TNA leader Sampanthan urges India to boycott CHOGM
Posted on October 23rd, 2013

P.A.Samaraweera, Melbourne

TNA leader Sampanthan, speaking to reporters at Tamil Nadu Head Quarters, had requested‚ the Prime Minister‚ of India Dr. Manmohan Singh to boycott the CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads‚ of Govt Meeting) which is to be held in Sri Lanka in November. He had asked the Indian Govt to seriously consider the views of Tamil Nadu leaders as well‚ with regard to India’s participation. The TNA was one time the‚ mouth-piece of the LTTE.‚ Tamil Nadu leaders‚  from the AIADMK and DMK‚ have asked the Central Govt to‚ boycott the CHOGM. The Congress is at the mercy of Tamil Nadu as they need their support to stay in power as well as to win the elections. The tail wagging the dog! And Indian elections are not far away.

It is India’s prerogative to attend the conference or not. But for them to talk about human rights, reconciliaton etc are lame excuses. For example, Dalits in Tamil Nadu are treated as slaves. Then in‚ North‚ India, the Govt‚ turns a blind eye to‚ children working in factories to supplement the family income. According to a recent report, India has the largest number of people in slavery. In Sri Lanka, the Vellalas treated the low caste people of the North in the same way, until Prime Minister SWRD legislated against discrimination.

We cannot expect much from India, a snake under grass. Sri Lanka’s‚ problems were created by India. Successive Indian Govt’s‚ supported terrorism in Sri Lanka‚ by‚ funding, training and encouraging‚ terrorists.‚  India‚ played a double game all these years. So‚ it is no surprise that PM‚ Manmohan Singh boycotts‚ the summit.‚ Dr. Singh,‚ should read the editorial of ‘The Australian’, of 21st October, Australia’s largest circulated Newspaper. By attending the Summit Dr. Singh will go down as a statesman of a regional power and not as a hechman of Tamil Nadu.

12 Responses to “TNA leader Sampanthan urges India to boycott CHOGM”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Leaving TNA to function puts SL interests in danger.

    But MR is too naïve to take any action.

  2. thurai Says:

    Sampanthan is Like LTTE,Pirabakaren , LTTE Front Organaisations and supporters in western countries,
    Noone care of Tamils who live in North, east or in the South. Some words and actions of Tamil Politicians
    dangerous more than suicidebombing of Terrorist.

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    But it was TAMIL PEOPLE who VOTED these junk into power.

    Tamil people voted for Sambandan shitt in 1989, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2004 and 2010. He didn’t land from a UFO. Tamil people brought this curse from some garbage dump.

    IF NOT for these Tamil people who voted for these junk they would be NO BODIES and we don’t have to put with this shitt people.

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    SL is cursed with Tamil people who vote for TNA (FEW GOOD Tamils who reject federalism are also there but they are without power because Tamil people don;t support them). This is the curse of SL.

    SL should do something to get rid of these people peacefully (preferably). Otherwise it is the same dirt every day. What a blooody curse!

  5. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:





  6. dhane Says:

    Indian is the historical enemy of Sri Lanka very earlier than any other Western counties. Indians invaded Sri Lanka many times before Portuguese arrived in 1505.

    After independence to both countries India never became our friend. Always working with hidden agenda.

    If India and its under petticoat PM Dr Manmohan Singh wish to boycotts the summit Sri Lanka least worried. We Sri Lankans should boycott all Imports from India and expedite Free Trade Agreements with other friendly countries soon to teach a lesson Indians.

    However if Dr. Singh have some backbone he can make a secret visit to participate only to most important events and go back quickly by Indian Air force plan. If this happens we will consider India as a true friend.

  7. cassandra Says:

    If Sambandan had any real self-respect he would not be forever running to India and begging her help to solve the problems of the Tamils in SL or plead with Manmohan Singh to not attend the CHOGM in SL. And if the Manmohan Singh has any self-respect he should ask Sambandan to butt out of Indian affairs and leave MS to make up his own mind!

  8. stanley perera Says:

    This is the only occation TNA joined all Sinhalese. 100%Sinhala people do not want the Indians presence at the CHOGM. Let alone the CHOGM, the Sinhala People do not want any Indian on Sri Lanka’s soil. The come and shit all over like what they do in India squatting anywher in public. Thank you TNA joining the campaign with Sinhala people. Sambandan never washes his b…side. The bugger is called URULEWA in India.

  9. SA Kumar Says:

    India Big brother trained us & wiped out us with out blood in their hand ( blood in MR/GR/SF hands , get their saram wet when ever UNHR meeting ) !
    We Tamil & Sinhalese do not have any other option to follow these Indian Jockers !!!

    to trained We need India & To need we need India !!!!

    We both Sakkiliyas & Modayas Never learn , Never will be ……………… !!!

  10. Fran Diaz Says:

    The worst thing for Sri Lanka is to be geographically located near Tamil Nadu with all the attendant problems of TN’s Caste/poverty issues. That TN still has 11 Million Tamils classified under Scheduled Castes leaves us with a sense of horror – are we in the 21st Century or the the 2nd Century B.C ? That TN has some 95,000 ‘night soil carriers’ by Caste, leaving us dumbfounded.

    These are some of the issues Mr Manmohan Singh (however decent a person), may have to face if he attends CHOGM. India may have to ‘face her own music’ at CHOGM. India may have to bargain for time, and hopefully and prayerfully, Sri Lanka will NOT be used as a tool to bargain with.
    We can be sure that perceived weaknesses of component countries of the C’wealth will be used by ex-Colonisers to further subtle ‘divide & rule’.

  11. sridaran Says:

    Vigneswaran wants India to participate in the CHOGM . Sampandan sings a different tune , depending on the surroundings. If this guy was asked this question in SL, he would have agreed with Vigneswaran . Once on Indian soil, this guy turns opportunistic and tries to satisfy his political buddies in Tamil Nadu. People like Sambandan are chaps with no backbone.

  12. SA Kumar Says:

    Fran Diaz

    Lanka is to be geographically located near Tamil Nadu ! Because our nose have problem We can not cut it off !!!

    No short cut ! unity in diversity !!! or follow big brother order as slaves ( this what we doing since 1948) …….

    We never learn !!!

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