Rathika Sitsabaiesan, MP
Posted on January 3rd, 2014

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario .Canada

3 January 2014

Hon. Tom Mulcair, MP,  Leader of the New Democratic Party of  Canada
Leader of the Opposition Party of  Canada
House of Commons, Ottawa

Dear Tom Mulcair:

Re: Rathika Sitsabaiesan, NDP MP for Scarborough-Rouge River

Enough is enough. This MP of yours has embarrassed you, your party and Canada with her illegal Gong-Show antics trying to hurt Sri Lanka and not giving Sri Lanka’s Peace, after 30 years of Tamil Tiger blood letting, a chance.

The time has finally arrived for you to rap her knuckles and REIN THIS ROOKIE MP IN.

This is the woman who proudly presented herself as the new NDP MP in her face book standing behind a Tamil Tiger flag, very clearly telling all of Canada and the world that she is a supporter and a cheer-leader of the most ruthless terrorist group in the world who perfected the art of suicide bombing by inventing the suicide body pack, and assassinated two heads of state, Rajiv Gandhi of India and President Premadasa of Sri Lanka –  the Tamil Tigers.

This is the woman who quite clearly announced after winning her riding for the NDP that she will take the initiative to form an All Party Parliamentary Committee to look into alleged war crime in Sri Lanka.  I questioned her on behalf of you and her constituents ‘I thought you were voted in to look after the interest and welfare of your constituents, like the seniors and not those who were far removed  from Canada, 20 thousand miles away.‘  This woman was out of it.  Enough is enough.

The time has finally arrived for you to rap her knuckles and REIN THIS ROOKIE MP IN BEFORE SHE EMBARRESSES YOU ONE MORE TIME.

This is a MP who uses the hallowed chambers of the Canadian parliament to propagate lies about Sri Lanka and also bicycled at every opportunity to promote the questionable videos  created by Channel4 to denigrate Sri Lanka that liberated 295,873 Tamil people of her clan from the clutches of her Tamil Tiger terrorists by 19 May 2009, who were used as a human shield for 30 long months. And it were the Sinhalese who prepared a million meals a day to feed these Tamil refugees a hearty breakfast, lunch and dinner, which Rathika has had difficulty to acknowledge  so far,  this classic text book example of restoring human rights of the Tamils by the Sri Lanka government. We all know what Rathika is up to, and

The time has finally arrived for you to rap her knuckles and REIN THIS ROOKIE MP IN BEFORE SHE EMBARRASSES YOU ONCE AGAIN.

Were you informed by this MP as the leader of her party that she was going to sneak into Sri Lanka on a tourist visa to gather information from anti-Sri Lanka Tamil politicians and separatist-activists in the north who are supporters of the Tamil Tigers and still want their separate state, Eelam, for her political campaign against Sri Lanka in the House of Commons?  If she didn’t, and having embarrassed you to the point that you had to phone the Sri Lanka High Commissioner in Ottawa,  to get confirmation that she not under house arrest in Jaffna, is not good.   Well, having embarrassed you and your party with her questionable, unsavoury conduct as a Canadian parliamentarian, what choice have you got as a responsible leader of a party , who is the  quality Prime Minister-in-Waiting, other than telling Rathika Sitsabaeisan, your MP for Scarborough-Rough River, that enough is enough, to cool off  on Sri Lanka and


The ground realty in Sri Lanka is that the North of the island had  democratic Provincial Council  elections after a 30 year hiatus as the Tamil Tigers did not want democratic elections as they were  running a defacto state by the threats of bullets and not  by ballots. All the councillors are Tamil and the Chief Minister of the Provincial Council  C.V.Vigneswarn is a retired Supreme Court Justice.  With such caliber, they certainly wouldn’t wasn’t a busy body like Rathika Sitsabaeisan, a rookie MP from Canada, coming and poking her nose in their affairs.   The question that the Tamil’s in the North of Sri Lanka are asking is – who is this woman Rathika?   Rathika Who?

It is time you as her party leader stop her arrogant shenanigans of questionable conduct as a Canadian parliamentarian.

It’s time for you to rap her knuckles and rein her in.  This woman who left Sri Lanka when she was 5 years old thinks she knows it all about Sri Lanka.  And all what she is doing is destroying the germs of the harmony that is being worked on by the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamil peoples since the war has ended,  and they are getting resentful with this busy body, Rathika.

Her fabrication that she was under house arrest in Jaffna  was a good try to prop up her importance and getting her photograph plastered in every major newspaper in Canada was  a good strategy, but at the end of the day it fizzled down as an act of crazy-buffoonery. Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankans didn’t care a tuppence as to who she was.   Rathika Who? was the question of the day.


Asoka Weerasinghe

2 Responses to “Rathika Sitsabaiesan, MP”

  1. jayasiri Says:

    Thank you Asoka…..I was trying to respond for the ISLAND BEWSPAPER & few others who carried the story. I could not because I lost my TWITTER password.

    Most people wonder who this woman is?…. From other news reports I gather she is NOT LIKED by Liberals, CONSERVATIVES & NDP I am not sure. Liberals have put forward a Tamil from Toronto to unseat this woman who has disgraced her own party.

    KNOWING full well that an INDIAN immigrant pretended to be a journalist, who took Soldiers & army units, was deported as HE DID NOT have a proper visa to be in Sri Lanka. As a tourist HE IS NOT allowed to do politicking in Sri Lanka.

    As if she is unaware of this STILL she pursued to Lanka & tried to gather information, most propbably to get into good books of Tamil Diaspora. A pathetic way of enteing a previous war zone, and trying to gather information with a Tourist Visa.

    Then she complains that she was threatened by Lanka POLICE that if she mis-bhaves she will be arrested. THIS HAS nothing to do with her being a TAMIL, no one is allowed to break the law of the country. Quite rightly the authorities warned her NOT TO do anything foolish.

    These are the calibre of MPs & Tamils I might add who enter our parliament in Ottawa… What a disgrace to Sri Lanka, & also to Canada & NDP too.

    Thank you all…………J

  2. Sri Rohana Says:

    Asoka! Who appointed tamil racist, fascist jaradhika to Canadian parliament. It is a well-known fact that her votes from majority of tamil bogus refugees and most of them are members of racist terrorist organization LTTE.
    She elected from a tamil majority electorate then nothing to surprise it is not democracy but it is tribalism. I like to ask from her voters, how many have at least read the manifesto of NDP? Do they know the policies of NDP? Why they are against Liberal or Conservative or Green parties? Have they read the manifestos of those party’s? If it is real democracy voters must know to analyse and decide the vote but not on tribalism.
    Anti Sinhala and tamil racism is a easiest pass to enter in to parliaments for tamils in Sri Lanka, in tamil homeland (tamil nadu) and even in Canada.
    Very same tribalism tamils always voted in Sri Lanka. Since 1947 Sri Lanka’s election, tamil party candidates popular speech is that they “could sleep peacefully only after make sleepers from the skin of last Sinhalese”.
    But what I cannot understand is how come Canada promotes tribalism against democracy. It is ok in tamil homeland (tamil nadu) but not in a developed western democratic country.

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