Sunday Times Political Editor Waffle & HotAir with Minimal Facts
Posted on January 26th, 2014

Prof. Hudson McLean

One thing of importance highlighted by the extensive analysis by the Political Editor of Sunday Times, in this one-sided Waffle, without any denial, is that, there is Freedom of Expression in Sri Lanka.

Has the Chameleon reached the Peter Principle?

The Definition of Peter Principle: An observation that in an organizational hierarchy, every employee will rise or get promoted to his or her level of incompetence.

There are some facts which the SLG should take note, as well as take drastic action, is to give a serious consideration to the questionable Professional Capability of Prof. G.L. Peiris, as the External Affairs Minister!

Sri Lanka, over the past ten years has changed dramatically due to BOLD leadership of HE President Mahinda Rajapaksa, and his Secretary of Defense Dr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Said that, one might add that, neither of them nor the External Affairs Minister have had the much needed competence to address the Global Press & Public Relations machinery of adversaries at UNHC, the likes of USA & EU diplomatic political heavy weights. Truth Hurts!

Hence, the expensive deployment of external Press & Public Affairs specialists from USA & elsewhere, selected by inept & incompetent diplomatic personnel, at the various Missions, under Prof. G.L.Peiris.

Direct outsourced PR services with Professional Competency

As a Member of the UK Press, as well as an experienced Press & Public Relations director, the quality & performance of a PR company is only as good as the people who hire and brief them. Inexperienced political-appointees with Zero understanding on how to brief & motivate a PR company can only get Zero result.

The current Political Image of Sri Lanka, in the eyes of the major powers, is in an unbelievable mess. Although Sri Lanka has emerged better than most of the major powers expected, their (major powers) media coverage supersedes that of Sri Lankan efforts, by a huge margin.

“Dont blame the Music, its the Piano-player!”  In this case, the Minister of External Affairs!  Ideally he should retire gracefully, before he is dumped!

Half Dead Telephone Response Sans Manners.

Today with WiFi & fast Broadband Internet, communications may make, wake or break any reputation of a Corporate Identity of any Company or indeed any Country.  This is one issue Sri Lanka should correct post-haste!

When it comes to communications, a valid point is that Sri Lanka is still dragging its feet in a muddy paddy field, like an over-fed water buffalo.  The land-lines or the Mobile Cell telephones ring for 10-20 times in Government Ministries or even in Private Sector, with No Response, till it gets disconnected.  When eventually, some lethargic response finally arrives, where the operators are never trained to give a professional crisp introduction with an Identification, except a “half-baked-Hullo”.

Lame Duck Opposition

The main function of a Political Opposition is to monitor the Government Administration, to give an independent, objective analysis with overall Priority interests of the country at large, and to offer credit where credit is due.

However, in every democratic country, the Opposition is simply playing the one-sided field, which may benefit its own Political Agenda.  The Sunday Times Waffle confirms that, without any doubt.

This specially prevalent with the various double-faced Tamil political parties, who are largely subservient to India in general or Tamil Nadu in particular, or the to expatriate Tamil funders, whose only objective is to destabilize Sri Lanka.

Dealing with the Military Presence in the Northern Province.

Sri Lanka should not care too much or bend over backwards to the rif-raff created by Witch-doctors of the West, bearing in mind that none of these countries came to defend Sri Lanka, except China, Russia, Pakistan and a few others.

As a Sovereign State, Sri Lanka has an undeniable right to protect Her borders and Her citizens, and disregard prejudicial comments from Human Rights Pundits, with an axe to grind, such as Tax Free moolah or Tamil expatriate votes.

Sri Lanka has no obligation to explain to any other country how, why, where the Rights to Defends Her Sovereignty are exercised.

The Secretary of Defense Dr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa has, in his pursuance of maintaining the security of Sri Lanka, has performed an excellent professional duty with diligence, which is commendable, as an example to other Nations seeking defense from terrorism.

There are “Smoke Signals” that the rump of the Tamil Terrorism is still attempting to garner support from Tamil expats to create unrest, even in minor skirmishes, using High Technology instruments. As the old saying goes, “There is No Smoke Without Fire”. Therefore the  “military involvement” should prevail, simply for the sake of overall security.

The prejudicial whining of the singing, dancing, Dr. Pakiasorthy Saravanamuttu should be relegated to the same Trash-can as the other Tamil LTTE funder Raj Rajaratnam, who is currently languishing in an American “porridge parlour” aka Jail.

The Growth of Corruption – Sri Lanka drops to 91st place on 2013 Corruption Index –
Sri Lanka has become more corrupt this year dropping 12 notches from last year’s 79th place rank, to the 91st place among 177 countries.

This is Bad News!!

Many of the henchmen of government officials are using their “Power to Access Power” are making substantial sums, even millions of $$$$, lining their pockets, simply to gain an appointment.

One of the best persons to address this Cancer-of-Corruption is either Dr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa or Basil Rajapaksa, under the direction of HE President Mahinda Rajapaksa.  Follow the basics from Singapore.

Credibility Factor

With so many political and racist enemies shooting wild arrows, Sri Lanka has a great deal to combat within its own dynamic environment.

Overall, the Credibility Factor of Sri Lanka is moving slowly but steadily stretching (like a piece of string)  in a positive direction, largely due to the presence and the policy of the government led by HE President Rajapaksa.

But the question is, “How Long is a Piece of String?” Here the Quality Matters beyond its Length!

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9 Responses to “Sunday Times Political Editor Waffle & HotAir with Minimal Facts”

  1. Marco Says:

    Oh dear Prof Hudson- you just had an “enzo” moment!

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    The danger of govt. losing grip in CONTROLLING Tamil racists is people will take matters into their own hands.

    Then the govt. will be UNABLE to stop them because stopping them means an ELECTION DISASTER!

  3. Nanda Says:

    Dear prof.,

    Please be straighter. Buck stops at the President, no point ” applying butter ” to him. The following quotes from your writing, I just added 7 words to one quote.

    Quote 1
    “Sri Lanka has become more corrupt this year dropping 12 notches from last year’s 79th place rank, to the 91st place among 177 countries, under the direction of HE President Mahinda Rajapaksa”

    Quote 2
    “One of the best persons to address this Cancer-of-Corruption is either Dr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa or Basil Rajapaksa, under the direction of HE President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Follow the basics from Singapore.”


    Doesn’t make sense does it ? I don’t remember Singapore dropped the corruption index under uncle LKY once.

  4. Sri Rohana Says:

    “Dealing with the Military Presence in the Northern Province”. The Professor is 100% correct
    “As a Sovereign State, Sri Lanka has an undeniable right to protect her borders and her citizens,”
    2nd European/ American war ended in 1945 but there are more than 84 camps and 50,000 American military personals in Japan even after 70 years. Why not NGO’s and peace pundits silence on that issue? How come they ask us to do so within 5 years? They must not forget that American’s fought not even 6 years and ended it with biggest mass destruction in the human history ever since. But Sri Lanka fought more than 30 years with world’s most cruel terrorist organization and it is just 5 years ago.
    After 70 years of the war American and British military presence yet in Germany and Italy. There are 56 camps in Germany and 42,000 American soldiers.
    Even after Korean War in 1953 yet 30,000 American soldiers in South Korea and it is a threat to North Korea and the peace of entire peninsula.
    America occupied by forced Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. “In our country we have a military base against the will of our people. … And it is being occupied by force. We have the moral and legal right to demand its return. It is part of our territory being occupied by a U.S. military base”. “Fidel Castro”
    It is a gross human right violation by American Military. Where is Navinathan Pillai? Where is Ban Ki Moon? Where is BBC? Where is CNN?
    Diego Garcia islands occupied by American and British without the consent of the citizens of the islands and they were forced removed by American and British soldiers by their own country.
    These are few examples of UNHR so-called human right guardians American and British present day activities. What moral they or tamil tribal Navinathan Pillai and clique question on Sri Lanka’s military camps with in Sri Lanka’s territory.
    Professor is totally correct! External Affairs ministry and foreign missions are burden to tax payers and it is occupied by Hamid, Tyronne Fernando, Mangala and Chandrika’s henchmen. They bother only their perks, kid’s education in abroad, the duty free confessions and their personal agendas.
    In 2009 we had an Ambassador with a back bone and his counter resolutions were accepted by UNHR members and even BBC admitted as it was a diplomatic defeat to U.K and EU. World’s most hated American and British thugs can easily defeat with diplomatically if an intelligent delegate use his common sense as in 2909.
    Human right issue is another free travel pass for some of the external affairs personals. I heard last March they reserved whole floor of “Hilton Geneva” for the Sri Lanka delegation. Bon Voyage and bon appétit 2014/2015/2016 ……2020?

  5. Sooriarachi Says:

    Thank you Prof. Mclean.
    I too often wondered whether, many officials, including Prof Peiris, have reached their ceiling in performance capability, as defined under “Peter Principle” or whether they are merely tired after years of getting bombarded with thrash by dishonest and well funded media outlets and NGOs, thereby reduced only to responding to wild allegations, rather than canvassing proactively, like how one would, if they had a proper foreign relations project plan with achievable goals. Yes Prof Peiris seems tired and more or less repetitive, resulting in being ineffective to counter hostile propaganda. Sri Lanka needs to quickly find a clever and energetic person to replace the Minister. Not realising this is the weakness of the President himself, who too seem to be getting tired of having to respond to continuous wild allegations by the enemies of the nation as well as an unpatriotic, short sighted, selfish opposition, wishing the worst for this Government.
    It is also so true that foreign agencies contracted to communicate the true position in the country, wont be able to do so, if the persons responsible to supply relevant and timely material and data to these agencies could themselves be incompetent and/or lethargic bureaucrats.

  6. Lorenzo Says:

    The FOOLISH govt. is going to get hammered by TNA now.

    Keep paying their bills, foreign trips and keep protecting them. TRAITORS are directly working against SL. Will any other country tolerate this? Dig your own grave, govt.

    “The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) says it will gather support for the UN resolution on Sri Lanka to be submitted at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in March.

    TNA leader R. Sampanthan said that the resolution sponsored by the United States is expected to be very critical.

    He said that the TNA has urged the United States to ensure the resolution brings a solution to the Tamil issue.

    Sampanthan said this after the TNA central committee met in Trincomalee.

    He said that the TNA will have meetings with UNHRC member countries and seek their support for the resolution.

    Sampanthan said that the Government is having talks with some countries, particularly Muslim countries, in order to seek support against the resolution.

    However he expressed confidence in the resolution being passed by a majority when it is taken up for a vote in Geneva. (Colombo Gazette)”

  7. Fran Diaz Says:


    Most of what you say here has hit the target spot on.

    Yes, we agree with “Follow Singapore” !!

  8. S de Silva Says:

    Thank you Prof for confiming and stressing the utter incompetence of the GoSL reps in charge of Foreign matters, (something I too have been moaning in these columns for years!!). And drastic changes are immediately needed if SL it to rapidly get out of this mess. Well said Prof! Hope the GoSL takes immediate note of your obervations, time is running out for SL – S de Silva -London

  9. Lorenzo Says:

    Here are some FACTS and FIGURES on the issue.

    “The security forces have continually reduced their presence conforming to the improving security situation. Accordingly, within the last two weeks another important step had been taken to further reduce the military presence by relocating 214 static guard positions occupied by troops within the Jaffna peninsula. Troops that were previously deployed in these areas have been redeployed in the few main camps within the peninsula, says military spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya.

    A statement from the office of the Chief of Defence Staff says, with this redeployment which is aimed at further reducing the military presence in Jaffna, the number of public and private buildings released by the security forces since the end of the conflict in 2009, including those located within the former High Security Zone in Palaly, has increased to 8,420.”


    What a DEFEAT is this!! 8,420 + 214 = 8,634 army positions WITHDRAWN because the LTTE (TNA) want it that way!! Once again TAMILS make national security decisions and the govt. just COMPLIES.

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