was very much and am still very much attached to my homeland people. As all of you, I did participate and contributed vast amount for our community based organisations such as Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC)-. He was arrested in August 2006, with nine LTTE supporters, including four from Canada, by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the US for trying to purchase Russian-made missiles and firearms for the LTTE. The US authorities had identified Sahilal as the financial mastermind of the operation.
October 19th, 2013 at 11:14 am
Dear Dr. C,N.A Rajapakshe, very delighted to meet you. I have seen documents from AUSTRALIAN Sri Lanka Association Pesident too.
Very glad that you have taken the trouble to criticize and point out AI folly. As you say they are dependent on LTTE & Tamil Diaspora. So like Sri Lanka Guardian Tamil writers, continue to do whatever they can to paint a sorry picture of Lanka.
THIS is the very reason I am glad FINALY all the 52 or 53 country leaders wil lsee with their own eyes, how we re-habilitated THESE TERRORISTS back to gainful employment & CIVILIZED life. The woman who master minded CYNADE necklace for young & old Tamils to wear, in case they are CAUGHT by the forces of Lanka, is STIL LIVING CUSSHY LIFE in the UK.
PATHETIC turn of events to POOR LOW CASTE Tamils in Lanka, they cannot expect a CENT from the so called TAMIL LOVING Diaspora. They run about in BENZ cars & having gala time at the expense of those unfotunate Tamils in Lanka.
I feel other Sri Lanka organizations in Europe & Asia should also take part in opening up the FOLLY OF THE SO CALLED HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS of the west.
RUSSIAN President Valmir PUTIN said it best.. he said…”IF YOU A RUSSIAN & LIVE in Russia ABIDE BY THE LAWS OF Russia, IF NOT LEAVE RUSSIA. Now thats what I am telling to Tamils who wants MORE concessions LEAVE LANKA & live in Toilet Nadu in India. Because we have had it up to hear, these MINORITIES in Lanka DEMANDING MORE.
Wish other patriots also write & DENOUNCE these HYPOCRIT organizations who make their livelihood by criticizing small nations, while IRAQ, AFGAHANISTAN, LIBYA to mention a few, are still burning with untalkable conditions…
Another expat babbling away….ONE NATION, UNDER ONE FLAG, INDIVISIBLE, UNITED & FREE..God Bless Lanka..J
October 19th, 2013 at 11:43 am
Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA are DESPERATE to get the Army out of the North and East so they can REVIVE their terrorist activities and gun running again.
The ARMY should not budge ONE INCH from the North & East … instead the Army PRESENCE should be increased TENFOLD settling Armed Forces Personnel PERMANENTLY in those areas.
This NATION belongs to the Armed Forces TOO; they have every right to be stationed anywhere necessary to defend it.
They are NOT ALIENS, but citizens of Sri Lanka with and INALIENABLE RIGHT to be ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE in Sri Lanka, pre-textual accusations NOTWITHSTANDING!
Sri Lanka military strongly rejects allegations of sexual violence in North
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Oct 19, Colombo: The Sri Lanka Military has strongly denied the allegations made by a right group that its troops are responsible for insecurity experienced by the women in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.
Army spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya speaking to media Friday said there have been repeated attempts to pin incidents of sexual violence on minority women in the North on the troops while in majority of these cases perpetrators are of Tamil ethnicity.
“In a majority of cases, the perpetrators had been close relatives or neighbors of the victim and had been of Tamil ethnicity,” the spokesman told media.
The spokesman vehemently denied a recent report released by the London-based Minority Rights Group (MRG) that the militarization of the north and east from 2009 has contributed to continued insecurity for minority women.
The MRG recently released a report titled “Living with insecurity: Marginalization and sexual violence against women in north and east Sri Lanka”. In its report the group says that Tamil and Muslim women in the North and East of Sri Lanka are increasingly marginalized and face chronic insecurity due to presence of security forces and government actions.
The report alleged the Sri Lankan government of “actively contributing to insecurity and rights violations through the pervasive militarization of the north and east, with negative consequences for the safety and freedom of minority women.”
Brigadier Wanigasooriya said the right groups and other interested parties are repeatedly trying to draw a non-existent correlation between the security forces presence in the North and insecurity of women in the region.
According to the military spokesman a study of incidents of sexual offences occurred in the North between January 2007 and May 2012 had shown that during the conflict period from January 2007 – May 2009, seven security forces personnel were involved in five incidents of sexual violence.
The figures were out of a total of 125 persons accused in 119 incidents reported in the entire Northern Province. The ethnicity of the victims of these cases was 4 Sinhalese and 1 Tamil. In the post conflict period (May 2009 – May 2012) ten Security Forces personnel were reported as being involved in six incidents of sexual violence in the North. This is out of a total of 307 persons accused in 256 incidents for the entire Northern Province. The ethnicity of the victims is 2 Tamil, 1 Muslim and 3 Sinhalese.
Brigadier Wanigasooriya pointed out that the Security Forces personnel were involved only in 11 incidents out of a total of 375 during the whole period from January 2007 to May 2012. As a percentage, the total accused is 5.6 percent in the conflict period and 3.3 percent in the post conflict period clearly showing a decline after the war.
“The decline clearly demonstrates that the allegation that the presence of the security forces in the North contributes to the insecurity of women and girls is a myth”, Brigadier Wanigasooriya was quoted.
he Spokesman further noted that the government has taken legal action in all the cases the Security Forces personnel have been involved and those implicated have been discharged or punished.
He further said that the Sri Lankan military does not condone such actions by its troops against women and any perpetrators will be strictly punished if proven guilty.