Posted on October 30th, 2013
By A. Abdul Aziz. Press Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama-â„¢at -” Sri Lanka
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has travelled to inaugurate the Baitul Muqeet Mosque in Auckland
The World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama-â„¢at and Fifth Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad arrived in Auckland, New Zealand late afternoon on 28 October 13 following a successful four week tour of Australia.
The Khalifa has travelled to New Zealand to inaugurate the Baitul Muqeet Mosque in Auckland and to deliver the keynote addresses at the 25th‚ Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama-â„¢at in New Zealand which begins Friday, 1st‚ November 2013.
On 29 October 2013, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and Fifth Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was welcomed by King Tuheitia at the Turangawaewae Marae in New Zealand and given a traditional welcome by the Maori community.
Upon arrival at‚ 10.30am, three members of the Maori community welcomed Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad with a traditional Maori warrior exhibition.
The Maoris began the exhibition at a far distance from His Holiness but advanced step by step whilst roaring in their native tongue, whilst female members of the Maori community chanted from the side.‚ As His Holiness proceeded through the Marae, dozens of Maori children and elders also partook in the welcome by chanting in the Maori language.
During the formal session, a number of Maori elders welcomed Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad with short speeches. The elders recognised His Holiness as‚ -an inspirational and strong leader who advocates for peace.-
The highlight of the event was when Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad presented King Tuheitia with a copy of the Holy Quran, recently translated into the Maori language by Mr Shaqeel Ahmad Munir.
During the presentation ceremony, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad addressed the tribal elders and thanked them for their traditional welcome.
Speaking about the Quran, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
-The Quran teaches people how to live together in peace and certainly today we need love, peace and reconciliation to spread far and wide – that is the message of the Quran.-
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad concluded his address by expressing his hope that the mutual friendship developed between the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama-â„¢at and the Maori Community would last forever.
Earlier, during his visit to Australia, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered the keynote address at a Special Reception held at the Princess Court Reception Centre in Melbourne recently.
The proceedings of the Event -” the link of which is:-
Ahmadiyya head also inaugurated the Masroor Mosque in Brisbane on 25 October 2013. After unveiling a plaque to commemorate the opening, His Holiness led the‚ Friday‚ Prayers from the new Mosque. The construction of Masroor Mosque cost $4.5 million and was funded entirely by members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Whilst praising the sacrifices made by the local Ahmadi Muslims, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad prayed that the spirit of sacrifice engendered would not be temporary but would ever increase and continue into the future generations of Ahmadi Muslims.
The English Translation of the Sermon, the video link of which is:-
October 30th, 2013 at 4:26 pm
A Peace-loving Community spreading PEACE wherever it spreads. Well done LANKAWEB.COM
October 30th, 2013 at 4:42 pm
Maori community has its own GODS. They worship plenty of gods and the double headed snake too.
They MUST be allowed to worhip their OWN GODS and continue to follow their religion. It is a CRIME to convert them to Islam or any other religion.
Maori women’s dress is far more decent than the Arabic dress and they MUST be allowed to wear their traditional dress. Muslim women in SL must also wear the SL traditional dress.
Maoris have been VERY peaceful. There is no need to convert this peaceful community into another Sunni-Shia violence, AQ violence as happens in EVERY Muslim country.
Maoris are HEAVY pork and cheese eaters. This MUST continue.