Australia’s Intimidatory Stance Against One Of Sri Lanka’s Decorated Military Leaders Is Unacceptable!
Posted on December 7th, 2013

Insight By Sunil Kumar

December 7th. 2013
The Government of Australia’s  decision to deprive Maj. Gen. Jagath Dias of the opportunity to join an ICRC-organised project in Australia on the basis of unsubstantiated war crimes allegations made by UK media outfit, Channel 4 News is not only biased but certainly also has the makings of an international witch hunt as described by the General himself.

That the High Commission of Australia has declined to comment on it is not at all surprising as it will probably have to admit  that there are links to the hardline attitude of the United Kingdom to whom Australia seems to be paying homage quite forgetting that Australia was once a penal colony of the United Kingdom held in derision by the latter and that  the transparencies which link the two countries point saliently to diversities despite Australia still being a Crown Colony of the UK where the Queen is still the Sovereign Monarch.

Sure Sure Australia !

When asked for a clarification, a spokesperson for the Australian High Commission  has said that  “Our privacy laws prevent us from commenting on any visa matter.” It is the easy way out of an issue that seems to bypass the diplonatic protocols through an insensitive statement lacking the integrity demanded of two countries holding diplomatic ties where the irresponsibility of Australia seems to stick out like a sore thumb where the so called privacy laws have more often than not been used as an excuse to suit Australia on many recent issues which appear to be a mantle to cloak Australia’s guilt when the culpabilities of Australian participation in intimidatory action towards minorities both within and without have become painfully visible.

When Maj. Gen. Jagath Dias expressed dismay that he had been informed of the Australian decision on Thursday, the former Commanding Officer (GOC) of the 57 Division was probably not far removed from the truth when he alleged that a section of the international community was resorting to punitive measures citing unproven allegations backed up by the continued clarion calls of the Tamil diaspora and its unending attempts to discredit the Government of Sri Lanka where the action on Gen. Dias seems an obvious part thereof directed in obvious premeditation.

What the Australian Government apathetically fails to realise ~ as pointed out by Gen. Dias and rightfully so~ is that in a relative sense other armies engaged in fight against terrorism in other parts of the world were never subject to such humiliation though they too were subject to a range of allegations.  When in his words he has protested  that “We are being singled out by those wanting to appease the LTTE rump working closely with the international community.” it is a revelation of Australia’s shameful bias towards contradicting what many world powers have openly praised as Sri Lanka’s defining moment when the Tamil tiger terrorists were vanquished in a precedent setting victory yet Australia and the United Kingdom amongst a few others find it hard to accept and continue to intimidate and harass Sri Lanka’s accomplishment to suite their own agendas which appear to have visible links to the global Tamil diaspora’s now notorious Tamil Tiger rump!

It has also come to light to add further to Australia’s chagrin that rejection of  Gen Dias’ visa application is not an isolated case where as he has described it  ” A legitimate army was being targeted for taking on terrorism, and those who had engaged in terrorism  that contributed to the conflict had been given safe haven in many parts of the world.” and a unacceptable one steeped in bias and portrays Australia as a sympathiser of  Sri Lanka’s adversaries and state enemies based on unprovable accusatrions despite the diplomatic ties between the two countries where diplomacy perhaps has flown out the back door!

Since the conclusion of the conflict in May 2009, several senior military officials including the GOC of the celebrated 58 Division Maj. Gen. Shavendra Silva have been deprived of foreign scholarships.
If this is not premeditated bias on Australia’s part, one wonders what exactly it is as the definition by far overrides any legitimate and rational interpretation based on the concept that Sri Lanka is a Sovereignity that has every right to defend herself from the onslaughts of global terrorism where those who contributed towards it are none but national heroes who need to be acolladed not incarcerated! 

22 Responses to “Australia’s Intimidatory Stance Against One Of Sri Lanka’s Decorated Military Leaders Is Unacceptable!”

  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    If Australia sees fit to Blacklist Sri Lankan War Hero Major General Jagath Dias, then Australia should Blacklist Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, David Cameron, and Tony Blair too. See below to read why.

    Why stop there …. For good measure, let us add the successful war-winning Generals of the past: Generals Petraeus, Douglas MacArthur, George Patton, Bernard Montgomery, William Tecumseh Sherman, Duke of Wellington .. ad infinitum.

    Bloody Hypocrites … ALL
    Nelson Mandela: Obama, Clinton, Cameron, Blair: Tributes of Shameful Hypocrisy

    By Felicity Arbuthnot
    December 7, 2013

    Accusing politicians or former politicians of “breathtaking hypocrisy” is not just over used, it is inadequacy of spectacular proportions. Sadly, searches in various thesaurus’ fail in meaningful improvement. The death of Nelson Mandela, however, provides tributes resembling duplicity on a mind altering substance.

    President Obama, whose litany of global assassinations by Drone, from infants to octogenarians – a personal weekly decree we are told, summary executions without Judge, Jury or trial – stated of the former South African’s President’s passing:

    “We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again … His acts of reconciliation … set an example that all humanity should aspire to, whether in the lives of nations or our own personal lives.

    “I studied his words and his writings … like so many around the globe, I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set, (as) long as I live I will do what I can to learn from him … it falls to us … to forward the example that he set: to make decisions guided not by hate, but by love …”

    Mandela, said the Presidential High Executioner, had: “… bent the arc of the moral universe toward justice.”(i)

    Mandela, after nearly thirty years in jail (1964-1990) forgave his jailors and those who would have preferred to see him hung. Obama committed to closing Guantanamo, an election pledge, the prisoners still self starve in desperation as their lives rot away, without hope.

    The decimation of Libya had no congressional approval. Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan’s dismembered Drone victims are a Presidential roll call of shame and horror and the Nobel Peace Laureate’s trigger finger still hovers over Syria and Iran, for all the talk of otherwise. When his troops finally limped out of Iraq, he left the biggest Embassy in the world and a proxy armed force, with no chance of them leaving being on even the most distant horizon.

    Clearly learning, justice and being “guided by love” is proving bit of an uphill struggle. Ironically, Obama was born in 1964, the year Mandela was sentenced to jail and his “long walk to freedom.”

    Bill Clinton, who (illegally, with the UK) ordered the near continual bombing of Iraq throughout his Presidency (1993-2001) and the siege conditions of the embargo, with an average of six thousand a month dying of “embargo related causes”, paid tribute to Mandela as: “a champion for human dignity and freedom, for peace and reconciliation … a man of uncommon grace and compassion, for whom abandoning bitterness and embracing adversaries was … a way of life. All of us are living in a better world because of the life that Madiba lived.” Tell that to America’s victims.

    In the hypocrisy stakes, Prime Minister David Cameron can compete with the best. He said:

    “A great light has gone out in the world. Nelson Mandela was a towering figure in our time; a legend in life and now in death – a true global hero.

    … Meeting him was one of the great honours of my life.”

    On Twitter he reiterated: “A great light has gone out in the world. Nelson Mandela was a hero of our time.” The flag on Downing Street was to hang at half mast, to which a follower replied: “Preferably by no-one who was in the Young Conservatives at a time they wanted him hanged, or those who broke sanctions, eh?”

    Another responded: “The Tories wanted to hang Mandela.You utter hypocrite.”

    The two tweeters clearly knew their history. In 2009, when Cameron was pitching to become Prime Minister, it came to light that in 1989, when Mandela was still in prison, David Cameron, then a: “rising star of the Conservative Research Department … accepted an all expenses paid trip to apartheid South Africa … funded by a firm that lobbied against the imposition of sanctions on the apartheid regime.”

    Asked if Cameron: “wrote a memo or had to report back to the office about his trip, Alistair Cooke (his then boss at Conservative Central Office) said it was ‘simply a jolly’, adding: ‘It was all terribly relaxed, just a little treat, a perk of the job … ‘ ”

    Former Cabinet Minister Peter Hain commented of the trip:

    “This just exposes his hypocrisy because he has tried to present himself as a progressive Conservative, but just on the eve of the apartheid downfall, and Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, when negotiations were taking place about a transfer of power, here he was being wined and dined on a sanctions-busting visit.

    “This is the real Conservative Party … his colleagues who used to wear ‘Hang Nelson Mandela’ badges at university are now sitting on the benches around him. Their leader at the time, Margaret Thatcher described Mandela as a terrorist.” (ii)

    In the book of condolences opened at South Africa House, five minutes walk from his Downing Street residence, Cameron, who has voted for, or enjoined all the onslaughts or threatened ones referred to above, wrote:

    ” … your generosity, compassion and profound sense of forgiveness have given us all lessons to learn and live by.”

    He ended his message with: “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” Hopefully your lower jaw is still attached to your face, dear reader. If so, hang on to it, worse is to come.

    The farcically entitled Middle East Peace Envoy, former Prime Minister Tony Blair (think “dodgy dossiers” “forty five minutes” to destruction, illegal invasion, Iraq’s ruins and ongoing carnage, heartbreak, after over a decade) stated:

    “Through his leadership, he guided the world into a new era of politics in which black and white, developing and developed, north and south … stood for the first time together on equal terms.

    “Through his dignity, grace and the quality of his forgiveness, he made racism everywhere not just immoral but stupid; something not only to be disagreed with, but to be despised. In its place he put the inalienable right of all humankind to be free and to be equal.

    “I worked with him closely … ” (iii) said the man whose desire for “humankind to be free and equal” (tell that to the Iraqis) now includes demolishing Syria and possibly Iran.

    As ever, it seems with Blair, the memories of others are a little different:

    “Nelson Mandela felt so betrayed by Blair’s decision to join the US-led invasion of Iraq that he launched a fiery tirade against him in a phone call to a cabinet minister, it emerged.

    “Peter Hain who (knew) the ex-South African President well, said Mandela was ‘breathing fire’down the line in protest at the 2003 military action.

    “The trenchant criticisms were made in a formal call to the Minister’s office, not in a private capacity, and Blair was informed of what had been said, Hain added.

    ‘I had never heard Nelson Mandela so angry and frustrated.” (iv)

    On the BBC’s flagship morning news programme “Today”, former Prime Minister “Iraq is a better place, I’d do it again” Blair, said of Nelson Mandela:

    ” … he came to represent something quite inspirational for the future of the world and for peace and reconciliation in the 21st century.”

    Comment is left to former BBC employee, Elizabeth Morley, with peerless knowledge of Middle East politics, who takes no prisoners:

    “Dear Today Complaints,

    “How could you? Your almost ten minute long interview with the war criminal Tony Blair was the antithesis to all the tributes to the great man. I cannot even bring myself to put the two names in the same sentence. How could you?

    “Blair has the blood of millions of Iraqis on his hands. Blair has declared himself willing to do the same to Iranians. How many countries did Mandela bomb? Blair condones apartheid in Israel. Blair turns a blind eye to white supremacists massacring Palestinians. And you insult us by making us listen to him while our hearts and minds are focussed on Mandela.

    How could you?” (Reproduced with permission.)

    As the avalanche of hypocrisy cascades across the globe from shameless Western politicians, Archbishop Desmond Tutu reflected in two lines the thoughts in the hearts of the true mourners:

    “We are relieved that his suffering is over, but our relief is drowned by our grief. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.”

  2. Marco Says:

    If one examines it closer with these incidents you will note that it is only the personal from the Army that have faced visa, scholarship & diplomatic credential “challenges” and none from the Sri Lankan Navy or Air Force.

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    ” A legitimate army was being targeted for taking on terrorism, whereas those who had engaged in terrorism here had been given safe haven in many parts of the world” – Maj. Gen. Jagath Dias.

    Why then are Presidents George W. Bush & Barack Obama not yet blacklisted by Australia … for the kidnapping and torture of people in Iraq, and the “colatteral damage” of Drone attacks? Those are not battlefield crimes, but deliberate crimes committed with premeditation and forethought!

    Is it because Brown Skinned soldiers are “Prohibited” from succeeding brilliantly in the defense of even their own country, putting to shame the murderous serial bunglers of the Neo-Imperialist West?

    Fear not, dear Major General Jagath Dias, you occupy a very special place in our Sri Lankan hearts and minds, and our Gratitude, Love and Admiration for you will NEVER DIM and will SHINE FOREVER!

    SL army bitter, alleges international witch hunt” *Denial of Aussie visa to Dias”

    By Shamindra Ferdinando
    December 6, 2013

    The Australian High Commission yesterday declined to comment on its controversial decision to deprive Maj. Gen. Jagath Dias of the opportunity to join an ICRC-organised project in Australia on the basis of unsubstantiated war crimes allegations made by UK media outfit, Channel 4 News.

    Asked for a clarification, a spokesperson for the Australian High Commission said: “Our privacy laws prevent us from commenting on any visa matter.”

    Maj. Gen. Jagath Dias told The Island that he had been informed of the Australian decision on Thursday. The former Commanding Officer (GOC) of the 57 Division alleged that a section of the international community was resorting to punitive measures citing unproven allegations.

    The Gajaba Regiment veteran pointed out that those commanding officers of other armies engaged in fight against terrorism in other parts of the world were never subject to such humiliation though they, too, were subject to a range of allegations. Maj. Gen. Dias said: “We are being singled out by those wanting to appease the LTTE rump working closely with the international community.”

    Adjutant General Dias said that rejection of his visa application wasn’t an isolated case. A legitimate army was being targeted for taking on terrorism, whereas those who had engaged in terrorism here had been given safe haven in many parts of the world, he said.

    Earlier the ICRC Office in Colombo told The Island that procedural matters, relating to international travel, were beyond the control of the ICRC.

    The ICRC declined to clarify what it meant by procedural matters relating to international travel. Asked whether the Australian High Commission had informed the ICRC mission of its decision to turn down the request made by Dias, an ICRC spokesperson answered in the negative.

    However, the Australian HC informed the External Affairs Ministry of its decision on Thursday.

    Since the conclusion of the conflict in May 2009, several senior military officials including the GOC of the celebrated 58 Division Maj. Gen. Shavendra Silva have been deprived of foreign scholarships.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    Here comes a TNA MP bearing a “Gift Horse” to undermine the Sri ankan Troy!

    NEVER involve international parties in any “accountability” effort in Sri Lanka … as this Tiger Nominated Agent proposes!

    Like Noway’s involvement which saw the slow legitimization of a terrorist group on the world stage, such an act will SLOWLY UNDERMINE Sri Lanka’s Sovereignty and INSTEAD OF ENDING the allegations will open up a CONTINUOUS PROCESS of foreign interference in Sri Lanka.

    NEVER AGAIN should such a thing be contemplated.

    We warned the GOSL that FAILURE to hold the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA ACCOUNTABLE for their support of LTTE terrorism and their TREASON against Sri Lanka at many different levels including inviting foreign invasions of our country, and EMPOWERING them through the Northern PC Election, will ONLY ENCOURAGE MORE TREACHERY.

    And as WE PREDICTED it has come to PASS that Sri Lanka’s difficulties have INCREASED, not ABATED by the ABJECT CAPTITULATION to Terrorist Separatistss and Foreign Powers plying their own agendas.

    At least NOW, the GOSL should backtrack, and implement the following

    9-POINT PROGRAM for Peace & Security in Sri Lanka

    1. REPEAL the 13th Amendment
    2. DISMANTLE the Provincial Council System
    3. ELIMINATE Indian Involvement in Reconstruction & Rehabilitation efforts in the North & East
    4. REDUCE Indian Involvement and Investment in Sri Lanka’s economy
    5. END Military cooperation with India; they can’t and don’t help SRi Lanka with any weapons ANYWAY!
    6. SECURE Sri Lanka’s coastline with coast guard and naval bases within EYESIGHT of each other to protect Sri Lanka’s Maritime resources and PREVENT illegal immigration, gun running, and goods smuggling
    7. LAUNCH a thorough investigation of the CITIZENSHIP STATUS of the residents of Sri Lanka to IDENTIFY & DEPORT upto 1.6 MILLION ILLEGAL aliens from TAmil Nadu as indicated by the 2012 Census.
    8. ADOPT Ethnic Integration as National Policy with the goal of achieving a UNIFORM ETHNIC DISTRIBUTION nationwide, without REGIONAL ethno/religious concentrations.
    9. INCREASE the number of Armed Forces camps and Personnel in former LTTE-infected territories, PERMANENTLY SETTLE military personnel AND their FAMILIES in the North and East as part of Ethnic Integration, providing land, good hmes, schools, hospitals and other INFRASTRUCTURE to INCENTIVIZE PERMANENT SETTLEMENT by Sinhala people in these areas. In the Final Analysis, Ethnic Integration of this kind is the only permanent hope for peace and security of the people of Sri Lanka.

    The END of CHOGM, and the CLEAR DISPLAY OF ENMITY by India, Tamil Nadu, and Western Nations with large Sri Lankan Eelamist Tamil Populations, has given the GOSL the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENT the above 9-POINT PROGRAM in the National Interest.

    Carpe’ Diem! Seize the Day!

    Sri Lanka’s accountability issue will not go away unless government agrees to international involvement – Tamil MP

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 07, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s major Tamil political party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) says international involvement is needed to resolve the accountability issues and bring reconciliation.

    TNA parliamentarian, M.A. Sumanthiran has said in parliament that that if the government agrees to an international inquiry or at least an international involvement in the process of resolving the differences, it will move the country forward.

    He noted that Sri Lanka now has a great opportunity to agree to a process under the aegis of the United Nations.

    Pointing out that questions of accountability will never go away until they are met squarely and sincerely, Sumanthiran said the government must make use of the opportunity to bring an end to the misery suffered by people for decades in the country.

    He added that the External Affairs Ministry should take note of this fact and redirect its course.

    According to Sumanthiran, the time between now and the next UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) sessions that is less than six months away is enough if the government acts with sincerity.

    The international community is pressuring Sri Lankan government to conduct a credible and transparent inquiry into the allegations of war crimes and human rights violations to address the accountability issue.

    British Prime Minister David Cameron warned the government that UK will use whatever in their power at the UNHRC to bring an international probe if Sri Lankan government fails to conduct an independent probe by March 2014.

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    Here comes a TNA MP bearing a “Gift Horse” to undermine the Sri Lankan Troy!

    NEVER involve international parties in any “accountability” effort in Sri Lanka … as this Tiger Nominated Agent proposes!

    Like Norway’s involvement which saw the slow legitimization of a terrorist group on the world stage, such an act will SLOWLY UNDERMINE Sri Lanka’s Sovereignty and INSTEAD OF ENDING the allegations will open up a CONTINUOUS PROCESS of foreign interference in Sri Lanka.

    NEVER AGAIN should such a thing be contemplated.

    We warned the GOSL that FAILURE to hold the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA ACCOUNTABLE for their support of LTTE terrorism and their TREASON against Sri Lanka at many different levels including inviting foreign invasions of our country, and EMPOWERING them through the Northern PC Election, will ONLY ENCOURAGE MORE TREACHERY.

    And as WE PREDICTED it has come to PASS that Sri Lanka’s difficulties have INCREASED, not ABATED by the ABJECT CAPITULATION to Terrorist Separatists and Foreign Powers plying their own agendas.

    At least NOW, the GOSL should backtrack, and implement the following

    9-POINT PROGRAM for Peace & Security in Sri Lanka

    1. REPEAL the 13th Amendment
    2. DISMANTLE the Provincial Council System
    3. ELIMINATE Indian Involvement in Reconstruction & Rehabilitation efforts in the North & East
    4. REDUCE Indian Involvement and Investment in Sri Lanka’s economy
    5. END Military cooperation with India; they can’t and don’t help SRi Lanka with any weapons ANYWAY!
    6. SECURE Sri Lanka’s coastline with coast guard and naval bases within EYESIGHT of each other to protect Sri Lanka’s Maritime resources and PREVENT illegal immigration, gun running, and goods smuggling
    7. LAUNCH a thorough investigation of the CITIZENSHIP STATUS of the residents of Sri Lanka to IDENTIFY & DEPORT upto 1.6 MILLION ILLEGAL aliens from TAmil Nadu as indicated by the 2012 Census.
    8. ADOPT Ethnic Integration as National Policy with the goal of achieving a UNIFORM ETHNIC DISTRIBUTION nationwide, without REGIONAL ethno/religious concentrations.
    9. INCREASE the number of Armed Forces camps and Personnel in former LTTE-infected territories, PERMANENTLY SETTLE military personnel AND their FAMILIES in the North and East as part of Ethnic Integration, providing land, good hmes, schools, hospitals and other INFRASTRUCTURE to INCENTIVIZE PERMANENT SETTLEMENT by Sinhala people in these areas. In the Final Analysis, Ethnic Integration of this kind is the only permanent hope for peace and security of the people of Sri Lanka.

    The END of CHOGM, and the CLEAR DISPLAY OF ENMITY by India, Tamil Nadu, and Western Nations with large Sri Lankan Eelamist Tamil Populations, has given the GOSL the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENT the above 9-POINT PROGRAM in the National Interest.

    Carpe’ Diem! Seize the Day!

    Sri Lanka’s accountability issue will not go away unless government agrees to international involvement – Tamil MP

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 07, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s major Tamil political party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) says international involvement is needed to resolve the accountability issues and bring reconciliation.

    TNA parliamentarian, M.A. Sumanthiran has said in parliament that that if the government agrees to an international inquiry or at least an international involvement in the process of resolving the differences, it will move the country forward.

    He noted that Sri Lanka now has a great opportunity to agree to a process under the aegis of the United Nations.

    Pointing out that questions of accountability will never go away until they are met squarely and sincerely, Sumanthiran said the government must make use of the opportunity to bring an end to the misery suffered by people for decades in the country.

    He added that the External Affairs Ministry should take note of this fact and redirect its course.

    According to Sumanthiran, the time between now and the next UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) sessions that is less than six months away is enough if the government acts with sincerity.

    The international community is pressuring Sri Lankan government to conduct a credible and transparent inquiry into the allegations of war crimes and human rights violations to address the accountability issue.

    British Prime Minister David Cameron warned the government that UK will use whatever in their power at the UNHRC to bring an international probe if Sri Lankan government fails to conduct an independent probe by March 2014.

  6. Marco Says:

    I wondered if Lankaweb would consider a “news spot” where links and copy and paste articles like the ones above are posted instead of the repetitive and monotonous nature takes away the gist of the main article.

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    As I said before Australia is acting VERY SELFISH.

    The bottomline is Australian “friendly” conduct is DISADVANTAGEOUS to SL.

    1. SL have to keep disgusting kallathoniyas without letting them go to Australia.
    2. Not banned the LTTE.
    3. Insult our war heroes.

    SL should start resending kallathoniyas back to Australia. That should teach them a lesson.

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    “Sri Lanka’s accountability issue will not go away unless government agrees to international involvement – Tamil MP”

    If we think the current political set up can resolve this problem, DREAM ON!

    Only a military take over can put this nonsense to rest.

  9. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  10. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    What Marco and SW have said carries validity towards the dilution of the gist of the main article. Some of these inserts would make good reading matter by themselves if posted under a caption.Probably a point for Lankaweb to ponder upon rather than post what at times are full length features by themselves although their importance cannot for a moment be shrugged off.

  11. SA Kumar Says:

    Only a military take over can put this nonsense to rest.- agrred not only NP but also whole country …
    You Sakkiliya Modaya !!!!
    Soon Indian PM will be landed in Palali Airport !!!

  12. SA Kumar Says:

    Gota & Basil in New Delhi for Mr Sighn intinery prepration , soon another IPKF will be in our Hela (Eelam) Nation .
    We Tamil have to prepare to kick these foriegn forces than our President call us abbey Koddiya (Thambis) than We fight each other….
    circle goes on….. no wonder Lord Bhuddha said , Life is circle !!! now I understand what he mean by …..
    you Thamil Sakkiliya & Chinhala Modayas … never learn for last 2,500 years !!!

  13. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    Who is this idiot SA Kumar who can neither relate to proper English, spell or be understood? His incoherent ignorant mutterings laced in racial undertones have no place in LankaWeb.Other Websites do not permit direct postings of reader comments, they are scrutinized and approved first and its time LankaWeb did exactly this.
    In the meantime Kumar, just take a hike and be careful about what you say here as you could be in for a rude surprise!

  14. Ananda-USA Says:

    OK … all of us KNOW this …. but what is the GOSL going to do about it?

    Where is the RETRIBUTION/PUNISHMENT under the Law of the Land for their TREASON & CRIMES, past & present?

    Spare the ROD and SPOIL the Separatist!

    ‘TNA continues anti-govt propaganda’

    by P. Krishnaswamy
    December 8, 2013

    The TNA is continuing its anti-government propaganda by taking advantage of its status as the people’s representatives, disregarding the fact that it was President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s commitment to restore democracy in the terrorism-torn province that helped hold the election, Minister of Mass Media and Information Keheliya Rambukwella told the Sunday Observer.

    It is evident that the party has not changed its pro-LTTE political approach and ideologies and took every opportunity to tarnish the Government’s image both here and abroad along with the pro-LTTE diaspora groups, he said.

    TNA MP S. Sritharan told Parliament recently that the LTTE’s ‘Heroes’ Day’ should be commemorated. During a recent meeting at Trincomalee with a US delegation, party leader R.Sambanthan had alleged that the government is not ‘interested in reconciliation’ and Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran had threatened to violate the law if he was prevented from entering specific security areas in the North.

    All these moves prove that they had not deviated from the stand of the now defunct LTTE, he said. In spite of all such threats, law and order will be strictly maintained in the country, the Minister said.

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    “Who is this idiot SA Kumar who can neither relate to proper English, spell or be understood?”

    Idiots are in this world and LW has its share! He doesn’t say anything decent after May 2009. I guess we all know why.

    LW moderators must delete his profile.

  16. SA Kumar Says:

    Sunil Mahattaya/Lorenzo
    Do not worry about my English take my point only ,
    LW moderators are know very well who is who ???
    just take a hike and be careful about what you say here as you could be in for a rude surprise! ! I am waiting !( like Actor Vijey’s style)

  17. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


    LANKA WEB NOW KNOWS ” who is who ”.

  18. SA Kumar Says:

    just take a hike and be careful about what you say here as you could be in for a rude surprise! -this is Sunil Mahattaya comments .

    Susantha Wijesinghe , who is threatening to kill who ??? take it easy mate !

    Anpe Siva !!! love is God !

    Live & let live Sakothram – We both community live together last 2,500 in mother Lanka & will live for another 3,000 Years !

  19. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  20. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    There is a definite felt need to maintain decorum here.
    Almost all reputed web sites publish reader comments only after careful screening so why not LankaWeb?
    Any comments related to swearing, slangging, racism , personal attacks and the promotion of anti government dialogue leaning towards Tamil tiger sympathies need to be ruled unacceptable and screened.The integrity of LankaWeb definitely needs toi be maintained nand all refuse such as what this individual posts unconditionally trashed!

  21. SA Kumar Says:

    Susantha Wijesinghe- No hard felling mate !

    Sunil Mahattaya
    There is a definite felt need to maintain decorum here.-Agrred but I am sure LB moderators screening all comments and maintain both side balance .

  22. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


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