India is the most cunning and criminal country to watchout for- It is a slithery snake never, ever, ever to be trusted, ever
Posted on February 9th, 2014

The plum blossom

 It is obvious to anyone with an iota of a brain that bogus human rights concerns are used by the criminal countries US, UK, Canada and India to create fear within the Sri Lankan Government so that they are terrorised to hand over land and police powers and other powers to the provincial councils and much, much more such as setting up of a federal state and subsequently a separate state. This the Sri Lankan Government should never ever, ever, ever do unless we actually want to create a separate state.
Only a very stupid person could think that giving any further powers to the Provincial Councils will not create a separate state since it would most definitely will create a separate state. Why should the Sri Lankan Govt give any further powers to the provincial councils anyway? The 13th amendment has been implemented as far as it can go. This is it! This is the political solution. Take it or leave it TNA, India and all other international busybody countries! This is what the Sri Lankan Govt. should tell them.
thalaivarmodi01Thalaivar vaiko & narendra modi
Sri Lanka as a whole is the homeland of all it’s people i.e. the sinhalese, sri lankan tamils, muslims, malays, burgers, veddhas and others including it’s north and east. Therefore no bit part of Sri Lanka can be exclusively claimed by any group of people. Why should the Sri Lankan Govt. then ‘hand over’ the north and east to the TNA or anybody else? Why should the Sri Lanka ‘hand over’ even one square inch to anybody?!!! It is insane and crazy.
It is also crazy to think that India does not support an eelam since actually the criminal country called India is the godfather of eelam. India wants to grab the north and east from Sri Lanka as does the US and they are using bogus human rights charges in order to terrorise the Sri Lankan Govt to give extra powers including land and police powers to the provincial councils. This the Sri Lankan Govt should never, ever, ever, ever, ever do unless we actually want to create a separate state.
India is the most slithery snake to watch out for. It is the most cunning and one of the most cleverest criminal countries around.  It is a country which have flouted the UN Charter many times and it has committed gross and massive human rights violations domestically in it’s many internal conflicts and commits gross violations against women, adhivasis and dalits. It is a country where women are raped almost as a sport and on a regular basis and treated in the most abhorrent and degrading manner even in everyday life including female infanticide and female foetus abortions on a most shocking and massive scale unheard of in other any other part of the world. I would not be surprised if rape of females is named as a sport or a recreational pastime in India. This country clearly has nothing to teach Sri Lanka on the human rights front. It is a country where women are third class citizens, where human dignity is absent due to some humans beings being considered untouchable and it’s future female citizens being aborted on a massive, shocking scale and on a regular basis. In short it is a hell for women, girls and the untouchables.
However India is a most cunning, slithery snake and it is eyeing the north and east of Sri Lanka (at first of course and once they get the north and east of Sri Lanka, they will terrorise the rest of Sri Lanka to submit in no time!). Therefore it is a warning to those idiots in Sri Lanka who thinks that the Provincial Councils should be given extra powers including land and police powers since this will only have one outcome and one outcome only and that is the creation of an eelam and after that the rest of Sri Lanka will be grabbed by India too. 
India has in fact terrorised us in Sri Lanka in our entire historical existence and actually it has wanted to grab Sri Lanka in our entire existence. So it is not a new occurrence. The shocking way it has treated Sri Lanka by training the LTTE terrorists in the 1970s and the 1980s and fuelling this armed conflict and the most degrading and shocking way it has voted against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC twice and mark my word, will do so for the third time for sure, is ample testimony that it has far wider designs of not only creating an eelam via forcing Sri Lanka to grant land and police powers and other extra powers to the provincial councils and on terrorising Sri Lanka to ‘implement the 13th amendement to the full’ but  ultimately to grab the whole of Sri Lanka.
In fact, it will not be at all a surprise to learn subsequently that indeed it is India which is behind this whole UNHRC bogus and utterly false human rights violations charges from the very beginning. In fact, I am sure this slithery snake called India is the most cunning and cruel country which is behind these bogus and totally false human rights violations charges. So please watch out the Sri Lankan Govt. India is a slithery snake which should never, ever be trusted.
In short Sri Lanka should never, ever, ever, ever do what India forces us to do and never, ever, ever trust the slithery snake called India if we in Sri Lanka want to exist as an independent country in the future.
The countries US, UK, Canada and India are criminal countries and whether persons or countries, criminals should be treated as criminals. They are the ones who have flouted the UN Charter and committed massive human rights violations on a regular basis internationally and domestically. Whether we win the UNHRC vote or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that criminals trying to grab other people’s property (in this case the north and east of Sri Lanka by trying to terrorise the Sri Lankan Govt. into granting land, police and other powers to the provincial councils and thus paving the way for a separate eelam), should be treated as criminals, Therefore the US, UK, Canada and India should be treated as criminals no less.
The US,UK, Canada and India can go fly a kite if they Think Sri Lanka is going to hand over it’s territory to them since it is also obvious that the US, UK, Canada etc. are after the resources of this ‘separate state’ that they are out to create and also to set up naval, air bases etc. for example at Trincomalee and to grab the resources such as minerals, oil, the vast sea resources etc. by creating a ‘separate state’.
 The plum blossom is a distinctive and unique flower because it blooms in the dead of winter, while there is still snow on the branches of the parent tree.

5 Responses to “India is the most cunning and criminal country to watchout for- It is a slithery snake never, ever, ever to be trusted, ever”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    “In short Sri Lanka should never, ever, ever, ever do what India forces us to do and never, ever, ever trust the slithery snake called India if we in Sri Lanka want to exist as an independent country in the future.”


    And that should include ENDIANS in SL.

    If anyone speaks a language spoken in Endia he is an Endian. NEVER trust him.

    SL should finance ENDIAN SEPRATIST movements and NGOs that represent untouchables and women. SL should send former tigers (11,000 of them are living) to train Maoists and other rebels in Endia. That should teach Endia a lesson too.

  2. Nanda Says:

    ” create fear within the Sri Lankan Government ”

    why FEAR ? Because of Excessive Greed.

    What are the buggers in NC doing ? The same thing LTTE started doing long ago. Successive super fools did nothing for 30 years until our Mahinda Ayya came in with difficulty. Mahinda Ayya did the job which no one could do.
    But after doing it, GREED conquered him. He became Maha Raja.

    No. We should not let him become another JR. We should force him to be another Dutugemunu.

    Most Urgent message delivered by plum blossom. DO NOT TRUST THE SNAKE.

  3. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    Great article: This time when India votes against Sri Lanka regarding the human rights motion, Colombo should reply by nullifying the 13th amendment, increasing the military presence in the Northern and eastern states and start a full fledged program to relocate Military families to the these provinces. It is important these families are linked to the military for they will have the military backing from pro LITE forces determined to chase them away.

    In addition have in line a slew of new commercial ventures for China even if it means shutting down an Indian business counterpart. The Sanga can start a campaign for the Sinhalese consumer NOT TO BUY INDIAN MADE PRODUCTS!

    Even a greater symbol is to take an example from the Mahatma who told the Indian masses to burn British made clothing as a symbol that Britain no longer has a hold on India. The same can be done on a smaller but media catching basis, on Indian products. Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Japan, ASEAN nations products should be given preferential treatment.

    Create the dossier of evidence of Indian involvement in the genocidal acts of the LITE throughout the 29 year war including all those politicians, businessmen, and agencies who supported, funded and trained the LITE before any international investigation against Sri Lanka is formulated.

    Finally take a harder stand on Indian Tamil fishermen. They should not only be arrested but their boats permanently confiscated, retrofitted and handed over to the Sri Lankan SINHALESE fishermen. Their fish haul taken and a system of punishment that those who continue to repeat the crime get longer and longer prison sentences. No and absolutely no return program should be done no matter how loud that cow Jayalalithaa screams.

  4. Lorenzo Says:



    SL should DISPATCH all Endians in SL in another pact like 1975.

    SL should sign a Sino-Lanka peace accord to RIVAL Indo-Lanka peace accord. We should do everything we can to SPLIT Endia.

    Modi was in Toilet Nadu yesterday. But NO Tamil leader came to his rally!!! BJP will only get 3% vote from TN.

  5. Nanda Says:

    The photo reveals the story.
    Modi appears tough. The coward Viko seems to be licking the back of Modi, want to be friend. A typical tamil.

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