Neither Rapp Nor The USA Could Ever Substantiate Their Accusations Against Sri Lanka Based On Diaspora Sympathetic Innuendo.
Posted on January 15th, 2014

Insight By Sunil Kumar

January 16th. 2014

Yet another worthless attempt to discredit Sri Lanka in advance of the forthcoming Geneva Summit appears to be the case where the pun fittingly needs to be interpreted as “Rapp’s Crap” which has been coined by a local satire group interestingly enough towards the
related field and as usual instigated by the US and in all probabilities prompted by the UN who in turn have the harriers in the form of  the global Tamil diaspora mostly Tamil Tiger sympathetic, behind them so what else is new  beyond a few cackles!

The latest meeting between Sri Lanka’s External Affairs Minister G.L. Peiris and Ambassador Stephen. J. Rapp, US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice, had seen both sides take up the so called adversarial positions which many analysts believe would seriously damage future avenues of co-operation and engagement and quoted somewhat circumspectly in the local media. Needlrss to say Prof. Peiris is far from being an adversary being of high intellectual acumen as well as political savvy  as he is as always armed with relevant statistics and credible as well as tangible proof in defence of his country against adversaries where Mr.Rapp the only apparent adversary  seems to have coughed up ~ you guessed it ~ a load of crap!

The Legislature in Colombo and all government politicians with of course a few exceptions perhaps for reasons best known to themselves when adjudicating  that Rapp appeared to have pre-judged the issues and had a closed mind on the matters under discussion and seems to have accepted unverified information provided by interested parties as correct were never far from the salient truth. In fact they seem to have been spot on.

This said on the basis of the invalidity of the puny sources of information he seems to have linked to his conclusions as well as the huge bias written all over his attestation on which basis it deserves to be trashed and he alongside some of his cronies adamant in their insistence needing a summoning towards the explanations of a few home truths about which they appeared to be whether inadvertently or not ~ blinkered as well as overstepping certain diplomatic protocols which they certainly were not entitled to!

With reference to Mr.Rapp’s somewhat officious stand, the source which has said in  no  uncertain terms that“This visit seems to have been undertaken by Rapp from a position of pre-judgment seeking aspects justifying the objectives he is seeking,” seems to have drawn a very appropriate conclusion which further accentuates the worthlessness of Mr Rapp’s accusations.

In Sri Lanka today while it is a painful fact of life that there still remains a residue of ungrateful, disgruntled Tamil Tiger supporters alongside a grateful majority of contented and settled Tamils and other minorities, it appears to be the former category and their lamentations that have caught the sympathy of Mr. Rapp perhaps to suit his own convenience and fodder towards making his claims stick which truly does not gel with related realities and hearsay not a tangible quotient towards verifiable proof. Not surprisingly Mr.Rapp does not seem to have thought of a second opinion from either the Sinhalese and other ethnicities hugely affected by the attrocities of the Tamil Tigers and has had no compunctions about being adamant towards  his opinion which categorically must remain a mere opinion where stacks of evidence in the form of archival documents, photographs as well as eyewitness testimony attests to who the real culprits were that commited crimes against humanity and they today have been disposed of in a precedent setting perfectly legitimate operation by a Sovereign Nation defending Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity from a terrorist entity. Mr Rapp by rights should pack up his crap and take it back home with him if he cannot ascertain the reality of what transpired!

That he has also been described as pompous and ill advised seems insufficient towards how high handed he has been on related issues just in time for the forthcoming Geneva Summit where its high time the bickering on the part of the USA, the UN and the rest of Sri Lanka’s critics in favour of the Global Tamil Diaspora was stifled permanently letting Sri Lanka carry on the programmes initiated towards certain accountabilities with every right to stand her ground on how the anti -terrorist campaign which lasted almost nearly three decaded with astronomical losses to the Nation was succesfully conducted!

11 Responses to “Neither Rapp Nor The USA Could Ever Substantiate Their Accusations Against Sri Lanka Based On Diaspora Sympathetic Innuendo.”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Hack-him has said something sensible this time.

    Tamils HATE Sinhalese over BS war crimes. But if war crimes investigations are done, Sinhalese will start hating Tamils.

    This nonsense MUST stop.

    “The Sri Lankan government Wednesday urged the US to reconsider its position on the island nation and support efforts towards achieving reconciliation in the country.

    Sri Lanka’s Justice Minister Rauff Hakeem said, instead of further polarising the country, the international community, including the US, must look at alternate mechanisms like encouraging a truth commission in order to see reconciliation being achieved in the country, Xinhua reported.

    Hakeem said the US government had a preconceived notion on Sri Lanka and this was clear even during the recent visit of Stephen J. Rapp, ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues, Office of Global Criminal Justice of the US State Department.

    The minister said digging for evidence to back war crimes charged on Sri Lanka will only aggravate the division among communities and not help reconciliation.

    The US Sunday urged Sri Lanka to seek the truth over alleged human rights abuses through independent and credible investigations.” – IANS

    That IS the US plan – DIVIDE the communities.

  2. Nanda Says:

    The person who started parroting the stupid word “reconciliation” must be given death penalty.
    It proves we are a “divided” nation.
    Any fool can see 90% need not seek reconciliation with 10%, unless that 90% had already done hideous crimes on the 10%. Examples white Australians and Americans against aborigines.
    By using this stupid word of a stupid person, we have accepted liability.

    Only way out is go back and change the strategy. State clearly this fact and tell the world we want to forgive the Tamils who destroyed and terrorised our people for 30 years following Buddha’s words as our president said once.

    That is what we have been doing.
    1. Releasing the terrorist without charge and even giving minister posts to who realised that they did crimes
    2. developing the infra structure destroyed by them
    3. being overly generous to them
    4. training the terrorist to be cricketer , singers to earn money ( giving good jobs)
    5. allowing the terrorist widows to become Councillors
    6. Allowing the terrorist masterminds to become Bishops

    We don’t do these things for “reconciliation” but our own kindness and love against even the enemy.

    Stop being pretenders and liars like the west. Be what we are.

  3. Nanda Says:

    Why ponder ? Arrest whoever spread terrorism against the country, Kassipu Geoblles, TNA and all. Rehabilitate all.

    “MOD ponders rehabilitating NPC member Ananthi
    January 14, 2014, 9:22 pm
    By Shamindra Ferdinando

    The Defence Ministry is seriously considering accommodating Northern Provincial Council (NPC) member Ananthi Sasitharan at a rehabilitation facility to prevent her from propagating separatist sentiments. She represents the Illankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK), the dominant partner of five-party Tamil National Alliance (TNA) led by R. Sampanthan, MP.

    She was elected to the NPC last September.

    A senior Defence Ministry source told The Island that those who hadn’t been arrested/surrendered at the conclusion of the conflict in May 2009 missed the government rehabilitation project. Ananthi was among those who had avoided rehabilitation , the official said, adding that a decision would be made soon.

    Ananthi is the wife of Sinnathurai Sivakumar alias Elilan in charge of LTTE political section in the Trincomalee District. The Defence Ministry alleged that Sivakumar had been masquerading as a political activist during the Norwegian arranged Ceasefire Agreement (CFA).

    Ambassador Stephen J. Rapp in charge of the Office of Global Criminal Justice received a briefing from Ananthi during his recently concluded visit to Sri Lanka. Since her election to the NPC, Ananthi toured Canada, the US, India, Germany, Denmark and Norway, where she met government officials and LTTE activists.

    Asked whether the government was planning to hunt for those who had managed to avoid rehabilitation, the official said perhaps Ananthi wouldn’t have adopted such a hostile stance towards the government and the military if she had undergone rehabilitation.

    The government has released over 11,000 LTTE cadres in batches following rehabilitation over past four years. The release of LTTE personnel took place under the supervision of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). The project was funded by several countries, including the UK, the Netherlands and Japan.

    The spokesman admitted that the detention of Ananthi at a rehabilitation facility could trigger strong protests from the international community ahead of the forthcoming UNHRC session in Geneva as well as the TNA. However, the government was of the opinion that Ananthi would continue to undermine post-war reconciliation process unless she underwent rehabilitation, he said.”

  4. helaya Says:

    Why not pass a law to punish treason. It is time to wake up. All the culprits attempt to denigrate SL must be punished.

  5. Lorenzo Says:

    The Defence Ministry is seriously considering accommodating Northern Provincial Council (NPC) member Ananthi Sasitharan at a rehabilitation facility to prevent her from propagating separatist sentiments.

    WOW! Unbelievable.

    I said this 3 months before!!

    DO IT.

  6. Nanda Says:

    Considering only. I bet nothing will happen.

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    GR is in Brazil.

    Last year Brazil voted AGAINST us.

    This time we are making a lot of effort to get SILVA and the crowd to support us.

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    The problem with Ananthi and other whores is that punishing them EVEN FOR MURDER, ETC. discredits SL. UNHRC will cry WITNESS PROTECTION nonsense.

    One way is the RESURRECT THE LTTE under a firm control. Send it on rampage after all TERRORISTS who betrayed LTTE’s TAMIL ELAM OR NOTHING stand.

    If you leave them they will discredit SL anyway.

  9. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    “Ambassador Stephen J. Rapp in charge of the Office of Global Criminal Justice received a briefing from Ananthi during his recently concluded visit to Sri Lanka. Since her election to the NPC, Ananthi toured Canada, the US, India, Germany, Denmark and Norway, where she met government officials and LTTE activists.”

    This just about sums it all up about how and why this wretched harrasment of Sri Lanka by foreign powers continue unabated ! They cannot pin any culpability on the GOSL towards condemnation of war crimes or crimes against humanity as there is neither tangible evidence nor rhyme or reason in any legal sense yet most egregiously they continue where these accusers continue to blatantly violate the concept of their own culpability towards war crimes and crimes against humanity themselves which has confoundingly gone on for years unpunished!
    Perhaps it is a bitter pill to swallow that such a small nation overcame such a huge obstacle and cleared the way for all citizens to live unimpeded by terrorism where the accusers themselves have failed miserably within their own domains and in those they continue to interfere in yet continue by virtue of their power of pecking order.It seems quite appropruate that India is now standing upto the excesses of diplomatic protocol violations by the US although India has a long way to go to get her house in order. It is however a start where other nations should join the fray in condemning and standing up to the US and their cronies who brag about their power and use it towards wrongful intimidation of smaller nations while missing their tagets such as the Taliban, Al Quaeda, their affiliates and other horrendous criminal groups which wreak havoc continuously around the globe yet are in operation today!
    With the sympathetic support of sources such as the US, UN, the UK, EU and the likes, Sri lanka will never be able to ovecome the persistence of her adversaries towards any closure of the Tamil Tiger menace. In this sense
    ” Rapps crap” becomes a significant source towards Sri Lanka’s consternation!!

  10. Lorenzo Says:

    “Since her election to the NPC, Ananthi toured Canada, the US, India, Germany, Denmark and Norway, where she met government officials and LTTE activists.”

    At tax payers expense!!

    Damn 13 amendment curse.

    She didn’t JUST VISIT. They went with BS “WAR CRIMES” evidence.

    Canada, the US, India, Germany, Denmark and Norway will vote AGAINST SL at the UNHRC. We shouldn’t be surprised!!!

  11. Nanda Says:

    Quoting from news.

    1.”Embassy officials meet on a regular basis with a broad range of individuals around the country and we won’t characterize those discussions. Ambassador Rapp’s statement speaks for itself.”

    2. “The US Embassy in Colombo today announced its new program, through its development arm, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), to support the Bar Association of Sri Lanka.

    With the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, USAID will sponsor a Bar Association program entitled “Civil Society Initiatives to Support the Rule of Law.”

    (Then a picture of LTTE supporter Michele Sison and Master betrayer Upul Jayasooriya )

    This three-year program will enable the U.S. to foster further linkages between the Sri Lanka Bar and U.S. state bar association.

    The program will also support continuing professional legal and judicial level education, strengthen legal aid services, and bolster the research and advocacy role of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka.

    “I am so pleased to support important stakeholders in the Sri Lankan legal system, such as the Bar Association of Sri Lanka,” said Ambassador Michele Sison at the signing ceremony.

    “We are proud to continue our longstanding partnership with civil society in ways that strengthen democratic institutions, support the rule of law, and promote an independent judicial system. In this regard we can help further Sri Lanka’s efficacy of the legal system and the administration of justice.”

    “This grant will also assist with a law library renovation, the refurbishment of the Bar Association auditorium, and the organization of a Labor Law Conference in February 2014. ”

    Looks like MR is just the GOVERNOR of SRI LANKA, not the President. How on this earth a sovereign country allow US to meddle with internal matters like this? This woman should be called to give a big slap and deported back to US. Why should be accept this $2 donations from USA ?
    *If this traitor is allowed to be the president of buru association for further 1 year Sri Lanka will be ruled by US*
    True, it is member’s choice, but government must take action to restore our legal system, not allowing traitors to keep on betraying our land rescued by heroes.
    Why is this 2/3 majority is being wasted on numerous election to keep the PC’s running and feeding criminals.

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