International Ahmadiyya Convention began in Qadian.
Posted on December 28th, 2013

By A. Abdul Aziz, Press Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Sri Lanka.

 The 122nd Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of Qadian (Punjab, India) began yesterday –  (27th December 2013) in India. More than twenty five thousand of Ahmadiyya Muslim delegates from all over the world and India are Participating in this unique gathering and out of which more than 5000 Ahmadiyya Muslim devotees are from neighboring Pakistan.   

 The foundation stone of this unique annual spiritual gathering was laid in the pious hands of Hazrat Mirza; Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi of our time in the year 1891 and as many as 75 persons had attended the Jalsa (convention) at that period of time. But today this type of convention (Jalsa Salana) has been conducted in all its branches spreading all over the world.

 This unique spiritual annual gathering is a symbol of unity, love and universal brotherhood among mankind.

 Apart from India, visitors from Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany England, Sri Lanka,  Malaysia, , Holland, Ireland, Kuwait, Japan, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arab, Singapore, Sweden, U.A.E, U.K, U.S.A, consisting of twenty two countries have already reported their presence in this convention

After hoisting the Ahmadiyya Flag in Ahmadiyya ground at 10 A.M. the recitation of Holy Quran. After the inaugural address thousands of Muslims took their hands for pray for  the convention (jalsa) success. Speeches were delivered on various topics.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Supreme Head of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community will address the convention on the last day of the Convention (on 29th December) from London LIVE via MTA (Muslim TV Ahmadiyya International – ASIASAT 3 – 100.5° EAST – Freq: 3760 – Symbol Rate: 26000) at 3.30 P.M. (Sri Lankan Time).

 Objectives, Purposes & Blessings of the Convention (Jalsa Salana) In the Words of the Founder of the Community – The Promised Messiah (Peace be on him)

Purpose of the Convention (Jalsa Salana)

“The primary purpose of this Convention is to enable every sincere individual to personally experience religious benefits; They may enhance their knowledge and –due to their being blessed and enabled by Allah, The Exalted- their perception (of Allah) may progress. Among its secondary benefits is that this congregational meeting together will promote mutual introduction among all brothers, and it will strengthen the fraternal ties within this Community..”

(Ishtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo`ah Ishtiharat Vol. I, Page 340).

 Not an Ordinary Convention

“It is essential for all those who can afford to undertake the journey, that they must come to attend this Convention which embodies many blessed objectives. They should disregard minor inconveniences in the cause of Allah and His prophet (peace be upon him.). Allah yields reward to the sincere persons at every step of their way, and no labour and hardship, undertaken in His way, ever goes to waste. I re-emphasize that you must not rank this convention in the same league as other, ordinary, human assemblies. This is a phenomenon that is based purely on the Divine Help, for propagation of Islam.”

(Ishtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo`ah Ishtiharat Vol. I, Page 341)


” I conclude with the prayer that everyone who travels for [attending] this Convention that is for the sake of Allah: May Allah, the Exalted, be with him, reward him in abundant measure, have mercy on him, ease up for him his circumstances of hardship and anxiety and eliminate his anguish and grief. May He grant him freedom from every single hardship and lay open for him the ways of [achieving] his cherished goals, and raise him up, on the day of Judgment, among those of His servants who are the recipients of His blessings and Mercy. May He be their Guardian in their absence until after their journey comes to an end. O Allah! O Sublime One and Bestower of bounties, the Ever Merciful and One Who Resolves all problems, do grant all these prayers, and grant us Victory over our opponents with scintillating signs, because You alone have all the prowess and power. Aameen! Aameen!!”

(Ishtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo`ah Ishtiharat Vol. I, Page 342)

  The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam was founded in 1889 in a small town Qadian, in Punjab, India.  Its founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) claimed to be the Promised Reformer of the age.  Ahmadiyya Muslim Community stands for the brotherhood of mankind and tries to establish peace on earth through love, persuasion and tolerance.  It is a spiritual Community and has no political agenda.

 Qadian is the birth-place of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam.

6 Responses to “International Ahmadiyya Convention began in Qadian.”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    “Qadian (PUNJAB) is the birth-place of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam.”

    Ahmadiyya is the ONLY peaceful Sunni Muslim sect. All others violent.

    Why did Ahmadiyya sect originate in Punjab?

    When Muslim invaders plundered Hindus and Buddhists in Punjab, the violent SIKH movement was created to save Hindus from violent marauding Muslims. VIOLENCE WAS MATCHED WITH VIOLENCE.

    Then Muslims realized they CANNOT win over violence. And surrendered into a PEACEFUL movement. That was how Ahmadiyya sect was created.

    Unfortunately Saudi Muslims are NOT given this opportunity to learn. Soon they should.

    Many lessons to learn.

  2. Ibnu Ahmad Says:

    You have to learn more about Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam. The purpose of establishment of this Jama’at about which you don’t have proper knowledge. You know, the claim of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the Promised Reformer is in accordance with the foretold of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Prophet of Islam also foretold about the place in which this advent will take place in time. Everything foretold in clear term about the advent of this latter day Reformer by Muhammad (PBUH). Also Holy Qur’an itself prophesied about this advent of the latter day Reformer in term of the second advent of Jesus, Son of Mary (Ibnu Maryam). There are many many authenticated sayings of Muhammad that clearly manifest the truth of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who claimed to be the Imam-al-Mahdi – the Promised Messiah as foretold by his Holy Master Muhammad (PBUH). He was sent for revival of Islam. He was sent for to create close relationship between Creator and human beings. He did not bring a new religion. He did not bring new Sharia as the Holy Qur’an is the last law-bearing book and Muhammad (PBUH) is the last law-bearing Prophet.

    Ahmadis are not SUNNIS. They are Ahmadi Muslims. Please visit:

  3. Ibnu Ahmad Says:

    You have to learn more about Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam. The purpose of establishment of this Jama’at about which you don’t have proper knowledge. You know, the claim of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the Promised Reformer is in accordance with the foretold of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Prophet of Islam also foretold about the place in which this advent will take place in time. Everything foretold in clear term about the advent of this latter day Reformer by Muhammad (PBUH). Also Holy Qur’an itself prophesied about this advent of the latter day Reformer in term of the second advent of Jesus, Son of Mary (Ibnu Maryam). There are many many authenticated sayings of Muhammad that clearly manifest the truth of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who claimed to be the Imam-al-Mahdi – the Promised Messiah as foretold by his Holy Master Muhammad (PBUH). He was sent for revival of Islam. He was sent for to create close relationship between Creator and human beings. He did not bring a new religion. He did not bring new Sharia as the Holy Qur’an is the last law-bearing book and Muhammad (PBUH) is the last law-bearing Prophet.

    Ahmadis are not SUNNIS. They are Ahmadi Muslims.

  4. Ibnu Ahmad Says:

    Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, peace be on him, says:

    Now about my claim which is supported by a host of arguments and proofs….
    • Is it not enough to establish the truth of my claim that the Holy Quran has discussed in graphic detail the signs of and circumstances relating to my coming.
    • In a way, my name too has been foretold.
    • Even the name of my village, namely, Kadaa is also there in the traditions.
    • The traditions further prove that the Promised Messiah will be born in the thirteenth century (Hijra) and will appear in the fourteenth.
    • In the Sahih Bokhari is found the full description of my facial features…..
    • And this too is laid down in as many words that the Promised Messiah will appear to the East of Damascus. And is not Qadian in fact to the East of Damascus?
    • Similarly the timely occurrence of lunar and solar eclipses in the month of Ramadhan just when I had announced my claim to be the Promised Messiah and the people at large had refused to accept this claim as authentic.
    • Similarly, in keeping with the prophecies of the Quran and the traditions, the invention of the railways and the camel’s consequent redundancy;
    • obstacles to the performance of Pilgrimage to Kabaa;
    • the age of the triumph of the cross;
    • the appearance of hundreds of signs at my hands,
    • the present time being exactly the time fixed by the earlier prophets;
    • my being commissioned to the present office at the head of the century;
    • visions and dreams experienced by thousands of virtuous people testifying to my authenticity;
    • the statement of the Holy Quran and of the Holy Prophet, that the Promised Messiah will be one of the Ummat (Muslim Community);
    • my affairs being visited by divine succour;
    • the pledge of Baiat (initiation) at my hands by about two hundred thousand people and consequently their following the path of truth and virtue;
    • the crumbling of Christianity as a religion and the subsequent softening of the hold of trinity like the melting snows;
    • the division of Muslims into a large number of denominational sects and their state of decadence and the numerous innovations and deviations from the norm,
    • the current polytheism, alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, dishonesty and falsehood which have run rampant on a global scale and resulted in a great upheaval and crisis in the world
    • and on every dimension tremendous revolutionary changes are taking place in the universe;
    • and as will be borne out by all reasonable people the world needs a reformer;
    • and finally the failure of all to compete with me in miraculously competitive writing
    • and in showing heavenly signs and the fulfillment of hundreds of thousands of divine prophecies in my support.
    In short, all these signs and proofs and corroborative circumstances should be sufficient evidence for a God-fearing person to accept my claim…… (Tazkiratush-Shahadatain p38,39)

  5. Ibnu Ahmad Says:

    The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835 – 1908) further says:-
    I called upon you again and again to come and resolve any doubts you might have but none came forward. I invited every one of you with a view to arriving at a final decision but no one responded. I advised you to offer the Istikhara (seeking guidance) prayer and to supplicate to Allah to reveal the truth to you but you did not do the slightest effort in this regard. Nor did you desist from opposing me. How true it was when Allah said about me: “A Warner came unto this world; the world accepted him not; but Allah will accept him and establish his truth by mighty signs.” How is it possible that a man who is truthful should be wasted? How can it be that one who is sent by Allah should perish?

    Therefore, O you people, do not fight with Allah. This indeed is the task which Allah wants done for your sake and for the sake of your faith. Do not oppose Him. You can resist thunder and lightning but you cannot resist Allah. Had this scheme been conceived by man, there was no need of your opposition. Allah alone would have been sufficient for its destruction. Is it not a pity that Heaven bears witness but you do not listen? The earth cries “needed, needed” but you refuse to see. O my unlucky people, rise and behold that at this hour when Islam has been trampled under feet, disgraced like a culprit, dubbed as something false and unclean, do you think Allah’s wrath and dignity should not have been roused even now? Skies are on the verge of falling. Days are near when every ear will hear the (divine) cry of Anal-moujood — Surely I exist – The non-believers have shown us quite a few things. Now Allah wants to show something. Therefore, do not court His wrath deliberately. Have you not seen the end of the century? Fourteen years more have passed since. Did you not see with your own eyes the eclipses of sun and the moon in the same month of Ramadhan? Has not the prophecy about the appearance of the comet Zoo-ul-Saneen been fulfilled? Do you know nothing about the terrible earthquake which recently shook the earth in accordance with the prophecy about the Messiah and devastated a large number of settlements? And was it not foretold that the Messiah’s coming was to synchronize with this earthquake? Did you not witness the sign regarding Atham which was shown exactly as was prophesied by our lord and master – the Holy Prophet , peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and about which warning had been given through Baraheen-i-Ahmadiyya as many as seventeen years earlier? Are you still unaware of the prophecy about Lekh Ram? Did anyone ever see that a contest which was almost like a wrestling match should take place and should be widely publicized through advertisements and the press, and should attract the attention of the hundreds of thousands of people and should be attended by a clear and unmistakable sign like the one which was manifested in relation to Lekh Ram? Are you not overwhelmed with shame that on seeing your anguish and the shocks you suffered in the thirteenth century, Allah visited you with grace and succour as soon as the fourteenth century was ushered in? Was it not necessary that divine promises should be fulfilled on schedule? Come explain what happened to you in the face of all these signs? What has sealed your hearts? O my misguided people, surely Allah can satisfy you provided your hearts are clean. He can attract you provided you are prepared to be attracted. Mark, how critical is the time and how dire are the needs and requirements of Islam! Does not your heart bear witness that the present time is the time of divine mercy, that there is great enthusiasm in the heavens for the guidance of mankind and that the case for monotheism is being heard by the one and only Allah Himself? But the blind of this age are so far unaware. They hold this divine movement in utter disregard. How I wish they open their eyes and see for themselves the variety of signs which are descending from above and how Allah helps and how light continues to spread. Blessed one are those who recognize this light.
    (Kitabul Bariyya p. 325 to 331)

  6. Lorenzo Says:

    Ah mad,

    That is CIRCULAR LOGIC (courtesy and it makes NO sense.

    Why do you believe in Koran?
    Because Allah said so.
    Why do you do what Allah say?
    Because the Koran says so.
    Why do you believe in Koran?
    Because Allah said so.

    Circular logic continues.

    SIKHS armed themselves contrary to peaceful Hindu preaching to STOP Islam (Mogul) invasions and stop the spread of Islam by violence. Unable to make headaway this way Ahamadiya sect was created to PEACEFULLY push the same agenda.

    Ahamadis are SUNNIS as they are not Shites.

    I agree Ahamadis are the ONLY PEACEFUL Islamic sect (so far). I wish the Ahamadi sect well. May Allah be pleased with them.

    But lets not miss the vital lesson here. Until Saudi Sunnis are BEATEN into submission, they will continue to support violence and help AQ, Taliban. This is now spreading to SL. We must beat them into submission before too late. Then like the Ahamadis, Wahabis will become peaceful.

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