On Independence Day February 4, 2014
Posted on February 6th, 2014

Anjalika Silva Gaithersburg, MD

Just returned from a solemn flag hoisting and official ceremony to mark the 66th Independence Day at the Sri Lanka Embassy in Washington. D.C., USA.

It was bitterly cold but it didn’t stop those present from standing at the foot of the flag and watch it hoisted and then flutter in the wind. Thinking about home as the flag moved up and fluttered brought many …thoughts and feelings. First it was pride that we had come a long way from the chaos, terror and fear that gripped even those of us who live as far as in the US. The fleeting thoughts of our loved ones and those who fought for our freedom from decades of terror. The joy mixed with sadness is what I experienced because of many reasons.

In only four years, we have many who have forgotten what it was like before we had the peace we enjoy now. Whatever else there may be, we have peace and development to move the country forward and it is time to look past everything else because the trunk of the tree of prosperity is standing on the strength of the roots of freedom and the lives lost in gaining that freedom resulting in PEACE.

On this day, I wish to draw the attention of those who continue to fault the country for the wrongs of individuals. The country cannot answer for the actions of people and the soil we walked on when we took our first steps when born deserves to be respected. We have to now reckon with greed, dishonesty, power struggles, lies about the country spread around the world, crime, hatred, anger, lack of commitment, thuggery, indiscipline, drugs, murder, and everything else. What is the common denominator? Not the soil of our beloved homeland – it is the people who create all of the above.

I would particularly like to address those who cannot separate politics from patriotism and pay homage to the country regardless of your political leanings. I would also like to remind the diaspora who are living overseas and pushing for chaos in the country they discarded to remember that some of them received all the privileges from the country but chose to finance and support a war against their own causing suffering to the helpless people of all races and religions in all parts of the country. Wouldn’t it have been better to contribute to building roads, hospitals, schools, businesses for the people who suffered in the war ravaged parts of the country from the vicious brutal life they had to lead? If opportunities were lacking as claimed, the funding could have created the opportunities, not fattened the ego and ruthless power of individuals who did not value life. Funding destruction didn’t mend the problems. The claims of opportunities lost do not add up in statistics that prove the claims were groundless brainwashing without any relation to the true facts.

Now the roads are done, schools are functioning, businesses are booming and the children used for the battlefront have returned to their families and parents who had lost hope. Every human being is blessed with a powerful mind to think, search their souls and make a start to be human and embody the qualities that will collectively eradicate the above list of undesirable conduct. Every person should resolve to live each day making a conscious effort to do something good for another and live an honest life taking responsibility for a purposeful existence doing the right thing by being mindful.

Take Sri Lanka’s hard won PEACE and move in the right direction to make it a HAPPIER PLACE!

8 Responses to “On Independence Day February 4, 2014”

  1. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    “Take Sri Lanka’s hard won PEACE and move in the right direction to make it a HAPPIER PLACE!”

    I agree. But to ensure happiness and peace Sri Lanka should become a powerful nation that does not tolerate the dictates of other nations and defend the peace she so hardly earned. To quote: “In order to ensure peace one must be prepared to prepare for war”. Preparing for “war” includes diplomatic warfare as well.

  2. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    In order to ensure peace one must be prepared for war”

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    “In order to ensure peace one must be prepared for war.”

    WAR includes conventional warfare, counter terrorism warfare, counter insurgency warfare, diplomatic war, COVERT war, war by proxies, undercover warfare, espionage, etc. as well.

    Peaceful and other means to keep Tamil population numbers UNDER CONTROL is the BEST tactic to ensure PEACE. Some tactics may be cruel but they pay off in the long run.

  4. Nanda Says:

    War can be avoided by

    1. Having proper set of laws and reviewing and updating all the time
    2. Proper and immediate enforcement with justice
    3. Personal greed kept to a minimum or made inactive using law and enforcement
    4. Maximum penalties for betraying the country ( for example not allowed to do a government job and last priority when queuing up to get public service.
    5. Up to date and well trained armed forces “war ready” all the time
    6. having at least one powerful ally.
    7. After two warning’s ACTION MUST BE TAKEN no matter what happens next. ( i.e. NO FEAR to do the right thing)

  5. Lorenzo Says:

    BTW what happened to Asada (INI Premadasa)?

    Long time no hear.

  6. jayasiri Says:

    Thank you Angekika, This is the SECOND time I am trying to comment on your Independence day celebratstions, AS SOME IDIOT is always BLOCKING my writing this COMMENT.

    As I was saying Tamil Diaspora spreading FALSE statements & lies to discredit Sri Lanka. We have to be prepared for WARTamils with the help of other countries WANT ONE. Diplomatic front must be fully equiped with PROFESSIIONALS and ones with stature to get things done.

    Tamils in North & East of Sri Lanka are suffering because the Tamil Diaspora are NOT interested in HELPING their own brothers & sisers in Sri Lanka. Blaming Sri Lanka & ruling party will not get them anything BUT GET involved in doing some good to the country you were born.

    Always remember INDIA is not a friend of ours, and watch her activities in DESTABALIZING SRI LANKA with the help of Western powers.
    Always remeber Sri Lanka’ UNITARY state & it is a SINHALA BUDDHIST NATION……..May the Noble Triple Gems guard Sri Lanka.
    & May GOD BLESS Sri Lanka…………….J

  7. Nanda Says:

    “Every person should resolve to live each day making a conscious effort to do something good for another and live an honest life taking responsibility for a purposeful existence doing the right thing by being mindful.”
    May I add 3 words “Every person headed by MR …….”.

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    We agree with Angalika’s sentiments : “Take Sri Lanka’s hard won PEACE and move in the right direction to make it a HAPPIER PLACE !”. After all, we are ALL after HAPPINESS, aren’t we ?

    Also agree with Nanda’s plan with a few additions :

    1. Having proper set of laws and reviewing and updating all the time
    2. Proper and immediate enforcement with justice
    3. Personal greed kept to a minimum or made inactive using law and enforcement
    4. Maximum penalties for betraying the country ( for example not allowed to do a government job and last priority when queuing up to get public service.
    5. Up to date and well trained armed forces “war ready” all the time.
    My addition: ‘War’ may come in the form of tremendenous changes int the weather patterns due to Global Warming. Even the unprecedented cold and other inimical weather patterns in the west is due to Global Warming. An army ready to deal with emergencies is needed.
    6. having at least one powerful ally –
    My addition : we ought to be NON-ALIGNED and persuade INDIA & the SE Asian region to do the same – sign a contract of Peace with all the countries of the S.E. Asian region, especially INDIA, to remain NON-ALIGNED in Cold Wars which lead to World Wars. We ought to remain friends with all powerful allies and so should India.
    7. After two warning’s ACTION MUST BE TAKEN no matter what happens next. ( i.e. NO FEAR to do the right thing).
    My comment : Right thing is to save and serve the People of Lanka, all of them.

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