Commemorating ‘Terrorist day’
Posted on December 1st, 2013

 S. Akurugoda

It is reported that  TNA Jaffna District MP S. Sritharan, while  participating in the second reading stage debate on Budget, has praised  the dead LTTE”ˆleader Velupillai Prabhakaran justifying violence saying that  Prabhakaran was a national hero and called upon Tamils to commemorate his death.

On a another report, the day the LTTE ‘war heroes’ day was commemorated the Chief Minister C.V Vigneswaran and several others remembered the lost war heroes at Jaffna educational office premises with a tree planting campaign. Vigneswaran, in fact, is the first politician  to state Prabhakaran as a national hero in public after 18th May 2009, the after the eradication of terrorism.  He was reported to have made that statement during his campaign for the Northern PC.

It is also reported that  UNP National List parliamentarian R. Yogarajan too said in Parliament that the Tamil people should be permitted to commemorate the Maveerar Day.

UNP, as a political entity,  should clarify its stand on the statement of the MP seeking permission to commemorate Prabhakaran as a national hero. Considering the various statements issued and stands taken by the party under the leadership of Ranil Wickramasinghe  it is not surprising even if the party supports the claim made by Yogarajan.  Mangala Samaraweera, who led the campaign inviting  Chanel 4 and doing whatever possible the tarnish the image of the country during CHOGUM  will provide the necessary support to the leadership (or the so-called leadership committee) towards this direction.

It is a well known fact that the Prabhakaran and his terror outfit, LTTE, waged a war in order to create a separate State.   As the Higher Education Minister S. B. Dissanayake said in the Parliament, the MP Yogarajan had violated the country’s laws.

Prabhakaran was a criminal who killed not only Sinhalese but also Tamils. Who killed the leaders of EPDP, TULF, and TELO? It was Prabahakaran! He was the one who caused irrecoverable losses to the Tamil community by killing Tamil leaders such as Lakshman Kadirgamar and Neelan Thiruchelvam. Prabahakaran also killed his own people who tried to surrender to the government. Prabahakaran had killed so many innocent civilians.”

 Although the war against terrorism was won, we still have political parties, and organizations that directly or indirectly support, espouse, promote, finance, encourage and advocate the establishment of a separate State within the territory of Sri Lanka. Although the above Clauses were introduced as an amendment (6th amendment) to the constitution in 1983, quite surprisingly no action has been taken, as per the constitution, against at least a single person who violates the said article of the Constitution up to now.

 The personnel including parliamentarians, political parties, some media groups, NGOs and INGOS who supported the outfit for personal, monetary and political gains during the 30 years of terror, are still holding onto their positions both in and out side Sri Lanka. These groups are now doing a great service to dead terrorist leader Prabhakaran under the guise of so-called ‘violation of human rights’. There is no necessity to pinpoint each and every perpetrator on individual basis, since the general public is fully aware of those promoters.  

Although the TNA was known to be the political wing of the LTTE while Prabhakaran was leading its military wing, any sign of praising the dead LTTE”ˆleader Velupillai Prabhakaran as their national hero and justifying his terrorism in public were not seen prior to the North Provincial Council elections.  It is possible that the so-called human rights campaigners too would join the campaign to legalise a ‘Terrorist day’ interpreting the claims of MPs Sirthan  and Yogarajan as another  human right.

Thus it appears that while Sri Lanka is the only country in the world managed to win a war against terrorism while feeding the terrorists and keeping the doors open to those who provide amenities and justify terrorism within its own soil, now making another record for keeping the doors open to those who justify terrorism even after winning the war against terrorism’.

Despite the fact that the President, the government and the security forces have eradicated the LTTE militarily, there is a question whether the LTTE is a banned terrorist organisation in Sri Lanka. The LTTE was banned after the bombing of Dalada Maligawa, but the ban was lifted by the subsequent UNP government soon after the treacherous CFA was signed. Ironically, the terror group is banned in several countries in the world and we continue to plead the rest of the world to ban the outfit.

Under Article 157A, Prohibition against violation of territorial integrity of Sri Lanka, of the constitution of Sri Lanka, no person shall, directly or indirectly, in or outside Sri Lanka, support, espouse, promote, finance, encourage or advocate the establishment of a separate State within the territory of Sri Lanka.

Under the said Article, no political party or other association or organization shall have as one of its aims or objects the establishment of a separate State within the territory of Sri Lanka.

The Article 157A, among many other things, has clearly laid down the steps that have to be taken against those who violate the constitution including the Members of Parliament.

The right decision at the right time without fear and prejudice will lead to right result. For example, prior to abrogation of the CFA, Sri Lanka appeared more or less as a colony of so-called Co-Chairs led by Norwegians and any attempt to abrogate the Agreement was seen by the pressure groups as a negative step towards peace and declaration of war against Tamils. The LTTE was considered by the treacherous CFA and Co-Chairs, including the US, as the sole representative of Tamils.

The President’s determination to crush the LTTE militarily in 2008-2009, no amount of terror strikes or “any other pressure” would stand in his way, resulted in a successful conclusion of the war against terrorism.

Thus, it is time to ban the LTTE , if not already done, and praising any form of terrorism and take necessary steps under the Article 157A of the Constitution with a determination to defeat the forces of separatism once and for all.

13 Responses to “Commemorating ‘Terrorist day’”

  1. Nalliah Thayabharan Says:

    To know the real facts about Sritharan Tamil speaking Sri Lankans should read

  2. Charles Says:

    Time is ripe to ban the TNA and withdraw rthe 13A, and re-establish District Administration System with Gamsabha at grass root level.

  3. mario_perera Says:

    Military presence in North an obstacle for democracy – Wigneswaran

    The Eelam dream wheel is being turned anew.

    We have seen this happen time and again and we see it happening before our eyes yet once more.

    If Wigneswaran does not remember, let me remind him. Eery single cycle of violence began in the North, and it had only one aim, to create an Exodus of the Tamils to the opulent countries of the whites. It had nothing to do with any military presence whatsoever. Even the 1983 violence followed the same routine with the Council of Churches in session in Canada pouncing on every iota of news to create. All this was propaganda to create migration opportunities for the Tamils.

    This is the latest push from Wignesaran: Get the army out because Tamil migration is the consequence of Army presence in North and East, And .when .the army goes out, and the Tamils still migrate, what will be Wig’s argument. NO doubt that Tamils cannot live under the Central argument ‘with honour and dignity’. Then what? Then the Tamil struggle will begin. Violent acts will take place like the murder of that Tamil official recently. Then the army will move in again. That will be proclaimed by Wigs to be another Sinhala invasion. And then what?

    Then what was undone after a bloody thirty year war would have recommenced

    For God’s sake, let this ‘feminine’ Government not succumbed

    I am writing off the cuff, but I can write ten lead articles on this topic.

    What Wigs is dong is the act of a knave laying a trap for fools

    Mario Perera

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    Endia doesn’t let SL “harm” Tamils with “draconian” Article 157A.

    SL is an Endian colony ruled by a relative of Endia!!

  5. Charles Says:

    Every thing the Tamils of the North has today- peace, electricity, pipe water, transport, and the security and the assurance that what they suffered in the past will not be repeated again, is because of the Armed Forces and their security is further ensured with the presence of the Armed Forces. If they cannot understand that they are a set of fools. There are many Santhirans ready to take guns , if they do the first to go will be Wigneshwaran.

    What these Tamils in the North and Wigneshwarance have to do now is to accept the presence of the Soldiers as their ” body guards” – living Angels, and go on with their work.

  6. helaya Says:

    I agree with Charles. Why not pass laws prohibiting these activities and scrap 13th amendment.

  7. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  8. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    Yes Charles, good if they start, because it will end faster than it started, with one wicket down. The others will have their heads separated from their bodies, as said by the Army Commander. That is for sure. They will all be annihilated in minutes. The beardee from India cannot stop this from happening.

  9. Lorenzo Says:


    If they do that how can they achieve Elam?

    Tamil Elam is the goal of ALL Tamils (except a VERY VERY FEW).

    We cannot expect ANY gratitude or return favors from them. We have to do what is best for SL.

    Army camps is a NON NEGOTIABLE matter. Army camps STAY.

  10. aloy Says:

    According to a news report Indian PM is to visit Jaffna uninvited by GOSL. Previous visit was by Rajiv and we know what happened. This time a barrage of MBRLs?. Tiger war v will definitely start before Indian elections and BR’s prediction (20yr rule) will be true.

  11. Ananda-USA Says:

    Lorenzo said,

    “Tamil Elam is the goal of ALL Tamils (except a VERY VERY FEW).

    We cannot expect ANY gratitude or return favors from them. We have to do what is best for SL.”

    Absolutely! Could not have said it better myself!

    Do what is best to secure peace and prosperity for Sri Lanka, and let those UNHAPPY people LEARN to ADJUST to shared Sri Lankan citizenship or DEPART for wherever their unhappiness can be relieved. We can’t accommodate them.

    Disce’ aut Discede’! LEARN or DEPART!

  12. Lorenzo Says:

    “Indian PM is to visit Jaffna uninvited by GOSL. Previous visit was by Rajiv and we know what happened. This time a barrage of MBRLs?”

    This is the MAXIMUM HUMILIATION the bovine urine drinking dirt can do to SL.

    NOT attending CHOGM when invited but going to bloody Jaffna UNIVITED by SL but invited by Viggi dirt.

    Endia considers North to be a SEPERATE COUNTRY. Endia SHUNS SL but adores Tamil Elam.

    Still some of our fools embrace bloody Endia.

    We should NOT attack the bovine unrine drinker. That is NOT our way. NO country fires nukes or MBRLs to a foreign delegate!!!

    Let Tamils “treat” him the way they treated Rajiv calling him a “genocidal partner” of GOSL. Tamil suicide bombers carried out 375 attacks already.

  13. Ananda-USA Says:

    Bravo ! Sri Lanka Armed forces planning to stay in the North for anoother Hundred Years!

    Too bad … if there is a Hundred Year Limit … that should be Lifted … Permanently.

    What is WRONG with the National Military settling in to PROTECT & DEFEND the country … PERMANENTLY?

    Even if it were civilian land, they are NOT STEALING the land without COMPENSATION; it is being PAID FOR in HARD COIN! This is NOT ETHNIC Cleansing by the Force of Violence and Killing that Velupillai Prabhakaran practiced while the TNA applauded enthusiastically! This is Ethnic Integration to create ONE Indivisible NATION, of ONE Inseparable PEOPLE, sharing ONE National DESTINY to bind together and usher in an ERA of PERMANENT Peace, Security and Prosperity in our Motherland!

    It is WRONG only to those Anti-National people … like Wigneswaran … who have things to HIDE, insurgencies to REVIVE, illegal immigrants to IMPORT, terrorist cemeteries to RECONSTRUCT, weapons to SMUGGLE, banks to ROB, terrorists to TRAIN, registrations to FALSIFY, and separatist causes to SUPPORT!

    Let the Sri Lanka Army lead the way to help settle Sinhala people in the North free from threats and intimidation by the Eelamist Tamils … just as Northern Tamils flooded in and settled the Greater Colombo area during the last 30 years … to escape the tender mercies of their vicious Tamil Savior …. the late unlamented Thalaivar …. Velupillai Prabhakaran!

    Sri Lanka military acquiring civilian lands, Northern Province CM informs UN envoy

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 03, Colombo: Chief Minister of Sri Lanka’s Northern Province C.V. Vigneswaran has informed UN Special Rapporteur for Internally Displaced Persons Dr. Chaloka Beyani that military is acquiring civilian lands in the North.

    Wigneswaran has held a discussion with the UN Rapporteur during his visit to the North.

    The local media reports from the North said the CM informed the UN Rapporteur that more than 6000 acres of land had been appropriated by the military in Valikamam North.

    The Chief Minister has also given details of land and the acreage acquired by the military in the Kilinochchi District as well.

    “On the basis of their present activities, they plan to stay in the North for a further hundred years, which really means that they plan to bring in people from the South and resettle them along with the army families,” Wigneswaran has been quoted as saying.

    The government earlier said it has decided to acquire 6,381 hectares of the land in Jaffna that is now being used as High Security Zones permanently and the owners of the land will be paid compensation.

    The acquisition is to be done under the Land Acquisition Act and the government has allocated Rs. 400 million as compensation for the owners.

    The Chief Minister alleged that the military was trying to colonize the North like the Eastern Province.

    The Army has denied that it plans to acquire civilians’ lands to establish military camps in Jaffna. Army has said that it has already earmarked government lands for that purpose.

    Wigneswaran also told the UN envoy that the livelihood of residents in the North has been seriously affected since the military has taken over all avenues of employment available to the people and the people have to take loans for their day to day living.

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