Posted on January 25th, 2014
Shenali D Waduge
Let us view some of the comments made by the Office of the UN Secretary General in relation to Sri Lanka.
New York, 12 September 2011 – ON UN PANEL OF EXPERT REPORT
“The Secretary-General is sending today the report of his Panel of Experts on accountability in Sri Lanka to the President of the Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Sri Lankan Government has been informed of the Secretary-General’s decision to share the report with the Council and the High Commissioner. While the Secretary-General had given time to the Government of Sri Lanka to respond to the report, the Government has declined to do so, and instead has produced its own reports on the situation in the north of Sri Lanka, which are being forwarded along with the Panel of Experts report.”
* The UN Secretary General’s Appointment of a Panel of Experts was to appraise him on a personal level – it was neither endorsed nor suggested by the UN Security Council or the UN General Assembly.
* This then begs the question – why did he share this report for his own personal review which has nothing to do with his official mandate to be given to the UN Human Rights Council and its High Commissioner?
* Why should the Sri Lankan Government need to officially respond to a report that was created for the personal reading of the UN Secretary General? As far as Sri Lanka is concerned the report was for the personal reading of Ban Ki Moon only.
* A sovereign country such as Sri Lanka has every right to implement reports and do not need to take permission from the UN for doing so.
“The United Nations has today made public the advisory report of the Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on accountability with respect to the final stages of the decades-long armed conflict in Sri Lanka, which was submitted to him on 12 April 2011. The decision to release the report was made as a matter of transparency and in the broader public interest.
The Panel’s first recommendation is that the Government of Sri Lanka should respond to the serious allegations by initiating an effective accountability process beginning with genuine investigations.”
* How can a UNSG aware that the conflict in Sri Lanka raged for 3 decades think that accountability can be confined to 4 months?
New York, 16 September 2010 – ON PANEL OF EXPERTS ON SRI LANKA
“The Secretary-General held his first meeting today with the Panel of Experts established to advise him on the issue of accountability with regard to alleged violations of international humanitarian and human rights law during the final stages of the conflict in Sri Lanka. This meeting marks the formal commencement of the Panel’s four-month mandate.”
* Again reiterated is that the Panel was appointed to ADVISE HIM and also questions on what grounds can accountability to be held when it is confined to 4 months in an investigation which is only 4 months by a Panel that does not disclose its witnesses and sources are taken from LTTE apologists.
“The Secretary-General has appointed a Panel of Experts that will advise him on the issue of accountability with regard to any alleged violations of international human rights and humanitarian law during the final stages of the conflict in Sri Lanka.
It will be available as a resource to Sri Lankan authorities should they wish to avail themselves of its expertise in implementing the commitment.”
* Whereas the UN Secretary General Appointed a Panel of Experts to ADVISE HIM (Not the UN General Assembly or the UN Security Council) the Sri Lankan Government had already appointed the LLRC in March 2010.
* In this context we would like to question why the UNSG has gone to the level of personally appointing a Panel of Experts to advise him when the GOSL has already started an internal probe the month before.
* It is also pertinent to question why no such Panels at personal levels were not called for by the UNSG for the illegal invasions committed under the banner of R2P by the US, its Allies and NATO?
* If the Report is meant to be only a RESOURCE to Sri Lankan authorities – why is there so much pressure quoting from a report that is legally non-binding?
New York, 21 November 2009 – UN SECRETARY GENERAL ON SRI LANKA
“The Secretary-General welcomes the decision by the Government of Sri Lanka to grant increased freedom of movement to internally displaced persons (IDPs) still residing in camps in northern Sri Lanka. The Secretary-General also welcomes the release of over half of the IDPs from the camps”
* Firstly, there is no question of release – the issues involved in keeping the ‘civilians’ in the camps was because they did not have the provisions to start life – they were hounded from their homes and made to travel with the LTTE. What they wore were the only clothes they had, they had no money, there were issues with regard to land mines and other traps laid by LTTE. All these had to be taken care of – simply to allow these ‘civilians’ to go off without taking proper care would have given another lot of reasons for the international community to blame the GOSL.
New York, 8 September 2009 – UN SECRETARY GENERAL ON SRI LANKA
“The Secretary-General strongly regrets the decision of the Sri Lankan Government to expel Mr. James Elder, Spokesman for UNICEF in Sri Lanka.”
“The Secretary-General is appalled at the killing of hundreds of civilians in Sri Lanka over the weekend. Thousands of Sri Lankans have already died in the past several months due to the conflict, and more still remain in grave danger.
The reckless disrespect shown by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) for the safety of civilians has led to thousands of people remaining trapped in the area.
The Secretary-General once again calls on both sides, in the strongest terms possible, to adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law.
The LTTE must immediately allow the remaining civilians in the conflict zone to leave.”
* UNSG describes LTTE’s conduct as ‘reckless disrespect’ for the safety of civilians.
* This statement is also indicative that the UN was well aware that civilians were with the LTTE (can be voluntarily or by force – but civilians were with LTTE)
* As for the UNSG’s call to adhere to obligations under international humanitarian law – can we know when exactly did the LTTE adhere to any laws unless it was of its own making? Also does the UN not know that the LTTE is classified a terrorist movement and as such when have terrorists including LTTE followed obligations of international laws leave alone humanitarian laws? Are they not called terrorists because they do not adhere or oblige IHL?
“The Secretary-General welcomes the escape by tens of thousands of civilians from the conflict zone in Northeastern Sri Lanka over the last three days.
He deplores the continued use of heavy weapons in the vicinity of civilians, and the use of force by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in preventing the departure of civilians from the conflict zone.
The Secretary-General stresses that it is now imperative for UN staff to be allowed into the conflict zone to facilitate relief operations and the evacuation of civilians.”
* Two key points from this statement. Firstly UN acknowledges that heavy weapons in the vicinity of civilians were by LTTE. Secondly, LTTE prevented departure of civilians from conflict zone.
* As for evacuation of ‘civilians’ from conflict zone – did the UN seriously think that his staff could go into the conflict zone and tell the LTTE – ‘ok we are taking the civilians with us’ and would the LTTE allow both UN staff and ‘civilians’ to leave? Did they not take the ‘civilians’ with them for a reason? If so would the LTTE simply allow UN staff to go off with them? UN cannot have been so na¯ve.
“The Secretary-General and President Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka spoke again today about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Vanni region and their shared concerns about the civilians still trapped in the area.”
* It is clear that the UN was well aware that LTTE was keeping ‘civilians’
“The Secretary-General is deeply distressed by continuing reports from the Vanni region of Sri Lanka that civilians are at extreme risk, with heavy casualties, and that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are keeping civilians in a very small area of active conflict against their will. While some have been able to leave or escape, reliable reports indicate that the LTTE have prevented others from leaving, including by firing at them.
The Secretary-General calls upon the LTTE leadership to allow civilians to leave the conflict area of their own free will. The severe restrictions of the LTTE on their freedom of movement violate international law. The Secretary-General also deplores the forced recruitment of civilians, particularly children.”
* The UN statement that LTTE were keeping civilians in a very small area of ACTIVE CONFLICT AGAINST THEIR WILL – is important for it places total accountability of civilian safety in the hands of the LTTE. With Prabakaran now dead, the UN needs to now question its overseas lobbies of TGTE, Global Tamil Forum, British Tamil Forum, the Church and others who need to start explaining for the UN is quoting from ‘reliable reports” which also confirm LTTE as firing at civilians. If LTTE fired at civilians – we want to know HOW MANY CIVILIANS did LTTE fire at – 40,000? 100,000 or just 4?
* UNSG asked the LTTE leadership to allow civilians to leave the conflict area – did LTTE listen, NO. LTTE leadership includes not only Prabakaran but all the Tamil Diaspora members pulling strings from overseas.
* If the UNSG deplores forced recruitment of civilians – this means they were COMBATANTS… and if civilians were combatants in an armed conflict no one can complain if they had been shot at. We would now like to know how many civilians did LTTE forcibly recruit and how many of these civilians died in battle. Their deaths are not classified as ‘civilians’ and the same is applicable to ‘child soldiers’ – yet over 500 of these surrendered child soldiers have been given a Presidential Pardon – a gesture no other country with child soldiers has given.
“The Secretary-General is extremely concerned over the deteriorating situation for civilians trapped in northern Sri Lanka. He strongly deplores the mounting death toll of civilians in the area of fighting, including a significant number of children. There is an urgent need to bring this conflict to a speedy end without further loss of civilian life. In this respect, the Secretary-General renews his call to the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to suspend hostilities for the purposes of allowing civilians to leave the conflict zone, and allowing immediate humanitarian access to them.
The Secretary-General calls on the LTTE to remove its weapons and fighters from areas of civilian concentration, to cooperate in all humanitarian efforts calculated to relieve the suffering of civilians, and to immediately cease recruitment of children.”
Note: SL President asked LTTE to lay down arms and surrender 2 February 2009/ the same offer was made in April 2009 as well.
* What an absurd notion that a speedy end to loss of civilian life was the suggestion to suspend hostilities – is the UNSG not aware that all throughout 3 decades the LTTE’s mission was to kill civilians? Is the UN suffering from selective amnesia?
* The call by the UNSG for LTTE to remove weapons and fighters from areas where civilians was concentrated is enough proof that the UN was well aware even in March 2009 that LTTE was moving among civilians.
New York, 30 January 2009 – – UN SECRETARY GENERAL ON SRI LANKA
“The Secretary-General welcomes President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s announcement of safe passage for all civilians trapped in the area of intense fighting in the North to a secure environment. However, he continues to be concerned by the threat to the estimated 250,000 civilians caught in the area, who are in close proximity to the fighting.
He urges the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) to do all in their power to make this safe passage a reality, and to ensure the protection of civilians in accordance with International Humanitarian Law.
The Secretary-General calls upon the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, in particular, to allow civilians in the conflict zone to move to where they feel most secure, including areas controlled by the Government of Sri Lanka.”
* There are some inconsistencies – In January 2009, the UN states it is aware of an estimated 250,000 civilians caught in the area. In April 2009, the ICRC press release states their estimate is 50,000 in the area, Gordon Weiss too states on 13th May 2009 that 50,000 civilians remain, then Murali Reddy says that on 16th May 2009, 50,000 civilians escaped which collaborates with Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse telling US Ambassador Blake that on 17th May 2009, 50,000 had escaped.
* This indicates that the figure of 50,000 claimed on 13th May 2009 by Gordon Weiss escaped on 16th/17th May 2009 confirmed by Murali Reddy who was the real witness as he was the man inside the conflict zone whereas all others including Gordon Weiss was relying on information given by various sources.
New York, 26 January 2009 – – UN SECRETARY GENERAL ON SRI LANKA
“The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of civilians caught in intensified fighting in the Vanni region of Sri Lanka between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Government of Sri Lanka. He calls on the LTTE and the Government of Sri Lanka to accord immediate and absolute priority to ensuring the protection and well-being of civilians, including humanitarian aid workers.
The Secretary-General calls on both parties to respect “no fire zones,” “safe areas,” and civilian infrastructure including schools, medical facilities and humanitarian facilities and assets.
The Secretary-General also calls for all parties to allow and facilitate the movement of 250,000 civilians currently in the area of fighting to safe areas.”
Note: The last remaining hospital, in Mullaittivu was evacuated on February 4, 2009 by the International Red Cross.
Following the resignation of the UN Spokesman in Colombo – Gordon Weiss who turned author/journalist and ‘witness’ of Sri Lanka’s Final Phase seated in Colombo started juggling with civilian numbers. From 7000 deaths first quoted by the UN Colombo Office next summersaulted to 40,000 and beyond after resignation from the UN which prompted the UN to disassociate the UN from statements made by Gordon Weiss former UN employee.
15 February 2010 – UN statement on former spokesman views
The Office of the UN Resident Coordinator has received queries regarding recent comments made by former UN spokesman, Gordon Weiss, in an interview with Australian Television.
These views, communicated to the media are his personal ones and do not represent those of the United Nations. The overall view of the UN on any particular situation comes from statements by the Secretary General or other senior UN figures.
A number of queries were made on Mr. Weiss’ comments on civilian casualties. The UN repeatedly and publicly said there were unacceptably high civilian casualties from the fighting in the last months of the war, as a result of the LTTE forcibly preventing people leaving and the Government’s use of heavy weapons in areas close to thousands of civilians. While we maintained internal estimates of casualties, circumstances did not permit us to independently verify them on the ground, and therefore we do not have verifiable figures of how many casualties there were.
The UN remains committed to supporting the Government of Sri Lanka in its efforts to rebuild communities and support peaceful solutions.
Cluster Bomb charge
The United Nations yesterday (2010) apologized to the Government for their comments about the use of cluster bombs on the Pudukkudyirippu Government Hospital. (Incidentally the allegation was made by none other than Gordon Weiss himself. However, the last remaining hospital in Mullaitivu was evacuated by the ICRC on 4 February 2009)
Disaster Management and Human Rights Ministry Secretary Prof. Rajiv Wijesinghe said the UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka Neil Buhne extended a verbal apology yesterday for the comment made by its spokesman
Yet, inspite of this Stephen Rapp and US Ambassador jumped to tweet on the renewed allegation by Father Rayappu Joseph in January 2014 of the usage of cluster bombs – though well aware that this was the same father who opened Eelam House of the LTTE!
All we can say is
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
January 25th, 2014 at 12:15 pm
Yes, the LTTE will not be able to fool all the people all of the time. But that depends mainly on the quality of professional legal support we have put forward so far and many have concerns on that. Many slips come to my mind and for example a few I list here at random: If 40k were killed by the SL forces, where is the physical evidence of their remains? Where are the 40k relatives and claimants for their bodies and why no legal action for ‘libel’ against Gordon Weiss the author of these exaggerated casualty figures? The SL census does not show anything like this number of civilians have ‘gone missing’. Why has SL not challenged the UN so far on this discrepancy? Why has SL not yet challenged the UNHRC desire only to look into the “last 3 months” of the conflict. Is that to deliberately exempt India and the West from all blame for aiding & abetting conflict? Well, I could go on but the sample I have quoted will suffice. All I could say finally is that if GoSL does not take this on in a legally competent manner to succeed at the UNHRC with all the evidence which you have shown in our favour, and there is more, it is time for you and I to pack it in and go home – both of us as concerned Sinhala Buddhists are simply wasting our time writing on this subject any further. Finally I do like to see Navi Pillai taken out of dealing with the case for very evident “conflict of interests”!! – S de Silva – London
January 25th, 2014 at 1:54 pm
“The Secretary General is sending the report by the Panel of Experts to The President and the Human Rights Commissioner of the UNHRC”…
Once Canada tried to “smuggle” this report through the “back door” to the UNHRC. That failed. Now the Secretary General is going to do that. This is the only way to give “credibility” and “legal” recognition to this “Internal Document” meant to be read only by him. This was never discussed or received any credence from the General Assembly or the Security Council. So the Government of Sri Lanka is correct in rejecting the move. It should not stop there. If at any time it is to be brought or mentioned at the sessions of UNHRC, the Government of Sri Lanka must forthwith “condemn” the move and withdraw.
S.de Silva: Your question: Why Sri Lanka did not challenge the UNHRC desire to look into the “last 3 months” of the conflict? I have been raising this issue very many times and without reservations blamed the Government “Delegations” for not rejecting that move totally. In one respect, the large majority of the country who suffered for three decades under LTTE terrorism was denied redress and I considered it the biggest “BETRAYAL”; and on the other hand the Government for whatever reasons unknown to us “walked into a trap” laid by the UNHRC with the help of the “DIASPORA LTTE PROXIES”. You must be knowing better how some of those “Delegates” of the Government behaved in Geneva and it is like spitting on you own face, if we have to describe it. So better not indulge in that at this moment.
I know sometimes out of frustration, we decide to withdraw. No Mr. Silva – It is not correct to do that at this hour of need of your expertise and those of very many like Sonali. Please help us in the name of our country and the Nation. Please go hand in hand with all those patriots based abroad and mount a good defense for the for the country. That is the greatest SERVICE for the country. Thank you.
January 25th, 2014 at 3:16 pm
Govt. is not punishing TNA terrorists. They are free to harm the country.
Now TNA openly has LTTE TERRORISTS in its ranks. They join with US ambassador to discredit SL. Look what the PC system has done to SL. It has EMPOWERED the LTTE to destroy SL!
Viggie got highest votes in Jaffna, Ananthi second. Both of them are the biggest enemies of SL.
Curse those who don’t want the 13 amendment SCRAPPED.
January 25th, 2014 at 3:36 pm
Ranee met Ranjee to ask for help on Kassipu Joe Geobbles.
I believe they have already bribed Zuma heavily, so SA mat vote for us this time.
January 25th, 2014 at 5:09 pm
I was told by a good source that some in the govt. is happy that, this wound is open all the time since they get a free travel to Geneva and have a good time… If its true or not we need to ask why the govt. or so called our best UN ambassadors not doing the rebuttal and specially illegal use of UN secretary’s office for partisan politics. I know some SL-UN ambassadors do not want to rock the boat in US, so that they get lucrative tax free positions within the UN in due course and will not create waves with the US… Check the people with legal back ground and you can deduce who they are…
One of the worst screw up in the UN was having ch4 video authenticated by (1st) few cow boys in US, (subjective rather than technical) when challenged ( it was a legal challenge by me, funded by me, hand carried to the UN by a British law firm-its the first time I am giving this info) then they appointed a second rapporteur who is slightly better than the first ( first one was a damn crook and suppose to be a law professor—my ass) but second technical guy was a mere demonstrator at the Uni and UN said he was a lecturer … I trace his background and report to the uni asking why the fraud since no one in that country cannot be a lecturer with out post graduate qualifications.. He went quite after that. At least second UN report indicated video was edited and optical zoom was used … This means case closed since video is a forgery.
Gota work hard and we created the second video doing the full blown rebuttal for the whole ch4 fiasco and for every one’s information here, our UN ambassador at present was a student of the first crook that started the whole fiasco at the UN.
Bottom line is we need patriots with good resources or education to be at UN, who cannot be bought by financial or any other inducements….
I am so saddened by the failure of the present govt. getting any thing right in this area…
January 25th, 2014 at 5:43 pm
What is so incredulous in this time and age is the rounding up of figures of those civilians killed leading to the human rights accusations. Even as back as world war two great efforts were taken to know exactly how many Jews were killed in each death camp. They were never rounded up to the nearest zero.
With modern 21st century technology, the internet, satellite imagery, and other state of the arts technology why is the number killed rounded to 40 thousand. Am I to believe the Sri Lankan army killed exactly 40 thousand or am I to believe that those who are so “concerned” of human rights violations are accepting the status Quo number given by channel 4 as 40, thousand and not 40 thousand and 1 or 2 or 250? Do those souls not matter for the greater goal od demonizing the Sri Lankan military.
Why is Sri Lanka standing alone in the face of the UNHRC of human rights violations and not part of a group of nations including India, China, Myanmar, Syria, the US, Russia, many nations in the Middle East and in Africa. Why are so many exempted while Sri Lanka is singled out? By doing this the UK, the US are engaging in selective accusations and that is not the tone or nature of the UNHRC. Human rights violated in any nation has to be addressed equally. no nation should be exempted for by that very act Sri Lanka has the moral high ground to take measures with China or on her own such as expelling or temporally closing the Embassies of these nations for their selective punishment of Sri Lanka. It is time they learned Sri Lanka can fight back against hypocrisy and the wanton use of power by these nations.
January 25th, 2014 at 5:44 pm
January 25th, 2014 at 11:55 pm
Curse those who don’t want the 13 amendment SCRAPPED.
TNA resolutions have effect on SL. But they show the world ELECTED LEADERS IN SL’S NORTH want this BS.
“Tamil National Alliance (TNA) members are to submit motions before Northern Provincial Council (NPC) on Monday backing calls for an international war crimes investigation in Sri Lanka.
A motion is also to be submitted before the NPC calling for a war memorial to be constructed, with the backing of the Council, in Mullivaikal where the final stages of the war took place.
In all, 16 motions are expected to be submitted before the Council when it convenes on Monday morning, reports from Jaffna said.
A motion is also to be submitted calling for an international investigation into the Mannar mass grave. (Colombo Gazette)”
January 26th, 2014 at 11:15 am
We would like to call for an INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION into LTTE War Crimes and Terrorism plus continued efforts to revive the LTTE through various religious bodies.
Mr Narendra Modi has promised a future vision for India, if elected as PM at the 2014 elections. He is promising to build 100 Smart Cities (MODERN cities) in India. He is a visionary leader for India. Presumably Tamil Nadu will get at least two of such cities. So India is closing her doors to the past and moving forward.
Sri Lanka has to do the same with the North. No more Caste based problems thrust down on Lanka.
January 26th, 2014 at 2:29 pm
Your “good” source is not far wrong in keeping this unwarranted wound open to suit an agenda, but your assumptions are wrong for free foreign jaunts for interested people. Its political. Example being the PC elections held on 26th March the day after the UN resolution to be voted on.
If you honestly think that free foreign jaunts was a motive, why don’t you examine the most recent foreign visits by the President to Africa (Mandela’s funeral in SA, and thereafter the African Safari in Kenya, or the UAE visit and thereafter the leisure visits to Dubai- all between 30-50 SL “delegates”)
I assume you are having a cheap shot at Palitha Kohana and UN accredited experts. (Think we have already discussed/debate on this issue)
I don’t doubt the fact the videos were edited but i fail to understand how you presume if the videos were edited, the videos were a fake/forgery.
Need, i remind you, your evidence/expert opinion was regarded to be not credible (perhaps harsh in classifying it as not credible) but not independent, nevertheless in a court of law the risk factor was far greater if one takes other considerations such as weak witnesses
ps- I was privy to the opinion.
Sirih- If you feel you have the resources, education and the credibility to be a UN expert, why not put forward your name? No doubt you have the sources and contacts to bring it to fruition.
If you feel that you are better
January 26th, 2014 at 3:09 pm
There is NO difference.
January 26th, 2014 at 4:15 pm
I am afraid you haven’t got the facts re. some of your comments. National interest should be above any petty politics or personal ambitions.. I know Palitha as well, he is well qualified for the job and possibly well informed about the UN procedures and politics… There are questions asked inside the govt. about his effectiveness of looking after the countries interest and very soon it will come to the surface, re. if he is going to be replace or not.. This is something between him and the govt… Also questions are asked was he allowed to do his job with out political interference from some people in the govt.
Re. video issue, I am surprised about your question about editing vs authenticity.. It is a straight forward issue legally since any video is edited it is not acceptable as evidence since one edit point open for whole lot of abuse… DVE, CG, Chroma Key etc.. I do not expect you do understand it but these are technical facts that acceptable in law… You also error in your comments about credibility or independence of me which has nothing to do with the case and you can be ignorant but its better not to broadcast it.. If you are commenting on subjective matters(or opinions) then what you mention will come to the surface and my work has nothing to do with subjective analysis…( I do not give opinions, no need). I leave that to the people with agendas… Those are solid technical analysis based on NLE verification and no one can dispute them.. Possibly you never saw the NLE analysis.- Case closed… BTW there were so many errors in that video and I only publish few since fakers are learning the art of faking since 2009.
These are expensive instruments and they do have money to get access to these systems and its operators.
I have no compulsion to be at UN or any in political arena and our family interest lies with national interest and our family is being in this scenario more than 100 yrs… You may not know who we are but one thing can be sure that we will NEVER sell the country since our race and religion is being there more than 2000 yrs and we are proud of our heritage and we like to see Sri Lanka as one entity with all the races and religions coexisting as one nation.
Open your mind and hope you see a bigger picture that will create a nation that is based on justice and humility.