Sinhela Nation’s disarray dwarfs their true stature! Are the Sinhelas a Nation?
Posted on December 4th, 2013

Anura Seneviratna.

There is an old saying, ” if leaders are great, the nation follows its example”. In an impartial close look at the island country of Sri Lanka , the nation of Sinhela people hold the indigenous heritage to the country in all its sovereign entirety. Indeed, the Sinhela people are the nation in the Island Country nicknamed as Sri Lanka. Hence, the national sovereignty of the Sinhela nation is inalienable and inviolable just as much as with every nation of every sovereign country. Tragically, the Sinhela nation inherited anti-national leaders as a direct impact of numerous intrusions of alien land robbers and terrorists in the past, who managed to take reins of governing the Sinhela national country. Most of them played the role of imposter to the unsuspecting Sinhela nation bringing the country to the brink of invasion by the alien Tamil terrorists of Tamil Nadu national origin. As a result of this, sinister ruling conglomerate holding the Sinhela nation to ransom is still underway, despite defending the country at a huge sacrifice of Sinhela lives against alien Tamil terrorists’ invasive attempt to set up a second Tamil national Nadu within SL.

 Anti – national conditioning of the Sinhela nation
 It is a statement of fact that ruling political leaders of SL led its indigenous nation of Sinhela people to utter destitution and suppression of their national self esteem, to manifest a guilty conscience towards settler communities almost to the point of nullifying their state of nationhood to settle for a mere majority community status. The blatant neglect and discrimination of the Sinhela nation by the confused party political rulers in favour of settler communities can be the greatest human rights violation of a nation in history. Despite this ongoing human and national rights violations in broad day light, the Sinhela nation is still unable to sense its extreme dangers owing to the anti-national psychological conditioning thrust upon them for decades. This unprecedented crime dished out by their so called leaders transformed the Sinhela nation into servile mode to everything alien on the one hand, while extremely cutthroat and egotistic to each other as if no tomorrow.
Unique civilization
Sadly, when looking back not only to history but to the glorious prehistory, the unique contributions by our Hela ancestors as a part of the world heritage should rekindle our potential now without delay. If the present day leaders can make a turnaround to rightfully uphold the Sinhela national sovereignty, no doubt the nation will follow suit. Could this be feasible with their present attitudes and agendas? Not very optimistic!
Way forward
 Having established why the downfall of the Sinhela nation in their national motherland to contemplate a solution would not go amiss. To transform from  selfish and cutthroat mindset of the Sinhela nation to wholesome national awareness in upgrading the tortured, destitute and disarrayed people to  progress is guaranteed. To convey this vision cannot be achieved haphazardly but calls for organised efficient people network through national sovereignty workshops conducted regularly. Aspiring the right of national sovereignty in comparison with currently addicted narrow selfish trend of the Sinhela people should bring winds of good fortune and power. To rise from destitution and servility to economic prosperity and national self esteem will transform the country as one to be reckoned with.
 A team of sports people or any has to work together to win but if individual players acted in a selfish manner the team and the individual too will surely lose. Even a child can understand this logic but the adults of the Sinhela nation cannot grasp this simple fact. What it proves is the long addiction to destructive habit cannot be undone easily. The irony of this sad fact is that almost every Sinhela person openly states about this debilitating curse of the nation but none takes the first action to negate it! It confirms that extremely subjective thinking of individuals to be the root cause but little they know it is destructive and futile. When it comes to personal or individual property or belongings almost every Sinhela person will defend it thoroughly and in extreme cases some will even commit murder over  few inches of land.
 With all the knowledge and information available in today’s world neither our politicians nor the general public seem to open to the infinite wisdom around to rise from the gutter. Once met a lady from Singapore dedicated to philanthropic work in SL, who loved the Sinhela people and the country. When asked what she found lacking in SL, her thoughtful reply was that the Sinhela people do not know how to think!
A worthwhile example of Malaysia and her national infrastructure is a beneficial comparison for SL while the political game still played how much more to give to settler communities after near invasion of the Sinhela country by a band of invasive settler Tamil terrorists. Recently, in meeting a Malaysian citizen of Chinese origin, expressed how unfairly they are treated by the Malay authorities. Even though settler ethnic communities are integrated as Malay nationals, they are openly discriminated in every area of the society because they are non indigenous Malays. Ponder this scenario with the settler communities in SL. Without even integrating to be Sinhela national citizens, they are being given separate national rights and no wonder they are striving to carve out separate additional countries out of the Sinhela country. What can be easily observed with the Malaysian comparison is while Malaysia is viciously discriminating settler communities despite they are rightly accepted as all Malaysian nationals – SL has shifted to the other extreme of committing national hara kiri by creating separate nations out of settler minorities without declaring them all to be Sinhela national citizens in the Sinhela country.
 Enough of thinking, talking and writing about crimes against the Hela/Sinhela Nation in the past and present. Reorganisation and action to gain the inviolable and inalienable Indigenous National Hela/Sinhela Sovereignty over the entire island country now is crucial for the Hela/Sinhela national posterity.
Tiny Sri Lanka has become the focus for name callers of the world initiated and continuously propagandised by the vast population of world Tamil community with the fraudulent cry of Tamil national rights. Fraudulent, because Tamil national rights are valid only in the Tamil country of Tamil Nadu. Due to the impotency of Tamils to free their indigenous Tamil land within the Indian subcontinent, they are attempting to fulfill the same venture fraudulently within the Sinhela land while enjoying the extreme hospitality of the Sinhela Nation as a settler community. The impact of this nagging atrocity has halted the progress of the Sinhela Country for good. This unprecedented crime is the result of unwillingness not to reveal publicly the fact as it is that SL is the Sinhela National country and none else. This unwillingness of the Sinhela nation not to stand up and be counted as the Nation is bringing dire retribution for folly. The only solution is the public declaration to uphold the sovereign national rights of the Indigenous Sinhela nation in their indigenous land like every other nation does to defend their natural heritage. As long as we hide away from this rightful stance, the name calling, interfering, meddling, threats of insidious invasions by the settler communities will continue. If the Sinhela Nation do not claim ownership to their land it keeps open for others to snatch it!
PS. Today’s (15th Nov.)news shows David Cameron in Jaffna mingling with the settler Tamil community in media parade displaying their shameless and ungrateful trend to the Sinhela Country. Cameron takes all in as fact completely ignoring Sri Lanka ‘s nation of Sinhela people as if the Island country belongs to settler Tamils of Tamil Nadu origin. Does Cameron know that the Tamil country is Tamil Nadu and they have no national stake here? Even if he knows, we have not declared it ever, so he might be thinking serve them right as the British blatant saying goes ” If a nation cannot defend their country they have no right for it”. So what is our strategy – surrender our naturally inherited heritage or stand up and be counted as a nation of the world. Cameron’s harangue of SL with human rights violations, war crimes, discrimination etc., need to be responded with obvious facts. SL defended against barbaric invasive terror of some settler Tamils unlike a conventional war between two sovereign countries. Even during a war, some human rights violations and war crimes are unavoidable, which was stated clearly by the US and UK leaders during wars against countries like Iraque, Afganistan and other interferences in Libya , Egypt and so on. The terrorists in SL were mainly civilians who moved around in civilian garb. In the case of SL, the government even fed and supplied medical care to invasive terrorists extending extreme tolerance in an extremely foolish manner. This is still exploited by the settler Tamil community by colluding with the Western countries to attack the folly of the SL leaders. Neither SL politicos see this nor they have the common sense and wisdom to respond to the enemies appropriately. As long as this naivety, servility and non admission of Sinhela National Status plus self esteem as the Nation of SL and not a mere majority, exist, SL is going nowhere!
 The greatest giveaway in history
 The settler communities of Tamil, Muslim in SL already have their lands of national origins elsewhere but where is the land of the Sinhela nation? No where else on the planet except the island of Heladiv or nicknamed Sri Lanka. So, if we have not the common sense and guts to say out loud that SL is the Sinhela National Country and all settler communities too are inclusive Sinhela nationals – the settler communities will continue to perceive that we have given up the right of nationhood!
Anura Seneviratna.

90 Responses to “Sinhela Nation’s disarray dwarfs their true stature! Are the Sinhelas a Nation?”

  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    ANURA !! Whom are you telling this to ? The SINHALA people or to the President and the Politicians who are ruining the Country, SRI LANKA, right now ? Please be specific. Try to name and shame the rascals you are referring to.

    What you have stated, everybody knows. Is it old wine in new bottles ? or New wine in old bottles. ?

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    “The settler communities of Tamil, Muslim in SL already have their lands of national origins elsewhere but where is the land of the Sinhela nation?”


    A very few of SETTLER COMMUNITIES support the Sinhela nation and they have a right to SL.

    I agree with SW.

    Who are you addressing? Sinhela people are POWERLESS because the govt. has grabbed ALL the power. Govt is NOT patriotic. It is IDIOTIC. Opposition is worse.

    A MILITARY TAKEOVER is the only hope.

  3. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    A MILITARY TAKEOVER is the only hope. ABSOLUTELY. The Government Mudalalis have to be sent home, and individually investigated for the treachery they have brought upon the Sinhala Nation, and going to bed with the TNA Tamils. Also how they accrued their wealth, materially, and in banks.

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    My plan for a military take over.

    1. The army commander or other high ranking officers must talk to the navy and AF about the BETRAYAL of 2009 victory by the politicians. He should REVEAL the plan govt has to send army, navy, AF heroes to THE HAGUE to stop UNHRC blaming SL.

    2. DEPLOY snipers to take out top and popular politicians.

    3. There will be chaos. People will look for leadership.

    4. Endia will threaten SL.

    5. Army should peacefully take over putting the president under house arrest. NO violence.

    6. A CIVILIAN governing body should be appointed made up of PATRIOTIC INTELLECTUALS.

    7. A SL development, ridding corruption, ridding violence, DHARMADEEPA ACTION PLAN should be presented to the MAHA SANGHA and to the people.

    8. Implement the law so people will be happy. Have CODE OF CONDUCT for every profession and enforce it.

    9. After RIDDING the country of traitors, etc. unvail a NEW CONSTITUTION.

    10. Hold elections and transfer power to ELECTED MPs again under the new constitution.

    SL needs REGIME CHANGE but not by ROWDY IDIOTS. DEFENDERS OF THE NATION (army + navy + AF) should take over.

    Otherwise SL has NO hope. We can save MR’s family from being pawned to Endia in addition to the nation!!

    I will be criticised now but MARK MY WORD within a year MOST patriots here will support my idea.

    Democracy FAILED SL. We need MERITOCRACY.

  5. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    LORENZO !! Your thoughts and suggestions are symbolic of the thoughts of the entire Sinhala Nation in Sri Lanka.

    There is no need to wait for within a year. Only the Politicians who are scoundrels and villains will criticize.

    I hope the Commanders of the Forces will take cognizance. The whole episode of Governance in Sri Lanka by the motley crowd, is disgusting, starting from the President. It is true that he and SF and GR saved the Country from a brutal menace, but they have not been mandated by the Nation, to pilfer and ruin the Country. Your project should be very feasible. Blessings.

  6. mjaya Says:

    We do need a NEW CONSTITUTION. That is an absolute necessity!!!

    No more preferential votes, no more provincial councils and no more pradeshiya sabhas.

    We do need some form of democracy, with the following
    1. Election promises have to be REALISTIC and REVIEWED
    2. Politicians will have to declare the their assets once every year and before and after elections
    3. People should have the ability to end the term of politicians who betray their mandate
    4. Politicians who fail to deliver their promises will be banned from future elections
    5. **ESSENTIAL** have an education qualification for politicians (minimum university degree or equivalent professional qualification) – this will make them more like the civil service

    Villages need village councils, this is something many have echoed (e.g. Dr. Sudath Gunasekara). I vividly remember the time when the Buddhist Monk, School Principle, Veda Mahaththaya, etc. formed the village council. Back then, as long as the people weren’t corrupt, the people of the village were united for common issues and village development. Now, stupid pradeshiya sabhas have divided villages along political lines and NOTHING HAPPENS ANYMORE!

    Another major advantage of a village councils is that they help villagers resolve disputes without having to go through the costly legal system.

  7. mjaya Says:

    First and foremost the new constitution should secure the rights of the Sinhalese people.


  8. mjaya Says:

    MRs biggest achievement was winning the war

    SFs biggest mistake – thinking himself above everyone else

    MRs biggest mistake – thinking himself invincible after defeating SF

    Now we pay the price!!

  9. Ananda-USA Says:

    Susantha, Lorenzo,

    I must strongly disagree with you both on your advocacy of Military Takeovers.

    A Military Takeover will drive a WEDGE between the civilian leaders and the armed forces, further dividing and weakening the Patriotic Forces of the Nation that came together to win the war against terrorist separatists.

    It will validate every criticism of our foreign enemies, and will precipitate foreign military intervention and permanent division of the country into ethnic fiefdoms under the enthusiastic supervision of the UN and NGOs.

    If the military takes over … after 65 years of continuous parliamentary rule since independence during which social progress and widespread equity has taken root …. a record we can be justifiably proud of … Sri Lanka would join the rest of the lawless banana republics, losing its stature as one of the only two countries of South Asia (India is the other) where democracy has prevailed despite poverty, terrorism and war.

    There is another way to force the GOSL to heed the views of the vast majority of Sri Lankan citizens: through massive public demonstrations and protests to express their views, and votes cast in elections to enforce those demands.

    Military coup-de-etat’s are NOT THE WAY FORWARD FOR SRI LANKA to secure the gains of the Patriotic Forces!

  10. Lorenzo Says:



    1. “It will validate every (DISAGREE with every) criticism of our foreign enemies, (DISAGREE) and will precipitate foreign military intervention and permanent division of the country into ethnic fiefdoms under the enthusiastic supervision of the UN and NGOs.”

    1.1 It will certainly give ammo to foreign enemies. BUT the military takeover will NOT last forever. In SL the military CANNOT last for a long period. Maximum 2 years is enough.

    e.g. Maldives, Pakistan, Thailand

    In Maldives the military tookover, drafted a new constitution, handed power back to elections!

    Same thing. IF Maldives can do it why can’t we?

    1.2 Politicians are HEAVILY INVOLVED in human rights violation, media clamp down, THUGGERY, etc. and the military gets the blame! These will STOP when the military takes over.

    e.g. The military brought peace to Jaffna. But look what the HIGHEST UPFA VOTE WINNER did. He went and killed the Delft PS chairman over some woman!!

    1.3 Foreign invasion is NOT permitted under UN just because the military takes over!!

    1.4 The new civilian-military rulers can maintain good relations with ALL superpowers.

    1.5 GRASSROOT level democratic institutions like PSs, MCs, etc, will function.


    1. “a record we can be justifiably proud of”

    NO WAY! The record is MIXED. SL could have done better if it had better leaders.

    2. “There is another way to force the GOSL to heed the views of the vast majority of Sri Lankan citizens: through massive public demonstrations and protests to express their views, and votes cast in elections to enforce those demands.’

    2.1 Massive demonstrations are BANNED. No civilian leaders to organise those either. Even if done, the govt. doesn’t care
    2.2 Elections are hopeless because the govt. is USELESS and the opposition is WORSE. They TOGETHER scrww the people.

    3. “drive a WEDGE between the civilian leaders and the armed forces”

    NO. It will stop civilian leaders making use of the army to get their political wishes. They will be afraid of losing people’s support and staying in power regardless.

    4. There is NO WAY the constitution can be changed. NO WAY. Even with 2/3 this govt. cannot get 150 MFs to vote for a constitution GOOD for the country. There will NOT be another govt. with 2/3 and patriotism. NEVER!!

    e.g. This govt. only managed the 18 amendment!!! Nothing else.

    ONLY way is via a military takeover.

  11. mario_perera Says:

    Dear Ananda,

    I recall a famous drama of the 1960s that bore the title: Son, we have no way forward (apata puthy magak nethey).

    This sums up the mood of our nation as a whole

    The war is long over, but the nation is bogged down in a marasme or even more, in a quagmire.

    No one is against building roads, harbours, airports, beautifying the capital and similar. But where does all this lead to for a nation that has lost its soul. They are roads to nowhere for us as a nation.

    You remember the words of W.S.Senior? ‘Our scepter is long departed, the stranger Lord instead.

    Did you see how Cameron acted? How Man Moron acted? Like Lords of Sri Lanka.

    And why? Because we have rulers not worth their salts. Their have failed their trust. Sri Lanka has become a rudderless ship.What type of leader allows foreign rulers to stride our stage like colossuses? What type of ruler, elected and re-elected with fearsome majorities still cringes in fear before foreign invaders?

    Ever since independence we have only had ONE damned problem…the TAMILS. It still is because our ruler thinks his hands our tied.

    Our condition as a nation is critical. That critical situations demand critical measures is logic itself. Things cannot go on this way. That’s for sure.

    The time for learning is over. MR has to get out. If not, thrown out. But who can do it other than the military?

    Mario Perera

  12. Lorenzo Says:


    I’m only asking for 2 years military rule. It cannot last more than that due to donors, international business, etc.

    That is the ONLY WAY a pro-SL constitution can be brought in.
    Otherwise it will NEVER (mark my word) happen.

    What did this govt achieve with 2/3?
    ONLY 18 amendment that has NO benefit for SL!!

    Will there be another govt. with 2/3 that is PATRIOTIC? NO!!

    So there is NO HOPE for a good constitution.

    War winning POPULAR and OBEDIENT commanders are ABROAD or out of action now in a move by POLITICIANS to DILUTE the power of the army.

    e.g. Shavendra
    e.g. Gonzeka (scrapped)
    e.g. Thisara
    e.g. Wasantha
    e.g. Prasanna de Silva
    e.g. Jagath
    e.g. Donald

    NOW is the time.

  13. anura seneviratna Says:

    Grateful thanks to Susantha, Lorenzo, Mjaya and Mario for practical inspiration. It should not be ONLY the Army but total cohesion of the Army, Navy, Airforce as well as Police and Civil Defence Force, else there bound to be breakaways and disarray.

  14. Christie Says:

    Long before the independence of the island nation from the British but not from the Indians, Third Eye, the Indian intelligence service went into action. With blessing from Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi it formed the Jaffna Youth Council that ended up as the Socialists like Samasamaja Pksaya etc. Then in 1951 it manged to divide the Sinhalese by funding egoist SWRD and forming the Sri Lanka Freedom Party. That was the end of the Sinhalese as all of us know.

  15. Fran Diaz Says:

    Totally agree with Ananda.

    A possible take over by the armed forces will be just a show of strength, but not viable. It will only throw the country into further confusion and protests. It may/will lead to foreign intervention or take over. It would be against Democratic norms.

    Also, recall earlier attempts at take over by the military through a ‘coup’ that failed. Even if there is a take over by the armed forces, they will one day have to come back to the problems similar to what we face today (see Burma as an example) – the international community will ensure that as well as discontentment within the country. Besides, where does the Buddhist religion come in with an armed forces take over ? No, we have to think out of the box and come together as a Nation through Development, Self Sufficiency as far as possible & Human Needs in the present day context. Think Sri Lankan, buy Sri Lankan. An Oath of Allegiance a must by one and all in this country.

    The armed forces should be given in addition to the Ministry of Defense, the additional task of handling the Ministry of Immigration & Emigration. In addition to Security matters, the preventing illegal migrants, deportation of illegal migrants, dual citizenship matters, etc. also prevent the illegal fishing activities, and guard the entire coast line as in old times before colonization.

    The Sinhela people lost heavily during the times of the Colonists. Recall times of British rule and Governor Brownrigg’s time when Colombo Sinhela leaders were incarcerated on trumped up charges (DS included !), and young Henry Pedris who was a part of the British army, courtmartialed and killed on trumped up charges. RIOTS were the choice then to disturb the country and create mayhem, as was the 1983 Riots to allow the EXODUS of Tamil folk to the west. Never allow RIOTS in Lanka. That ought to be the other aim of our armed forces, not to allow riots to spread. The low caste Tamils are being used by Tamil leaders (Lanka & Tamil Nadu) to create their own country, Eelam out of Sri Lanka. The COLD WARS only made matters worse for an already divided Sri Lanka with the Colombo population going along, or forced to go along, with ex-Empires and ex-Colonists. Such was our chequered past.

    Simply put out the truth of the matters. Identify the present day Enemy of all : POVERTY and over population, lack of Self Sufficiency, lack of good education systems, truly healthy food, contaminated environments (food, water, air), lack of modern day amenities such as washers/dryers/cookers/fridges for one and all. Do not give in. These are the real ‘enemies’ of the developed world too. We are not alone in the modern day ‘wars’ !

    The various PURE -isms are failing and outdated. Let us find a new balance in ECONOMICS – the whole world is searching. Switzerland, Finland & Denmark are emerging fairly success models from Europe. Recovery of Sri Lanka after nearly 500 yrs of Colonization, Cold War, Tamil invasions, etc. and emerging new problems, will be slow but sure. Every citizen is needed and has something to contribute to taking the Nation to better and new heights of a sense of Security and Wellbeing for all the people of Lanka. Foreign aspirations must take backstage while we develop within and outside too.

  16. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    ANANDA AND FRAN !! If you disagree, give an alternative. Fanciful suggestions are not solutions, period.

    Fully agree with Lorenzo, mjaya, Mario, and now Anura. They have given the best possible solution. Not trying to frighten the Government by taking people to the streets, who will never come, because there is no Leader with a vertebrae. Government knows how to suppress people. We are seeing it in reality.

  17. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    ANANDA AND FRAN !! If you disagree, give an alternative. Fanciful suggestions are not solutions, period. Everybody knos about POVERTY and population. Just rhetoric is insufficient. Talking about ancient times is stercus tauri.

    Fully agree with Lorenzo, mjaya, Mario, and now Anura. They have given the best possible solution. Not trying to frighten the Government by taking people to the streets, who will never come, because there is no Leader with a vertebrae. Government knows how to suppress people. We are seeing it in reality.

  18. Fran Diaz Says:


    We are stuck in a Democracy and have to do things within the Democratic norms. See article below. This is the way to go.
    Better the lives of all people in every way possible. Deport all illegal migrants. That is what all Democratic countries do. Why shouldn’t we ??

    “Sri Lankan government to build 60,000 houses to relocate slum dwellers in the capital
    Thu, Dec 5, 2013, 10:04 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 05, Colombo: The Sri Lankan government will build 60,000 houses to relocate the slum dwellers in the capital city of Colombo, a government minister said in parliament Wednesday.

    The Leader of the House, Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva told parliament that the houses would be built as flats and the first phase of the housing project has already been started in Dematagoda.

    Responding to a statement made by the Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremasinghe under standing orders in parliament, the Minister said the slum dwellers would not be removed from Colombo city but they would be provided with housing at an alternate location.

    The opposition United National Party (UNP) has accused the government of changing the demography of the Colombo city under the guise of development.

    By moving out a large number of people from Colombo city the government is trying to impact the election voter base, UNP parliamentarian Mangala Samaraweera told parliament Tuesday.

    In replying to the opposition charges, Minister de Silva said that only the slum dwellers in the Slave Island area were compensated for removal and they also would be provided houses if they consent.

    The Minister added that the small businesses removed from the Malay Street would be relocated in the ground and first floors of the housing complex built in Malay Street.

    Government sources say nearly 54 percent of city’s population is slum dwellers and they take up nearly 1,000 acres of prime land in the city illegally not only draining the resources of the city but also causing serious nuisance to citizens and impeding development”

  19. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    Fran, agree with what you have stated above. Poor people have to be looked after. There should be no slums in the future. India has many.

  20. jayasiri Says:

    Thank you Mr Anura Seneviratne…I see 19 people mostly the regulars have responded. I also see people are patriotic to an extent, BUT who will among us will take the leadership role.

    For anything meanngful to happen we must have a UNITED FRONT & unless we push our President do what is RIGHT, nothing will happen even there is a military govt. We have to make use of what is there TODAY & NOW. Not dreaming about takeovers, and all the fancy ideas.

    We have a govt. whether we like it or NOT, so make use of that appratus to work for us. SINHALA people are so scared to use the word, WE ARE A SINHALA BUDDHIST NATION. period. NOW HE President MUST DECLARE it so, for the whole world to hear. HOW CAN WE MAKE THAT HAPPEN?… We must organise & LEAD. Without proper leadership President will NOT listen.

    Next, it is NOT the slums we should worry abut, IT IS UNDESIRABLES from minority comunities together with COLOMBO ELITE have so far BLOCKED any progress towards a SINHALA NATION. Minorities demands are ALREADY MET, we cannot create a special GROUP like Tamils or MUSLIMS in a samll country like ours. Slum dwellers must be provided housing & at the same time Get rid of Tamils & Mulsims from Colombo DISTRICT.

    Those are the problems DRAINING OUR SINHALA NATION, subsidizing the minorities, while SINHALESE have to suffer. Evrybody would like a MILITARY take over, BUT who & what form of GOVT. will they have? Will they handover power after TWO years? This is anybody’s guess.

    Most expat comunities who love the Motherland are PART TIME commentators as I, and it is extremely difficult to organize any without the PARTICIPATION of Sri Lanksn who are already in the country. This is where the difficulty is, HOW to gather a united front from both expats & Lankans in Lanka.

    If the contributors to this article can find at least ONE or TWO who can devote TIME & EFFORT to organize and lead, something good will come out of our concerns. WHO WILL lead this group to see President & demand as Tamils & Muslims demand.

    The suggestions made by ALL, have value but without comprehensive plan to put forward to HE President, nothing will work. I hope although I have NOT given specifics, perhaps this type of discussion will lead to some action by LANKANS EVERYWHERE.

    As usual an expat from Canada.. babbling away, HOPING SOMONE will listen…….GOD BLESS YOU ALL…..J

  21. Fran Diaz Says:


    A Democracy works well in a more level society.


    I am amazed at the lack of awareness in Sri Lanka about Illegal Migrants mainly from Tamil Nadu and the dangers they pose to Sri Lanka. Why is there a lack of knowledge about this subject which is considered so important in the west and other Democracies?

    Sri Lanka was considered the most pliable push over place for any illegal migrant to land here. Apart form P’karan there was also another illegal migrant adventurer by the name of Luthufi from the Maldives who organized a coup from North of Colombo, to get rid of the Maldivian President. Our coastlines now have to be guarded on a forever basis by the armed forces. India’s poverty (mainly Tamil Nadu caste/poverty problems) bring Tamil illegal migrants here for many hundreds of years – there was hardly anything in the press about this till boatloads tried to enter Australia and the Canadian & British Tamil Diaspora started giving trouble. Various religions absorb these people into their units further destabilizing Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lanka is over run by an excessive number of illegal migrants and has an overly diverse society for such a small country.
    The troubles they bring in with them have so far absorbed the energies of Lanka to a large extent.

    The small family (2 children only) should be rewarded in some ways through less taxes, education facilitates etc. Neem products for birth control should be made available at a very low cost, or even given free.

  22. Lorenzo Says:


    No argument on giving houses to 60,000 people. Or expressways everywhere. A military rule can do a better job with LESS corruption.

    That is NOT the problem here.

    For your information, the military has built 100,000 houses in the north not just 60,000! Roads, tanks, schools, kovils, etc., etc.

    The problem is the current constitution, political set up, etc. are NOT working for Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims!!

    Ask Tamils. They say it is NOT working.
    Ask Sinhalese. They say it is NOT working.
    Ask Muslims. Same thing.

    The international community including USA, UK, France, Australia, India, etc. engage with the SL military MORE than with politicians!! Even they trust the SL military MORE.

    We don’t want CONTINUING MILITARY RULE. What we need is a SHORT rule to change this TREND. Then hand back power to democracy.

    Our constitutions were made by SELFISH POWER GREEDY POLITICIANS to stay in power forever. We need a well thought after constitution.

    Look at our elections. VIOLENT, criminal, immoral people win elections in the north and the south both. Opposition is dead. Extremism rising. The current set up CANNOT handle these.

    Look at the military. It is MUCH MORE disciplined than POLITICS!

    Without a military take over, SL has NO FUTURE. If current political set up continues SL will be DIVIDED soon.

  23. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:




  24. Ananda-USA Says:

    Lorenzo, Susantha, and others who advocate a Military Takeover,

    By advocating a Military Takeover, you are doing a GREAT DISSERVICE to Sri Lanka, and will cause the civilian government leadership to suspect the national military, thus pitting the Patriotic Forces of Lanka against each other.

    By so doing, you will help the Eelamists achieve their goal by undermining the Sri Lanka Defence Forces that protects the nation under the direction of the civilian government of the country ELECTED to OFFICE by the free will of the people. The Military is NOT ELECTED by the people.

    Take a BROADER view of the long-term consequences of what you are proposing. Do not cut off your nose to spite your face!

    Look around the world; everywhere the military has taken over, the nation has suffered.

    Pakistan is a nation plagued by military takeovers. Did Mushraff’s tenure as military dictator solve anything? Is Pakistan able to defend its territory effectively?

    Egpyt was taken over by the Army; now the Democracy Activists who supported it are now demonstrating against the military government, while the Muslim Brotherhood is regrouping for a long struggle.

    Did Myanmar’s military government benefit the nation … in the long term?

    What about Pinochet’s Chile, Padapoulous’s Greece, and Turkey continually threatened by military takeovers to “preserve the Ataturk Revolution”?

    I can go on and on till the cows come home.

    On the other hand look at Israel, one of the most heavily militarized nations on Earth, with its entire population subject to military service and beset by continual security crises, but governed by civilians, with the Israeli Defence Forces always deferring as a loyal national organization, to its civilian government.

    That is how it has been in Sri Lanka also in the PAST, and how it should be in the FUTURE as well!

    Problems with the ELECTED civilian government of Sri Lanka, should be resolved by the civilian citizen VOTERS of Sri Lanka, not the Military. The Military is there to SERVE the people of Sri Lanka at the direction of its ELECTED Government.

  25. aloy Says:

    Kallathonies are building the ghetos larger and larger. As long as there is this visa system where South Asians are allowed to come in freely there will be no end. After arriving here they will somehow get the passport. Then they live on us by going to TN with lots of gold in their rectum and do business here. After few years they become big business people in Pettah and control our economy. A new government that comes into power should investigate all those in Central Colombo area and see how those Kallathonies became citizens and punish those who issued passports. This has been happening for a long time now. In 60s it took just two weeks for a kallathoni to get a Ceylon passport. With all the Kakkas around the passport office now it should be even a simpler matter. If we are to build a better Colombo we need to get rid of undesirables from TN and Pakistan. For that we need people who do not do dirty business with India on the sly.

  26. Lorenzo Says:


    In Egypt the military govt. is far better than Muslim Brotherhood.

    In Pakistan during HUQ and MASHARAF’s time it was way better than during democracy!

    We are NOT talking about LONG TERM military rule which CANNOT take place in SL due to external pressure, people’s love for democracy. We need a SHORT TERM military rule to CHANGE the disastrous set up in the country. A quick transition BACK to democracy but under a STRONG PRO-SL constitution where criminals don’t end up in politics more than any other profession (I’m 100% sure there are no more underworld leaders than criminal pollies), they don’t kill each other for votes, NO 13 amendment, NO racists in politics, NO bargaining by SLMC, CWC, TNA, NO division of country.

    Take a leaf from SL itself.

    e.g. King Dutugemunui, King Vijayabau, King Parakrama, etc. were ALL military rulers!!

    Look at the country then [ :) ]and now [ :( ] !!

    “By advocating a Military Takeover, you are doing a GREAT DISSERVICE to Sri Lanka, and will cause the civilian government leadership to suspect the national military, thus pitting the Patriotic Forces of Lanka against each other.”

    This is SO NOT TRUE.

    I’m sure you would have said the same thing if you were around during prince Gemunui’s time. But he rebelled when Tamilians ruled part of the country against his patriotic father and patriotic brother. But that did SL a GREAT SERVICE.

    Already the govt suspects it’s military!! Look at Shavendra, Thisara, Donald, Wasantha, Prasanna, Jagath, etc., etc. The war winners!! They have been posted OUTSIDE SL!! They never wanted to leave the military they LOVE.

    The army is turned back to a CEREMONIAL IMPOTENT army to salute politicians.

    Politicians DEMILITARIZE at will. NO ONE to stand up to them and tell them NO like Fonseka did in 2003!!

    By continuing with this MESS UP we are helping Tamil Elamists divide SL.

    MR govt. has given MORE to Tamil Elamists than any other. What more?

    e.g. NPC 30 out of 38 power in TNA/LTTE – never in history
    e.g. KP, Karuna, Pillayar, Daya Master VVIPs!!!
    e.g. War winners SACKED from the military and chased out of the country.
    e.g. Tamil Elamists in govt. (Hack-him, Gonason, Rajitha, DEW, Vasutheva, Douglas, etc.)
    e.g. LLRC
    e.g. 13 amendment promise
    e.g. LTTE Mahaveer celebrations in govt. controlled areas for the FIRST TIME!!
    e.g. MR begs Canada and FBI to release Tamil terrorists arrested trying to buy AAMs!!

    UNP is worse.

  27. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    A NEW GOVERNMENT THAT COMES INTO POWER (emphasis mine) should investigate all those in Central Colombo area and see how those Kallathonis became citizens and punish those who issued passports.

    It is a great feeling to feel, that a new Government should come into power

  28. Ananda-USA Says:


    Once you have started down the path of Military Takeovers … there no SHORT TERM … no RULE of LAW … to moderate and control unchained ambition.

    Once absolute power is tasted by the Military, it will excite UNBOUNDED EGOS and UNLIMITED GREED that will be impossible to CONTROL. It is like opening a PANDORA’S BOX and throwing away the LID!

    We already saw how unlimited ego, ambition and greed turned Sarath Gonseka from HERO to TRAITOR; he was preparing a Military Takeover of the kind you now recommend.

  29. Fran Diaz Says:

    Ananda says it all. Thanks, Ananda.

  30. Ananda-USA Says:


    You said ” Look at Shavendra, Thisara, Donald, Wasantha, Prasanna, Jagath, etc., etc. The war winners!! They have been posted OUTSIDE SL!! They never wanted to leave the military they LOVE.”

    This is an ABSOLUTELY incorrect, RIDICULOUS interpretation.

    These War Heroes were posted to Diplomatic Posts of Honor to represent the Nation to REWARD THEM for their yeoman services to the Nation, to give them DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY, BECAUSE they are TRUSTED and know the DETAILS of what happened in the Eelam wars well enough to ARTICULATE them without putting the Defence Forces or the Nation at Risk.

    It is NOT to get them out of Sri Lanka! Who is in his right mind would give people you don’t trust a forum outside Sri Lanka to undermine the country like the Eelamists of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora?

    Historically, rulers have kept their enemies under observation in the capital itself where they can get at them easily. For example, Japan’s Shoguns REQUIRED every regional noble to stay part of the year in the Capital City of Edo, and when they left to attend to business matters in their feudal provinces, they were required to leave their families as hostage in the capital! In short, you keep your enemies where you can control and punish them if necessary. You don’t send them out beyond your control as ambassadors!!

  31. Lorenzo Says:


    There is no such continuation. Only Burma has remained under military rule for so long. NOT others.

    Look at our neighbor Maldives.

    In the case of SL it will be even shorter because there is lot of pressure from the international community and locals to hand back power to civilians.

    There is no absolute power. It is a army + navy + AF + CDF, etc. A civilian CEO and a panel will be appointed. Nothing changes to rule of law!!

    Please don’t judge the military by the conduct of Gonzeka. He is just ONE of 265,000. He went mad at some point. Donald was the chief of defence a higher post and GR even higher – they never went mad with power.

    If the heroes who saved SL from terrorism cannot save SL, NO ONE can. It is ridiculous to think our politicians will do it. NEVER!

    “These War Heroes were posted to Diplomatic Posts of Honor to represent the Nation to REWARD THEM for their yeoman services to the Nation, to give them DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY, BECAUSE they are TRUSTED and know the DETAILS of what happened in the Eelam wars well enough to ARTICULATE them without putting the Defence Forces or the Nation at Risk.”

    They now come UNDER GLP’s useless foreign ministry!! They have to DO what GLP and his foreign ministry says!! It is an insult.

    e.g. Recently the president appealed to USA and Canada to release LTTE terrorists arrested trying to buy SAM missiles. What an insult to Shavendra who is trying to convince USA, UN that LTTE are terrorists!

    There is NO need to give them diplomatic immunity as they have NOT done anything wrong. NO investigation is possible without SL agreeing to it.

    Anyway the plan is NOT working. UN agencies, UK, USA, Japan, etc. are against us when it comes to war crimes BS.

    If the foreign ministry in Colombo is appointed by the MILITARY, we will have REAL patriots captaining the ship!! Don’t you think?

    “Who is in his right mind would give people you don’t trust a forum outside Sri Lanka to undermine the country like the Eelamists of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora?”

    MR and GLP!!

    e.g. Dayan J!!!

    IF you disagree with a military takeover, what do you suggest to save SL from TNA, 13 amendment, poltiical treason, corruption, separatism, traitors in parliament, etc., etc.?

    (Please NO idealistic solutions as they don’t work in this part of the universe.)

  32. Ananda-USA Says:

    Lorenzo said,

    “IF you disagree with a military takeover, what do you suggest to save SL from TNA, 13 amendment, politiical treason, corruption, separatism, traitors in parliament, etc., etc.?”

    Disagreeing with Military Takeover has no relationship to saving “SL from TNA, 13 amendment, poltiical treason, corruption, separatism, traitors in parliament, etc., etc” and does not PREVENT the GOSL taking those steps when demanded by the will of the people who elected them to office. It is ILLOGICAL to argue otherwise.

    You have COMPLETELY MISSED the POINT: A Government is ELECTED by the Citizens to DIRECT the Military as and when NEEDED to DEFEND and PROTECT the country, and to MOBILIZE and ORGANIZE the EFFORTS of the People to that end. NO ONE has ELECTED or EMPOWERED the Military to do any of these things on its own, except under the DIRECTION of the LEADERS ELECTED by the people.

    Your half-baked understanding of Governance is frightening!

    I don’t judge the Military as a Whole by the actions of Gonseka … that was CLEAR from my laudatory references to the War Heroes …. but Gonseka is a PRIME EXAMPLE of what can happen if Military Takeovers are encouraged.

    Most Importantly, it is the CIVILIAN LEADERSHIP under MR that marshalled the Military, and gave them material and diplomatic support, to Liberate the country from the Eelamists. Even GR was asked to return from the USA and tasked with rebuilding the Military and its Morale by the CIVILIAN LEADERSHIP. Without that Civilian Leadership the Military would not have had the MEANS TO FIGHT, and the Diplomatic Space to wage the war to victory. THe Military by itself would have gone NOWHERE!

    The situation Mahinda Rejapaksa inherited was quite similar to what Abraham Lincoln inherited on the eve of the the US Civil War: a dispirited nation riven by deep divisions unsure of what to do and where to go. Without Abraham Lincoln providing the political leadership to unite the majority of the people of the United States behind preseving the union as the HIGHEST PRIORITY ahead of Ending Slavery, to wage with utmost ferocity a war of national reunification, providing the monetary and material means and the moral justification to raise the Union Army to competence, fending off foreign powers teetering on the brink of supporting the Confederacy, the US Civil war would have been lost, and there would be two or more sovereign nations competing for dominance today in North America as in Europe. Lincoln guided the Union Forces through 3 years of military reverses, replacing his generals one by one until he found General Ulysees Grant, Tecumseh Sherman and Sheridan who would lead his revived forces to victory. Without Abraham Lincoln’s political leadership and sheer will and determination, there would be no Unites States today extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.

    The men who fought so valiantly to preserve the Union in the US Civil War deserve all honor accorded them, but please … please … don’t tell me that the political leadership and the democratic political system that made all of that possible is without merit, and should overturned by the victorious Military arrogating to themselves the sole credit for it. It was the SYMBIOTIC relationship between the ELECTED Civilian Leadership and the LOYAL PATRIOTIC Military Forces that together made possible that PATRIOTIC goal.

    So it is in Sri Lanka’s case … WITHOUT EXCEPTION …. the Government ELECTED by the PEOPLE must Rule, and the Military must SERVE the PEOPLE under the DIRECTION of the ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES of the Government. NOTHING ELSE will suffice.

  33. mario_perera Says:

    the Government ELECTED by the PEOPLE must Rule

    Democracy is essentially a choice. But what choice has the Sri Lankan nation? What is the ruling party? What is the opposition? The ruling party rules with members of the opposition. Where elsewhere in the world does one find such a prototype of governance?

    Then, on one platform are elections conducted? On the platform of Provincial Councils. Who are those elected to Provincial Councils? I will tell you. they are the scum of the Sri Lankan nation. So the scum is what ensures the ultimate election results. The scum is the king maker. Where do the people come into the picture?

    With the scum holding the electoral reins what can the people do other than go along.

    And what does going along mean? It means standing and watching the nation wallowing in the quagmire of criminality and corruption. We are in a system in which only the corrupt have a place in the sun and we still dare call them ‘elected by the people’.

    Recently the watch dogs of the nation, the police was selected as the most corrupt of all.

    Look at parliament. Who are there? Murderers, drug barons…name it you have it. How many of them hold worthless useless Ministries and Deputy ministries? See the part of the national income they are consuming. The rulers are dependent on this scum to be in power. How can you call it a government elected by the people?

    And then, what power had the people over the decisions of the government or more specifically over the rulers? When Cameron and Man Moron cough, our rulers catch fever. So who rules finally, electors or invaders and intruders?

    It is no point in throwing up text book ideas. Those ideas go in palanquins, but not so the realities.

    If one wants to star gaze, than that is his or hers chose. This country is following an inexorable course. what is certain is that the tide is turning and time will wait for no man.

    Mario Perera

  34. mario_perera Says:

    the Government ELECTED by the PEOPLE must Rule

    Democracy is essentially a choice. But what choice has the Sri Lankan nation? What is the ruling party? What is the opposition? The ruling party rules with members of the opposition. Where elsewhere in the world does one find such a prototype of governance?

    Then, on one platform are elections conducted? On the platform of Provincial Councils. Who are those elected to Provincial Councils? I will tell you. They are the scum of the Sri Lankan nation. So the scum is what ensures the ultimate election results. The scum is the king maker. Where do the people come into the picture? With the scum holding the electoral reins what can the people do other than go along.

    And what does going along mean? It means standing and watching the nation wallowing in the quagmire of criminality and corruption. We are in a system in which only the corrupt have a place in the sun and we still dare call them ‘elected by the people’.

    Recently the watch dogs of the nation, the police was selected as the most corrupt of all.

    Look at parliament. Who are there? Murderers, drug barons…name it you have it. How many of them hold worthless useless Ministries and Deputy ministries? The rulers are dependent on this scum to be in power. How can you call it a government elected by the people?

    See the part of the national income he elected ones of the nation are consuming. The gap between the haves and the have nots has widened to irremediable proportions.

    And then, what power had the people over the decisions of the government or more specifically over the rulers? When Cameron and Man Moron cough, our rulers catch fever. So who rules finally, electors or invaders and intruders?

    It is no point in throwing up text book ideas. Those ideas go in palanquins, but not so the realities.

    If one wants to star gaze, than that is his or hers chose. This country is following an inexorable course. What is certain is that the tide is turning and time will wait for no man.

    Mario Perera

  35. Lorenzo Says:


    You are STUCK in pre-2009 era.

    There is NO ARGUMENT the 2005-2010 govt was wrong. People and the military supported it.

    All went wrong AFTER 2009.

    Now the govt. is BETRAYING the voters, people and the nation.

    MR govt. has given MORE to Tamil Elamists than any other. What more?

    e.g. NPC 30 out of 38 power in TNA/LTTE – never in history
    e.g. KP, Karuna, Pillayar, Daya Master VVIPs!!!
    e.g. War winners SACKED from the military and chased out of the country.
    e.g. Tamil Elamists in govt. (Hack-him, Gonason, Rajitha, DEW, Vasutheva, Douglas, etc.)
    e.g. LLRC
    e.g. 13 amendment promise
    e.g. LTTE Mahaveer celebrations in govt. controlled areas for the FIRST TIME!!
    e.g. MR begs Canada and FBI to release Tamil terrorists arrested trying to buy AAMs!!

    Can you deny any of this? NO.

    Let me tell you what is going on within the military. The govt. is trying to BETRAY some military leaders as war criminals and save their skin. They are working to March 2014 deadline set by Pee-illay and Cum-Moron.

    Just imagine what this will do. I will turn the military against the military. Everyone will suspect the other.

    Only a military takeover can resolve this problem.

    If you still have hope on this system you are not among the majority SLs who are fed up of this system.

    It WILL change but by whom and how? Unless the military takes over it will be a US-LTTE-Endia planned regime change. This is the danger.

  36. Lorenzo Says:

    Well said Mario.

    This TITANIC will SINK.

    I fear for UNITARY SL and the people.

    Some SLs are divided in to the green camp and blue camp. They justify most things of their camp. Don’t see the reality.

  37. Lorenzo Says:

    ‘Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people’ – Nelson Mandela

    Tell that to SL leaders!!

    They sacrifice people’s freedom for their enjoyment.

    But there are REAL SL leaders who are ready and already did sacrifice ALL for the freedom of the people. Who are they?

    26,500 of them. And many more. But why REAL LEADERS have no place in SL only REAR LEADERS rule?

  38. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:



  39. anura seneviratna Says:

    Thanks, Mario well and truly stated facts as these really are. Thanks to Lorenzo for keeping up the momentum. Jayasiri suggested to get the people round to push the President to do our work. Well, that can’t work quickly as we have not much time to condition our people to be positive. We need a quick remedy, a catalyst which is our Security Forces with Police and CDF backed by all the Patriots to purge the ongoing corrupt and mindless governance, which is still being called Democratic, or more precisely be called party political circus by dividing the nation into parties which has become the priority with personal agendas NOT the Nation & Country.

  40. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


    The proverbial,” running with the hares and hunting with the hounds ” denotes a trend of fear ” which side to be.
    So, some say things to please the patriots, and in the same breadth, say things to appease the CORRUPT GOVERNMENT. There is no solution there. Pushing the President is a thought in Dreamland. The Sinhala Nation cannot purge the present Political Circus, lead by the Pied Piper of Hambantot Town. It has to be an unseen Force.

  41. Fran Diaz Says:

    By shortsightedly suggesting ‘military rule’, there will be outside elements who will be only too glad to “assist”. Then they can rule all of Lanka through the puppet ‘military rule’, as in other places (see above what Ananda has written on this). Kallathoni galore may come in too, with the puppet ‘military rule’ under foreign control. When they want to replace ‘military rule’, they will call it a ‘dictatorship’ and must have democracy. The political circus will be endless.

    What Lanka & India are still suffering from is a heavy dose of ex-Colonial, ex-Empire fever renewed by the CHOGM ! Why can’t we just take the good stuff left behind by Colonists and throw out the rest ? Lanka doesn’t face such unbearable times here now, and there is nothing that cannot be made better within the existing Democracy.

    With friends such as Lanka has, who needs enemies !

  42. Ananda-USA Says:


    You accused some others of “Running with the hares and Hunting with the hounds”.

    I don’t know who exactly you were referring to, but certainly advocating a Military Takeover to OVERTURN Sri Lanka’s Government ELECTED in successive Landslide Victories by its PEOPLE, as a prescription for curing Sri Lanka’s current ills, fits that description perfectly!

    So, if that cap fits … please wear it!

    A Military Takeover will destroy the unity of the Patriotic Forces that came together to defeat the Eelamists and their Foreign supporters; it will only deliver Sri Lanka bound hand-and-foot to its enemies.

    We recall that Sri Lanka’s enemies tried to do that once before using Sarath Gonseka as their MILITARY PAWN.

    As Fran Diaz says it is TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE for any patriot to suggest that! The “CURE” you prescribe is FAR WORSE than the “DISEASE” for it IGNORES the WILL of the People who elected this Government!

    Let the PEOPLE of Sri Lanka decide that at the BALLOT BOX; not the Military imposing it upon the PEOPLE with their GUNS.

  43. Lorenzo Says:


    There is NO outside support for military take over!!

    OUR military is made up of OUR PATRIOTIC MEN AND WOMEN. There are NO American (Basil, Gonzeka, etc.), Australian, British (CBK was a British citizen when she became SL president!!!!) citizens in our military.

    Can you imagine SL was ruled for 11 years by a British citizen from 1994 to 2005?

    Can you imagine the economic affairs minister is an AMERICAN?

    JVP leader is a British citizen for Christ’s sake!!

    Some TNA leaders are Canadian citizens!!

    Mangala Saramaweera is a BRITISH citizen!!

    Our ambassador to the US is an AMERICAN citizen!! Obvious conflict of interest.

    So where are the OUTSIDERS? In the govt. or in the military? In the govt.

    Please don’t insult the heroes who sacrificed 26,500+ lives to DEFEND you, your family and SL.

    Outsiders puppets are the UPFA, UNP, TNA, SLMC and JVP!!

    REPLACE UPFA, UNP, CWC, SLMC, JVP, TNA with SLA, SLN, SLAF, CDF, SLP, LRRP, DPU, etc. and SL will have a future.


    I have not only DISPUTED your claim but turned the tables on you. Now you have to prove the govt (and other parties) DON’T have foreign puppets in them.

    I mean NO personal insult. Only stating FACTS as they are.

  44. Lorenzo Says:


    “Let the PEOPLE of Sri Lanka decide that at the BALLOT BOX; not the Military imposing it upon the PEOPLE with their GUNS.”

    Of course! For the people to decide there should be a PROPER election system and a PROPER positions to elect to. The current political system and provincial council system are NOT PROPER. People are given the HOBSON’S CHOICE!!

    That needs to be FIXED first and then we can have truly valuable elections.

    Did the SL military EVER, EVER impose itself upon people with their guns?

    PLEASE answer my question. This is NOT Burma or Egypt. This is the MOST DISCIPLINED army in the world.

    Please answer this question. The answer to your worries lay there!

    Also has NOT the politicians imposed upon the people using their THUGS and GUNS?

    Who were Konawela Sunil, Julambitiya Amara, Sotthi Upali, Baddegane Sanjeewa, Charle Silva, Kudu Lal, etc.

    Part of the military or part of our DEAR political system?

  45. Lorenzo Says:

    Please answer my FACTS without PERSONAL INSULTS to anyone here.

    Lets not be like Tamilian fools. When they can’t prove Tamil Homolands they call Sinhalese modayas and Muslims thampiyas.

    Also look at Gonzeka. A fantastic army leader who became a disgusting bastard when he entered this CORRUPT political system. It is this political system that turned him into a traitor. He is not alone!!!

  46. Fran Diaz Says:

    Dear Lorenzo,

    “There is NO outside support for military take over!!”

    Are you kidding ! A truly independent Nation does not exist nowadays, not even in a Democracy, let alone a Military one. The less Democratic, the more vulnerable. Within Democracies, there are different degrees of independence. Let us not be naive, in addition to being shortsighted.

    Let us work on the existing Democracy. Let us not be too impatient. Let us not go down slippery slopes of trouble, again.

  47. Lorenzo Says:


    So you avoid my question and FACTS that PROVE there IS outside support for our politicians (SOME are outsiders themselves)?

    Look at this news item from

    “Education Minister Bandula Gunawardena yesterday lamented that thousands of students, who had got through the Grade V scholarship examination, with high marks, had been left kicking their heels for want of space in classrooms of popular schools already filled with children of those with political backing.”

    Need I say more?

    THIS is the future of SL. Political modayas get a better education and truly GIFTED children are fcuked up!

    Any solution? NO! NO solution. Mark my word.

    It is this corrupt political system that destroys EVERYTHING in SL which the military DESPERATELY guards.

  48. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    Lorenzo !! You can take a horse to the water, but cannot make it drink.

    As Mario said, THE SCUM RULES THE COUNTRY NOW. Pseudo Patriots cannot see. None are so blind as those who refuse to see. Writing lengthy BS is not a solution.

  49. Ananda-USA Says:

    Real Patriots of Sri Lanka will NOT PIT its Military AGAINST its Popularly ELECTED Government.

    Those who attempt to DIVIDE the Patriotic Forces ARE NOT PATRIOTS, but ENEMIES of Sri Lanka trying to achieve SOME DEVIOUS AGENDA.

    As far as I am concerned, there is NOTHING more to say on this subject.

  50. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  51. Lorenzo Says:


    NO ONE is pitting the military against the government.

    The system FAILED to capitalize on the MILITARY’s victory. I have given AMPLE EVIDENCE of HOW the system FAILED SL.

    Who is UNPATRIOTIC here? Who has given on a plate to TNA the north? Who is keeping KP, Karuna safe as VVIPS while jailing soldiers?

    None so blind as those who refuse to SEE (thanks SW).

    Patriots are not blind to REALITY.

    Please don’t take this personally. This is a man to man exchange. Take it like a man as you generally do.

    Was it Einstein who said doing the SAME THING and expecting a different outcome is symptom of a mania?

  52. Lorenzo Says:


    Ananda is a patriot like us. I wish he sees the reality and understand the need for change.

    2/3 will last only 2 more years. 1 year will preparing for election. So we have only 1 year to scrap 13 amendment.

    After that NO HOPE of any action.

    GOTA was influenced to enter politics but he refused. What a good decision. He has no faith in this nonsense.

    A compromise would be for GR and the military to take over. Then the deposed will be safe too.

  53. aloy Says:

    You are prescribing a recipe for disaster. What happened at Weliveriya?. What is the Salaka story?. These are done by cronies in the military. Why depend on present military top brass. They are all cronies and seem to be very corrupt. To me, they do not have the interest of Sinhalas at heart.

  54. Lorenzo Says:


    They were misdirected by the politicians.

    And the military already SUSPENDED and PUNISHED them!!

    Will that EVER happen to politicians?

    e.g. Dumb-inda Silva, Mervin, Sambandan, Hack-him, Run-nil (killed 500 Sinhala boys), Somawansa, Karuna, etc.

  55. aloy Says:

    OK, then let it be someone like the Hasalaka Weeraya, or a lowly leftinent. In Ghana it was Flight Leightinenant Jerry Rowling a low ranking officer who corrected the political system in that country. Today when a politician pass away the nation mourns the death for weeks. They all are well behaved now. Did it happen to President Premadasa?.

  56. aloy Says:

    OK, then let it be someone like the Hasalaka Weeraya, or a lowly leftinent. In Ghana it was Flight Leightinent Jerry Rowling a low ranking officer who corrected the political system in that country. Today when a politician pass away the nation mourns the death for weeks. They all are well behaved now.

  57. Dilrook Says:

    I agree with the sentiments expressed by most very forcefully. However, a military coup is not the answer at this stage. Truth apart, the military is alleged to have committed atrocities. This is the view of powerful sections of the international community. If the same military takes over, it will be sufficient for them to push for R2P against Sri Lanka in which case the north may be split from the rest for protective administration by the UN or India.

    On the other hand there is no other way to change the circumstances of the nation which is in steady slide into total anarchy.

    The sensible approach is to lower expectations. For instance 13A is not going to go no matter how hard patriots clamour for it’s removal. Corruption and political violence are here to stay. Nationally conscious people need to find ways around these challenges to minimise damage to national interests. It is a disappointing situation but there is no sense in worsening the situation.

    If both major parties are equally or close to equally bad, voting out the ruling party is the option. The 2001 election win for the pro-LTTE UNP actually did the nation a favour. It weakened the pro-devolution, peace camp in the SLFP and brought to power a more ‘hawkish’ (as they were ten termed) team. Despite UNP’s CFA and other LTTE appeasements, it refrained from accepting ISGA proposals. A vote for the UNP is not necessarily a vote for its pro-TNA stance. It is a signal for the SLFP to change course. It is not the most attractive option but the least troublesome one which worked in the past. People must vote out the ruling coalition at provincial elections and if not working, at national elections too. It will bring out a more people friendly SLFP in the long run and change in the short run.

  58. Fran Diaz Says:

    A NATIONAL GOVT. is the answer. “Country before Self” will have to be the future motto.

    Right now, Minority & money making divisions are at play with foreign interference, and continued political divisions will ruin the country even further. The 13-A has been morphed into something less noxious.

    The UNP has got a new lease of life after the CHOGM ? Is the UNP pro Sinhala or pro Minorities & Colombo only ?

    Why are there so many instances of arson in the Colombo area ? How is that there is so much anti-LANKA activities here ? Have we in Lanka been too accommodative towards inimical forces ?

  59. mjaya Says:


    There are both good and bad examples of military govs

    Egypt (Gen. CC.), Thailand (deposed Thakshil Shivanatra, returned to democracy soon)

    Idi Amin, Nigeria (stole most of the oil wealth), Greece, Franco Fransisco (Spain), Pinochet (he was US backed), Noriega (became a drug baron), Pakistan (Musharraf ended up being as corrupt as the rest), etc. etc.

    Its a game of Russian Roulette

    A form of “reduced democracy” (induced by civilians or the military) would be the ultimate solution.

    This type of administration would include,
    1. Village councils
    2. Collective political seats – no preferential votes at all!
    Basically if you don’t work for your seat you will go home, JR Pappa got rid of this system and replaced it with preferential votes because of this, so that as long as you have a bunch of henchmen who will vote for you anyway, you are safe.
    3. No minority parties etc.

  60. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    LORENZO !! Sometimes, Patriotism gets emotionally overstrung. Sorry, nothing personal. I understand what you say. YOU ARE A VERY NOBLE MAN. I did not mean to hurt anybody. If I did, IAM SORRY.

    Your option and alternative:-“” A compromise would be for GR and the Military to take over. Then the deposed will be safe too. “” is very laudable. Possibly, this may be the way to go.

    You give many options to push your point of view. That is democracy.

  61. Fran Diaz Says:

    You say : ““Education Minister Bandula Gunawardena yesterday lamented that thousands of students, who had got through the Grade V scholarship examination, with high marks, had been left kicking their heels for want of space in classrooms of popular schools already filled with children of those with political backing. Any solution? NO! NO solution. Mark my word.”

    In the first place, I have no idea of this situation. The number of students concerned who have entered the popular schools through political patronage, the number of smart children displaced as a result are a mystery to me. Besides, if the Hon. Minister for Education cannot solve this problem, he ought to resign and give the job to a smarter person who can handle it.
    All schools are govt. controlled.

    Though I do not like to get into this type of useless argument, here goes. I just want to level the playing field on the wrong doings of different ethnicities in the field of Education in Lanka :

    * During Colonial times, large numbers of Tamil students who became Christians (in the North especially) gained special places in schools, Universities, jobs. It was part of the British ‘divide & rule’ scheme. As a result, Tamils ruled in govt. jobs all over the island at the time of Independence.
    * After Independence from Britain, Tamil students for many years cheated at the University entrance exams. They would put
    the ‘Om’ sign at the corner of their exam sheets and Tamil examiners would pass them. Most of the Science & Medical Faculty professors were Tamil. Some of them would leak out the exam questions to some of the Tamil students. This was well known in the Universities, particularly in the Science Facs.
    * Recently, a large number of Muslim students won all the top places for the Law Faculty exams. (Were these Tamil Muslims ?) No one made a fuss about it. We did not hear from you about this strange phenomenon either.

    Which is worse among all these wrong doings of cheating in education ?

    Anyway, you are a smart guy. You can figure out the answer to your own question above right at the top of my entry. There are some answers that comes to my mind. I am sure you will be able to do so too.

  62. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    Just one more thing. ANURA’S article has to get onto the Guiness Book, with so many comments.

  63. Marco Says:

    It amuses me when i hear/read the allegation of the “ohm” sign on the exam answer script to identify the ethnicity of the student.
    Surely you must know by now that all tamil students write their answer script in tamil and all sinhela students write it in Sinhela. Why on earth would a Tamil student write “ohm” to identify himself as a tamil when his answer are in tamil anyway.
    Maybe the Tamil examiner is stupid?!!!…or?

  64. aloy Says:

    How shallow is your argument?. When one wants to argue sometimes they bring stupid ones. Those days the answers were given in English. I myself has seen this happening in the Uni. Anyway let byegones be bygone.
    Your solution does no make the situation any better for Sinhalas. They will continue to be a forgotten lot in the country. The so called Colombians will rule and it will be a repetition of the story. If Prince Dutugemunu also thought like that today there wont be a nation called Sinhale. Under the system you prescribed/suggested, Karu can come to power, but he is a very weak person (a clean patriot) who will be controlled by people like Ranil, Awamangala, the Pamankada et al. What hope is there for the average Sinhalas?. They will continue to be small time farmers, dying of various deceases not cared by their politicians, while the Kallathonis control our economy.
    We should care two hoots for the so called international community who are always against us.

  65. aloy Says:

    Correction:” We should not care two …..” in the last line

  66. Marco Says:

    Rather interesting debate on democracy and/or military rule.
    Thankfully people advocating the military rule do not live in Sri Lanka and highly doubtful are able to influence the decision process.
    It is interesting that we in Sri Lanka are in a semi military rule. I say that because the brother of the President is a highly influential and a military man.
    The President elected by the people is supported by a non elected “foreigner” civil servant commanding the armed forces who has and will make contradictory statements/remarks without repercussions to govt policy decisions and has great influence in the government. Hence the term semi military rule.
    If GR was not the Def Sec think by now we would have seen a civil uprising or military uprising.
    I have said this many times, MR and GR should be given all credit to getting rid of the LTTE menace. Regrettably, thereafter, MR has missed golden opportunities to unite the nation and become the a true Statesman that many including myself believed he could have achieved.
    Instead on pure selfish reasons he has consolidated his power to remain as long as he, family and his hangers are able to secure as much wealth and steadfastly made sure the Rajapakse clan will remain in power for the next 10-15 years. He has been able to do that through the weakness of the caliber of our politicians. The Provincial Council system suits him well to tap the grass roots through criminal elements elected and he keeps them happy in turning a blind eye on various incidents as we have witnessesed.
    Sumanitharan made an excellent speech in parliament highlighting the cowardice of our Ministers and how are ruling politicians have sunk to.
    MR is more than likely to win more elections as there is no alternative (he has made sure of that).
    I cannot see a solution except a rather drastic one, only time will tell

  67. Fran Diaz Says:

    Ah Marco,

    Here you are again ! I am referring to the history of exams in Sri Lanka. May be you were in your diapers at that time when the Om sign was written ? Who is dopey here ???

  68. Marco Says:

    Thank you for your response. I did not go to University in Sri Lanka
    However, which part of Frans comment did you not understand?
    “Tamil students for many years cheated at the University entrance exams. They would put
    the ‘Om’ sign at the corner of their exam sheets and Tamil examiners would pass them”

    University Entrance exams- comprehende?

  69. Marco Says:

    Fran, perhaps you will like to enlighten me when all students stopped writing answer scripts in English at AL.
    I sat for my AL in 1971. I was in the English medium because of my mixed parentage.
    The Tamils wrote in Tamil (with or without ohm!) and the Sinhalese wrote in Sinhela.

  70. Marco Says:

    Who are the Colombians?
    Are you referring to the Industrialist/ Business Communities like the Dhammika Perera, Raja Mahendra, Amaleans etc to name a few or the nouveau Colombians from political patronage?

  71. aloy Says:

    A typical example of a Colombian is Ranil. It is the English educated crowd from Colombo schools like Royal, St. Thomas (before 70s), they do not speak in Sinhala in their homes. This also include those groups of people among Sinhalese, who were brought to the front line by the British by giving them lucrative contracts in liquer licences etc, mostly from areas around Colombo. This include SWRD’s people and JRJ’s people as well; they are all stooges of the west.
    By your comment at 2.32pm above you understood the present day reality. This is the situation we have to get out of, if we want to survive another 2500 years as a nation.

  72. Lorenzo Says:


    You have once again CORRECTLY identified problems. Only the problem causes (there is one among us representing the problem camp!!) oppose the FACTS you say.

    But then a national govt. CANNOT resolve any of this. We have a national govt now. This govt. has UPFA, UNP, TNA (yes one TNA MP and 2 others supporting at times), JVP, SLMC, CWC, EPDP in its camp. Has it improved anything? NO.

    They all think alike – how to ruin SL.

    So your solution is actually part of the problem!!

  73. Lorenzo Says:


    I agree with your LONG TERM solution.

    But you have NOT specified HOW to achieve it. ONLY a military take over can achieve that CHANGE.

  74. Lorenzo Says:


    What you say about Tamils cheating at exams is TRUE.

    It happens in COLOMBO district and other SINHALA MAJORITY districts. Tamils compete with Sinhalese in these districts to get to university. They use this “OHM” or sometimes the extension ஓம் நமசிவாய thing in their exam paper – top left hand corner of the second page.

    A VERY WELL KNOWN tactic among Vivekananda, Hindu College and Saiva Mangaiyar schools in Colombo.

    If Colombo district has 200 vacancies, Tamils get 100 of them this way cheating by getting more marks wrongly than Sinhalese and Muslims.

    In Jaffna and Tamil majority areas the SAME thing is done for a different purpose. That is used by GOOD STUDENTS to get that EDGE in marks.

  75. Ananda-USA Says:

    Marco, you said

    “Instead on pure selfish reasons he has consolidated his power to remain as long as he, family and his hangers are able to secure as much wealth and steadfastly made sure the Rajapakse clan will remain in power for the next 10-15 years. ”

    Actually, the REASONS are not PURELY SELFISH, but mainly in the National Interest. He relies on his family members, because those are the people ha can trust the most, especially in view of the betrayals by people he had ttrusted like Sarath Fonseka, Mangala Samaraweera, etc. If his family benefits from these associations, so be it … they have EARNED it, whereas few other leaders ever earned their benefits.

    Politicians seldom RISK their NECKS without REWARDS. Sri Lanka is not unique in this respect: the Senanayake and Bandaranayake families in Sri Lanka, the Nehru/Gandhi family in India, the Karunanidhi family in Tamil Nadu, the Kennedy, Bush, Roosevelt families in the USA, to name but a few, are all guilty of relying on, and benefiting, their family members more than others.

    I say this as one who has not PERSONALLY benefited one iota from the Rajapaksa regime, but as one who recognizes that my Motherland and all of its PEOPLE have benefited IMMENSELY from their political leadership.

    Winning the war against the Eelamists was ESSENTIAL, but is NOT SUFFICIENT by itself to ensure continued peace, security and prosperity of Sri Lanka.

    The consolidation of the gains made possible by that victory is what is at stake now. It is NECESSARY for this Patriotic Government under MR to remain in place for at least ANOTHER DECADE for that to be achieved; there are NO OTHER PATRIOTIC LEADERS capable of filling that vacuum on the horizon.

    Then, am I SATISFIED with the direction the MR=GOSL is taking? Not completely.

    IN MANY areas, especially in National Infrastructure development, maintaining a STRONG Military, and reaching out to the Tamil People to enable their return to their rightful place as Sri Lankan citizens with equal rights and responsibilities, I am SATISFIED.

    In many OTHER areas, such as: the FAILURE to REPEAL the 13th Amendment, DISMANTLE the PC System, MAINTAIN and INCREASE the presence of the Armed Forces in the separatist dominated North and East, IMPLEMENT a Policy of Ethnic Integration to wipe out REGIONAL ethnic concentrations, REDUCE Indian involvement in economic, military, diplomatic and reconstruction fields in Sri Lanka, and PROSECUTE & PUNISH traitors past & present, I am NOT AT ALL SATISFIED.

    I believe that the PATRIOTIC FORCES of Sri Lanka must pressure the GOSL to ACT IN THE NATIONAL INTEREST in these areas, through LAWFUL MEANS and through the BALLOT BOX, but not by resorting to Violence and Unlawful Means as the JVP and the Tamil Separatists did.

    OVERALL, the current GOSL is doing a far better job of protecting Sri Lanka and its People than any other Sri Lankan Government has done in the last 30 years. Without MR, GR and their PATRIOTIC TEAM, Sri Lanka will DISINTEGRATE and become another Somalia or Libya, where foreigners, traitors and separatists will run wild. In my view, Sri Lanka is VERY FORTUNATE to have Rajapaksa Family at its helm today.

  76. aloy Says:

    Do you think the powers that be do not know these when these rascals were appointed as the following story goes:
    Bribery Chief under ‘bribery probe’

    By The Nation
    Sunday, 08 December 2013 02:30
    font size decrease font size increase font size

    Revelation in Parliament leads to ‘The Nation’ investigation. Balapatabendi receives vehicle after giving judgment in favor of ‘wheeler dealer’

    The Nation reveals that the Chairman of the Commission to Investigate Allegations into Bribery and Corruption former Supreme Court Judge, Justice Jagath Balapatabendi received a vehicle which was released through a judgment in a bench he presided over.
    Investigations carried out by The Nation revealed that the former Supreme Court judge had been presented with a car (KG-9321) by a person by the name of Harsha Prabath an unscrupulous vehicle trader who was under the watch by the customs for years for defrauding the customs.
    Earlier UNP MP Attorney- At- Law Sujeewa Senasinghe speaking in Parliament spoke of the deal, and the subsequent fraudulent transactions committed by the Bribery Chief and the businessmen.

    Senasainghe in Parliament raised the same allegations and questioned how such an individual could head an organization such as the Bribery Commission when the person himself has been accused of such activities.
    In 2006 the Customs which had been probing the issue had blocked the release of 145 vehicles that were illegally assembled by Prabath. Prabath filed a petition at the Supreme Court for the release of the assembled vehicles held by the Customs.
    The vehicles were then released following a court order in 2008 where Justice Balapatabendi had permitted the vehicles to be released under a brand name “The Emperor”.

    Justice Balapatabendi had presided over the case on all eight occasions when the case was taken up for hearing.
    However, the vehicles which were subsequently released were sold not under the said brand name, but under the original brand names. One of these vehicles was provided to Justice Balapatabendi.
    The Nation has information of documents which indicate that the car which was used by the former judge was one of the vehicles ordered to be released by Balapatabendi himself.

    Accordingly, the said car, (chassi number AT 211-6018287) with car number KG-9321 was used by Balapatabendi as of June 27 this year, according to documents of the Department of Motor Traffic.

    However, upon realization of impending investigations into the transaction, the owners name had been unscrupulous changed by September 18, 2013, indicating that Balapatabendi had sold the vehicle on April 22, 2013. The said ‘wheeler dealer’ Harsha Prabath is accused of conspiring in the alleged nabbing of Customs Director Rajan Kanagasabey.

    The Bribery Commission filed the case against the customs officer alleging him of soliciting a bribe from Prabath Kanagasabey is said to have played a key role in shedding light into the nefarious activities of Prabath and other players in the illegal smuggling business.
    Senasinghe also said that they had informed President Mahinda Rajapaksa on several occasions regarding the false allegations leveled against Kanagasabey and that he had inquired into the matter.

    When contacted, Balapatabendi admitted that he had owned the car in question, but said he could not remember when he bought or sold the vehicle. “How can I remember all the statistics? I used the car and sold it long time ago,” he said.
    He also denied knowing Prabath and said he had never seen him and denied buying the car from him.

    When asked whether he was aware that the said car was among those that were assembled and released based on the 2008 court order, he said he was unaware. In addition, Balapatabendi said the verdict in 2008 was given by the then Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva and the other judges agreed on the verdict given.

    Perhaps we have been reading lots of rubbish.

  77. Fran Diaz Says:


    Many thanks for your comment : “What you say about Tamils cheating at exams is TRUE.

    It happens in COLOMBO district and other SINHALA MAJORITY districts. Tamils compete with Sinhalese in these districts to get to university. They use this “OHM” ௐ or sometimes the extension ஓம் நமசிவாய thing in their exam paper – top left hand corner of the second page.

    A VERY WELL KNOWN tactic among Vivekananda, Hindu College and Saiva Mangaiyar schools in Colombo.

    If Colombo district has 200 vacancies, Tamils get 100 of them this way cheating by getting more marks wrongly than Sinhalese and Muslims.

    In Jaffna and Tamil majority areas the SAME thing is done for a different purpose. That is used by GOOD STUDENTS to get that EDGE in marks”.

    You know far more about the subject than I do. I had spoke to a number of people who were in the Colombo Science Faculty and they all said the same thing : that there was widespread cheating by Tamil professors and students to gain high/er marks at exams. In fact, one person told me that Prof. PPGL Siriwardena had to change the titrations at the Chemistry practicals at the last minute, in order to stop cheats winning over honest students.

    Lorenzo, many thanks for enlightening remarks. I want to record my appreciation of your honesty and uprightness in Education. Let the best from among us all win through, in Education and everything else.



  78. Fran Diaz Says:


    I think it was around 1962 that the answer scripts (A.L.) were no longer in English.

  79. Ananda-USA Says:


    Regarding the Bribery & Corruption Commissioner accepting a gift vehicle as a bribe from a person who was party to a bribery case adjudicated in the court presided by him … it is TOTALLY IMPROPER and he should be PROSECUTED himself for bribery. It is also TOTALLY RIDICULUOS for the Comissioner to claim that he does not recall the facts related to either the purchase or the sale of the vehicle; if he does not he has no business serving on the bench of such a cort …. he is an Alzheimer’s patient unfit for such employment!

    However, the case is complex with a history of conflict and retaliation between the parties, so the facts should be VERIFIED and the guilty PUNISHED on all sides in an IMPARTIAL COURT, irrespective of who is found to be guilty. That is the way the Law of the Land should & must work to dispense JUSTICE to all.

  80. Lorenzo Says:

    A bigger issue is PM’s son’s involvement in the BIGGEST DRUG IMPORT to the country ever.

    MUSLIM drug dealers in SL, Afghanistan and Pakistan are involved in this. One of them a very close friend of PM’s son. Through PM’s son they have got a PM’S LETTERHEAD signed by PM’s secretary demanding the port to release the goods!!

    OBVIOUSLY the system is NOT working. No. It is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!

    The system is screwwing the country.

  81. Ananda-USA Says:

    OK … all of us KNOW this …. but what is the GOSL going to do about it?

    Where is the RETRIBUTION/PUNISHMENT under the Law of the Land for their TREASON & CRIMES, past & present?

    Spare the ROD and SPOIL the Separatist!

    ‘TNA continues anti-govt propaganda’

    by P. Krishnaswamy
    December 8, 2013

    The TNA is continuing its anti-government propaganda by taking advantage of its status as the people’s representatives, disregarding the fact that it was President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s commitment to restore democracy in the terrorism-torn province that helped hold the election, Minister of Mass Media and Information Keheliya Rambukwella told the Sunday Observer.

    It is evident that the party has not changed its pro-LTTE political approach and ideologies and took every opportunity to tarnish the Government’s image both here and abroad along with the pro-LTTE diaspora groups, he said.

    TNA MP S. Sritharan told Parliament recently that the LTTE’s ‘Heroes’ Day’ should be commemorated. During a recent meeting at Trincomalee with a US delegation, party leader R.Sambanthan had alleged that the government is not ‘interested in reconciliation’ and Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran had threatened to violate the law if he was prevented from entering specific security areas in the North.

    All these moves prove that they had not deviated from the stand of the now defunct LTTE, he said. In spite of all such threats, law and order will be strictly maintained in the country, the Minister said.

  82. Lorenzo Says:


    That is COMMON KNOWLEDGE among SL Tamils.

    The question is – what is the nation going to do about it? Nothing. That is the worst part.

  83. Lorenzo Says:


    ‘TNA continues anti-SL propaganda

    “OK … all of us KNOW this …. but what is the GOSL going to do about it? ”

    No. That is NOT the question to ask because we KNOW the answer – NOTHING!

    The question is – WHAT CAN THE GOVT do about in the present setting? Nothing. What should CHANGE to take action? This system.

  84. Marco Says:

    Thank you- 1962
    So, the Tamils who write their AL answer scripts in Tamil, identify themselves as Tamils by the “ohm” symbol.
    Well done- Its all clear to me.

  85. Marco Says:

    Perhaps you like to tell us why politicians of the current era send their children to STC, RC, LC, BC, SBC.
    I have to state the standard of education and the intake of these schools have fallen drastically and we have witnessed the behavior of the students produced by these schools.

    I dont wish to make any bones of the fact (proud infact) that i attended the school by the sea even though i live (and still reside) opposite RC.

  86. aloy Says:

    I guess every parent want to send their children to a place where there is someone to maintain discipline and some good English is taught.
    What do you do in SL?. Perhaps we could meet around Christmas time?. I live opposite Musaeus.

  87. Lorenzo Says:

    What will happen? NOTHING!!

    Because this ROTTEN SYSTEM bails ALL criminals out.

    A nation is being wasted.

    The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), a coalition partner of the ruling government, has called for the immediate arrest of Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister for allegedly assisting in the distribution of narcotics in the country.

    At least 131kg of heroin was seized on 30 August hidden in cans packed into a container sent from the Pakistani port of Karachi.

    It had been unloaded at Colombo’s port two months earlier and was addressed to a local recipient, but had been held pending production of documents and cash needed for its import.

    A letter emerged from the prime minister’s office, dated 23 August and signed by a co-ordinating secretary seeking to waive import charges on the container.

    The letter reportedly said it was being imported by a local company which was just launching its business and could not afford heavy duties.

    When the issue was raised in Parliament, Prime Minister D. M. Jayaratne said he wasn’t aware of it and that the letters are written by his staff.

    The Prime Minister told Parliament that he has no time to read the 150 or so letters that pass through his office on a daily basis and that he has not approved such a thing, the Leader of the JHU Ven. Dr. Omalpe Sobitha Thero said.

    He stated that the if the Prime Minister, who is also the Minister of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs, is unable to find a trustworthy and educated official to read these letters then he should understand that he can no longer do his duty.

    “If he does not possess the physical and mental ability, the biggest service he should do is to resign from the Premiership,” he said, addressing a ceremony commemorating the 10th death anniversary of Ven. Gangodawila Soma Thero.

    If the secretary has engaged in such an illegal act in violation of the Prime Minister’s orders, why is he not being punished or sacked, Sobitha Thero questioned.

    The leader of the Sinhala nationalist party further said that in comparison to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Public Relations and Public Affairs, Mervyn Silva, somewhat has a policy.

    When certain accusations are being made against his secretaries, Mervyn Silva either says “he is not my secretary” or removes that person. “It seems the Prime Minister doesn’t even have such manners,” he said.

    “How does this fraudster continue to remain as a secretary to the Prime Minister?”

    He stated that assisting in importing heroin will be the “main weapon” for destroying the Buddha Sasana and there is no doubt about it as it goes against the virtue of Buddhism.

    “Therefore with complete responsibility we advise the country’s President to immediately arrest the prime Minister, who is assisting these illegal acts,” Dr. Omalpe Sobitha Thero.”

  88. Fran Diaz Says:


    You say : “So, the Tamils who write their AL answer scripts in Tamil, identify themselves as Tamils by the “ohm” symbol”.
    You don’t get it, do you !

    I am writing the historical facts re cheating in Education. As far I know, the Om sign was definitely put in during the 1960s. There are Uni professors who vouched for this. Lorenzo has expanded on the matter.

    Anyway, as you come from a mixed parentage, you will probably not accept facts. No point debating with you on this point.
    Lorenzno who is a Jaffna Tamil, knows more about the subject than you or I.

    I also know that (definitely during the 1950s & 1960s period) that a Madras University degree could be bought.

  89. Lorenzo Says:


    SL exam is nothing compared to Tamils’ cheating at the CAS (later SLAS) exams!!!

    That was one HUGE CHEATING exam to get govt. jobs.

    One technique was to write ANY Tamil letter ANYWHERE on the paper so the marker will give that person MORE marks. But they COLLUDE what to write EVERY YEAR. So unless you are in the CIRCLE you will NOT know what they TREND WORD this year is.

    But after 1963 and after 1983 the DESIRE to get a govt. job reduced and now cheating is LESS but continues.

    There are other Tamil cheating practices which I will write from time to time.

    Cheating in REFUGEE VISA is another VERY POPULAR Tamil practice.

    Of course you can’t get a Tamil Elamist to ACCEPT these FACTS!!! They will always deny.

  90. Fran Diaz Says:

    Thanks, Lorenzo, for the truth.


    We are still waiting to see how the entire top winners became Muslims for the Law Faculty Entrance exam. We heard that the Law College head, one Mr Mendis, had been replaced by Nigel Hatch. Nothing more.

    Between the Tamil Mosques, Tamil kovils and Tamils in colleges by the sea – wow ! it’s an all Tamil show case. Who is the majority here ?

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