“India’s foreign policy is defined also by values very dear to the Indian people”, says PM of India
Posted on November 5th, 2013

‚ Asada M Erpini

A media report dated 04 November quotes the Indian Prime Minister as having said, -India’s foreign policy is not defined merely by its interests, but also by the values which are very dear to the Indian people-. That certainly is a profound truth and the gentleman needs to be applauded by all, provided that this is a genuine sentiment and stance.

But when one reads the background to the pronouncement and the statements attributed to the Minister of State and the Environment Minister in the same report, a completely different picture emerges. It is not the values of the Indian people that determines India-â„¢s foreign policy, but, at least as far as the current indecision of the Indian PM vis a vis CHOGM is concerned, it is the vociferous anti-Sri Lanka elements in Tamil Nadu that determine the direction in which India should go. It is a pity that the federal government in New Delhi, representing 1.2 billion individuals has allowed itself to be blackmailed by a handful that claims to be the guardians of approximately 72 million in Tamil Nadu.

The PM of India can arrive at whatever decision that he wishes and go by it and any that is advocated by his foreign policy advisers. For the past thirty years Sri Lanka was at the receiving end of the horrendous actions of a bunch of ruthless terrorists, nurtured, financed and trained by India, which caused unimaginable havoc in the once-peaceful island nation. Whether the PM of India attends CHOGM is immaterial to all peace-loving Sri Lankans: all that they would ask for is for Sri Lanka to be left alone so that it can carry on doing what is best for its citizens.


2 Responses to ““India’s foreign policy is defined also by values very dear to the Indian people”, says PM of India”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    How about SL?

    “SL’s foreign policy is not defined merely by its interests, but also by the values which are very dear to the SL people, 85% are NON-TAMILS”.

  2. Nanda Says:

    “blackmailed by a handful that claims to be the guardians of approximately 72 million in Tamil Nadu.”

    Not all 72 Million. India’s foreign policy is controlled by 70 million brainless fools out of 72 million Indians, a high percentage of idiots.

    India’s values are on display , earning the “Rape capital of the world ” title.
    Indians should learn to control their dongles, before talking about values.

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