TNA lament over Mandela?
Posted on December 11th, 2013

Dr Donald Chandraratna Perth Australia

 It is ironic that those who paid scant regard for human life at one time are now eulogizing Mandela who was a more of a moral leader than a political leader. This includes those leaders of western societies who were dithering for over thirty years and many centuries prior to that, who let South Africans suffer brutality at the hands of their forebears with impunity. I am in particular bemused by the comments of TNA that remind me, in retrospect, of their moral inadequacy at the time that their sole leader was killing members of their ethnicity and others without restriction. To keep mum when other ethnic groups were callously murdered by the LTTE but cry out only when ones own group is allegedly murdered, is restricting human-ness only to a group, ethnic, racial or tribal. a kind of irrational specieism. TNA ethics remind us of the ancient Greek Roman times when homosapiens did not include the slaves and other barbarians who did not qualify for humanness.

 TNA members and other western politicians have lost moral credibility to talk of the supreme human values that Mandela espoused. Ethics demand that one’s life is a right, the sanctity of which cannot be traded off against any other, be it for a right, an aspiration or the pleasure of others. How much guilty should the TNA be to keep mum when scores of innocent people were slaughtered all around them. As moral beings they were under a prima facie obligation to disown their allegiance to an indecent human being.  Inability to do so for whatever abject reason makes them culpable for all LTTE atrocities. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission that they are recommending will give them an opportunity to say sorry to a nation The TNA which laments that the Sri Lankan state has blocked their path to ‘autonomy’, a right which emanates from individual autonomy, was silent when the LTTE deprived over twenty two million people of their autonomy by forcing them to choose between wanting to live or die, on a daily basis for three decades. They should take note that it is on the fundamental choice of life and death that other choices of autonomy, such as the claim for separate existence depends. TNA must understand that demands for separate existence has the possibility to put other sentient beings to the brink of a choice between living and dying on a daily basis, however distant the possibility.  History teaches us that bigger catastrophe’s arose from smaller beginnings.

 Mandela fought against apartheid- a kind of separatism. Even after the defeat of white rule in 1994 the South Africans slept easy because Mandela was a symbol of reassurance that there will not be separatism and ethnic strife. TNA is oblivious to the magnanimity and plain human decency that many are standing up for coexistence and that ethnicity does not matter for Sri Lanka’s future. In the 1990’s when an ethnic apocalypse was an ever-looming possibility, perhaps some miracle in 2009 averted that danger. It is morally bankrupt of both the TNA and other Western leaders to drive a wedge in the difficult reconciliation process.  Pushing Sri Lanka to a full-scale ethnic war with the help of external forces, ideological and physical is the agenda of some elements. Separate but equal development that Mr Sambandan is crying out for is a recipe for a full-scale racial conflagration given the external geopolitics of Sri Lanka, as well as the internal demographics of the country.  Remember we must, that Mandela’s exhortation to South Africans that bringing about reconciliation is a bigger task than merely defeating apartheid. To be free and equal is not merely to cast off one’s chains but to live in a way that respects and enhances the lives of all others.   

 Dr Donald Chandraratna

Perth Australia 

13 Responses to “TNA lament over Mandela?”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    In SL, Apartheid is called Vesawalami law imposed by Tamils from Jaffna against all others.

    There are Apartheid like GHETTOES in Wellawattei, Kottanchena, Mattakkuli, etc.

  2. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    The article is compelling and gives the reasons of the hypocrisy of the TNA. Now what? What is apparent is that the TNA is the voice of LITE and always will be. The only option left is action. Action to expose the TNA as the voice of LITE and as long as they continue being the voice of LITE they should be removed from office permanently

    Hold another election where the Tamil minority will vote in a party that voices their concerns and not that of the LITE


    I think we are wasting our precious time and skills in writing and trying to compare TNA to others. We must get rid of the provincial councils and save money to develop the country. MR should have done this soon after the eradication of LTTE.

  4. Christie Says:

    India and Indian terrorist arm branded Tamil Tigers were trying to protect and preserve their privileges they enjoyed under the British-Indian imperialism and now Indian imperialism. The violent war is over but the nonviolent war continues and India and its supporters will continue destroy the non Indians in its Empire.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    Here is an update re TNA activities. Not very promising !

    Thursday, December 12, 2013
    Daily News

    Civilian or Military, a Governor has to play by the rules:

    The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has to abide by the country’s Constitution and the National Policy as members of the Northern Provincial Council, Northern province Governor G. A. Chandrasiri said yesterday. “Acting against the Constitution, the Tamil National Alliance has prepared budget proposals to initiate departments in the Northern Province at their inaugural budget,” Governor Chandrasiri charged. The Governor said he has approved the Northern Provincial Council’s appropriation budget. “I made a note that they can only establish Authorities in the Province according to the Constitution.

    “I had to tell them that they are expected to uphold the Constitution and the National Policy as the councilors”. “They have attempted to set up a department of housing and a department of transport,” Governor Chandrasiri revealed.

    He said they had to follow Constitutional procedures to set up departments in the Northern Province.

    “There are some administrative units and structures which require the approval of the President,the governor and the Chief Minister of the Province,” he explained.

    Northern Province Chief Minister C. V. Wigneswaran had presented the inaugural budget of the Northern Provincial Council on Tuesday. “I told them that they can only set up Authorities for the subject of Transport and Housing,” the Governor said. “Their main focus of the budget debate was to get a civilian governor for the Northern Province, saying that this Governor should be a person with no military background”.

    “Civil or military, the Governor of the Province functions according to the Constitution,”he pointed out. “It appears they they will be pleased to have a governor who does not have any knowledge about the Provincial Council system who would say “Yes” to anything they say,” said Chandrasiri.

  6. Christie Says:

    TNA lament over Mandela?
    There are almost 2 million Indians in SA and have been exploiting the blacks since their arrival in SA. SA is similar to SL in some respect. The poverty and crime is high among the blacks like in SL where poverty and crime is high among the non Indians. Indians in SA are united like in SL. Indians in SA have been and are still behind the Tamil Tigers and Indian imperialists.

  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    Please note this truth :

    “Dixit explained lucidly New Delhi’s decision to destabilize Sri Lanka. The outspoken diplomat said that India had no option but to take measures due to Sri Lanka’s evolving security connections with the US, Pakistan and Israel. Dixit stressed that India’s motivations as well as actions Vis-a-Vis Sri Lanka should be analysed in the context of the regional as well as global political, security and economic environment during the 1980-1984 period. Dixit went on to allege that the US and Pakistan exploited the rise of Tamil militancy to create what he called a politico-strategic pressure point against India in the island nation.”

    Note again this part : ” The outspoken diplomat said that India had no option but to take measures due to Sri Lanka’s evolving security connections with the US, Pakistan and Israel”.

    THIS SHOWS THE PART ABOUT THE COLD WAR & HOW S.E. ASIA GETS DRAGGED IN. This is why the ltte grew in leaps and bounds during the times of the Cold War. Tamil Separatism (to erase Tamil Caste Wars) rode to he back of the Cold War. The 1983 Riots were trumped up so that Tamils could go West as Refugees. The rest is history.

    TNA : Hello out there ! the Cold War is over (1945-1991). Are the Tamil Caste Wars are still on ? Time to erase that too through Development (as per GoSL & the UN Rappoteur – yesterday’s report).

    Please note that Sri Lanka has no jurisdiction over what happens in Tamil Nadu or their leaders.

  8. Ananda-USA Says:

    We Sri Lankans suggest that Britain follows Mandela’s example of Reconciliation and RECONCILE with the Nazi’s and the Al-Quaida!

    When that has been done, come back and ask Sri Lanka again to RECONCILE with UNREPENTANT Murderous Racist Separatists trying to create an Apartheid Bantustan in Sri Lanka.

    Until then, Britain should really mind its own business … instead of trying to advance its Neo-Colonialist Ambitions in the developing world … dishing out advice to others it NEVER FOLLOWS itself!

    Britain suggests Sri Lanka to follow Mandela’s example for reconciliation

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 11, London: Sri Lanka should follow Mandela’s example to bring peace and unity to the country’s people, the UK government suggests.

    Paying tribute to the former South African leader, late Nelson Mandela in the House of Commons of UK parliament on Monday, the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said Sri Lanka should emulate South Africa’s truth and reconciliation process.

    Clegg said that Nelson Mandela laid down a “blueprint” that has made it possible for other divided communities, such as in Northern Ireland, to reject violence, overcome their differences and make a fresh beginning.

    “That is why I hope, in communities where people are still struggling to replace violence and conflict with peace and stability, that the principles of forgiveness and reconciliation that Mandela embodied are followed by others too,” he said.

    He noted that recently the House debated the alleged human rights abuses in Sri Lanka.

    “Surely there could be no better way for that country to heal its wounds and bring peace and unity to all its people than to follow Mandela’s example and emulate South Africa’s truth and reconciliation process,” the deputy Prime Minister of Britain said.

    Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, already showing interest in learning more about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa and its process and the outcome, discussed the South Africa’s model with that country’s President Jacob Zuma when the two leaders met on the sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Colombo last month.

  9. Fran Diaz Says:


    Radhika Coomaraswamy echoed Brit sentiments on the Mandela reconciliation theme. It’s a Birds of a Feather thing, y’know !

  10. Ananda-USA Says:

    Nazi Germany was an existential threat of the PAST to Britain, and Al-Quaida is a CURRENT continuing threat to Britain. Britain has not, and will not, “Reconcile” with either the Nazis of the PAST, or the Al-Quaida of the PRESENT.

    The Tamil Separatists of Sri Lanka was an EXISTENTIAL threat to Sovereign Sri Lanka in the RECENT PAST, and is a CURRENT CONTINUING threat to Sri Lanka today.

    It would be ASININE and a MONUMENTAL FOLLY for any Rational People, and their National Government, to “Reconcile” with a movement posing a IMMEDIATE and PRESENT danger to their very EXISTENCE.

    There can NEVER BE “Reconciliation” with the UNREPENTANT Eelamist enemies of Sri Lanka … because their objectives are the DESTRUCTION of Sri Lanka …. until two GENERATIONS from now when the ideology deeply embedded in the minds of the brainwashed adherents of Eelam has lost support and FADED from the COLLECTIVE MEMORY of the brainwashed and the greedy.

    Until then, Sri Lankans must GIRD their LOINS, take up their ARMS, and GUARD the RAMPARTS of Sri Lanka against all enemies … within and without, overt and covert … who assail the shores of our beloved Motherland!


    Let them FIRST come to their senses, acknowledging their crimes against the Nation, committed to citizenship of Sri Lanka with EQUAL RIGHTS, not demanding one iota more than other citizens receive, committed to ONE Indivisible Nation, of ONE Inseparable People, sharing ONE National Destiny, and committed to the EQUAL RESPONSIBILITY to Love, Protect and Defend our Mother Lanka against all its enemies.

    Then RECONCILIATION will no longer be an issue, for it will have been achieved by transformation of the descendents of the Separatist Racist Eelamists, inn mind, body, and spirit into Loyal non-Racist Sri Lankan citizens.

  11. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    It is a common tactic of any terrorist group world wide to holler when their members are killed but are silent when they kill others. I would go as far to say it is common practice even in warfare. The US has and will never be ashamed of using her first nuclear bombs on Japanese cities with pathetic excuses that using the bomb was the only way to defeat the Japanese. seldom it is even mentioned that the first bomb could have been detonated on an uninhabited island for the Japanese military to see what would happen if the bomb was used on a city.

    Sometimes the only way to defeat such treachery is to do what the enemy does. Holler when a Sri Lankan is killed by the still existing LITE and be silent when taking them out.

  12. SA Kumar Says:

    Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha
    tactic of any terrorist group , common practice even in warfare, never be ashamed etc….
    Why We are confusing our self lot !
    War is our , Thanks to MR Family ,We are small country live & let live for ever !

    United Mother Lanka for every one of us !!!

  13. SA Kumar Says:

    war is over ..

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