Retired Major General Chandrasiri has better right to be Governor of Northern Province than Retired Judge Vigneswaran to be the Chief Minister.
Posted on October 28th, 2013
By Charles.S.Perera
Tamil Terrorists of Sri Lanka were a group ‚ ‚ apart, who had not accepted Sri Lanka as their motherland.‚ They had also not accepted that they belonged to the‚ larger Community of Sri Lankan people.‚ They wanted therefore to break away to form ‚ their own Tamil fatherland, exclusively for the Tamils.
From about 2001 TNA were the spokesmen for the terrorists, and had no interest in Sri Lanka other than to break it up to realise posthumously ‚ their leader -“the terrorist Prabhakaran-â„¢s dream of a separate Tamil Eelam State.
Even today TNA would go all the way to India, Canada or any other distant place, to discuss the rights of the Tamil people of Sri Lanka, overlooking more appropriate persons to consult such as the President of Sri Lanka, and his government.‚ The Sinhala people are distasteful to TNA. TNA remains ‚ a‚ part of the terrorist outfit-its rump. When they say they do not want to participate in the CHOGM one sees how disconnected they are from reality.
TNA are not acting as Sri Lankans, but more like the Tamil Nadu supporters of ‚ Jayalalitha.‚ Their place is in Tamil Nadu and certainly not in Sri Lanka, perhaps their agenda is to finally join up with TamilNadu to make a larger Tamil Eelam.
Now after the elimination of the Tamil terrorists we find that not only were the Tamil terrorists of Sri Lanka, but all Tamils in Sri Lanka think as the eliminated terrorists.‚ They want a separate Tamil Fatherland exclusively for the Tamils,‚ and ‚ they do not seek to have any affinity with the rest of the non-Tamil‚ population of Sri Lanka. Reconciliation is a meaningless word for them.
This became more apparent when the TNA Candidates won the PC elections in the North and formed the North PC with Vigneswaran as the Chief Minister.
Vigneswaran a Tamil from Colombo is a retired Judge.‚ A judge is appointed from among the lawyers.‚ He is not necessarily an intellectual nor an exceptionally intelligent person.‚ Vigneswaran represents the Tamils living outside the North and East.
One expected that the Tamils coming from the South, think differently from the Tamils in the North or East and are more tolerant, learned and not down right hardcore Tamils with a leaning towards‚ the Tamil terrorist way of thinking.
Vigneswaran was a Judge by profession, but his mentality is similar to that of the uneducated criminal terrorist Prabhakaran. Vigneswaran speaks the same language of his hero Prabhakaran, whom he equates to Keppetipola Mahadisawa,‚ showing his utter lack of the knowledge of the history of Sri Lanka.
He said in his maiden speech as the‚ Chief Minister of NPC, -We must try to diffuse our anger by learning how a single man called Kepitipola Disawe brought about anger in the midst of the Britishers and enthusiasm in the midst of the present day Sinhalese. War and competitions are those factors that would be working against us, but mutual understanding would bring about unity in our midst.-
With such foolish pronouncements Vigneswaran has kicked‚ reconciliation on the -back-.‚ No reconciliation is possible with a man like Vigneshwaran as the Chief Minister of NPC, he simply does not want it, and UNHRC Pillay should take note.
The myth the educated Tamils in Colombo and elsewhere in the South are different to those in Jaffna was busted when the Chief Minister of the North PC made his maiden speech .‚ Vigneswaran enjoyed the peace, all the‚ liberties, respect and opportunities the South provided‚ for him; ‚ but the ungrateful man he is, he‚ has turned out to be a‚ Tamil politician like Sampanthan and the rest admiring and hero worshipping ‚ the‚ Tamil terrorists, aspiring to do differently what his Talaivar Prabhakaran wanted to do through terrorism-to ‚ carve out a separate territory to the Tamils.
In his Maiden speech as the Chief Minister he talks as if he were the anointed King of the North. His maiden speech as CM of NPC was not in keeping with what is expected of ‚ a Chief Minister.‚ He cannot be any different from the eight other Chief Minsters of Sri Lanka, and claim additional rights and privileges.
He says he does not condone the presence of the Army in the North for the reason of such presence based on National Security.‚ He does not want the Army to acquire land and says the land should be returned to the rightful owners and – mechanisms must be in place to ensure that it happens.-
He has also said , –¦-¦..that ‚ it was wrong to act without understanding the language, culture and civilization of the Tamil community while he added that police had become an obstacle to the people of the North in their daily affairs. He added that it would therefore be wise to recruit people of the North to the police force in the area.-
Vigneswaran as the CM of the NPC should carry out the duties allocated to his Office, without giving instructions to the government as to what it has to do for the Northern Provincial Council.
When he said that, -Our people will not work in a way which makes it necessary for the army to remain in full strength in the North,” , he seems to have really lost his – mental balance- .‚ He is not wise, forward looking, and‚ human.‚ He demonstrated‚ that he is not the man through whom ‚ peace, happiness, and progress ‚ would come to the people of the North. He does no seem to know that peace and prosperity will come to north only in uniting forces with the rest of the country.
Vigneswaran is certainly out of place in the ‚ North as Chief Minister. He does not speak as a wise man,‚ a retired Judge at the ripe age of Seventy, but as a man in his dotage, who loved the terrorist leader who without even a proper education built a great terrorist fighting force. He now wants to take ‚ up the reins to realize his hero-â„¢s dream in ‚ a more acceptable way as an educated person and a retired judge.
Vigneswaran has become a sleepwalker. His main preoccupation is the Army. He does not want the Army in the North. Poor man is amnesic. He has ‚ forgotten that it is after all the Army that brought peace to the people of the North who gave him an – over whelming- support.‚ He seems to have forgotten that his making the Maiden Speech as the Chief Minister of the Provincial Council of the North after a democratic election, was made possible by none other than the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka that he now wants to send away.
Vigneswartan is no better than‚ his political leaders the Sampanthan and the click, he says in his maiden speech ‚ not of things that he proposes to do for the upliftment of the living conditions of the people , how he proposes to make the North prosperous, and the people happy, but he speaks of separation, removing the Army, and changing the Governor.
He goes a bit too far‚ in‚ saying that the Governor of the Northern Province should be removed.‚ He‚ added, -If the President is really interested in a civil administration, we urge him to appoint a person, not a military person, but a civilian as the Governor. I wish to inform that the Northern Province people expects a Governor who has experience in the post conflict period, who has the experience in rehabilitation, reconstruction, resettlement, development and a person who has the interest in the affairs and welfare of women, children, elders, youths and in the former armed cadres.- (emphasis mine)
What an ignorant man ?
What does Vigneshwaran who praises Prabhakaran comparing him to Keppetipola Dissawa, know about Major General G.A.Chandrasiri ?
The people of the North if they have any sense of gratitude and knows at what cost the peace that they enjoy today ‚ has been brought to them, should consider it a great privilege to have Major General G.A.Chandrasiri as their governor.‚ He is the symbol of peace that is now prevailing in the North, which Vigneswaran, Sampanthan and his TNA cohorts are trying to upset and create disorder.
Major General Chandrasiri‚ as the Governor in the North is not representing the Army, but he is a retired civilian appointed to the office of ‚ Governor by the President of Sri Lanka, as much as Vigneswaran does not represent the Judiciary,‚ but a retired civilian appointed the Chief Minister of the NPC by the Governor G.A.Chandrasiri‚ following the PC elections in the North.
Major General G.A.Chandrasiri is however a National war hero. He had a brilliant past‚ before his retirement.‚ Vigneswaran was only a Judge, listening to cases in a clean and neat courtroom, and living a comfortable life in Colombo, in peace and security.‚ Nevertheless Vigneswaran cannot hold a candle to Major General Chandrasiri who in his military service was risking his life to keep people like Vigneswaran safe and in comfort.
Major General G.A.Chandrasiri was the Commander of the Security forces in Jaffna.‚ He joined the army in 1974 when he was only 20 years of age.‚ He was the Brigade Commander Armoured Brigade and Commander of the Area Head Quarters in ‚ Mannar.‚ As the Commander of the Security forces in Jaffna he resisted several attacks against Jaffna by the terrorists.‚ Later after a successful offensive he pushed the terrorists out of Jaffna, and recaptured Elephant Pass.‚ After elimination of the terrorists he was the Competent Authority for approximately 3,000,000 internally displaced personnel and was in charge of the resettlement process.‚ He retired from the Army in 2009 and was appointed the Governor of Northern Province.
What better man is there to be the Governor of Northern Province other than the retired Major General G.A.Chandrasiri.‚ He is better than a civil administrator could ever be.‚ He saved Jaffna from being mutilated by the Tamil terrorists, and helped in the resettlement of the IDPs.‚ He risked his life to save the Jaffna Peninsular. Not only the Tamils in the North, but also the present Chief Minister of the NPC should‚ be grateful to‚ G.A.Chandrasiri and be proud to have him as the Governor.
The retired Major General G.A.Chandrasiri has a greater right to be the Governor of the Northern Province , than the‚ retired judge Vigneswaran to be the Chief Minister. Perhaps Anandasangaree would have been a better choice.
Vigneswaran came from Colombo, lived, studied, and worked in Colombo.‚ He was invited by the former spokesmen for the terrorists the TNA , who are not patriots of‚ Sri Lanka , who never risked their lives to keep the North secure and out of danger from the terrorists, to be their CM Candidate for the North Provincial Council elections.
The Tamil people of the North perhaps voted for him as they thought he is different from‚ the unclean TNA politicians, (who may have frightened them as they have faces that made them fearful), and hoped that Vigneswaran will be‚ more respectable and ‚ create for them a gentle and a peaceful political environment than the egoist TNA the shadow of the terrorists.
October 28th, 2013 at 3:23 pm
Charles, There are several types of dogs. Two legged dogs, Stray dogs, Mad dogs, lap dogs, poodle dogs and dingos. This AH belongs to these dogs. AH Vigneswaranai is is insulting the dogs as man’s best friend is a dog. Vigneswaranai is the scum bag of racist Tamils. This chappie can’t even build a toilet without the GA’s and Governor’s permission. This AH cant leave north without the prior approval from the GA and the Governor(permission to leave the station). Yhis AH cannot give orders to a Grama Sevaka.
October 28th, 2013 at 3:31 pm
There are two sayings about Dogs:-
A dog is a mans best friend.
When I come to learn about people, the more I love dogs.
In either case WE ALL LOVE DOGS.
This is a Tamil Racist mad dog. He has to be got rid of before he spread rabies.
October 28th, 2013 at 9:18 pm
SL Army Commander’s lecture applies to this rabid dog.
October 28th, 2013 at 10:28 pm
with his beard. he looks like a Saudi dog – Al-quida’s best friend.
October 28th, 2013 at 10:53 pm
This AH pottu minister’s idiology tallys the megalomaniac’s. Chap goes mad when he has realised that the dog has no teeth to bite. Life is too short to muck around. He will bark untill the CHOGM is over when we dispatch the 13A to Tamil Nadoo together with this mad dog and his bunch of racist KALLATHONIS.
October 29th, 2013 at 6:39 am
Mr Chandrasiri is loyal to Sri Lanka. He is fine person.
Mr Wigneswaran has already made statements disloyal to Sri Lanka. Mr W has received his education mainly at Royal College, Colombo, and Law College, Colombo. He currently receives a pay from the taxpayers of Lanka (mainly Sinhela). He receives perks and will receive a pension one day, also paid for by mainly the Sinhela taxpayers of Lanka. The food that he and his family eats, health care etc. and protection carried out mainly by the people of Lanka. Shouldn’t he be loyal to the land that supports him and his family ? He has taken his Oaths in front of the President, as requested by Mr W. Does he or does he not take his Oaths seriously ? If not, can we consider him a Lawyer or Judge ?
If he not loyal to Lanka, something is very wrong with the way matters are handled in Lanka. It is a reflection on poor governance by Parliament (not only GoSL), that we do not demand loyalty from all who live in this country.
October 29th, 2013 at 6:43 am
read as : If he is not loyal to Lanka ….
October 29th, 2013 at 7:24 am
“Life is too short to muck around. He will bark untill the CHOGM is over when we dispatch the 13A to Tamil Nadoo together with this mad dog and his bunch of racist KALLATHONIS.”
October 29th, 2013 at 12:04 pm
Fran Diaz said,
“If he not loyal to Lanka, something is very wrong with the way matters are handled in Lanka. It is a reflection on poor governance by Parliament (not only GoSL), that we do not demand loyalty from all who live in this country.”
Absolutely, my friend, could not agree more!
That is why I have been calling, sometimes stridently in my frustration, for DISMISSALS from office and PROSECUTION for TREASON all those who are DISLOYAL!
October 29th, 2013 at 12:56 pm
Bravo, Mr. President!
But, that is not ENOUGH!
INCREASE GREATLY the presence of the Armed Forces in the North and East, BUILD Coast Guard and Navy bases within eye-sight of each other ALL ALONG Sri Lanka’s coastline, especially in the Northwest, North and North East, to protect the territorial resources of Sri Lanka and PREVENT the influx of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!
Permanently SETTLE these Armed Forces Personnel … together with their Families … in these areas and Officially Sponsor the Ethnic Integration of Sri Lanka into ONE HOMOGENEOUS People.
NEVER ALLOW provincial councils to assume POLICE and LAND powers, for that will be the beginning of the disintegration of SRi Lanka into ethnic fiefdoms.
Finally, REVOKE the Foreign Imposed 13th Amendmentment and DISMANTLE the Provincial Council System that encourages and enables the transformation of Sri Lanka into a patchwork quilt of warring ethnic Bantustans.
Removal of army camps from Sri Lanka’s north will not be a reality, President says
ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Oct 29, Colombo: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa today stressed that the demands for removal of army camps from the North made by some elements will never be a reality.
Addressing the 23rd convocation ceremony of the Sri John Kothalawala Defence University (KDU) held at the BMICH today, President Rajapaksa said Sri Lanka made history in successfully defeating terrorism and continues to do so as a country managing the post-conflict period as well.
Observing that Sri Lanka set an example in eliminating terrorism and should share the experience of war victory with other countries, the President said the support of the security forces is essential to safeguard democracy.
Ever since the war has ended, some opportunist elements both in Sri Lanka and abroad are still attempting to spread the idea of separatism and the government has been accused of not doing enough to provide relief to war affected Tamil population.
These groups have repeatedly raised the issue of militarization in the North and demanded for the removal of troops from the north, Rajapaksa said.
“There are demands that we remove the troops from the north. This is not a practical thing to do and it will not be done,” he asserted.
The President, pointing out that the government has implemented a massive development drive throughout the island as a measure to eliminate all root causes of terrorism, requested the peace loving public to support the government to defeat the conspiring elements at the very outset.
President Rajapaksa commended the security forces for their priceless contribution to establish peace and the harmony in the country.
Prime Minister D.M Jayaratne, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, Chancellor of the KDU former Army Commander General (retd,) Rohan Daluwatta and Vice Chancellor Major General Milinda Peiris and the Commanders of three armed forces were also present at the occasion.
October 29th, 2013 at 6:36 pm
V is a free loader.
October 30th, 2013 at 4:48 am
Agree with Ananda-USA.
* If Parliament puts to use the 6-A, LOYALTY to the country will be on fast track. If ALL the leaders in Parliament are loyal to Lanka, then the ordinary folks will be loyal (not bought) to be disloyal to Lanka.
* An Oath of Allegiance by one and all, a must.
* A National Govt. may work well/better for a small country like Sri Lanka. It will do away with virulent divisive politics resulting in death and destruction. It will bring in some real peace and harmony, long overdue for Lanka.
October 30th, 2013 at 1:05 pm
I wrote this in response to a Fran Diaz, elsewhere in
1. As long as learning ALL Three Languages (Sinhala, Tamil and English) is Compulsory … it is fair and will lend itself to INTEGRATING the TWO major language groups in Sri Lanka.
Knowledge of Tamil will make it easier for Sinhala people to keep tabs on the Eelamsts and settle and live in the North and East. On the other hand, Tamils will be forced to learn Sinhalese … and prove proficiency for example through National exams (GCE O/L) …. so it will breakdown the insularity and isolation of the Northern Tamils that is the cause of much continuing Eelamist sentiment. But, if Sinhala people are forced to learn Tamil, we must force Tamil people to learn Sinhala as well … what is good for the goose, must be good for the gander as well.
The ludricrous nature of this whole issue is that a 80% Sinhala-speaking majority is having to accord the same status to an at most 20% Tamil-speaking minority (Sri Lankan and Indian Tamils and Moslem Tamil speakers), just to preserve the peace and integrity of Sri Lanka, due to a conflict created by at most 3% of the Tamil speakers!
If it were not for the fact that Sinhala people must be able to effectively confront Tamil Nadu for ETERNITY, I would rather learn to speak HINDI …. linguistically related to Sinhala … that is the National Language of India. If there is any other language I would want Sinhalese to learn well … it is CHINESE … the Global Language of the future.
The downside of requiring Sinhala people to learn Tamil is that … will they forget and lose Sinhala proficiency given the veritable flood of Tamil films and other media ….. streaming in from Tamil Nadu?
2. On the subject of using Districts as administrative units, it is ESSENTIAL that their administrations are NOT LOCALLY ELECTED, but are DIRECTLY administered by the ELECTED National Government through APPOINTED Governments Agents, because the National Government represents the will of ALL citizens of Sri Lanka, while an Elected District Administration would represent the will only of its local constituency. If Local Elections are allowed to determine the administration …. we would again be back to SQUARE ONE … separatism by collaboration of some of the Elected District Administrations.
Election of Members of Parliament to the National Government is a NECESSARY & SUFFICIENT means of allowing people to exercise their Universal Franchise as citizens through Elections conducted in the Nation as a whole, and not part by part in large regional units.
It may be a good thing to pass a new law assigning some limited power to each these Members of Parliament so that can bring benefits to their communities from their participation in the National Parliament, rather than merely through supporting their parties in the Parliament. Currently, they are lobbyists and lotus eaters paid by the tax payer. It would not be a bad thing thing to actually put these buggers to work, and deliver a benefit to the people of their constituencies in return for paying their salaries.
Recently, the GOSL under MR’s leadership, has already taken some steps to implement a District based System of Governance presumably as an ALTERNATIVE to the Provincial Council System. The problem is that Provinces are much bigger administrative units than Districts, and their control by anti-national elements presents a threat to the TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY of the Nation, and ADMINISTRATIVECONTROL by the National Government.
Among these steps, is the appointment of a “District Minister” to each District. The term “Minister” sounds grander than “Government Agent” but by definition it is the same thing in that he is NOT DIRECTLY ELECTED by the People, but is APPOINTED by the ELECTED National Government.
All of this may augur GOOD NEWS for us Patriots now incurably unhappy about the 13th Amendment and the rise of an Eelamist Controlled Northern Provincial Government that every day acquires more of the trappings of the recently defeated “LTTE Government” in the Wanni.
It may, in fact, signal the REVOCATION of the 13th Amendment and the DISMANTLING of the Provincial Council System in the near future, and its REPLACEMENT by a GOSL controlled District System of Governance. Let us HOPE & PRAY that becomes a REALITY very soon!
October 31st, 2013 at 4:55 am
Tamil children are free to learn the Tamil language.
But, making it mandatory for others (including Sinhela children), to learn Tamil is a travesty of justice. It is not Democratic to force a useless language on the children and people of Lanka.
It should be put as a question at voting time to ask whether others want to learn Tamil. That is the Democratic way.
Mandatory Tamil language will make Sri Lanka an appendage of Tamil Nadu. If so done, prepare to worship J’lalitha and Kow-tow to K’naidhi. Also ancient and archaic practices from Tamil Nadu such as Caste structure, animal sacrifice etc will be re-installed in Sri Lanka. Instal the Tamil language in Lanka and go back to 2 B.C.