Barrack Obama a haughty man of high sounding words, Mahinda Rajapakse a friendly man of determination and hard work.
Posted on January 10th, 2014
By Charles.S.Perera
Barrack Obama knows how to use words making phrases which are beautiful and inspiring. However, his words do not match his deeds.
He had said, ” And when I am President, we will end this war in Iraq and bring our troops home; we will finish the job against al Qaeda in Afghanistan; we will care for our veterans; we will restore our moral standing in the world; and we will never use 9/11 as a way to score up votes, because it is not a tactic to win an election, it is a challenge that should unite America and the world against the common threats of the twenty-first century: terrorism and nuclear weapons; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease.”
He brought back the troops from Iraq but increased US Troops in Afghanistan, and ordered more drone strikes in Pakistan. After nearly one and a half million Iraqi deaths due to US Invasion in Iraq, he withdrew the US troops with only a promise to reconstruct the country.
The socialist reported: Obama’s claims about America’s “extraordinary achievement” in Iraq are Orwellian. In reality, the U.S. war and occupation further wrecked an already devastated country, left it in a shambles instead of the promised reconstruction, and stoked sectarianism between Iraq’s three main groups–Kurds, Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims. “
Barrack Obama got Oussama Ben Laden killed under questionable circumstances. He divided terrorists into two categories those who attack America and its allies as terrorists and terrorists elsewhere as freedom fighters. In Sri Lanka the terrorists that massacred children, men and women, killed a Prime Minsiter of India and a Foreign Minister and other Ministers and Officers and wounded an Army Commander are only freedom fighters for Obama Administration, who still seek to accuse Sri Lanka for war crimes for eliminating terrorism.
Barrack Obama ran his election campaign with money coming even from terrorists from other Countries. Tamils for Obama who campaigned for Barrack Obama are a group of Tamils in America who funded, and continue to fund terrorism in Sri Lanka. Tamils for Obama is a terrorist group supporting the Sri Lanka terrorists designated as a foreign terrorist group in USA. Now Barrack Obama is obliged to them and take their advice to accuse Sri Lanka for war crimes.
He captured the American voters with his speeches inspiring them with slogans “Yes We can,” and “Change and Hope”. His promise for hope and change to the American people, and peace to the world, propelled him to the White House as the 44th President of USA on 4 November,2008 at 47 years of age.
Thereafter, he became very popular and gave the Americans and the world lot of hope. He continued his beautiful speeches in different Capitals in the world promising peace and equality. His idea of peace was apparently not different from what American Administration had always proposed. Peace through threat, peace through recognising terrorists as freedom fighters, peace through regime change in developing countries, and peace through bombs. That is what America always believed.
American legal system is a shame. Barrack Obama could have at least changed it to fit into a modern democratic system. A person arrested is immediately treated as guilty of the offence. Recently an Indian woman diplomat was arrested in front of the school where she had come to drop her daughter, on a question of paying a low salary to a domestic help. The diplomat was handcuffed and taken to the police and subjected to a humiliating body check.
Barrack Obama’s first act after being sworn in as the President of USA was to sign an Order to close down the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camps, of which he had said , ” In 2006, Senator Obama spoke on the Senate floor in support of an amendment to restore habeas corpus rights to individuals at Guantanamo Bay. He argued that holding people in Guantanamo without habeas corpus is un-American, tyrannical, unnecessary to fight Terrorism, a potent means for stoking anti-Americanism and fuelling Terrorism, a means of endangering captured American troops, Americans travelling abroad and Americans generally, and a violent betrayal of core centuries-old Western principles of justice.”
But nothing came of that promise and the Act he signed, ” In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled that detainees at Guantanamo Bay were due habeas corpus rights. Three months after the Supreme Court’s ruling, four Afghan citizens being detained at Bagram tried to challenge their detentions in U.S. District Court in Washington.
After Barack Obama took office, a federal judge in Washington gave the new administration a month to decide whether it wanted to stand by Bush’s legal argument. In a two sentence response, the Obama administration sided with the Bush administration in declaring that those detained in Iraq and Afghanistan had no right to habeas corpus. “Having considered the matter, the government adheres to its previously articulated position.”
Barrack Obama had to give in to what it had been under Bush Administration. That was his “yes we can” claim. Barrack Obama could not bring the United States of America to the surface from the depth of the American Administration mire into which it had sunk. The Administration of USA is marked by a blind ” greatest Nation pride” and authority coming from military power at its command. The President Barrack Obama had to sink into the same depth as the USA Administration to keep himself alive. He is adopting a mere survival tactic.
Now let us turn to President Mahinda Rajapakse the President of Sri Lanka, a simple man of the people. He was sworn in as the President of Sri Lanka in November,2005 at 60 years of Age.
He was worst off than Barrack Obma when he took over the Presidency of Sri Lanka. He inherited a Sri Lanka burdened with an on going terrorism that had continued for over two decades. All development work had halted. The economy was at its lowest. People living in fear of terrorism seemed doomed to suffer . In addition to that the East Coast of Sri Lanka was hit by a tsunami in which more than 40 000 people lost their lives and devastated land and property.
The President Mahinda Rajpakse knew that it is not the high sounding words as those of President Barrack Obama that was needed to give assurance to his people. Mahind Rajapakse spoke slowly, but he spoke words rich in meaning giving hope and confidence to the people that there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel of suffering they were trudging through. Mahinda Rajapakse’s speeches were not empty words that flowed through his lips, but they were meaningful , frank and assuring words that came from the depth of his heart.
Barrack Obama could not make such speeches. Barrack Obama though he used a flowery language and delivered his speeches in correct diction they will remain just great speeches made in English language and go down history as such, but what good have those speeches done? Did those speeches Change the lives of the American people ? Did they contribute to help the welfare of poor developing Nations ? Did he change the American Administration from being an aggressive, manipulating system, using threat against developing Nations who do not follow American political views ?
Even to give the American people an affordable health care facility he had to overcome an enormous opposition. American political hierarchy wants American Leadership in the world , but not under a black President, hence Barrack Obama with all his stimulating speeches cannot change any thing . His slogan “yes we can” was a bluff.
Mahinda Rajapakse the President of Sri Lanka on the other hand contributed vastly to enhance the living condition of the people and take a country , assaulted by terrorism, suffering from underdevelopment, and divided by conflicting interests of Tamils and the other Communities, towards development and progress in the right direction.
Mahinda Rajapakse when he campaigned for the Presidential elections was aware of the priorities he had to attend to if he were to be the President and had a workable pragmatic plan of development to take the country forward. When Mahinda Rajapakse was sworn in as the President of Sri Lanka he promised the people that he would seek to settle the decades old terrorism in peaceful negotiation with the terrorists, failing that he said he would employ a military solution.
Thereafter he said he will develop the country and reconcile the communities. Mahinda Rajapakse true to his word having failed to get the terrorists for a negotiated peace settlement resorted to military operations forced by the terrorists who had forcibly closed the sluice gates of Mavil Aru water reservoir depriving access to water to thousands of farmers.
Mahinda Rajapakse’s determination to end the nearly three decade old terrorism resulted in complete elimination of terrorists in May, 2009. Within four years thereafter he organized the government and the people and developed the country rebuilding the much neglected infrastructure- roads, communication, water supply, electric facilities, and building schools, hospitals, banks, post offices, harbours and airports.
Then the Tamils in the diaspora who had been supporting the terrorism in Sri Lanka by collecting funds, and buying arms and ammunitions for the terrorists were discouraged by the unexpected elimination of the terrorists by the government Armed Forces. They began a publicity campaign against the Government of Sri Lanka and its Armed Forces accusing them of violation of human rights and war crimes.
This terrorist rump spend lavishly the funds they had collected and continue to collect to support and reintroduce terrorism in Sri Lanka, to buy the Western Media, American Senators, Members of Parliament in Western Countries, Amnesty International and other human rights activists demanding them to send an Independent International Committee to Sri Lanka to investigate violation of human rights and war crimes committed by the Government Armed Force in the elimination of terrorists, and help the Tamils to set up a separate Tamil State.
These pro-terrorist Tamils in USA formed into a group calling themselves Tamils for Obama. The USA President and his State Department depending heavily on the complaints made by the Tamils for Obama against Sri Lanka and its Armed Forces for violation of human rights and war crimes , presented resolutions against Sri Lanka at the UNHRCouncil Sessions.
Barrack Obama the President of USA faced a serious financial crisis, which he has still not been able to surmount. He has also failed to bring back all of the American troops as promised. He is therefore loosing fast the confidence of the American people, and is unable to continue to make the American people believe in an American leadership in the world.
Barrack Obama therefore turned outwards in search of a solution to rebuild his popularity amoung the American people. He turned his attention to bring back the developing countries now turning away from the American influence and reaching out to China and Russia- two countries which are more generous than America ever was to developing countries, and willing to help them unconditionally to come out of their state of underdevelopment.
Barack Obama in his effort to reaffirm the American leadership in the world which it has lost to China and Russia is turning towards developing countries with political strategic interest, and other oil rich countries with economic interest , along with the Western Allies to destabilise them , and change regimes by putting in place West friendly puppet regimes, or bring them under their control using the UNHRC, which seems to have become a part of the USA State Department, and other Human Right Agencies.
In the new search for America’s place for leadership in the world, Barrack Obama’s Administration along with its Western Allies search for dissidents, and terrorists in the developing countries who have taken arms against the governments in power, and arm them as rebels (freedom fighters) to fight against the government forces with the backing of the USA and its Western Allies. It happened in Libya, it was nearly happening in Iran , and an American led war in Syria was avoided just in time due to a fortuitous intervention of Russia to make America and its allies see the reality of their folly.
Mahinda Rajapakse the President of Sri Lanka unlike Barrack Obama the President of USA has his feet well grounded in Sri Lanka and indefatigably search for the development of his country and bring together the Communities . In order to satisfy the Tamil Community he declared that there is no more minority and majority in Sri Lanka, and made the country a tri lingual Nation. Unfortunately the Tamil community is continuously kept apart from the rest of the Communities by a self seeking ambitious set of Tamil politicians.
The Tamil Community in Sri Lanka is suffering from a deep inborn inferiority complex which makes them “think” that they do not measure up to the Sinhala Majority Community, hence to assure themselves that they are better than the Sinhala Community, they continually oppose every move of the Government of the President Mahinda Rajapakse to reconcile the communities to bring the Tamils into the common fold of a Sri Lankan Nation.
The Tamils of Sri Lanka opposed to any reconciliation with the Sinhala Community demand a province reserved only for the Tamils or a separate territory for themselves as a Tamil State, so that in an environment which is exclusively Tamil they will be able to shed their inferiority complex.
The Barrack Obama’s Administration and the Western Governments who cannot understand this “inferiority complex bias” of the Tamils, accept the Tamil version of the discrimination of the Tamils in Sri Lanka by a Sinhala majority government.
Barrack Obama belonging to the American Black Community knows very well that the Black Community in America has asserted its rights not by seeking to be a separate community but by seeking to be integrated into the majority white community, which the Sri Lanka Tamils if they are intelligent and not self centred should follow.
But, that claim of discrimination by the Sinhala majority against the Tamils is an opportunity for the USA and the Western Countries whose parliamentarians depend on the vote bank of the expatriate Tamils living in their countries, to implement their ” regime change manoeuvres” on Sri Lanka- a country of strategic value against Chinese and Russian domination of the Indian Ocean.
That is the reason why USA and the West are going all out to discredit and destabilise the Government of Mahinda Rajapakse by passing resolution at the UNHRC in Geneva against the Government of Sri Lanka and its Armed Forces for violation of human rights and war crimes in the last phase of the elimination of terrorism .
The President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapakse, not having the ambition of Barrack Obama for a world leadership claim, remains calm and unperturbed following a middle path between assertion of his power of being a popular President of a large majority of his people , and giving into unjustifiable arm twisting of the Tamils and the USA and its allies.
Mahinda Rajapakse’s ambition is to bring together all the communities of his country into one great Nation of Sri Lankans. In that commendable aspiration he seeks to establish diplomatic relations with divers Nations, from Asia, to Africa, Middle East to Eastern Europe while trying to maintain diplomatic relations, and cooperate as much as he can with USA and the Western countries despite their constantaggressivity and unfriendly moves against Sri Lanka.
Mahinda Rajapakse the President of Sri Lanka has thus built close relations with many nations through dialogue and friendly visits. “Welcoming the first Sri Lankan head of the state to visit Israel despite long existing diplomatic relations with the state since 1956, President Peres commended his Sri Lankan counterpart as a great leader for eradicating the three decades long terrorism and bringing peace, reconciliation and restoration to the country which is not a small achievement.”
But Barrack Obama the President of USA does not believe in friendly dialogue. He prefers to look at the Leaders of Sovereign States of developing countries with his head raised high taking a superior attitude, while reasserting his equality with Western Nations.
Barrack Obama uses his country’s military capabilities, and his command over the Western Nations to threaten developing Nations and impose on them “trade embargoes and sanctions. Cuba is under a commercial, economic and financial embargo imposed by USA in October, 1960. USA has sanctions against, Burma since 1997, Iran since 1979, Libya since 2011 ( against parties closely associated with former Gaddafi regime) North Korea since 1950, Sudan Since 2002.
Jayalalitha said after meeting with Hillary Clinton, that “She recalled a US congressional committee voting to ban aid to Sri Lanka unless it showed `accountability` over the `bloodshed` in the final stages of the conflict in 2009”.
We are in 2014, it was in 2009 that the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka eliminated terrorism for good from Sri Lanka. Since then Sri Lanka has successfully marched forward becoming a middle income country from being a developing country . If Sri Lanka’s progress is unhampered by the “jealousies” of the West, it would even step into being a developed country.
But while Sri Lanka is gradually progressing into 2014, Barrack Obama and his State Department are still living in 2009. Barrack Obama has sent Stephen J.Rapp, The United States Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues, in the Office of Global Criminal Justice at the Department of States to study Sri Lanka’s justice, accountability, and reconciliation processes. Stephen J.Rapp had told reporters that, “The US will seek an international probe into alleged rights abuses in the final months of Sri Lanka’s civil war against the LTTE under a third resolution at the UNHRC.”
In the meantime Barrack Obama also sends his Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Nisha Desai Biswal who had warned that if Sri Lanka doesn’t make meaningful progress in addressing the accountability issues, the patience of the international community on Sri Lanka will start to wear thin and urged Sri Lanka to take some “concrete steps” to address the issue of human rights, accountability and reconciliation process.
Barrack Obama is not short of threats and warnings to this small Island of Sri Lanka which has a land mass of only 62,700 sq Km, and a population of 20 million people. But Sri Lanka under Mahinda Rajapakse is doing far better than even USA in its economic and social development. Barack Obama the President of USA who visited India refused a visit to Sri Lanka.
Even his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who visited the Indian State of Tamil Nadu to meet the Chief Minister Jayalalitha a decadent brainless old film star, did not have the politeness to visit Sri Lanka. That shows how much more respect and trust the President Barrack Obama and his State Department has on the pro-terrorist Tamils expatriates in USA the pro-terrorist Tamils for Obama , than to a popular President of Sri Lanka a Sovereign State which has a documented history of over 3000 years.
USA with such undiplomatic , ungenerous, inhumane threats and warnings will only keep away the developing countries from coming under its influence, preferring the warm, friendly, generous nations such as, China, Russia, Iran, Vietnam, and others outside USA’s periphery of influence.
Barrack Obama quite unconcerned about Sri Lanka’s hard task ahead for its development and progress has rejected Sri Lanka’s plea for exemption from the oil embargo on Iran and…” has asked the Government to dissociate itself from some 30 companies, including banks and shipping firms. The Sri Lankan Government’s request had been prompted by rising costs to import refined fuel products. Petroleum Industry Minister Anura Priyadharshana Yapa had sought some concessions for Sri Lanka to overcome the effects of the sanctions on Iran, but the request had been turned down.”
So much for Barrack Obama’s generosity to help developing countries, despite his ” change-Yes We Can”
On the other hand Mahinda Rajapakse, the President of Sri Lanka goes on to make friends with other nations extending his hand of friendship and generously offering as much as he can afford for the welfare and the goodwill of the people of other Nations.
On the 7 January,2014 President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapakse opened a Vocational Training Centre funded by the Government of Sri Lanka in Betunia, in Palestine, and also donated books and computers to the Betunia Municipal Library.
In Palestine, the Palestinian Foreign Affairs Minister Maliki speaking at the opening event said . “You’re contributing to the livelihoods of Palestinians and for building a good future for them so thank you very much for that, It’s remarkable to see a president of another country dedicate so much of his energy to another cause.”
Calling President Rajapaksa “a special, special, special guest,” the Palestinian Foreign Affairs Minister said the President’s visit is “historic in all its dimensions. It reflects a milestone in the special relationship between Sri Lanka and Palestine, Thank you for your solidarity, your support and your love for Palestine.”
Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse the President of Sri Lanka recently hosted the Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka, where a very undiplomatic event took place with the head of the Government of Great Britton David Cameron who made his invitation to attend the Meeting, made it an occasion to visit the Provincial Council of the North on a fact finding mission to attack Sri Lanka for violation of human rights and war crimes at the last phase of military operations to eliminate terrorism, and visited a pro-terrorist Tamil Press office, known for its false media reports against the Government and the President of Sri Lanka.
How ever in his speech as the Chairman of the CHOGM Mahinda Rajapakse the President of Sri Lanka said, “….If the Commonwealth is to remain relevant to its member countries, the association must respond sensitively to the needs of its peoples and not let it turn into a punitive or judgemental body………We must also collectively guard against bilateral agenda being introduced into the organisation, distorting Commonwealth tradition and consensus…”Our deliberations in Colombo must lead to the greatest practical benefits for the peoples of a renewed Commonwealth, one that is engaging, collective and unifying, rather than prescriptive and divisive.”
Those are the differences between the friendly President Mahinda Rajapakse of not so rich and not so powerful Sri Lanka, and the haughty President Barrack Obama of rich and powerful USA.
January 10th, 2014 at 4:48 pm
Sympathy and compassion have NO PLACE in diplomacy.
MIGHT is right. As long as SL is weak it will remain WRONG.
1. USA recommended SL to buy cluster bombs and use them against LTTE in 2002. A VERY GOOD suggestion. We should have though it in 1999 which would have SAVED operation JAYASIGGURU.
2. USA war crimes Rapp said SL should have prosecuted 14,000 LTTE TERRORISTS for war crimes instead of rehabilitating and releasing them!! 100% true. We HORBORED LTTE war criminals which is a crime.
3. “A senior Defence Ministry official told The Island that the government had decided to release, after rehabilitation, the vast majority of those who had surrendered or been captured on the Vanni front or arrested in the South in a bid to reassure the Tamils.”
Risking national security to “reassure Tamils”. What madness.
4. NPC chief minster and councilor Ananthi met Rapp and told them WAR CRIMES BS. We gave them importance. She was just a dead terrorist’s wife. USA maintains they DON’T talk to terrorists. But we washed this terrorist clean and made her a councilor!!
5. Kasippu Joseph has given the LONGEST LIST of war crimes BS against SL. He is ABOVE THE LAW. Never gets punished for violating the PTA or 6 amendment.
We have only ourselves to blame for the damn foolish things we have done and not done when we COULD.
Trying to appease Tamils landed us in this MESS. Now where are the Tamils? Do they come to our rescue as a TOKEN of gratitude? DAMN NO!
January 11th, 2014 at 11:03 am
I too agree that Obama or Bush are not “lily white” and in my opinion, is not much of a worry, as long as they do not interfere with the internal affairs of other countries. Still for all some of the actions instituted against the terrorist outfit called the LTTE operating in Sri Lanka need commendations. Among some of it, correct if wrong are:
1. LTTE was declared a Terrorist Organization
2. When Hilary Clinton organized and received money for her election campaign from the Tamil Organization, the outcry and the fear of the legal system forced her to return the money.
3. No doubt there was a campaign for “Tamils For Obama”, he too strictly prohibited accepting funds – that too for fear of legal consequences because he knew the strict restrictions on expenses of funds in an election campaign.
4. As per the Legal System operating, USA Government successfully imprisoned number of individuals who were found guilty of collecting funds and engaged in secretive activities of procuring arms for the LTTE. They even successfully extradited number of persons from Canada on charges of attempting to procure arms for this terrorist outfit and presently they are serving jail terms.
5. They also put behind bars Raj Rajaratanam, a well known dealer in Wall Street and at the inquiry it came to light how he was funding the LTTE outfit. This man also funneled money to Ravi Karunaratne – UNP MP and that case is still pending in Sri Lanka courts.
6. As late as last week, we found how the “Prime Minister of TGTE” Rudrakumaran was hauled before the Courts in New York and spared without giving a jail term, but ordered to follow compulsory legal studies. This Rudrakumaran is the well known affiliate of LTTE. In his submission to courts in this instances tried to distance himself from the LTTE, but the Judge flatly refused to accept it and stated that submission has no relevance to the case. Then again he (Rudrakumaran ) asked that this court order be not published; but the Judge flatly refused it.
Please note the above brief is not in anyway to be interpreted as my attempt to “Color Wash” Obama or to hail their ways of administration. I give credit whenever to whoever has done something good and also appreciate even a little bit of “NO Nonsense Management”.
In the same way I also commend Mahinda Rajapakse for many of his determination, especially the FREEDOM he wan for us and the development work undertaken. While appreciating all that, I am also disappointed the way he is carrying on his administration. I consider him to be the “Chief Executive Officer” of a huge organization called Sri Lanka. In this capacity the question that come to my mind is: “Is he doing his job at least to meet the minimum expectations of the people”. I do not wish to write at length of his failings and shortcomings. Yet to briefly state, I am most frustrated with:
1. The escalation of the corruption levels spread through out the administrative machinery and allowed to spread without any hindrance.
2. The carte blanche freedom given to manage and administer the State Institutions causing colossal waste of public funds.
3. The spread of crimes and failure to institute corrective steps to curb those. An example of it : The menace of “Drug Cartels” involving and connecting even to the level of the Prime Minister’s office. Today even I found that the Chairman of the Tangalla Provincial Councils who is charged for murder has violated the bail orders and the Police is on a hunt for the man. He is not an ordinary man but quite known to have very high level connections.
4. The unchecked and the neglect of the administrative set up of some of the so called mega investment projects introduced with foreign collaborations. In this field the examples are very many and some of these projects through which the innocent small time investors have lost all their hard earnings have been patronized by higly placed Ministers and Politicians. One example is “Eranawela Project” highly felicitated by the Prime Minister and few other Ministers and Politicians at special ceremonies, operated by a Sri Lankan born Norwegeon is today on a bail from the courts on Rs. 10 millions. This project was to plant Teak and the land involved in extent of 160 acres that were fragmented and sold on “fake deeds”.
5. The attempt to introduce mega casino projects without realizing the ill effects on the society and also giving a life line to the ever growing “underworld drug cartels” and that will definitely give birth the “God Father” level organizations.
I do not want to go further. It is time for Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse, our President to realize and feel the pulse of the “RISE” in the level of “FRUSTRATIONS” among the very people who voted him to power and placed him as the “Chief Executive Officer” of our country. There is still time left for him to CHANGE THE COURSE. I hope he will do it.
January 11th, 2014 at 11:36 am
I forgot to direct the thinking of Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse to one of our village sayings. He being from Madamulana will know this very well:
January 11th, 2014 at 2:32 pm
What the govt. should do URGENTLY.
1. SCRAP 13 amendment.
2. Station the army in large numbers in the north to STOP any violence, separatism.
3. IMPLEMENT 6 amendment.
4. Implement the LAW.
5. Settle Sinhalese in the north.
6. LIMIT Tamilization of Colombo.
7. MAKE Sinhala the ONLY official and national language. English link language. Tamil and Arabic equal minority languages.
8. MONITOR and TAX NGO funds.
9. STOP illegal immigration and DEPORT all those who were NOT born in SL.
10. REDUCE corruption.
But it is very unlikely this corrupt system will LET these happen. It must be changed.
January 11th, 2014 at 3:09 pm
All what you said is correct.
Obama is a better administrator simply becausae USA will still catch criminals and procsecute. Sri Lanka pretends. I don’t know how Charles managed to write this long essay praising MR. If I could , I would have done that too.
But the only way to implement your proposal is to follow the 10 commandments by Lorenzo.
If you break just 1 commandment, Tamils will make use of it to destroy Sri lanka’s reputation thus giving us endless trouble.
January 11th, 2014 at 5:57 pm
Nanda: I always had lot of suspicion on this System Change. The reason is we have in our system to deal with any situation if the “People” who administer it is capable and efficient.
One instance I would like to give, is my own experience. Perhaps you would remember we in Galle got a government constructed bus terminal which was a long felt need. This was opened by no lesser person than the President and it was another project turned over to the public. A day after the opening an MP from the area came there with a “gang of thugs” and cut open the railings and made an opening to accommodate his own bus fleet. When this drama was going on I approached a high ranking Police Officer standing and watching it asked him why this rough MP and the gang are not arrested for destroying public property. You know what he told me. He said “just go and mind your own business” in a very rough and tough voice. That is how this “Public Officer” our custodian of safety and service acted.
On the other hand, where is this MP today. He is appointed a Deputy Minister of a Ministry. That is how our President acted. Is it anything wrong with the “System “or the “People” who manage affairs? In my opinion that High Ranking Police Officer had every right to arrest all those including the MP and framed charges against him to put him behind bars. I am certain that MP would have lost his seat in the Parliament. The President should have and had all the right to “kick him out” of his group and that would have carried the message to every one. So here again the President did not do the correct thing that he was duty bound to do. So he too did not do that but still made it worse by recently appointing him a Deputy Minister.
So it is not the “System Failure” but the “Failure of the People” doing the job. Why people who are given the responsibility and made accountable to do a job is not performing is yet another subject that needs to be discussed in detail later. So with this types of hands on experiences on a daily basis, I still feel the “People” are failing but not the “system”. May be out of frustration, some would definitely think of a change of “System”, but my candid opinion is the “People must change”, as other wise it could lead to another disaster.
January 12th, 2014 at 9:19 am
The Sri Lankan voter is kept busy trying to have demos to increase their daily wages, whilst mischievous forces are busy ‘making hay while the sun shines’ importing Christians into Lanka for ‘Asylum’ using the lax SAARC rules. These SAARC rules must be removed as done by India.
Sri Lankan voters must use their clout with their local govt. reps. and get busy with how they want their country governed or else all is lost, again. Right now, stopping the SAARC rule allowing ‘visa on arrival’ is the most important and seeking easy ‘Asylum’ in Lanka must be stopped too. Or else Lanka will be inundated with perhaps even millions of ‘Asylum seekers’ seeking
a ride on tax payer money.
GoSL has been weakened with FALSE War Crimes charges. They need a boost from the Voters to act.
ACT before it is too late. Do not loose Lanka to outsiders, again.
January 12th, 2014 at 12:41 pm
ONLY a military take over can bring hope to SL.
Otherwise this ROTTEN SYSTEM will continue in SL. Voters are WITHOUT OPTIONS.
13 amendment is killing the country, save terrorists and makes LTTE prostitutes SL spokeswomen who go around the world crying war crimes. And the govt even with 2/3 cannot change it!
Is there ANY HOPE in this system? NO. The military saved SL many times. They must be given the chance to save SL again from anti-SL political dirt and 13 amendment.