How to eliminate ill-wills of Sri Lanka
Posted on October 30th, 2013

Jay Deshabandu

What Mr. Vignasweren doing is very clear! He is playing a double game.‚  North provincial council is not just one of the nine provincial councils in Sri Lanka. ‚ From the beginning, it has become a separated council that gives no regard to the constitution.
Supreme Court ruled that police and land powers cannot be granted to the councils. But, the retired judge is demanding the government to violate the Supreme Court making the government in contempt of court.‚  Shouldn-â„¢t Vignaswarn be in contempt of the Supreme Court by instigating the violation?
The Supreme Court should represent the will of the people in Sri Lanka. The Supreme Court should therefore be the supremum. ‚ No one should be above the law. The answers to all ill wills can be made by making the laws of the land supreme.
The resolution passed by the P.S. councils to resurrect cemeteries of LTTE terrorists is against our constitution, but those in powers are weak to prevent it happening again.‚  Can a provincial council pass a resolution that can threaten the internal peace in Sri Lanka? ‚ Any ‚ ‚ Council that threatens the sovereignty, integrity and peace of this country should be dissolved.
Vignasweren declaration that Prabakaran was a hero is not a mere election gimmick played to attract terrorists-â„¢ votes, but it is actually a strategy to keep the separatists-â„¢ agenda alive.‚  It is a strategy to keep TNA happy. According to media news, the use of his words in his speeches lay the foundation for the mindset of separation.
‚  And, he even challenges the president because the president appoints the governors.‚  Obviously, he needs a Tamil governor. But this can be understood from his side, but the president should be able to appoint his man in order to maintain his link with the region.
He is clearly moving an inch by inch keeping the opposition forces in balance until he gets ‚ a solid foundation to show case a full scale conflict with the support of Tamil Nadu politicians blessed by some of the politicians in the West.‚  For now he talks about self-determination.‚  He is brewing the conflict very slowly. This is good news for the likes of communists including many leftist parties in Sri Lanka.‚  In Sri Lanka, the self-rule naturally would lead to separation because of the Tamil Nadu politicians who are eager to have a separate country for themselves.‚  The Sri Lanka is too small to be divided.‚  I hope that the government would expedite the constructions of Colombo-Jaffna highway because then everyone can realize how small Sri Lanka is.
CHGOM in Sri Lanka will show case the potential for further development.‚  Many businesses can reap its benefits. It is sad to see bankrupt politicians and individuals with self-interests like to sabotage this event. ‚ This includes obviously TNA.
TNA is still a racist party that does not care of the well being of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. ‚ Many TNA leaders have close ties with Tamil Nadu politically unconscious and stupid leaders who are hell bent on achieving an unrealistic Eelam anywhere on this planet.‚  But they first try the easy target-Sri Lanka.‚ 
The answers to Sri Lankan problems may be found by making the law of the land supreme. If the law and order are to be enforced, it should be enforced to the letter of the law to anyone of any status, whenever a person breaks the rule.‚  So we need a complete overhaul of our system because politicians control the police that enforce the law.‚  In our country some politicians are supreme and that is the root cause of all ills.‚  Can we expect the politicians to give up their power over the law enforcement officials?

10 Responses to “How to eliminate ill-wills of Sri Lanka”

  1. Nanda Says:

    Final paragraph is my dream too !
    Don’t bloody worry about stupid Tamils ! Restore the Law of the land. Restore justice !
    ” In our country some politicians are supreme and that is the root cause of all ills. Can we expect the politicians to give up their power over the law enforcement officials?”

    Yes. Someone will spring out of the mud, like a lotus flower. We thought it could be Maha Raja, but he has become a Maha Ranee to Endian criminals. He might wake up anytime !

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    EXCLUDING 13 amendment.

    We have to FIRST overhaul the LAW. SCRAP 13 amendment.

    Then enforce the law.

  3. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    Yes LORENZO, You used the correct terminology. ” We have to FIRST overhaul the LAW ”

    It is my point of view that the 13th amendment WOULD NEVER BE SCRAPPED. Why ? because then the Provincial Councils will be scrapped. THOUSANDS of PRESIDENTS relatives and friends, will lose their jobs and their Perks. HE will be making enemies of them, and then his life is a Security Risk.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    Removal of Army Camps that help maintain security after the recent DEFEAT of Tamil terrorists in an area in which residents were brainwashed by the separatists for over 30 years, WILL NOT IMPROVE the Safety & Security of ALL Sri Lankans, everywhere in Sri Lanka.

    The 2013 Legatum Prosperity Index report (see below) says “despite the end of the civil war with the Tamil Tiger terrorists in 2009, the country has not felt safe. The Safety & Security sub-index ranked at 121 out of the 142 countries surveyed.”

    Instead of Decreasing Army Presence, INCREASE the presence of the Army in the former war zones, create Naval & Coast Guard bases ALL around that Coastline within EYE-SIGHT of each other to protect our territory and stem illegal immigration from Tamil Nadu, and PERMANENTLY SETTLE Armed Forces personnel and their FAMILIES in these areas, with MASSIVE GOSL assistance, to CHANGE the distribution of residents by ETHNICITY to the Average for the Nation as a whole, as a matter of High National Priority.

    If Tamil citizens can settle in Colombo, Sinhala citizens MUST BE ABLE TO LIVE in the North & East. Let the GOSL LEAD the CHARGE towards Ethnic Integration.

    Ethnic Integration is the ONLY WAY to PERMANENTLY endow Sri Lankan citizens with PEACE, SECURITY & PROSPERITY! Let us MARCH FORWARD SENSIBLY to LEAD the Legatum Prosperity Index in the future!

    Sri Lanka has become more prosperous since 2009, ranked 60th in Prosperity Index

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Oct 31, Colombo: The latest Legatum Prosperity Index, which ranks nations according to wealth and wellbeing factors, has placed Sri Lanka at 60th place moving up eleven places in overall Prosperity since 2009 when the country defeated three decades of terrorism.

    This year’s Prosperity Index, compiled by London-based Legatum Institute, contains data on 142 countries for 89 variables, spread across eight sub-indices. The sub-indices include, country’s Economy, Entrepreneurship & Opportunity, Governance, Education, Health, Safety& Security, Personal Freedom and Social Capital.

    Sri Lanka has seen big improvements in its Economy scores, which have contributed to the country’s improvements in the overall Prosperity Index.

    The Economy sub-index has risen twenty eight places to 74th since 2009, as a result of increases in capital per worker, gross domestic savings, perceived job availability, and satisfaction with access to adequate food and shelter.

    Over the past five years, Sri Lanka has increased twelve places to 35th in the Social Capital sub-index, due to increases in willingness to help strangers and trust levels.

    A whopping 82% of people say they can rely on others in times of need and 57% believe Sri Lanka is a good place to live for immigrants.

    However, despite the end of the civil war with the Tamil Tiger terrorists in 2009, the country has not felt safe. The Safety& Security sub-index ranked at 121 out of the 142 countries surveyed.

    Norway led the overall rankings for the fifth year followed by Switzerland, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand and Denmark in that order.

    In the South Asian region, India declined to106th and overtaken for the first time in 2013 by Bangladesh which ranked at 103rd. Nepal ranked at 102nd and Pakistan remains low in the rankings at 132nd with progress hampered by security-related challenges.

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    We share Prof. Indraratana’s concerns about high borrowing at high interest rates.

    Borrowing should focus on Infrastructure Developments that will generate a Rate of Return to the GOSL treasury above inflation rate, and not for spending on current consumption.

    SL’s domestic investment strategy not sustainable: Prof. Indraratna
    October 31, 2013

    Sri Lanka’s strategy of meeting domestic investment requirements through borrowing cannot be sustained for much longer, according to Sri Lanka Economic Association (SLEA) President Prof. A. D. V. De S. Indraratna.

    “The gap between domestic savings and domestic investment was manifest in the corresponding trade deficit and was met largely through borrowings. This cannot go on much longer without either getting into a serious debt crisis or cutting down gross domestic investment.

    The way out is to change the growth strategy to one of investing with savings rather than with borrowing or in other words,” he asserted.

    Addressing SLEA Annual Sessions, Prof. De S. Indraratna went on to state that such a strategy would require reductions in the budget deficit and in aggregate demand, in addition to better strategized exports.

    The resultant containment of inflation and positive real interest rates would give better public savings which would also allow government space to increase revenue and decrease expenditure.

    “Decrease in current expenditure should result from the reduction in waste, corruption and ostentation in the public sector and improvement in the management and productive efficiency of the public-sector institutions.

    These things do not happen automatically; positive action on the part of the relevant authorities is necessary,” Prof. De S. Indraratna said.

    In that context, he went on to raise criticism over the National Savings Bank’s US$ 750 million debenture loan.

    “External borrowing at high interest rates like the NSB’s US$ 750 million debenture loan at 8.875 per cent interest would certainly counter this strategy, specially with NSB being the premier state-owned institution for savings mobilization,” he noted.

    Meanwhile, drawing attention to the role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Sri Lanka’s future growth story, Prof. De S. Indraratna highlighted that relatively low inflows were caused by a lack of confidence in the country’s institutional frameworks.

    “Despite the cessation of terrorist hostilities in May 2009, FDIs have been flowing very slowly. Apparently foreign investors still do not find the necessary environment for their investment.”

  6. Lorenzo Says:


    That is true.

    But otherwise the life of SL is at risk.

    Between the life of MR and the life of the nation, I think we should choose the life of the nation (even by sacrificing that of the president).

  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    The President was threatened with a War Crimes charge after the last and final war with the ltte. Our gratitude to him for ending this misery in Sri Lanka remains.

    The 13-A foisted under Duress by India during Cold War times was kept going by various Presidents. This GoSL has inherited the follies of many past governments.

    What is Pres. MR to do now ? He has been told to keep the 13-A going by the higher powers that be in the world. He is doing his best re Security whilst keeping the 13-A too. But the 13-A is a stone around the neck of Sri Lanka as well as the President. Only future unfolding events will set Lanka free of the misery of the 13-A too. The Public should keep up the demand for the removal of the 13-A without letting matters get out of hand.

    In the end, the Law of the Land has to/will prevail.

    Many fine Sinhela Buddhist leaders have suffered greatly or lost due to Tamil Separatism from Tamil leaders. Let it never happen again.

  8. Nanda Says:


    Quoting you, “Why ? because then the Provincial Councils will be scrapped. THOUSANDS of PRESIDENTS relatives and friends, will lose their jobs and their Perks. HE will be making enemies of them, and then his life is a Security Risk. “.

    I agree that because of PCs he is keeping 13 A , partially. But you imply too many local enemies will make him unsecure. No way ! He is just greedy to keep power. I wonder he won the war to earn popularity rather than with an honest urge to secure the country.

  9. Fran Diaz Says:

    The enemies of Lanka, the various Separatists, are winning – the method is to turn any Sinhela/Buddhist President unpopular with the majority community. We are playing into Separatists Plans, or so it seems.

    What Sri Lanka needs is a National Govt. composed of ALL political parties. That way, we need not waste taxpayer money on fighting Separatists and pleasing various foreign countries.

    Development in every sense (which is what Pres. MR is doing), is the only true unifying force. His recent speech at the Defence Academy confirms this yet again.

    As for Party Politics, believe me, it is the same in EVERY Democracy. Relatives are trusted more when the outside forces are too strong. Anyway, there is gross exaggeration re this in Lanka. Also, Prez is making the best of an enforced bad deal, the 13-A. The 13-a will be removed in due course. The 13-A is a ‘white elephant’ created for Tamil false aspirations to hide Tamil Caste wars.

  10. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Where is the UnPatriotic Party (UNP) who put our country in this mess.
    These unpatriotic, greedy lot should join the Government and get rid of this 13th amendment.
    Instead what they do is divide the Sinhalese and let minorities rule the country!
    Still a lot of Sinhalese support this UnPatriotic party.
    Shame on them. They make our country and the Sinhalese die a slow death.

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