Amnesty Defends Tamil Donation -Dompost 11/12/13
Posted on December 11th, 2013

Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM Spokesperson, United Sri Lanka Assn. Lower Hutt

The Editor,
Dear Editor,
 Grant Baylon’s   defense of receiving $50,000 from a front of the FBI’s worlds most brutal terrorists, one of whose directors is in an US jail for trying to purchase arms for them is less than laudable. Such a sophisticated operation is hardly likely to lay down conditions overtly.

If Amnesty International  is pursuing redress to victims of human rights violations without bias, why have they not raised a whimper of protest, at the funders of  three decades of violation of the most fundamental of all human rights ,  the right to life of twenty million Sri Lankans , through Tiger terror. These funders , now renamed the World and British Tamil Forum and Trans National Government  of Tamil Elam , operate freely in the west , especially in UK and  Canada, covertly directing the propaganda war against Sri Lanka.

The lady who hung  cyanide capsules  round the necks of hundreds of  Tiger child fighters on their way to terror missions,  also leads a charmed life in the UK without uncomfortable questions being raised by Amnesty.

The esteem of Amnesty among the millions of victims of Tiger Terror   will rise, when , it takes up the case  for them  too.

Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM


United Sri Lanka Assn.

Lower Hutt

2 Responses to “Amnesty Defends Tamil Donation -Dompost 11/12/13”

  1. Vis8 Says:

    Amnesty intl is bankrupt, financially and morally. Terror money goes a long way for them.

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    The moment the News was out that, Amnesty International accepted $50.000 as a Donation from the Tamil Tiger Proxy, the LTTE TAMIL Diaspora, Sri Lanka should have asked AI to pack up and leave immediately. WE MISSED THE BUS THERE TOO. Nevertheless, it is never too late. WE DO NOT NEED INTERLOPERS.

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