Australia commends Sri Lanka’s efforts while US & UK displays hypocrisy
Posted on January 28th, 2014

P.A.Samaraweera, Melbourne

The US Embassy in Colombo had said, Washington plans to introduce a resolution calling for an international investigation at the March session of the UN Human Rights Council.  PM David Cameron had said, ‘Britain will push for an investigation if Sri Lanka did not make an international inquiry by March 2014 ! Ironically, they want an inquiry only for the last stages of the war. They have conveniently swept under the carpet the LTTE terrorism people faced for 30 years. The question which pricks is why an investigation only for what happened during the last stages when the war against the terrorists  had been fought for 3 decades. Basically, it appears that the US and UK are trying to white-wash all the terrorist activities done by the LTTE. Further, these 2 countries are also harbouring all the terrorists who escaped during the war and after the war.
The US and UK had created chaos in Iraq and afghanistan and in countries such as Libya by installing puppet regimes who are at the beck and call of the west. And now they are trying to make a mess in Sri Lanka where at last peace had dawned after years of carnage. Non-aligned countries should call for an international investigation with regard to the role of US and UK which had led to the deaths and displacement of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In contrast to the threats by the US and the UK, a group of Australian MP’s who visited Sri Lanka this week with MP Rose Thompson and MP Jean Beattie had said, ‘It had been an absolutely amazing achievement for Sri Lanka – a lot had changed within a short time’. They had added, ‘ The transformation Sri Lanka had undergone since the end of the war is highly impressive and there will always be bipartisan support to Sri Lanka from Australia’. The first visit by these Australian MP’s had been after the war in 2009 .

The American and British politicians are jumping up and down because of the funding and votes to them by the Tamil diaspora. The tail wagging the dog !

One Response to “Australia commends Sri Lanka’s efforts while US & UK displays hypocrisy”

  1. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    When it comes to the Tamil Diaspora Sri Lanka has time on her hands. The children of these Tamils will be less if not completely uninterested in a homeland which to them would be alien. They would be more oriented to the host nations than to carry a crusade for Eelam in Sri Lanka

    When it comes to the US, UK and India they can “try” but without the full cooperation of Colombo they cannot force this upon any nation. Militarily the US is fading against China. In an article in the Asia Times I quote the rapid rise of China and the equally failed policy of containing her. Part of the selected accusation of human rights on the Sri Lankan military is due to the strategic alliance Sri Lanka has with an ever growing power like China: The title of the article in Asia Times is “Pentagon concerned by China’s new high speed Missile” “China’s recent test of a new ultra-high speed strike vehicle highlights growing concerns that Chinese military advances will overtake those of the United States in as few as five years, a senior Pentagon official told Congress Tuesday.” and “Kendall said the threat of such hypersonic vehicles to the United States is that they are difficult for missile defenses to counter. The vehicles travel and maneuver while flying at speeds of up to Mach 10 or 7,680 miles an hour.“The high speed of these systems makes it much more difficult for air defenses to engage,” he said.”

    Some other excerpts: “The experimental weapon is a new strategic strike capability China’s military is developing that is designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses. China could use the vehicle for both nuclear and conventional precision strikes on targets, including aircraft carriers at sea.” and “China is expected to field a new fight-generation jet fighter, the J-20, in the next few years and also could export the aircraft to other states, he said”. If that is so there is a good possibility that Sri Lanka stands to benefit from China’s military development. Finally ““China’s pursuing a long-term comprehensive military modernization program focused on anti-access/area denial capabilities,” Kendall said. “Today our investments, on the other hand, are being limited by budget cuts that fall disproportionately on modernization, research and development and procurement.”

    Sri Lanka will be increasingly and selectively targeted for human rights violations by the US and the UK who is a member state of NATO which was created by the US as a counter power to the UN, as long as China and the strategic island of Sri Lanka continue to grow in their strategic relationship.

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