TNA will bring grief, not joy to Tamils – Prof. Rohan Gunaratna
Posted on December 11th, 2013

Nadira Gunatilleke Courtesy The Daily News

Cdn-2012-tag---Future-Visio_0.jpgToday, the TNA is radicalizing and militarizing the Tamil youth: terrorism will emerge unless Sri Lanka takes firm action against fanatics like Sritharan glorifying terrorist-criminals. Taking action will deter the emergence of fanatics like Sritharan in the future! Even after a huge loss of human lives, Sritharan continued to inflame racial passions. Like Sritharan, a few other racist leaders in the TNA suffer from an inferiority complex. Incapable of transcending their racial passions, it is they who want to emulate Prabhakaran, Prof. Rohan Gunaratne told the Daily News during a recent interview.

Professor Rohan Gunaratna is Head of the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research in Singapore and he is the author of Inside Al-Qaeda (Columbia University, New York, 2002). Prof. Gunaratna is the lead author of Pakistan: Ground Zero Terrorism (Reaktion, London, 2011).

Excerpts from the interview:

Q: Sri Lanka will take part in March 2014 UNHRC session and with the HR gains that we have made and new initiatives on the diplomatic front, how can Sri Lanka ensure a better acquittal at the sessions even if it will be dominated by the Western agenda?

A: Geneva is no longer an exercise in human rights but in geopolitics and superpower politics. After the colossal loss of human lives in Afghanistan and Iraq, the West has lost their moral right to pinpoint the finger at others. British Prime Minister David Cameron did not raise human rights issues during his recent visit to China and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper during his recent visit to Indonesia. If they intended to do so, they would have not been welcomed either by China or by Indonesia. The people in those countries would have immediately labeled them hypocrites after the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It was not human rights but domestic political compulsions that forced the Canadian, British, Mauritian and Indian leaders to take a certain stand at CHOGM. Except the Indian leader, all the others met with the LTTE front, cover and sympathetic groups. The Tamil vote in the UK and Canada has been mobilized by the LTTE to exercise constituency pressure on Cameron and Harper! In Mauritius and in Tamil Nadu, the LTTE pressurized the co-ethnics. Today, Sri Lanka is an easy target of the West and Sri Lanka should fight back but intelligently by exposing the duality of Western policy. Did the West raise human rights concerns about the violations in Saudi Arabia, a major oil producer and Bahrain, where the US maintains a military presence? With the shift in global power from the West to the East, the Western nations use human rights as a weapon but selectively. Nonetheless, Sri Lanka should plan meticulously for the March 2014 UNHRC session. The Sri Lankan response should focus on the progress it has made since May 2009.

Q: There is a call for the setting up of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Sri Lanka, on the lines of the one set up by the late South African leader Nelson Mandela. Is this a practical suggestion or is the work done by the LLRC enough?

A: The LLRC is comparable to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The conditions in every country are unique and one should not impose the South African TRC on Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan government and its partners should continue to implement the remaining recommendations of the LLRC. The spirit of both these commissions is similar. It is restorative justice – it is to restore life rather punitive justice – punish the perpetrators of violence. Of 12,000 terrorists, the government has rehabilitated and reintegrated 11,600 terrorists. Although they conducted border village massacres, placed bombs in public places, assassinated leaders and attacked the Security Forces, they were not imprisoned. After successful rehabilitation, they live peacefully, having returned to their families, joined university, or found government or private sector employment. The Government should continue to highlight the remarkable progress it has made to resettle in recorded time 283,000 IDPs, remove 500,000 mines, and economically develop the North and East. Although in the South, there are poorer areas as affected as the Vanni, the North grew at 22 per cent and the rest of the country at 7 per cent, but, no Sinhalese or Muslim protested.

Q: One suggestion of the LLRC was to conduct a census on the war dead, not just in the last phase but throughout the war period from 1982 onwards. How do you think this will help Sri Lanka’s cause in the international arena?

A: A census on the war dead since Velupillai Prabhakaran murdered the Mayor of Jaffna Alfred Duraiapah in 1975 should be conducted. This will help Sri Lanka to set the record straight and also ask the question what did the British government do when the LTTE attacked the Sri Maha Bodhiya in Anuradhapura and massacred the monks, nuns, pilgrims and bystanders in 1985? Did David Cameron’s predecessor close down the LTTE International Secretariat in London? One of the worst human rights violators, the former LTTE Jaffna leader Sathasivam Krishnakumar alias Kittu was head of the secretariat in London. From the UK, he engaged in extortion to providing the crucial support for the Rajiv Gandhi assassination masterminded by Prabhakaran. Although Kittu was served the quit notice, the LTTE remained in the UK and its new leaders initiated the procurement of 50 tones of TNT and 10 tones of RDX killing Sri Lankan leaders, security personnel, civilians and blowing up infrastructure, property and vehicles. The UK neglected the presence of a huge terrorist support infrastructure that led to the radicalization of Tamil migrants and eventually infiltration of the British political system. Today, the same and new LTTE leaders and activists have organized themselves into the Global Tamil Forum.

Q: Sri Lanka has been accused of dilly dallying on investigations into certain conflict-related killings. Do you think Sri Lanka needs to do more to investigate these and if necessary counter any false or evidence-less claims?

A: Sri Lanka should investigate the killings in the North and South and identify its advocates, supporters and perpetrators. How practical is it to bring the 11,600 rehabilitated terrorist criminals to justice? A third left for overseas including 3,000 now living in Australia! From the earlier migrations, over 6,000 Sri Lankan terrorists are now Canadian citizens. Nearly 800 recently migrated terrorists live in Canada. Will the British prosecute or extradite Adele Balasingham, advisor to the LTTE women’s wing ? Will the US extradite or prosecute LTTE Central Committee member Vishvanathan Rudrakumaran, TGTE leader? Will Norway extradite or prosecute Perinpanayagam Sivaparan alias Nediyawan, bodyguard of Prabhakaran and leader of the LTTE International Secretariat? Will Germany extradite or prosecute S. J. Emmanuel who justified suicide bombing, and leader of the Global Tamil Forum? Will France extradite or prosecute Vinayagam, the mastermind of the international airport attack and now leader of LTTE Headquarters’ group? Investigate, yes, bring them to justice, unlikely!

Q: The LTTE remnant leaders and lobby have shown signs of becoming stronger and their hand was clearly shown in relation to the British PM’s recent visit to the North and his call for an international probe while some others say our foreign missions need to do more. What do you think should be done to rectify this situation?

A: After the defeat of the LTTE in May of 2009, the Sri Lankan government made a monumental mistake. Like KP was brought home, government should file cases to bring the LTTE remnant leaders from overseas to Sri Lanka. It is not too late to execute international warrants against those who are still active! There is intelligence that most of those who are active internationally today are engaged in terrorist support and operational activity. As the government neglected this responsibility, the LTTE activists that funded terror and violence in Sri Lanka have persisted. Although terrorists are the world’s worst human rights violators, many terrorist activists reinvented themselves as human rights activists. As much as the LTTE was ruthless, it was deceptive. Today, the LTTE leaders wear three piece suits and parade in the corridors of power from the UN in New York to 10 Downing Street. It’s ironic but true, but, they hold meetings in the US Department of State, lobby British Parliamentarians, campaign as human rights activists in Geneva. Using votes and funds, they lure and trap politicians who really do not care for either Sri Lanka or human rights! As Wikileaks reported, David Miliband, who wanted the offensive against the LTTE halted, was driven by constituency pressure not by his concern for the Tamils! Sri Lanka’s criminal justice and prisons system should respond legally against LTTE remnants seeking to recuperate, mount a targeted strategic communications campaign in Tamil to reach out to the diasporas, and diplomatically reengage Western governments and leaders.

Q: From Sri Lanka’s side, Australia has taken a positive point of view in relation to LTTE activity and wartime incidents. At the same time, there is a notion articulated by the Opposition that Sri Lanka should warm up to the West generally, may be by taking certain HR related steps that could win their favour, given that most of these countries had banned the LTTE early on. What is your comment?

A: The former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr, a principled leader, realized Sri Lanka had defeated a brutal terrorist insurgency. Without getting carried away by constituency compulsions and joining the Western bandwagon, Senator Carr engaged Sri Lanka. Harper and Camaron can learn from the diplomacy of Carr and his successor Julie Bishop, the incumbent Australian Foreign Minister. Both Bishop and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott built trust and has more leverage in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan Parliamentary Opposition is right in its call for government to restore its relations with the West. Rather than engage in confrontational politics, the Government and parliamentary opposition should develop a bipartisan approach on national security and foreign policy matters.

Q: The Indian factor is very important for Sri Lanka. But pro-LTTE elements seem to have taken the upper hand in Tamil Nadu, which has affected policy making at the Centre. Any views on how this situation can be rectified?

A: The relationship between New Delhi and Colombo is “excellent” according to the Indian government. Sri Lanka’s security is tied to the political developments in Tamil Nadu. Today, the deterioration of the law and order situation and the terrorist-criminal-political nexus in Tamil Nadu is affecting Sri Lanka. The LTTE led gangs in Tamil Nadu attacked Sri Lankan pilgrims, Sri Lankan Buddhist temple, and threatened the Sri Lankan mission in Chennai. The same gangs paraded huge cut outs of Prabhakaran, organized political and fund raising events, and established safe houses to manufacture IEDs. The LTTE has rebuilt a base in Tamil Nadu and are pressurizing Manmohan Singh. To politically survive, the Prime Minister of India is dancing to the tune of Tamil Nadu politicians. Sri Lanka should understand this reality and help New Delhi and not criticize Singh for his non participation in CHOGM.

The Sri Lankan President should give the highest priority to normalizing ties with Tamil Nadu leaders. Although the Tamil Nadu leaders supporting the LTTE are among the most corrupt, Sri Lanka should restore relations with and engage the state of Tamil Nadu. One must never forget that Tamil Nadu was not only the main source of virulent Tamil nationalism, but, the training base for the LTTE. Colombo should build its biggest diplomatic mission in Chennai and engage the Tamil Nadu government and civil society leaders by inviting them to visit Sri Lanka. Further, Colombo should build a capacity in Tamil language to counter the distorted picture Tamil Nadu politicians are giving its citizens about Sri Lanka.

The Sri Lankan Navy should call for joint patrolling with the Indian Navy-Coast Guard to deter Indian trawlers engaged in bottom-line trawling totally destroying Sri Lanka’s marine ecosystem and habitat. As much as Sri Lanka should get its act together of intercepting any foreign vessel that crosses into its waters, New Delhi should address this issue.

If the Indian government and Tamil Nadu state governments are genuinely interested in uplifting the quality of Sri Lankan Tamil fishermen, it must stop illegal fishing carried out by Indian fishermen in Sri Lankan waters! If India is sincere in maintaining good relations with its neighbours, it must put a stop to its fishermen in the south crossing into Sri Lankan waters and even worse, using bottom line trawling! How can India aspire to be a regional power, let alone a superpower if it cannot control a few thousand of its fishermen engaging in illicit poaching?

Q: The NPC has again called for the withdrawal of the Army from the North and the appointment of a civilian governor soon after an MP glorified Prabhakaran in Parliament. Do you think there is a revival of LTTE-inspired sentiments in Sri Lanka as well and in any case can the military presence in the North be reduced?

A: The Sri Lankan government should initiate an investigation against anyone calling for the withdrawal of the Army from the North and they will find the hidden hand of the LTTE. With the military in the North, there will be no Tamil Eelam. While the Police should engage in day-to-day law and order functions, the military should remain in strength in the North to ensure security. As long as the LTTE remains active in Tamil Nadu, operates in the West, and its proxy the TNA is in power in the North, Sri Lanka should ensure a robust security presence in the North and East. Otherwise, like terrorism reemerged in Iraq and Afghanistan after the US declared victory, terrorism will reemerge in Sri Lanka. After the defeat of the LTTE, the strategy of the LTTE remnants and TNA is identical.

The Prevention of Terrorism Act is insufficient to deal with the current wave of ideological extremism, the precursor to terrorism. Without further loss of time, the Government should pass a Harmony Act or a Sedition Act to deter as well as charge and prosecute anyone seeking to revive separatism.

Today, the TNA is radicalizing and militarizing the Tamil youth: terrorism will emerge unless Sri Lanka takes firm action against fanatics like Sritharan glorifying terrorist-criminals. Taking action will deter the emergence of fanatics like Sritharan in future! Even after a huge loss of human lives, Sritharan continued to inflame racial passions. Like Sritharan, a few other racist leaders in the TNA suffer from an inferiority complex. Incapable of transcending their racial passions, it is they who want to emulate Prabhakaran!

Q: More than 32 countries have banned the LTTE but the pro-LTTE Tamil diaspora and LTTE remnants are active in many countries four years after the war ended. They seem to be very influential and fund raising appears to go ahead under the very noses of those Governments. Should SL play a more pro-active role diplomatically and intelligence-wise in countering any threat from these elements?

A: The Sri Lankan government has won the war in the battlefield but lost the media war overseas. The Ministry of External Affairs should create a post of an Additional Secretary for Public Diplomacy and build three divisions; strategic communications, diaspora affairs and NGO engagement. It will be a mistake to staff these posts exclusively with foreign service officers. Media, security and human rights specialists should be posted to Sri Lankan missions overseas and receive support from a 24/7 Watch Centre in Colombo linked to defence, media and other ministries.

The Watch Centre should monitor mainstream and social media and correct the disinformation and misinformation creating mis-perceptions. In Canada, UK and Tamil Nadu, the Sri Lankan missions did not rebut the false propaganda and portray the ground reality. The government also neglected NGOs: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and International Crisis Group gave a one sided view of Sri Lanka. The new capability should expose the LTTE activists who have overnight turned human rights activists; file cases against irresponsible media; track LTTE funding and its proxies, including the TNA and investigate how the TNA is brainwashing the youth with LTTE sentiments.

Q: Channel 4 has produced yet another ‘documentary’ which apparently portrays the execution of a LTTE female journalist by the Security Forces. In a significant victory, Sri Lanka could also screen a counter film at the European Parliament. What are the ways and means through which Sri Lanka could counter these threats?

A: Sri Lanka, recovering from 30 years of brutal terrorism, should focus on twin pillars: economic development and security. Sri Lanka should not over react to threats made by its detractors. With not a single act of terrorism since May 2009, Sri Lanka is today one of the safest countries in the world. In contrast, after Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan, India is the most affected by terrorism. The number one destination for global tourism, Sri Lanka should continue to improve its service sector from investment to finance. Colombo is also the cleanest city in South Asia: Sri Lanka is earning a reputation as the Garden City of Asia. Instead of taking peace for granted, Sri Lanka should change its electoral system, not permit ethnic or religious segregation, and create the Sri Lankan identity. To counter racist politicians ethnicizing its communities, Sri Lanka should ethnically and religiously mix its schools, create a national pledge, and seed Harmony clubs in every school to enhance interaction across ethnic and religious lines.

Q: How should the government deal with the TNA?

A: The LTTE cut the mainstream Tamil political leadership tree not from the branches but from the trunk. To fill the vacuum, the LTTE created the TNA, a racist party to breakup Sri Lanka. After the LTTE was defeated, the government should have proscribed the TNA, a party akin to the Nazi Party. The Sri Lankan government made a mistake by not proscribing the TNA, charging and prosecuting its leaders, members and supporters with ideological and operational links to the LTTE. They too should have been sent to the rehabilitation centres: some of them were more radicalized and militarized than hardcore LTTE leaders and members.

Although the TNA consist largely of separatists who legitimized the brutal violence and ideology of the LTTE, it has a few mainstream leaders such as Dharmalingam Sitharthan. Today, the TNA is fed by the LTTE front, cover and sympathetic organizations overseas and they are spreading the LTTE ideology in the north and east. Those with links to terrorism should never be permitted to campaign or stand for office. If future unity must be preserved, Sri Lanka should not tolerate ethnic and religious based parties but promote multi-ethnic and multi-religious parties.

Ethnicizing and religizing communities to win votes should be outlawed. If government does not take this bold step now, ideological extremism will once again poison the ground to a threshold leading to another wave of terrorism. Laws against incitement and hatred should be developed by the Attorney General’s Department and law enforcement authorities must take firm action against racism and separatist ideologies spread by individuals and groups by arresting them and confiscating their properties. The Tamil media, the main platform for disseminating racist ideas, should be closely monitored, and influenced to embrace Sri Lankan nationhood. The ruling party and UNP should recruit respectable Tamils to the national parties and government should phase out racist parties like the TNA and the SLMC by outlawing them permanently.

Q: What is the future of politics in the North and East?

A: In Sri Lanka, there is social harmony between communities until politicians interfere! Most Sri Lankans are not racists. It is the politicians that turn them to think along communal and sectarian lines! Sri Lanka is recovering and recuperating from 30 years of conflict. With the end of conflict and greater North-South interaction, I am confident that the North will produce visionary Tamil leaders that will think and act for all Sri Lankans. Coming out of racism is like coming out of a drug! I am less confident in the older generation of Tamil leaders who must share the tragedy they brought upon their community and Sri Lanka!

To rebuild inter – ethnic relations, the Sri Lankan government should invest time and energy in mainstream Tamil attitudes and opinions. The government should continue to create education and job opportunities in the North and East and build bridges with the South and West. To secure Sri Lanka’s future, the Government should recruit more Tamils and Muslims to its Security Forces, so that Tamils will feel that they have earned the trust of the other communities once more. To get rid of the suspicion and prejudice, the Government should create harmony platforms in every province, district, town and village to link all communities together through culture, education, employment, recreation etc. The government should reach out and work with Secretary General of the TULF V. Anandasangaree and other mainstream Tamil leaders who understand that like the LTTE, the TNA will never bring any joy to the Tamils, only grief.

With the return to normalcy, we are witnessing the rise of commerce in the North and tourism in the East. With infrastructure development, we are witnessing the making of a vibrant economy in the North and East. In parallel with economic development, government should link the North and South creating understanding and trust.

When the people to people contact, school to school contact, youth club to youth club contact is fostered, the Tamils will understand that the same problems they are facing in the North, the Sinhalese are also facing in the South and that there is no state or institutionalized discrimination. The visionary politicians from the South should invest resources and spend time in the North grooming a young generation of Tamils and leaders who believe in moderation, toleration and coexistence.

14 Responses to “TNA will bring grief, not joy to Tamils – Prof. Rohan Gunaratna”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    “The visionary politicians from the South should invest resources and spend time in the North grooming a young generation of Tamils and leaders who believe in moderation, toleration and coexistence.”

    This will never work.

    Do Tamils ever wanted moderation, toleration and coexistence?

    NO! They had many golden opportunities and they kicked them always.

    If they did, there is NO PROBLEM at all. It was ordinary Tamils who voted for Tamil racist political parties, TNA and its racist policies since 1947!!!!

    We have to think of a way to SAVE THE NORTH FROM Tamils. We cannot correct Tamils (MOST of them live outside SL). But we can save the north of SL from Tamils. That is what should happen.

  2. Ananda-USA Says:

    “Dixit explained lucidly New Delhi’s decision to destabilize Sri Lanka. The outspoken diplomat said that India had no option but to take measures due to Sri Lanka’s evolving security connections with the US, Pakistan and Israel. Dixit stressed that India’s motivations as well as actions Vis-a-Vis Sri Lanka should be analysed in the context of the regional as well as global political, security and economic environment during the 1980-1984 period. Dixit went on to allege that the US and Pakistan exploited the rise of Tamil militancy to create what he called a politico-strategic pressure point against India in the island nation.”

    Today India piously pontificates on the need for “Human Rights” in Sri Lanka, although India ITSELF was responsible for training and introducing Tamil Terrorists into Sri Lanka, and VIOLATING the HIGHEST Human Right of ALL people of Sri Lanka: the Right to Life!

    Why is the World Community that weeps Rivers of Tears for Tamil terrorists not charging India with War Crimes against the Sovereign Nation of Sri Lanka?

    Why is India not held ACCOUNTABLE for jump starting and sustaining the Eelam Holocaust that consumed the lives of over 150,000 innocent Sri Lankans?

    Given these INCONTROVERTIBLE WAR CRIMES committed by India against Sri Lanka, why is the Government of Sri Lanka NOT DEMANDING that India BUTT OUT PERMANENTLY from Sri Lanka’s internal matters?

    Why is the GOSL not DEMANDING the PAYMENT of WAR REPARATIONS DIRECTLY TO THE GOSL to fund Sri Lanka’s reconstruction WITHOUT direct Indian involvement on the ground WITHIN Sri Lanka?

    For God’s Sake … Why?

  3. Fran Diaz Says:

    Excerpt from Ananda’s comment :
    “Dixit explained lucidly New Delhi’s decision to destabilize Sri Lanka. The outspoken diplomat said that India had no option but to take measures due to Sri Lanka’s evolving security connections with the US, Pakistan and Israel”.

    This says it all. Cold War/s define SE Asian politics. We have to accept that as the ground reality for small countries like Lanka because of our proximity to India and our ports.

    Cold War/s are the bane of life for citizens of Lanka. We are pushed and pummeled to be in permanently ‘divided & ruled’ mode in various ways, however hard our leaders try to unify. May the Non-Aligned Movement rise up and shine again in order that both Sri Lanka & India find some peace. May there be no more Cold Wars. May the world know a lasting Peace !
    May Truth & Justice last forever for all humanity on Earth !

  4. Fran Diaz Says:

    Tamil Separatism rode on the back of the Cold War. That is how and why the ltte grew in leaps and bounds. That is why the 1983 Riots were trumped up to enable Tamils to go West as Refugees. The jigsaw puzzle of the Tamil Problem is now complete
    – all the pieces are in place.

    The TNA should now comply with GoSL & Parliament to develop the N&E and make Lanka shine as a multi cultural country again. Actually, they have no alternative now, have they ?

    The CHOGM may have given a new lease of life to TNA Separatist thinking, but that is just ‘pie in the sky’ – won’t work with either Lanka or India. Both countries were colonized earlier and know the agonies that go with colonization.

    Yes, we have to govern ourselves properly, or else others will be glad to take over.

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    Let Jayalalitha FUME acid VAPORS …. the more the merrier! If India will not CONTROL its citizens EGGED-ON by Tamil Nadu Politicians to ENGINEER a CRISIS, then Sri Lanka MUST DEFEND its Maritime Resources on its own … no matter what!

    Yes, indeed … detain ALL Violators of Sri Lankan waters on a BREAD, PARIPPU & WATER diet; Acquire & Maintain INCONTROVERTIBLE video & GPS data as EVIDENTIAL PROOF of the Violations, and CONFISCATE their TRAWLERS as the bigger PENALTY!

    Tamil Nadu CM fumes over Sri Lanka Navy arresting Indian fishermen for poaching

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 12, Chennai: The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu J. Jayalalithaa today fumed over the arrest of 140 Indian fishermen and seizure of their 23 boats by the Sri Lankan Navy in the last 24 hours.

    In a letter to the Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh, an angry Chief Minister wrote that the Prime Minister must personally take up this issue with the President of Sri Lanka without any further delay.

    She demanded to summon the Sri Lankan High Commissioner in New Delhi to the Ministry of External Affairs and lodge a strong protest.

    Sri Lanka Navy Wednesday arrested over 300 Indian fishermen for invading Sri Lanka’s territorial waters for fishing and later released them after the intervention of officials detaining 110 along with their 15 trawlers.

    The Navy arrested another 30 fishermen from Tamil Nadu this morning and seized their 8 trawlers.

    Describing the arrests as mass abduction, the Chief Minister said these are the largest and most outrageous acts of mass abduction of Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy and it is done with the Sri Lankan government’s “tacit” approval.

    Jayalalithaa said the entire fishing community in Tamil Nadu has lost its faith in the ability of the Government of India and India’s prestige and image has suffered grievous damage.

    “The Government of India should not allow this issue to fester anymore through continued inaction or through a weak-kneed and timid approach towards the Sri Lankan regime which continues to perpetrate outrage upon outrage upon innocent Indian fishermen from Tamil Nadu pursuing their livelihood,” she wrote.

    She told the PM that the fishermen community in Tamil Nadu is in a highly agitated mood and they expect quick and decisive action by the Indian Government to ensure that the 23 fishing boats and 140 fishermen apprehended by the Sri Lankan Navy in the past 24 hours are released immediately without detention.

    In a desperate attempt to deter the Indian fishermen crossing the Interactional Maritime Boundary Line and stealing the livelihood of Sri Lankan fishermen, the government of Sri Lanka recently adopted a policy of detaining the Indian fishermen for lengthy terms and confiscating their trawlers.

  6. Ananda-USA Says:

    We Sri Lankans suggest that Britain follows Mandela’s example of Reconciliation and RECONCILE with the Nazi’s and the Al-Quaida!

    When that has been done, come back and ask Sri Lanka again to RECONCILE with UNREPENTANT Murderous Racist Separatists trying to create an Apartheid Bantustan in Sri Lanka.

    Until then, Britain should really mind its own business … instead of trying to advance its Neo-Colonialist Ambitions in the developing world … dishing out advice to others it NEVER FOLLOWS itself!

    Britain suggests Sri Lanka to follow Mandela’s example for reconciliation

    ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Dec 11, London: Sri Lanka should follow Mandela’s example to bring peace and unity to the country’s people, the UK government suggests.

    Paying tribute to the former South African leader, late Nelson Mandela in the House of Commons of UK parliament on Monday, the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said Sri Lanka should emulate South Africa’s truth and reconciliation process.

    Clegg said that Nelson Mandela laid down a “blueprint” that has made it possible for other divided communities, such as in Northern Ireland, to reject violence, overcome their differences and make a fresh beginning.

    “That is why I hope, in communities where people are still struggling to replace violence and conflict with peace and stability, that the principles of forgiveness and reconciliation that Mandela embodied are followed by others too,” he said.

    He noted that recently the House debated the alleged human rights abuses in Sri Lanka.

    “Surely there could be no better way for that country to heal its wounds and bring peace and unity to all its people than to follow Mandela’s example and emulate South Africa’s truth and reconciliation process,” the deputy Prime Minister of Britain said.

    Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, already showing interest in learning more about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa and its process and the outcome, discussed the South Africa’s model with that country’s President Jacob Zuma when the two leaders met on the sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Colombo last month.

  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    How about auctioning these boats off to Sri Lanka fishermen ? Hey, all is fair in love & war, fishing boats included. When to fish, is the big question that Ms Jaya faces. How these Jaya fishermen come at the right time for media blitzes is amazing – pre-CHOGM, post-CHOGM.

  8. Ananda-USA Says:

    Nazi Germany was an existential threat of the PAST to Britain, and Al-Quaida is a CURRENT continuing threat to Britain. Britain has not, and will not, “Reconcile” with either the Nazis of the PAST, or the Al-Quaida of the PRESENT.

    The Tamil Separatists of Sri Lanka was an EXISTENTIAL threat to Sovereign Sri Lanka in the RECENT PAST, and is a CURRENT CONTINUING threat to Sri Lanka today.

    It would be ASININE and a MONUMENTAL FOLLY for any Rational People, and their National Government, to “Reconcile” with a movement posing a IMMEDIATE and PRESENT danger to their very EXISTENCE.

    There can NEVER BE “Reconciliation” with the UNREPENTANT Eelamist enemies of Sri Lanka … because their objectives are the DESTRUCTION of Sri Lanka …. until two GENERATIONS from now when the ideology deeply embedded in the minds of the brainwashed adherents of Eelam has lost support and FADED from the COLLECTIVE MEMORY of the brainwashed and the greedy.

    Until then, Sri Lankans must GIRD their LOINS, take up their ARMS, and GUARD the RAMPARTS of Sri Lanka against all enemies … within and without, overt and covert … who assail the shores of our beloved Motherland!


    Let them FIRST come to their senses, acknowledging their crimes against the Nation, committed to citizenship of Sri Lanka with EQUAL RIGHTS, not demanding one iota more than other citizens receive, committed to ONE Indivisible Nation, of ONE Inseparable People, sharing ONE National Destiny, and committed to the EQUAL RESPONSIBILITY to Love, Protect and Defend our Mother Lanka against all its enemies.

    Then RECONCILIATION will no longer be an issue, for it will have been achieved by transformation of the descendents of the Separatist Racist Eelamists, inn mind, body, and spirit into Loyal non-Racist Sri Lankan citizens.

  9. Ananda-USA Says:


    Yes… the GOSL is already auctioning off confiscated trawlers to Sri Lankans fishermen.

    India, if it does not understand that TN leaders are behind these violations with an agenda in mind … will retaliate in kind to placate the TN Racists. As we well know, they are already doing that …. tit-for-tat.

    So, this could become an even exchange of detainees and confiscated trawlers.

    But, somewhere along the line, India will come to the realization that this cannot continue, and will pressure TN to END IT.

    To make sure that in the end India will act against TN and not keep bullying Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka must develop an INCONTROVERTIBLE BODY of FACTUAL EVIDENCE that will stand up in ANY INTERNATIONAL COURT.

    Sri Lanka should OPEN a case at the United Nations, and other International Maritime bodies, and keep supplying this data to them and to the Govt of India to ENSURE that India acts RATIONALLY.

    An IMPORTANT CAVEAT is that Sri Lanka should NEVER take any action that is NOT JUSTIFIED and NOT SUPPORTED by the EVIDENCE!

  10. Ananda-USA Says:


    In addition to the GOSL acting against Indian poachers, Sri Lanka should take EVERY POSSIBLE STEP to ensure that Sri Lankan fishermen stay within Sri Lankan waters, and PROSECUTE & PUNISH them as well if they violate India’s waters. This RECORD of ENFORCEMENT against Sri Lankan fishermen should also be a part of the EVIDENCE supporting SRi Lanka’s case

    In that way, we can make sure that the NUMBER of Sri Lankan fishermen and trawlers detained by India is FAR LESS than the number of Indian fishermen and trawlers detained by Sri Lanka.

    If India does not fake the violation records, that should drive the number of violators in favor of Sri Lanka.

    To achieve that, Sri Lankan authorities should provide written REGULATION documents spelling out GOSL policy to every licensed Sri Lankan fisherman, and a GPS unit … at a discounted price, or free of charge … to assist the SRi Lankans to remain within Sri Lankan waters.

    This is important, because some of these Sri Lankan fishermen are VERY LIKELY to be Eelamists COLLABORATING with Tamil Nadu Politicians to ENGINEER a Crisis between Sri Lanka and India. WE should NOT BE NAIVE on this.

  11. Lorenzo Says:

    A RIFT between Tamil fishermen in northern SL and Tamil fishermen in south Endia is ideal for SL.

    Make the rift worse!!

    But don’t let northern Tamil fishermen benefit because if they do they will give part of their profit to TNA/LTTE.

  12. Fran Diaz Says:


    I am in total agreement with you that GoSL (entire Parliament) MUST take this TN fishermen issue very seriously. There certainly is something brewing. This is not an innocent silly game that is going on. There certainly is something happening that has been pre-planned. Recall the 1983 Riots – same sort of ‘thuk pitik’ went on first.

    GPSs are on board the TN fishing boats too. So they cross over quite purposely. Why ? What is the religion of these fishermen from TN and what is the religion of the fishermen from our side ? Some say they are Hindu on the TN side, some say they are Catholic. What is correct ? If they come to Kachativu church to pray, they ought to be Catholic.

    Our fishermen, if they have two or three cross overs to Indian waters, ought to lose their boats and their right to go fishing.

    Preventive Care for Crisis Prevention is best. Both Indian & Sri Lankan govts ought to know better by now.

  13. Lorenzo Says:

    Mark my word, soon SL govt. will GIVE IN to Endian pressure and stop lengthy detention of Tamil Madu illegals.

    This MUST and SHOULD things never happen in SL under the current political setting.

    Endian elections are months away. Man-Moron or Modi must satisfy Toilet Nadu politicians to get their power.

  14. Fran Diaz Says:

    This is the latest re the Tamil Nadu illegal fishermen :

    “Sri Lanka steps up pressure on Indian poachers: 141 ‘netted’ with 23 trawlers
    …alleges some trawlers moving too close to land
    December 12, 2013, ISLAND

    By Shamindra Ferdinando

    Sri Lanka is stepping up pressure on Indian fishing fleet poaching in local waters with operations both in the northern as well as eastern seas.

    “We are trying to discourage them from crossing the Indo-Lanka maritime boundary, especially in the wake of an upsurge in poaching,” a senior security official told The Island.

    On the first day of the operation, the Sri Lanka Navy took 23 trawlers into its custody along with 141 fishermen in northern and eastern waters. Out of the total, the SLN netted 15 trawlers and 111 fishermen north-east of Trincomalee in the early hours of Wednesday. They were detected close to the land between Mullaitivu and Kokilai.

    “We took the rest five nautical miles east of Analativu Island in the night. They were brought to Kankesanturai harbour and handed over to fisheries authorities,” the official said. The night operation involved three Fast Attack Craft (FACs), one gun boat as well as one Coast Guard vessel.

    Authoritative sources told The Island that legal action would be taken against those arrested while poaching in Lankan waters. Sources alleged that the Indian fishing fleet had deprived the northern fishermen of their livelihood; hence a sustained naval operation was needed to curb poaching.

    Responding to a query, sources emphasized that India had the wherewithal to easily prevent them from crossing the maritime boundary. They alleged that Indian security authorities as well as fisheries officials were turning a blind eye to what was happening as the trawlers belonged to influential persons. The operation would continue regardless of ongoing protests in Tamil Nadu.

    Fisheries Minister Rajitha Senaratne said that the Tamil Nadu administration should take tangible measures to halt illegal fishing in Sri Lankan waters”.

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