Rathika Sitsabaiesan & Paul Dewar on Sri Lanka
Posted on January 10th, 2014

 Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada

10 January 2014

Hon. Tom Mulcair, MP, Leader of the NDP
Leader of the Opposition,  House of Commons, Ottawa

cc. Paul Dewar, Foreign Affairs Critic for NDP;  Rathika Sitsabaeisan, Deputy Whip for NDP

Dear Tom Mulcair:

Re: Your Caucus Members, Paul Dewar and Rathika Sitsabaiesan –          

As  Prime Minister-in-Waiting, it is imperative and crucial that you try to understand  the harm  that these two members of your caucus are presenting to your party being a “brainless” anti-Sri Lanka  bashing Tag team.  I certainly could christen this Tag Team as the S.Bison & D’War Sri Lanka Bashers.  As that’s what they are.

Permit me to explain my concerns:

  1. It was in November last year that  NDP’s Foreign Affairs critic, Paul Dewar indicated in an article published in a leading newspaper that Canada is in a position of authority on Sri Lanka when he stated that the Canadian Government can and should do more to defend democracy and human rights in Sri Lanka.  He was obviously speaking for the NDP, the Party-in-Waiting to govern Canada.

Such ‘brainless’ chiding of Sri Lanka should be a concern to you and your caucus.   The fact remains that when it comes to international politics and Sri Lanka in particular,  neither he as the NDP’s Foreign Affairs critic nor Canada are in any position to defend democracy or human rights in Sri Lanka because Canada was indeed part of the problem of Tamil Tiger terrorism, as it supported  surreptitiously by aiding and abetting them with financial support to destroy a working democracy, letting the Tamil Diaspora stuff two million dollars a month for 13 years into the Tamil Tiger War chest to buy sophisticated arms to  fight and kill.  And also when a couple of Liberal Party Cabinet Ministers (Paul Martin & Maria Minna) and several Liberal back benchers patronized a Tamil Tiger $60-a-plate fund raising dinner in Toronto in May 2000.   Canada  backing the most ruthless terrorist group in the world to destroy a democracy, Paul Dewar has no right to suggest that “Canada can do more to defend democracy and human rights.”   This MP of yours is day dreaming to the point that he has reduced himself as your Party Joker on Sri Lankan Affairs which he seems quite concerned about, and he thinks he knows much.

 2.   When I represented myself a few years ago at the Canadian Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Foreign Affair to present my views on the then on going Eelam war,   Paul who was a Committee Member did ask me a very pertinent question.  “Mr. Weerasinghe”, he said, “The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka says that the escalating Eelam war is a humanitarian war.  What is your view on it?”

 And I responded thus. “Mr. Dewar, the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka is absolutely right.   But I will go one step further.  It is not only a humanitarian war it is also a Liberation War, to liberate the peoples of Sri  Lanka, especially the Tamils in the North and also the territory that the Tamil Tigers are controlling illegally as a de facto Tamil  state, Eelam.”

 “I know where you are coming from, but I don’t agree with you,” said Paul. He got up and walked out of the room and never returned for the rest of my presentation.

 Well, Tom, I could tell Paul Dewar now through this letter to you.   “Well Paul, I know you had difficulty to accept anything positive said by me  about Sri Lanka that afternoon, because you seem to be wearing blinkers during any positive presentation on Sri Lanka by anyone, because you are an inherent Sri Lanka basher.  Right, Paul!”

  Paul, if you had told me that afternoon, “You think you are a soothsayer, aren’t you Weerasinghe?”   My response to you Paul today will be, “Not that I think that I am a soothsayer, I am indeed a soothsayer.   By the end of 19 May 2009, the  Sri  Lanka Prime Minister’s armed soldiers, did liberate 295,873 Tamil refugees who were held as a human shield by Rathika’s Tamil Tigers for 30 months.    Raise your glass and make a toast to my prediction, Paul, as I was right on to the very dot.  You might think I am cocky, Paul.  No I am not, but I am just being honest.  I have been so since August 1983, on this Sri Lanka file.   And not a single Tamil has challenged me so far.  Not even your Sri Lanka bashing tag team partner, Rathika Sitsabaeisan (S.Bison).”

 This strange statement by Paul Dewar proves positive that he is ready to support his Sri Lanka Bashing Tag Team partner S.Bison, by keeping his blinkers on and rushing with his strange statement in defense of Rathika’s presence in Sri Lanka.

The Huff Post of 2nd January 2014 says:  “New Democratic MP Paul Dewar, who has spoken to Sitsabaiesan, said Wednesday his caucus colleague had been followed and closely monitored by Sri Lankan authorities during her stay.

“As soon as she arrived it became clear that the authorities were keeping a close tab on her.  And then she started to receive warnings that she should be careful of whom she speaks to, where she goes.

“This is a pattern we’ve seen with the Sri Lankan government.”

 Tom, this caucus member of yours, Paul Dewar, hallucinates no sooner he hears the word “Sri Lanka”.  All what he had said in the Huff Post is a load of poppycock, and Paul knows it.

 Here are the facts for you to discern and be judge and jury.

When your MP Rathika Sitsabaeisan arrived at the airport, she was given a Tourist Visa after questioning why she was in Colombo. If not for her Canadian official passport, she would have been recognized as another Tamil woman returning home from the Middle East having finished her contract as a domestic, perhaps in a Saudi home.

At that point it was a question of  Rathika Who?   The Government authorities did not know who she was until a motivated element, one of her gang members from the Tamil Diaspora, informed the Canadian media that she had been  “placed under house arrest ” in Jaffna.

The Sri Lankan Government authorities even did not know about Rathika’s single previous claim to fame about her famous photoshop cleavage controversy.   That would have gone well with the Sri Lankan ogling eyes, but it didn’t as they did not know of the incident which was tied to NDPs  MP Rathika Sitsabaiesan.

She might have expected to see a string of ogling Sri Lankans following her,  the Canadian Tamil  politician Queen Bee with that famous revealing exposure of her d©colletage.  To her disappointment it did not happen, and then Plan B kicked in to action.

 For Paul Dewar to assert that “as soon as she arrived it became clear that the authorities were keeping a close tab on her….” is unfortunately a sick fairy joke fit for the Monday morning green bin.

           So, the Canadian parliamentarians being a bunch of foolish  Tamil vote haggling politicians getting sucked into Tamil tricky ploys were taken one more time down the cynical  Hiiii….haaa…..garden path.

This smart but cunning move started to snow ball, and every Canadian news paper gave Rathika Sitsabaeisan the break of her life, by plastering her portrait with the story that she is under house arrest in Sri Lanka tarnishing Sri Lanka’s image.

So Rathika Who? became a household word overnight.  “Oh, that Tamil woman in parliament who was under house arrest in Sri Lanka.  Bad  Sri Lankan people!”

Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner was absolutely right when she said in her Press Release that “Canadian Tamil MP was attempting to embarrass Sri Lanka Government.”  I am not sure whether she managed to embarrass Sri Lanka but she certainly did embarrass the Canadian parliamentary establishment.

I think  the time has arrived for you to rein this woman in, rap her knuckles for this well orchestrated diplomatic fiasco getting higher-ups in the Canadian Government to get involved  in this caper and making a fool of themselves – John Baird, Foreign Minister;  Lynne Yelich, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs;  Tom Mulcair, Leader  of the NDP and the Leader of  the Opposition;  Shelley Whiting, Canadian High Commissioner in Colombo and also Chitranganee Wagiswara, the Sri Lanka High Commissioner in Canada who reluctantly got roped into this crazy, lying fairy tale.

 What has been established is Rathika, the Canadian tourist, did not soak in the Sri Lankan sun on a Jaffna peninsula  beach to get back her lost tan after 27 Canadian winters, met a few of her family members, but  also met the anti-Sri Lanka politicians in a big way contravening the Sri Lankan Immigration laws and regulations..  These meetings were well recorded and publicized in the Tamil media like Tamil Net displaying the photographs of these meetings.

Rathika Sitsabaisan, the Canadian  on a tourist visa during her politicking met the following anti-Sri Lankan politicians:  Northern Provincial Council (NPC) Minister of Fisheries B. Deniswaran; Roman Catholic Religious leaders of  Mannar; Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian Sivagnanan Sritharan; NPC member Ananthi Sasistharan and so forth.

 Rathika in her Twitter message from India says, “I am safely out and in India now.  Thank you everyone for your love. Details to come in recent future.”

Hmmmm… sounds ominous, Tom.  What is important for you to note is that Rathika is in her delusions as always.   Her presence in Jaffna, unfortunately for her and her supportive Tamil Diaspora was not hailed as of a Canadian parliamentary Tamil Tin-Goddess. The visit did not register the political Richter scale in Colombo at all.  This must be rankling her, Paul Dewar and her Tamil Diaspora followers.

If she is planning to walk down the War Path against Sri Lanka again after her CHOGM disappointment, please be judicious and request her not to and to take a step outside that War Path.   The non-Tamil Sri Lankan-Canadians , present NDP supporters and possible future supporters are not going to take her lies kindly. And it is the NDP that will take the negative fall out from all this stupidity.

What should be recognized and should be clear is that her political mandate is to help her local riding Tamils and other ethnic groups in Scarborough-Rouge River, as she was not voted in to support the Tamil separatist cause 20,000 miles away.  What a waste of energy when she could focus that energy to upgrade the quality of life of her constituents and get voted into parliament the next time around.

 Here’s the soothsayer predicting again.  Tom, make note that Rathika Sitsabaiesan is a bad dream and a liability for the NDP, unless she cools off on Sri Lanka and stop poking her nose into Sri Lanka’s internal affairs, which is no business of hers.

I am a Sinhalese-Canadian and a Buddhist to boot.


Asoka Weerasinghe (Mr.)

One Response to “Rathika Sitsabaiesan & Paul Dewar on Sri Lanka”

  1. Sooriarachi Says:

    Did the Canadian Minister’s who authorised $2million a month contribution to Tamil “Charities” get kick backs? If not why did they waste Canadian Tax payer’s money, when Sri Lanka did no harm to them or Canada?

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