Tamil tigers Pioneered Terror – Dompost 27/11/13
Posted on November 28th, 2013

Dr.Chula NA Rajapakse MNZM, Spokesperson , United Sri Lanka Assn., LowerHutt.

Letters to Editor ,
Dear Editor,

Gus Campbell’s amazing letter seeing the truth as it is restores   some welcome balance to the unfounded diatribe that has dominated the media in the past few weeks, that paid scant attention  to the Tiger   atrocities that included one third of all suicide attacks in the world.

It is   covert activities of this group that Gus refers to,  including mingling among civilians, dressed like them, using them asshields and generating heavy duty fire from among them to deliberately provoke a response so exposing civilians  to maximum collateral damage  for propaganda gain, that was responsible for much of the civilian deaths in the last few weeks of the war.

This is what the Tiger diaspora and their proxies  are now using to accuse the SL of war crimes . Further, many of the dead counted ascivilians were Tigers dressed as civilians.

Leaked communications from Colombo’s US embassy acknowledged that SL forces exercised maximum caution to minimize civilian casualties during this period   delaying  victory by several months, so  leading to the loss of lives of a several thousand more troops 

Dr.Chula NA Rajapakse MNZM,

Spokesperson ,

United Sri Lanka Assn.,

141 Knights Rd.,


4 Responses to “Tamil tigers Pioneered Terror – Dompost 27/11/13”

  1. jayasiri Says:

    Thank you Dr. Chula Rajapakse…….MNZM. I was trying to contact your assn: few days ago, without much success. NOW I am glad to see a comment by you.

    My interest was to represent our views that as 32 countries have already banned (proscribed) as a TERROR organization, Australia should do the same.

    I noticed todays newspapers indicating that AUSTRALIA has extended the ban for another 3 years. So it is quite appropriate now to PROSCRIBE LTTE as aTerrorist org: like US, CANADA & EU countries have done.

    Perhaps your organization can influence the decision of Australian Govt. through presentations.

    Thank you again for UNITING SRI LANKANS in Australia & New Zealand……….J

  2. helaya Says:

    You are right about Robert Blake’s communication about how our troupes advancing cautiously to minimize civilian casualties. I am surprise that why the government not using these information to counter the allegation against SL.

  3. Charles Says:

    This leaked information is very important from where could we get the origin of this information. Please quote from the original Dr. Rajapakse.

  4. thurai Says:

    Activities of LTTE in Sri Lanka and in western countries is Tamil Terrorism. They have strong media
    to cheat the Tamil community in Sri Lanka and in Tamil Nadu. They have enough blood money to
    buy politicians all over the world. After may 2009 they divided into many Groups. Everygroup want to
    give maximum trouble to the GOSL. They want unrest among communities.They use Tamil politicians
    to act on behalf of Tamil Terrorism.

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