Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and arrest of Tamil Nadu fishermen by Sri Lanka Navy
Posted on November 8th, 2013

Asada M Erpini

Never a day seems to pass without the Tamil actress turned politician, and now the Chief Minister (CM) of Tamil Nadu shedding bucketfuls of tears to highlight the plight of Tamil Nadu (TN) fishermen harassed, shot at or arrested by the Sri Lanka Navy. The latest in her never-ending lamentations on behalf of the TN fishermen and the accusations against the lawful naval arm of the Sri Lanka government is the apparent arrest of 86 TN fishermen by the “highhanded and belligerent Sri Lankan Navy”, as reported in the media on 08 November 2013. And, the prosperous lady wants the Prime Minister of India to take steps to get the concerned group released.

While TN CM keeps on demanding that the central government takes action to get the arrested TN fishermen released, in the same breath she habitually talks of the deprivation of the rights of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Little does she seem to realise, or accept, that the poaching by TN fishermen in Sri Lanka-â„¢s waters robs the Tamil fishermen of the North o f Sri Lanka of their legally entitled catch. But it is ‚ over the same ethnic group that she lambasts Sri Lanka day in day out. She even goes on to say that the arrest of TN fishermen -deprives poor fishermen families (of TN) of their livelihood-, when that exactly is what happens to the Jaffna fishermen when there is poaching by TN fishermen.

The annual loss that Sri Lanka incurs as a result of poaching by Indian fishermen is reported to be US$ 750 million, while the export of the catch brings in millions of dollars to India

Sri Lanka and its Navy have every right to arrest all who cross its maritime boundaries, whether they are TN fishermen, kallathonis, LTTE remnants or pseudo filmmakers hell bent on denigrating Sri Lanka, if they had not obtained prior immigration clearance from the concerned institutions in Sri Lanka or their representatives abroad.

What the TN CM should do is to take appropriate preventative action and advise her illiterate fishermen voters not to go beyond the maritime boundary. She could get the help of the central government to provide the ‚ -Ëœinnocent-â„¢ fishermen with the latest technology so that they know at any moment where they are: after all, India is so advanced in technology ‚ that a spacecraft to reach Mars is on its way and equipping fishermen with GPS systems should be a cakewalk.




8 Responses to “Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and arrest of Tamil Nadu fishermen by Sri Lanka Navy”

  1. Lorenzo Says:


    No other word to describe this group of people. Only a few good people are there in this community. All others sheer parasites.

    IF you take this as a FACT, it is very easy to make the RIGHT decision.

  2. aloy Says:

    Whatever CM, TN says the following video gives an accurate account of the impression Indians have about SL, its people and the government. Ironically it is the same we have about the affairs in our country:
    “බලනු මැන, අප වෙනුවෙන් කථා කරන ඉන්දීය ජනතා පුතුනගේ බලය Dr Subramanian Swamy in NDTV debate – Was LTTE chief-s son killed”

  3. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    THIS GAY LOLITA WILL DRY UP, shedding bucket full of tears from all parts of her anatomy. Poor thing.

    IT IS TIME THAT SRI LANKA BAN ~~ Issuing Visa at entry points to Sri Lanka~~
    Any one coming into Sri Lanka should obtain their Visa FIRST, before stepping onto Sri Lankan soil. This will help, keeping a strict check on undesireables coming in under various pretexts, to participate in illegal and unlawful acts. It will also stop KALLATHONIS to a great extent.

    Si Lanka should also close down the Indian Consulate in the North, which was purposely installed to help ILLEGAL ENTRY to the Nothern sector in the country.

    Sri Lanka Navy has its limits. It is unfair to make them shoulder all responsibility of the KALLATHONIS.

  4. Nanda Says:

    “Si Lanka should also close down the Indian Consulate in the North, which was purposely installed to help ILLEGAL ENTRY to the Nothern sector in the country. ”

    Why did MR GR allow this Kallathoni Consulate ? I don’t understand.

  5. Piyadigama Says:

    Sometimes the rulers think after they act.

  6. SA Kumar Says:

    Why did MR GR allow this Kallathoni Consulate ? I don’t understand- to pay back( Nanri kadan ) ,you know what I mean !!!

  7. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    NANDA !!



  8. SA Kumar Says:

    MR AND GR ARE SLAVES OF INDIA- We all SL are slaves to Indian since 1948 !
    eg: Indian trained us & wipped out us .Now indians trains SL Govt trained soon they will wipped out than they will train us … circle goes on…..

    We SL never learn ….. Karma !!!

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